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JFL @ not DEMANDING virgin women as a man in 2018



Nov 8, 2017
ive seen this on cucktears. the SELF ADMITTED MALE VIRGINS **LITERALLY** say things like "why would i care if my wife had fun in high school/college"

i read those comments EVERY time and i have to do a QUADRUPLE take and read their profiles postings. funniest thing?

ONE OF THEM POSTS IN /R/CUCKOLD JFL LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL he comments things like "thats so hot" "man you're lucky shes a keeper"

I could maybe understand it if a virgin male wants a virgin gf. But jfl at wanting a virgin as a non virgin. You dont deserve to ask for anything.
I could maybe understand it if a virgin male wants a virgin gf. But jfl at wanting a virgin as a non virgin. You dont deserve to ask for anything.
there are two pieces of candy.

one is fresh and sealed from the factory

the other is opened and has weird hairs and crumbs sticking to it.

this choice is OBVIOUS.

I don't want to die a virgin though.
there are two pieces of candy.

one is fresh and sealed from the factory

the other is opened and has weird hairs and crumbs sticking to it.

this choice is OBVIOUS.

I would pick a 6/10 non virgin over a 2/10 virgin any day any week.
The genetic value and looks >>>>>made up social construct copes for autists.
this is autism. You want a nonvirgin because your subhuman sperm will be mixed with CHads genetically superior sperm.
True. No point in ever settling down with Chad's fleshlight.
This is dumb as shit. You're ugly and undesirable to women and you still want a virgin girl? JFL sounds like you want to die a virgin, because guess what, it's not 1918 where girls stay virgin until marriage.
this is autism. You want a nonvirgin because your subhuman sperm will be mixed with CHads genetically superior sperm.
WTF this is CUCKERY.


ok let me try to re explain.

your friend has a fleshlight. he abuses the ever living bleep out of it and cums in it hundreds of times. he gives it to you because hes done with it.

by your logic, you would not be opposed to using that fleshlight.

absolutely sick.
I noticed you are into cuckolding. Try to hide it next time.
I noticed you are into cuckolding. Try to hide it next time.
you have twisted my words. i think its hilarious that numales settle for chads sex toy.

next time treat sex toys like the worthless used product they are. u need to stay away from cucks dude.
legit theory. nothing makes my little asian baby dick harder than thinking about my SO floating from guy to guy like a fleshlight while I was sitting in my room playing Europa Universalis and eating Pop Tarts, just to finally settle down with me so she can boss me around and treat me like shit and i have to put up with all her HPV and microchimerisms. Oh im so horny! yes mistress anything you want my queen!
I really can't understand the stupidity of this society. Why are cucked idiots wanting used up holes? Are they fucking fags?
JFL at thinking incels are in a position to demand anything
i dont demand virgin women but id much prefer it to be that way.
Low IQ thread, by a low IQ Muslim LARPer
there are two pieces of candy.

one is fresh and sealed from the factory

the other is opened and has weird hairs and crumbs sticking to it.

this choice is OBVIOUS.

A virgin would be great. Not really possible to get unless you're able to persuade a 13 year old to go out with you.
legit theory. nothing makes my little asian baby dick harder than thinking about my SO floating from guy to guy like a fleshlight while I was sitting in my room playing Europa Universalis and eating Pop Tarts, just to finally settle down with me so she can boss me around and treat me like shit and i have to put up with all her HPV and microchimerisms. Oh im so horny! yes mistress anything you want my queen!
I don't like virgins tbh. It's cool if you are in HS but if you are and adult you need experienced sluts
I want a nice virgin brown girl. Too bad they are all sluts.
Wtf is with all the nonblackpilled, cucked faggots here. Truly jfl territory.
That title is so funny.
WTF this is CUCKERY.


ok let me try to re explain.

your friend has a fleshlight. he abuses the ever living bleep out of it and cums in it hundreds of times. he gives it to you because hes done with it.

by your logic, you would not be opposed to using that fleshlight.

absolutely sick.
Damn, never thought of it like that. You need to get it when it's new.
Damn, never thought of it like that. You need to get it when it's new.

women are no different from objects. neither are men. humans do not get some kind of special treatment for being humans.

women are no different from objects. neither are men. humans do not get some kind of special treatment for being humans.
lol, I don't know if you're sarcastic or serious, but either way is funny.

women are no different from objects. neither are men. humans do not get some kind of special treatment for being humans.
Lmao u can treat others the whatever way u want.
I treat others as human beings with consideration (even males).
lol, I don't know if you're sarcastic or serious, but either way is funny.
completely serious.

i will not put my private in an area which another man has been. this is homosexuality by zinah, and any woman who lies about not being a virgin to her husband who saved themselves for her must be taken to the chopping block.
completely serious.

i will not put my private in an area which another man has been. this is homosexuality by zinah, and any woman who lies about not being a virgin to her husband who saved themselves for her must be taken to the chopping block.
completely serious.

i will not put my private in an area which another man has been. this is homosexuality by zinah, and any woman who lies about not being a virgin to her husband who saved themselves for her must be taken to the chopping block.
I can understand then if you're saving yourself. Would you do anal sex or get blowjobs before being married?
completely serious.

i will not put my private in an area which another man has been. this is homosexuality by zinah, and any woman who lies about not being a virgin to her husband who saved themselves for her must be taken to the chopping block.
If you had a second wife, would it be ok if you weren't a virgin for her?
I can understand then if you're saving yourself. Would you do anal sex or get blowjobs before being married?
i would not even seek to shake the hand of another woman pre-marriage. that is a disservice to my wife to be. an Allah has forbidden sodomy very clearly, there shall be none.

as for being a virgin for my second wife, it is permissible not to be. but i most likely do not seek a second wife.
i would not even seek to shake the hand of another woman pre-marriage. that is a disservice to my wife to be. an Allah has forbidden sodomy very clearly, there shall be none.

as for being a virgin for my second wife, it is permissible not to be. but i most likely do not seek a second wife.
I get it. But if you tried to get any random sex before marrying, would you be able to? I think you might be a Muslimcel if you are able to but can't because your religion.
I get it. But if you tried to get any random sex before marrying, would you be able to? I think you might be a Muslimcel if you are able to but can't because your religion.
technically anyone can get random sex here, whether it be prostitution or finding a stacy wasted on khamr enough.

but we are not supposed to do that stuff, for Allah has forbade us from doing such. simple as that. if u follow and pray to Allah, NOTHING is impossible for Allah, so he must marry you.

i have been praying more and more and my iman is becoming like a fortress. no amount of kufr or words can stop me from believing and Allah willing he will wed a niqabi to me, i can feel it.
technically anyone can get random sex here, whether it be prostitution or finding a stacy wasted on khamr enough.

but we are not supposed to do that stuff, for Allah has forbade us from doing such. simple as that. if u follow and pray to Allah, NOTHING is impossible for Allah, so he must marry you.

i have been praying more and more and my iman is becoming like a fortress. no amount of kufr or words can stop me from believing and Allah willing he will wed a niqabi to me, i can feel it.
Inshallah brother. When I was 22 I was the same way, and I got a fat virgin. But I wasn't happy and she was being very rude so the relationship didn't last. Then I started trying to screw random chicks, but found out I wasn't able to unless they looked insanely disgusting.
Inshallah brother. When I was 22 I was the same way, and I got a fat virgin. But I wasn't happy and she was being very rude so the relationship didn't last. Then I started trying to screw random chicks, but found out I wasn't able to unless they looked insanely disgusting.
unforunately this is the account of all disbelievers.

there is only honor amongst those of which who believe in Allah, subhanahu wata'Allah.
unforunately this is the account of all disbelievers.

there is only honor amongst those of which who believe in Allah, subhanahu wata'Allah.
Unless they are chad.
Unless they are chad.
even the most vile zinah committing chads technically can come back to the straight path.

inshaAllah i get networked more at my mosque. i am working on finding a niqabi and inshAALLAH i will find a nice situation for myself.

my last post will be notifying the brothers of my ascension. hopefully i can prove through hard work and character, we can achieve modest virgin sisters.
Virgin or bust for me bro, i'd rather be single than have to settle for used goods.
Virgin or bust for me bro, i'd rather be single than have to settle for used goods.
finally a blackpilled brother around here.

just because were in this state of incel DOES NOT MEAN we should settle for scraps. do NOT , repeat DO NOT settle for this FALSEHOOD in which disbelieving and non chaste and promiscious women can be kind and normal and loyal.

this is OBJECTIVELY false and QURANIC F A C T. absolute fact.

never could the mujahideen be enticed by flashy icon falsehoods of zinah. we are absolutely uncompromising to the call to tawheed. the only thing we are subject to submit to is the law and word of Allah, may it be exalted indeed! Allahu akbar.
even the most vile zinah committing chads technically can come back to the straight path.

inshaAllah i get networked more at my mosque. i am working on finding a niqabi and inshAALLAH i will find a nice situation for myself.

my last post will be notifying the brothers of my ascension. hopefully i can prove through hard work and character, we can achieve modest virgin sisters.
I'm arab and identify as muslim. If you get lucky, can you hook up your incel bro too? Even if you ascend, please don't leave, we still need your funny comments to help fight the chads and roasties, who made me and many other muslim men go on the wrong path.
the only thing we are subject to submit to is the law and word of Allah,
I submit to Allah, but I never submit to man-made law if I know I can get away with it.
I'm arab and identify as muslim. If you get lucky, can you hook up your incel bro too? Even if you ascend, please don't leave, we still need your funny comments to help fight the chads and roasties, who made me and many other muslim men go on the wrong path.
if i ascend, i will certainly try to stick around, but i will definitely try to cater to my family first..

i still predict i got two to four years before i can even begin looking into my options for ascension.
this is autism. You want a nonvirgin because your subhuman sperm will be mixed with CHads genetically superior sperm.

That's not how it works. A chimeral female holding Chad's DNA will try to fuck up your kids and make them incel so that Chad wont have to compete with them.

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