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RageFuel Not fighting back against an unfair world makes me a literal cuck.



18 y.o, sub5, autistic and nonNT, 5'6, blackcel
May 26, 2024
I am filled with genuine rage. I'm an autistic idiot who doesn't know anything, but one thing I do know is not fighting back against unfair circumstances makes me a fucking cuck.

There's numerous examples in my daily life in which I don't fight back against unfairness.

My little brother and I were home alone yesterday, he was watching TV, and I said something, and in response he said "Shut the fuck up, you're being annoying", the negro inside me wanted to fucking punch him in the mouth, but I was a pussy/or logical so I didn't physically attack him, but I didn't say anything either. I just didn't say anything back. I let my middle school little brother tell me to Shut the fuck up and like the good boy I didn't say anything back. Fucking cuck.

What the fuck is wrong with me? It's logical to not want to hit him because I don't want to just become the stereotypical black but I should have fucking said "No, you shut the fuck up", or something.

I'm a cuck against my Mom because she has me volunteering 5 days a week, multiple hours a day for my Mosque, and I'm such a fucking cuck that I comply and 5 days a week, multiple hours a week, and waste all of that time I could have spent studying or trying to figure out how to grow a youtube channel, or use all of that time for something that will benefit me, but because I'm scared to just say "Fuck it. I'm not doing it." I waste all of that time.. My Mom has taken me to take an allergy needle shot every single week, for over a year. I don't even have allergies and on some weeks, it's given me heart palpitations, and I know about all of the far right conspiracy theories, I don't want to take the shot, but like the good boy I am, every fucking week I take the shot. I should say I don't want to take the shot, and I don't want to do the fucking volunteering. My Mom shit talks me every fucking day in her native language to her relatives and to my Uncle, and I comply with what she says, making me more feminine and submissive.

My fucking 28 year old fat ass Uncle likes to talk shit to my face, and I just let him. Because I'm a fucking cuck.

In the context of my situation, the advice given to me from multiple different people was to hide. It was to delete my social media accounts, try to change my name, try to hide, try to not inconvenience this society. But that's being a fucking cuck, because why should I try to not inconvenience the society which treated me like fucking shit? It's unfair that I was a global humilation anyways. I shouldn't just move on, go on low profile and try to get a job because that's being a cuck. What about all of those millions of people who laughed at me? What about all of the girls who looked at me with fucking disgust and superiority? Viewing me as an inferior being? I should just ignore that and move on with my life?

The reason why I don't want to rot is because I view rotting as being a cuck. You had the ambitions or goals as a child, to grow up to be an Astronaut to a Doctor or some bullshit, but because society tore you down, because other people made fun of you for being ugly, because some fucking slut who gets fucking dicked down mocked you, you gave up on your dreams and jerk off in your room to hentai. If society supported you, if people were kind to you, then you might have done something with your life, but because of society, ugly people and marginalized individuals have to rot. It's being a cuck to society because like the inferior subhuman you are, you didn't want to inconvenience the unfair world, so you decided to not fight against society. Rotting isn't winning. MGTOW isn't winning, because it's surrendering. It's better to fight and be killed then surrender.

I don't want to be a fucking cuck starting today. Fuck my Mom. I refuse to take the fucking allergy shot, and I refuse to waste hours doing the volunteering I didn't want to do in the first place. Fuck my Uncle. If he wants to talk shit and start arguments, I'll fucking say I'm busy. Fuck my brother. If he wants to tell me to shut the fuck up, I'll tell him to shut the fuck up. And fuck society. I refuse to accept society's place for me in the social hierarchy.

Maybe it's cringe to think like this, because it's edgy. I agree in the fact that it's edgy, but I think that as an incel, it woudn't make sense to not be a bit edgy. What is there to fucking enjoy? Our lives are fucking shit, due to circumstances we couldn't even fucking control. We should be fucking angry. We should be pissed off at how unfair the world is. It's better to go ER then to rot. That's not even a joke. It's better to go ER then rot, because at least it's a form of resistance. It's a form of freedom fighting. It's not being a cuck to the society which fucking treated you like shit.

We can't make fucking friends because we're ugly, we can't even have fucking sex and reproduction which was the fucking goal of human existence.

The reason why I didn't leave to focus on ascension is because ascension alone isn't my goal. I wish society was changed. One of my desires is for all of you to ascend and not continue to live shit lives. I don't know why I have that desire, I'm not a fucking moral person and I won't pretend to be, by technical definition you're just strangers on the internet, but I hate that this world is so unfair and society is so trash that chance dictates your life and society's perception of you.

I think that's fucking bullshit. One thing I hate about myself is my fluctuating personality. One second I'm all serious and mad, like "What the fuck? My life is shit, the world is fucked. Let's get fucking serious. Let's fucking do something about it.", and the next second I'm goofy and making jokes and shit, like my life is fucking crumbling.

I need to train my brain to be serious and angry all of the time, I need to rewire my personality, because there's nothing fucking funny about my situation and the world. I can't be fucking joking around because my circumstances are shit. I need to tell my Mom to Fuck off. Not literally, but metaphorically. I need to display to my fucking faggot brother that I'm the fucking boss, and show society, that I'm not fucking hiding because the circumstances for going on the FitxFearless call was fucking unfair. I was mass pinged, told to lie about my age and make the first thing out of my mouth plastic surgery. Those fucking dickheads made it so my life went from shit to hell. I was fucking bullied all of my life, I live in a fucking stereotypical nigger family where the fucking Dad left, and I have a fucking single Mom. It's fucking pathetic as shit. It's fucking bullshit that I was redpill, I tried to succeed and it didn't fucking work.

I keep saying this shit then never take action, I keep telling myself "I won't joke around anymore", but I hope I fucking don't. I want to make a pact with myself that if I'm not serious for 1 second, if I fucking giggle or not acknowledge the seriousness of how shit society is and the situation I'm in, I should fucking slit my throat with a knife because there's no point in being a laughing idiot when society is collapsing, the world is unfair and my life was shit.

I hope you as the incel reading this doesn't just write this off as "Another Sasukecel Schizo rant" and can potentially try to understand what I'm saying, because everyone else is ignorant to living unfair lives, they had fucking friends and relationships, and you had nothing, and I had nothing.

My volunteering break is over, so I have to go back to Volunteering like a cuck. When this is over, I'm going to tell my Mom I'm not doing this bullshit anymore.
why are you scared to talk back? I think you have to realize this first man otherwise you wont know how to solve this. i dont want to preach but i also had this and its hard to stop it, but most of it came down to knowing and accepting what you think.

You're speaking the truth, because the elites make it so citizens don't want to revolt through giving them entertainment and goyslop, and liberalism, feminism corrupted society. Society will take centuries to change unless something happens. Even if it's a meaningless pursuit, I want to try to do something instead of succumbing to this unfair society .

why are you scared to talk back? I think you have to realize this first man otherwise you wont know how to solve this. i dont want to preach but i also had this and its hard to stop it, but most of it came down to knowing and accepting what you think.
Because I was bullied my whole life, and because I was raised by a single Mom. I'm scared of the repercussions of my Mom getting mad at me because black people are typically loud and aggressive, and I want to avoid confrontation. But the desire to avoid confrontation means I'll only be a pussy who's stepped on. I'm an 18 year old scared of my own Mom who simultaneously talks shit about me to her relatives, making me an utter coward to continue obeying her.
You're speaking the truth, because the elites make it so citizens don't want to revolt through giving them entertainment and goyslop, and liberalism, feminism corrupted society. Society will take centuries to change unless something happens. Even if it's a meaningless pursuit, I want to try to do something instead of succumbing to this unfair society .

Because I was bullied my whole life, and because I was raised by a single Mom. I'm scared of the repercussions of my Mom getting mad at me because black people are typically loud and aggressive, and I want to avoid confrontation. But the desire to avoid confrontation means I'll only be a pussy who's stepped on. I'm an 18 year old scared of my own Mom who simultaneously talks shit about me to her relatives, making me an utter coward to continue obeying her.
oh oke, i can see how those things would impact a person yes. If there will actually be repurcussions you should label yourself as scared, you are just adapting to your enviroment. I think the best course of action is trying to get your own place, even thought thats hard asf.
You're speaking the truth, because the elites make it so citizens don't want to revolt through giving them entertainment and goyslop, and liberalism, feminism corrupted society. Society will take centuries to change unless something happens. Even if it's a meaningless pursuit, I want to try to do something instead of succumbing to this unfair society .

Because I was bullied my whole life, and because I was raised by a single Mom. I'm scared of the repercussions of my Mom getting mad at me because black people are typically loud and aggressive, and I want to avoid confrontation. But the desire to avoid confrontation means I'll only be a pussy who's stepped on. I'm an 18 year old scared of my own Mom who simultaneously talks shit about me to her relatives, making me an utter coward to continue obeying her.
and try not to think about race everything something happens, it will just fuck with your head, because you are putting yourself in a box. ofc some people will only look at your race, but not everyone.
oh oke, i can see how those things would impact a person yes. If there will actually be repurcussions you should label yourself as scared, you are just adapting to your enviroment. I think the best course of action is trying to get your own place, even thought thats hard asf.
I'm 18 and broke. I've applied for jobs left and right but the job market in Canada is poor. The problem is being scared when I know both my Mom and Dad never gave a shit about me anyways.
I'm 18 and broke. I've applied for jobs left and right but the job market in Canada is poor. The problem is being scared when I know both my Mom and Dad never gave a shit about me anyways.
yh im sorry to hear that, are you like studying anything?
maybe you are scared because you believe you are not capable enough, ik this doesnt fix everything but i would try to do simple stuff to increase your confidence like working out and taking up martial arts. for me it atleast helped to feel better about myself and not being defenseless.
Normies bully others because they know you are weak and low status. And standing up for yourself doesnt work most of the time, if you do that theyll likely beat you up and remind you of your place in the social hierarchy. Your best is

1. Roping
2. Killing your brother
3. Trying to move out asap and minimise contact to your family
Normies bully others because they know you are weak and low status. And standing up for yourself doesnt work most of the time, if you do that theyll likely beat you up and remind you of your place in the social hierarchy. Your best is

1. Roping
2. Killing your brother
3. Trying to move out asap and minimise contact to your family
The social hierarchy is so universal that age doesn't matter. My brother is above me in the societal hierarchy, and because he believes so, he acts like it. But the next time he acts like it, I'm going to yell at him or use physical force because I'm physically stronger than him.

I want to move out as soon as possible because I don't want to deal with my Mom or Uncle who randomly comes in.

I don't want to be weak, because the thought of my little brother living a better life than me fills me with rage.
You had the ambitions or goals as a child, to grow up to be an Astronaut to a Doctor or some bullshit, but because society tore you down, because other people made fun of you for being ugly, because some fucking slut who gets fucking dicked down mocked you, you gave up on your dreams and jerk off in your room to hentai.
100% accurate

We should be fucking angry. We should be pissed off at how unfair the world is.

I think the same, the deep sadness and depression I felt before has been turning into rage and hatred lately, and this sounds fucking anime-edgy too, but it's the truth.

I think it's an energetic change, most incels don't take action because they are stuck in the sad/depressive phase and those negative emotions haven't started boiling like fire rage inside them yet.

I want this to continue happening more and more inside me, to be aware of the internal process, I think it is exactly the energetic boost I need to get out of the abyss in which I find myself.

Anger is the key to open the door to the prison of isolation
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we r kinda the same....i just observe shit
I fight back by not working and leeching off of normies.

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