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Norwegian University paper on incels (including quotes from members here),

  • Thread starter Deleted member 23453
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Deleted member 23453

Deleted member 23453

Dec 16, 2019
I don't speak Norwegian, or whatever their language is. But running it through a google translator, it mainly goes over things such as the "Blackpill", "Incel Trait", "Truecels", and other various things.
There's a lot to go through it, if you want to read the whole thing, I recommend opening up a google translator tab to copy and paste. Here is the Introduction and Conclusion.

Title is called "The World is Chad's Playground".
1.1 Actualization and issue
“It feels like being the scientist who figured out nuclear fission and then discovers it's being used as a weapon for war.” (Kassam, 2018) This was stated by Alana, the creator of the term incel, to the Guardian in 2018.
In 1997 created she website "Alana's Involuntary Celibacy Project" for people who for various reasons failed to form romantic relationships with other people and thus lived in so-called involuntary celibacy. The aim of the website was to create an inclusive and social network for people who were in the same situation. The network consisted of both men and women in different phases of life and the term involuntary celibacy was gradually shortened to incel. After a while, Alana left the network and did not hear about the term again until 2014 (Kassam, 2018).
It was then in connection with the massacre in Isla Vista, California where 22-year-old Elliot Rodger killed six people in rage over having been rejected several times by women. Rodger had described himself as an incel online in a Facebook post before the killings (Dewey, 2014). According to media coverage of incels, this group is somewhat different today than it started as on Alana's website. The online newspaper, among other things, describes incels as men who have given up trying to have sex (Westeng, 2019). They live in loneliness outside society and express hateful opinions against women on online forums instead of changing their lives (Westeng, 2019) .. The phenomenon also became better known in Norway in connection with an episode of the program Trygdekontoret called
«Worthless men».
"In this episode, we meet men with different backgrounds who describe what masculinity" - 2019.
Among these is a young man named Jørgen who describes himself as an incel, because he has lived in involuntary celibacy, something he explains with genes and lack of a father figure (NRK, 2019).

Like "Alana's Involuntary Celibacy Project", you can now find incels on various dedicated online forums where they can communicate freely with each other about what it is like to be incel and other topics they are interested in. The difference today is that communication is characterized by hateful utterances and a nihilistic worldview in addition to the fact that the group mainly consists of men (Ging, 2017). In this thesis I am interested in exploring this group and to study hvaincel's communication on online forums can tell about them as a group. I will do this using the problem:
"What characterizes incels as a group in today's society?".
This issue will open up for an analysis of what ideas are the basis of the group and what attitudes they have towards the rest of society. It also indicates how the group can be seen as a reflection or a product of today's society in addition to how the group fits / does not fit with the rest of society.
What characterizes incels as a group in today's society?
Incels is characterized as a group consisting exclusively of men with very misogynistic opinions. They also have several characteristics that, among other things, distinguish them from the rest of the mannosphere. In this thesis, the purpose was to uncover these and discuss them using theories of masculinity and subculture. A key feature of the empirical review is that the black pill philosophy is the basic pillar of incels' thinking. The key is that one considers society as a hierarchy where they are allowed to have sex with women at the top. Here, incels place Chad at the top and himself at the bottom. This philosophy also reduces women's sexual desires to be almost exclusively about men's appearance. Blackpill has further created a mysogynistic image of women for incels. Attitudes towards women have become so negative that they have developed their own vocabulary of derogatory words for them.
My findings also suggest that blackpill has reinforced incelssitt negative image of itself. They see themselves as inferior because they consider their appearance to be bad. According to blackpill, this will then mean that they are not allowed to achieve contact with the opposite sex. Another prominent feature is the battle over who is the most truecel. Since a key incel traits is to have a bad appearance and have little contact with women, this creates a kind of striving to be the worst at these points. Incels who consider their appearance as the worst possible, often due to physical features that can not be changed, and so-called KHHVcels are those that are considered the most true cell and thus the most worthy member of the group. Based on the analysis, it is clear that incels have several characteristics which agrees with Ross Haenfler's description of a subculture. The most prominent feature is that incels to a large extent common opinions and ideas. The Blackpill philosophy is the idea that separates incels from the mannosphere and the rest of society. It is even a criterion to become a member of a website to be within this philosophy. The marginalization from the rest of society is also a subcultural trait with incels as a group. This can come from the feeling of not being good enough, especially considering how one expresses one's own gender. Incels is greatly affected by expectations
Society has to masculinity as they almost adore Chadsom for an ideal of masculinity.
At the same time, they also choose to marginalize from this ideal by giving up striving to become like Chad. Taking black pills also means realizing that you can never be good enough. Through the discussion, I have found several characteristics of incels that fit with the concept of subculture. At the same time, some things that do not fit with a traditional subculture have also been revealed. This has especially been related to the internet and how incels do not meet physically and thus do not have a special expression in the form of a clothing style, music genre, meeting place, etc. For this reason, I will hesitate to state that incels are a subculture. Whether one can say that incels are a subculture or not, requires more exploration and often the opportunity to ask incels what they themselves think they are.
At the same time, this was not the goal of the thesis itself, but rather a tool to uncover more characteristics of the group. Earlier in the thesis I also wrote that one of the reasons for wanting to study subcultures is that it can reveal major problems in society. which the group has chosen to stay away from. In the case of incels, they can tell about what traditional masculine ideals have been produced from society. Subcultures can also be significant for members, because they can create a community between people who have felt marginalized by society. When it comes to incels, this community has at times proved to have gone too far.
Although only a small fraction of incels have committed mass murder, incels' basic ideas can be considered destructive and even dangerous. These are ideas that one does not want to spread to the rest of society, but which are reinforced within the incel environment. In a recent article written by Leiif Edward Ottesen Kennair, he points out that many incels seem to have mental disorders such as depression, autism, body dysmorphic disorder and suicidal thoughts (Kennair, 2020). According to Kennairet, the problem here is that it is difficult to distinguish between mental disorders and what he describes as uggen ideology (Kennair, 2020).
Many incels need help and empathy from the rest of society despite extreme attitudes and opinions. This can help incels get away from the environment and it can help prevent more mass murders in the future.

If you scroll to page 30&31, they've actually been browsing here, and using our posts+survey statistics to write this paper.
Maybe I should go back to university and write the most epic research paper on incels that ever existed and get a grant to study them further.
wtf norway is the country with least incels, they literally dont have incels :feelskek:
Am I on der
No, list of members on the paper. (Search to find your quote)
@TheSecondComing nice paper bro you could of asked me though
" Many incels need help and empathy from the rest of society despite extreme attitudes and opinions. "

What "help" do they offer ? All I want is my country to re-authorize brothels and to stop taking my money to give it to sex-havers and their kids.
" Many incels need help and empathy from the rest of society despite extreme attitudes and opinions. "

What "help" do they offer ? All I want is my country to re-authorize brothels and not to take my money to give it to sex-havers and their kids.
They LITERALLY only have to stop treating ugly weird lonely males like literal garbage. Like just acknowledging they exist and are people is all it takes to stop some shooters
Will never happen though. They will just continue to isolate them and just give them weird looks whenever they dare go outside.
No, list of members on the paper. (Search to find your quote)
im famous now !!!
@yeshuallah @ScornedStoic @Legendarywristcel @omnilet @Higgscel @Numb @manicel @Villain @NEETard @Copemaxx chad trait: you get featured in academic articles:chad:
@yeshuallah @ScornedStoic @Legendarywristcel @omnilet @Higgscel @Numb @manicel @Villain @NEETard @Copemaxx chad trait: you get featured in academic articles:chad:
they used shitty postmaxxing-tier posts too :lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul:
Am I mentioned?
They LITERALLY only have to stop treating ugly weird lonely males like literal garbage. Like just acknowledging they exist and are people is all it takes to stop some shooters.

What, you want a tap on the back or something ? A hug ? You want to be told "we're sorry about your situation, incel. We acknowlege your pain but please be aware that we don't give a shit."

Give me a fucking break. I don't give a shit about other people's compassion, acknowledgement or whatever. That doesn't do shit to me, concretely.

I want the right to fuck whores and not having to travel hundreds of miles to do it.
What you want a tap on the back or something ? A hug ? You want to be told "we're sorry about your situation, incel. We acknowlege your pain but please be aware that we don't give a shit."

Give me a fucking break. I don't give a shit about other people's compassion, acknowledgement or whatever. That doesn't do shit to me, concretely.

I want the right to fuck whores and not having to take travel hundreds of miles to do it.
Pretty cynical presumption, but I meant more like, not locking them out of basic things like relationships, good careers, etc.
they used shitty postmaxxing-tier posts too :lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul:
yeah jfl out of all the mind blowing blackpills on this website they choose to feature "fuck foids tbh they are mean"
@yeshuallah @ScornedStoic @Legendarywristcel @omnilet @Higgscel @Numb @manicel @Villain @NEETard @Copemaxx chad trait: you get featured in academic articles:chad:
I'm under the blackpill section, therefore I am confirmed blackpilled by academics. :feelsEhh:
Moving up in the incelosphere.
Maybe I should go back to university and write the most epic research paper on incels that ever existed and get a grant to study them further.
Might actually work tbh. They would be so astounded how you can grasp the incel mind so soundly without falling into despair and also how accurate your incel “predictions” would be. Only prolem is you would need to surgerymaxx otherwise one look at your face and your whole cover is blown
them out of basic things like relationships,

The fact that you can't have a relationship defines you as an incel, so you can't demand that. That would mean asking them to make you leave inceldom. That's not asking for help, that's asking them to magically solve your problem for you.

I mean, it makes sense that you'd ask for this, but that's not realistic.
Might actually work tbh. They would be so astounded how you can grasp the incel mind so soundly without falling into despair and also how accurate your incel “predictions” would be. Only prolem is you would need to surgerymaxx otherwise one look at your face and your whole cover is blown
True, definitely a possibility. These studies are getting crazy grants LMAO so I could go as an undercover double agent
The fact that you can't have a relationship defines you as an incel, so you can't demand that. That would mean asking them to make you leave inceldom. That's not asking for help, that's asking them to magically solve your problem for you.

I mean, it makes sense that you'd ask for this, but that's not realistic.
Yeah, magically. It's never happening, so my main point was all these ideas of helping incels are absolutely useless self congratulatory horsr shit.
Yeah, magically. It's never happening, so my main point was all these ideas of helping incels are absolutely useless self congratulatory horsr shit.

I'm tired of this. All they have to do is to allow prostitution everywhere and promote it instead of brainwashing young boys into thinking it is morally wrong and shameful.
No, list of members on the paper. (Search to find your quote)
I'm tired of this. All they have to do is to allow prostitution everywhere and promote it instead of brainwashing young boys into thinking it is morally wrong and shameful.
Used to be totally normal, but then men just magically got up and said you know what, let's cuck ourselves forever now.

But the way things are going, with everyone going back to hypergamy and caveman era harems, maybe hookers will eventually come back too. But unlikely. Probably, it will just be a literal hellhole that is exactly like it was in caveman times, albeit with some technology now.
Scandinavia is chad central. Although I hear ethnics do well there compared to the Anglo countries where it is pretty much over.

I actually had a pretty good laugh reading that. Good stuff.
“Its over for KHHVcels, the truest of cels.” – Legendarywristcel

This is my post quoted there.
I don't speak Norwegian, or whatever their language is. But running it through a google translator, it mainly goes over things such as the "Blackpill", "Incel Trait", "Truecels", and other various things.
There's a lot to go through it, if you want to read the whole thing, I recommend opening up a google translator tab to copy and paste. Here is the Introduction and Conclusion.

Title is called "The World is Chad's Playground".

If you scroll to page 30&31, they've actually been browsing here, and using our posts+survey statistics to write this paper.

It's a piece of shit bachelor thesis - a student thesis. There are dozens and dozens of these types of theses in Swedish, Norwegian and Finnish because all Nordic students upload their theses to a SEO optimized thesis repositories (like DiVa). Humanities and social work SJW feminist foids are obsessed by the topic and the 'lack of research' and novelty factor make it a 'socially relevant' thesis topic.
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Maybe I should go back to university and write the most epic research paper on incels that ever existed and get a grant to study them further.
If you say anything positive about incels, they're probably going to kick you out
@yeshuallah @ScornedStoic @Legendarywristcel @omnilet @Higgscel @Numb @manicel @Villain @NEETard @Copemaxx chad trait: you get featured in academic articles:chad:
“Escortcels arent even incels to begin with it”- this is so thought-provoking that it got featured on a scientific paper

It's a piece of shit bachelor thesis - a student thesis.

Pretty much. Just think this is what passes as legitimate in some sociological courses, taking quotes from an incel forum and trying to put a feminist narrative on it. What a joke.
No, list of members on the paper. (Search to find your quote)
Jfl y tf would Yerberito b on there he's never done high effort what would he be on there for?
egrkyhegkg incels wyhgekgerthdhhe chads uyeghruyegskhregh few milimeters of bone hyegskhgsreuyguy (Connell, 2005 s.77) hygeyukygeykskuhg
Why? Haven't they soyed their population enough already?
Y was my thread at the end does that mean they talked about it earlier in the article?
Wasn’t mentioned on there
that's cheap and half-assed as hell. Couldn't they find some actual incels irl for their study? At this point they could just run a qustionaire in a fucking local facebook group or something and call it an academic study.
No, list of members on the paper. (Search to find your quote)
Jfl I can't even be In research studies
This list mogs the rest of the site, in terms of being noticeable and postmaxxing
Maybe I should go back to university and write the most epic research paper on incels that ever existed and get a grant to study them further.
Based & Magna Cum Laude Pilled
No, list of members on the paper. (Search to find your quote)
@Personalityinkwell & @BlkPillPres on suicide watch, all that High IQ thread postmaxxxing and ZERO recognition from an academic study of inkwells. It never began.

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