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Blackpill Normies view Victim as Bully - The truth about "Just Punch The Bully in the Face"

Amazing thread. In school, I was bullied and the teachers went along with it, but so did the parents; they think their kids are superior to others and encourage bullying. All of the supposed anti bullying measures in schools are pure bullshit. They are designed to make it hard to fight back and to label the "weird" kids.
Amazing thread. In school, I was bullied and the teachers went along with it, but so did the parents; they think their kids are superior to others and encourage bullying. All of the supposed anti bullying measures in schools are pure bullshit. They are designed to make it hard to fight back and to label the "weird" kids.
yes it similar to how most of the "anti-rich" laws only hit old people that own property and shit, not the actual wealthy. The actual rich people have the means to escape laws anyway, they dont care.

Like you say, these anti bullying laws or "zero-tolerance policies" only hurt people that are already victims. You are basically giving the aggressor an even bigger gun. Now they can point at you and say omg he said something that breaks rule 124321321

also yeah, ppls parents support them. Like i had this tall dudes mom come and literally say to me, hes tall, he cant help himself teehee - nigga he gave me a concussion jfl
Crazy how we had the same situations like this on our lifes. Remember high school never ends
Crazy how we had the same situations like this on our lifes. Remember high school never ends
I have found that people are the same the world over. Looks is universal. It's not like people in china dont care about looks, that would be a retarded assumption. So wherever you go, you would expect people to behave in similar patterns based on looks.
And that's exactly what you find.

The only thing that changes is the expression of the biases through the culture.
In some countries its ok to beat the shit out of each other in school, so they do.
In a more 1st world culture, they may want to do the same but cant, so they use relational aggression instead (reporting, gossip, slander, biased grading etc.).
But overall, it does not change.
Initially when I started sharing my experiences, I got scared because I thought other people went to the same School as me. Their experiences were so similar. But they were from other countries. It's just that people are the same everywhere.

Even in the past, people were telling their kids the same redpill shit.
Like, I found this quote from the 300s BC, thats 1700 years ago, where a dude says parents tell their kids to study or they will be poor, and they tell their kids look there was this beggar who became rich by tryharding and so you should tryhard.
Same shit as now, 1000s of years ago.

Actually, when fathers convince their children to study sciences, you can hear in the course of their conversation none other than the following words: So-and-so, they say, is a low-born man of meager means, who perfected himself in eloquent speech and received a very high position, acquired a large property, took a rich wife, built a marvelous house, and has become fearsome and famous to all. Another says: So-and-so learned Latin, shines in the royal court and wields great influence there.
...and even more than trainers at Olympic games, we scream at them (our children) about poverty that results from not studying and wealth from studying.

Everyone thinks they are unique, but we are all trapped in larger systems. Like fish in a school of fish, all moving in the same direction.
Open Sea Ocean GIF by Monterey Bay Aquarium

People have been saying the same shit for 1000s of years. Nothing changes.
I did not end up on this website because I chose to.
This site is just part of a larger movement in the particle system that is society.
And I got swept up in that.
Many people conflate bullying with conflict.
When two people of similar physical power messing with each other.
From this come stories 'I just fought my bully and bullying stoped. You need to stand up for yourself'.

Real bullying lies in group dynamic. It's extremely hard to combat real bullying because one person would always have less power than group of predatory people.
Of course you can fight main bully who is usually a way stronger than you but you aren't sure if others would join him.
Even if you beat him bullying may not stop.
Fighting a real bullying is akin to suicidal mission.
You need either to change school or place of work.
Others only can limited power in helping you. Because bullies may bully and intimidate you when you're alone.
Sometimes only exterminating bullies can stop bullying.
The reason why some people self-isolate and stay at home all the time and rot, is not because of "lack of social skills" or because they are not "NT" - they are putting the cart before the horse to gaslight you - it's because going outside is painful, so you stay at home.
This is also true for masturbation.
Who would masturbate in their right mind if it was easy for them to just go outside and get sex because of their looks and dick size?
same same.
Like, I've talked to some ppl that fought back the entire time.
But I was always super super reclusive.
I would hide on toilet or in library during breaks.
Never talk, never interact.
I did not even know peoples names. Like even after years of hearing role call every day, I did not know anybodies names.
Least confrontational person ever.

And yet people were saying I am a nazi (?) and they called me a school shooter, rapist, they said I stink, called me quasimodo, put shit in my hoody, tried to draw swastika on my neck, called my name and did hitler salute and shit...

like, you just sit there and everyone just acts like you are actively aggressive on them lmao.
Even my own family did that.

Did you ever experience that shit, where they get relieved when you actually do something for once? It's like they go, "phew, see guys, he actually is evil, it was all justified!"
Me too.
I get the idea of the thread.

However I still think violence is a good solution.

In my case even though I was attacking the group so to speak, it came across as justifiable to the other normies that I did not hurt because they acted poorly in the first place.

I don't think violence is a universal solution but it is the solution sometimes. Maybe one of the only solutions to bullying along with moving schools.
It's the Failo effect on full display.

If you're already not liked, whether it be personally or by just mere association of bad looks / genes, you will immediately be targeted by society. Men are definitely at a disadvantage when it comes to "fighting back", though it doesn't necessarily have to be in terms of violence, but just having a disagreement with someone that mogs your ass can add fuel to the fire when around normies, whom will automatically believe / stand up for the bully. The reality is.. normies favor Goliath not David (metaphorically). Nobody gives a damn about the small / ugly dude, they (the normies / bullies) merely tolerate their (us) existence until the "time" comes for the antagonist (who's looked at as the protagonist) to enact self-righteous retribution / hardship onto the so-called villain... us. And society will praise the evil ones.

Attempting to differentiate the laws of hero and villain is fucking useless and a waste of time. Society already deemed you as the bad guy before you could even open your mouth / say a word. So.. fuck it.
Normies always say "I got bullied but then I punched the bully really hard and they stopped."

Anyone who has been bullied knows this is bullshit.
Bullies usually punch down and it's usually multiple bullies.
If you get bullied, it's probably all of society bullying you (looks work universally).

Also, if they valued you as a person, they would stop the bullying as a group (teachers, parents, peers).

We can easily figure this out by thinking about what happens when people get bullied that society actually values.
Women, children, pets...
People will IMMEDIATELY step in and stop it.
Like, even random strangers.

So when you get bullied and nobody helps, they all have silently agreed that it is ok.
Including teachers, your parents etc.
For example, when I came home with torn up clothes, my parents said I bullied myself, to get back at them.
I am not joking.

Here is an example of how social behavior is SYSTEMIC and does not happen on an individual basis (people are not individuals):

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LlFAd4YdQks

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dtVHnZX8E50

You can easily see what I am talking about.
When women abuse men in public, people just laugh.
Society implicitly acknowledges female power and that women rule society.
However, if a man abuses a woman, people will literally go ER on the abuser instantly.

Same for homelessness. There are barely any female homeless because society values foids.
Why are there orphanages? Because society does not value children to that extend.

If you look at peoples behavior, they always tell you who they are.
Don't listen to them, just observe their behavior.
Their values are on full display.

Bullying works off the same dynamics.
Take this great thread by @Gymcelled for example:

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Humans always operate in groups.
If one person hates you, everyone does usually, because looks.

1. All bullying is systemic and comes from society. Everyone agrees that you should be bullied.
If someone they value gets bullied, they instantly stop the bullying.

2. If you fight back against the bully, you are actually fighting a group of people.

3. This means if someone can just "punch a bully in the face" and get away with it... - they were not the one being bullied! THEY WERE THE BULLY!
They must have had support from society to get away with that.
And the bully backed down because he had nobody backing him up -> he is alone! (socially outcast!)

This also explains why normies always say "bullies are just insecure people that come from broken homes."

a) ugly
b) socially outcast
c) unhealthy from shitty nutrition and no family supporting them

So normies are basically bragging about how they got away with punching a bunch of abused ugly boys in the face.
This also means:


This is insane to me because I have been wondering for ages how normies can view some sickly ugly man as a threat.
But this explains it.
They are just that retarded.
They think the half-dead hobo under a bridge is a bigger threat to society, than the 6'2 ripped psychopath next to them.


This explains why normies love dark-triad men and bullies if they are good looking enough.
They don't even view these people as committing moral wrongs.
Like, you can be straight up evil, if you have the looks people will act like you are a good person LMFAO.

Someone told me how he was shocked when he saw people from his HS hang out with his bullies.
He said these foids and men were giga psychopathic and dangerous and he does not get how normies can't see this.
Well, now we know.

They probably viewed HIM as the psychopathic, dark-triad aggressor, even though he suffers from crippling health issues.

Is this why they are scared of me in public?
Like normies will get scared and run away.
When they see my face, they flinch. Like this 10 year old boy in superjew, he saw my face and flinched.
Also, when I walk behind people, they turn their head and stop, or they let me pass.
Or when they see me in Isle in supermarket, they do a 180° and leave lmao.

They literally view me as Ted Bundy or some shit. Unbelievable.
Chipmunk levels of IQ.

Reminds me, there are studies that show that first impressions are very primal and mostly on the level of "fight or flight."
This means normies literally see us as predators - based?

Just fucking lol at this world

bullys always beat the shit out of me but I was seen as the psychopath and agressor. bully almost kill me and its ok for normies...
Normies always say "I got bullied but then I punched the bully really hard and they stopped."

Anyone who has been bullied knows this is bullshit.
Bullies usually punch down and it's usually multiple bullies.
If you get bullied, it's probably all of society bullying you (looks work universally).

Also, if they valued you as a person, they would stop the bullying as a group (teachers, parents, peers).

We can easily figure this out by thinking about what happens when people get bullied that society actually values.
Women, children, pets...
People will IMMEDIATELY step in and stop it.
Like, even random strangers.

So when you get bullied and nobody helps, they all have silently agreed that it is ok.
Including teachers, your parents etc.
For example, when I came home with torn up clothes, my parents said I bullied myself, to get back at them.
I am not joking.

Here is an example of how social behavior is SYSTEMIC and does not happen on an individual basis (people are not individuals):

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LlFAd4YdQks

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dtVHnZX8E50

You can easily see what I am talking about.
When women abuse men in public, people just laugh.
Society implicitly acknowledges female power and that women rule society.
However, if a man abuses a woman, people will literally go ER on the abuser instantly.

Same for homelessness. There are barely any female homeless because society values foids.
Why are there orphanages? Because society does not value children to that extend.

If you look at peoples behavior, they always tell you who they are.
Don't listen to them, just observe their behavior.
Their values are on full display.

Bullying works off the same dynamics.
Take this great thread by @Gymcelled for example:

View attachment 1055846

View attachment 1055847

Humans always operate in groups.
If one person hates you, everyone does usually, because looks.

1. All bullying is systemic and comes from society. Everyone agrees that you should be bullied.
If someone they value gets bullied, they instantly stop the bullying.

2. If you fight back against the bully, you are actually fighting a group of people.

3. This means if someone can just "punch a bully in the face" and get away with it... - they were not the one being bullied! THEY WERE THE BULLY!
They must have had support from society to get away with that.
And the bully backed down because he had nobody backing him up -> he is alone! (socially outcast!)

This also explains why normies always say "bullies are just insecure people that come from broken homes."

a) ugly
b) socially outcast
c) unhealthy from shitty nutrition and no family supporting them

So normies are basically bragging about how they got away with punching a bunch of abused ugly boys in the face.
This also means:


This is insane to me because I have been wondering for ages how normies can view some sickly ugly man as a threat.
But this explains it.
They are just that retarded.
They think the half-dead hobo under a bridge is a bigger threat to society, than the 6'2 ripped psychopath next to them.


This explains why normies love dark-triad men and bullies if they are good looking enough.
They don't even view these people as committing moral wrongs.
Like, you can be straight up evil, if you have the looks people will act like you are a good person LMFAO.

Someone told me how he was shocked when he saw people from his HS hang out with his bullies.
He said these foids and men were giga psychopathic and dangerous and he does not get how normies can't see this.
Well, now we know.

They probably viewed HIM as the psychopathic, dark-triad aggressor, even though he suffers from crippling health issues.

Is this why they are scared of me in public?
Like normies will get scared and run away.
When they see my face, they flinch. Like this 10 year old boy in superjew, he saw my face and flinched.
Also, when I walk behind people, they turn their head and stop, or they let me pass.
Or when they see me in Isle in supermarket, they do a 180° and leave lmao.

They literally view me as Ted Bundy or some shit. Unbelievable.
Chipmunk levels of IQ.

Reminds me, there are studies that show that first impressions are very primal and mostly on the level of "fight or flight."
This means normies literally see us as predators - based?

Just fucking lol at this world

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My mother once said that it was my own fault that I was being bullied. Once she even told a boy to hit me if I did something bad. She always said I would never be able to fight back because I'm just not that type and because of my weak body I should never get involved in a fight because I would lose a fight anyway. My own mother said that the thugs that bullied me are cool and funny guys. over for me
My mother once said that it was my own fault that I was being bullied. Once she even told a boy to hit me if I did something bad. She always said I would never be able to fight back because I'm just not that type and because of my weak body I should never get involved in a fight because I would lose a fight anyway. My own mother said that the thugs that bullied me are cool and funny guys. over for me
bullys always beat the shit out of me but I was seen as the psychopath and agressor. bully almost kill me and its ok for normies...
HOLY FUCK :shock: :shock: :shock:
what did they do? stomp on your head while you down?:worryfeels::worryfeels::worryfeels:

My mother once said that it was my own fault that I was being bullied. Once she even told a boy to hit me if I did something bad. She always said I would never be able to fight back because I'm just not that type and because of my weak body I should never get involved in a fight because I would lose a fight anyway. My own mother said that the thugs that bullied me are cool and funny guys. over for me
bro your mom is a mental patient
sociopath shit
Good post OP. Although I haven't read all of it. I would suggest it's a kind of defence mechanism tactic that normies use to prevent their moralist framework from being upended. The normiebot moralist approach to unkind treatment can be summarized like this: If one is treated horribly by society, it is the result of something that was purposely done by them. Thus it is their fault they were treated unkindly by others, and not the fault of external factors or "social constructs" that impacted their social life in ways which they did not desire

Like you have said, this moralist approach seems to be applied mostly to men. Then again it's said there are some females who are bullied in society; I'm not sure what the stats are on female victims of bulling, but there are several anecdotal stories of females who were driven to suicide as a result of bullying. So I'm not really sure if there's a significant disparity in bully victims by sex
Humans are evil and repulsive by nature, they are like the infected from the Crossed Comics deep down.
I read most of that series, had to stop multiple times and just ditch it completely after a while bc it was too sickening. Being reminded of how evil your species is is a horrifying experience
I read most of that series, had to stop multiple times and just ditch it completely after a while bc it was too sickening. Being reminded of how evil your species is is a horrifying experience
tbh when i read it back in the day I think I just got bored
like it never really seemed to go anywhere
tbh when i read it back in the day I think I just got bored
like it never really seemed to go anywhere
I liked the Family Values arc, although it ended too quickly imo. Psychopath was super fucked up. It's just a bit too much shock value overload tbh for me, I enjoyed The Boys comic way more. I have nearly the entire series on paperback
I liked the Family Values arc, although it ended too quickly imo. Psychopath was super fucked up. It's just a bit too much shock value overload tbh for me, I enjoyed The Boys comic way more. I have nearly the entire series on paperback
The Boys comic was okay, it still felt Garth Ennis as fuck but not as much as Crossed. But i still think Preacher was better than both.
tbh when i read it back in the day I think I just got bored
like it never really seemed to go anywhere
Basically it was given to a bunch of different writers and they did whatever they wanted without much restrictions (this is what happened with the majority of the Badlands series, 100 issues). Currently i am reading One Hundred Plus and it really seems like the ending for the Crossed series.
Normies always say "I got bullied but then I punched the bully really hard and they stopped."

Anyone who has been bullied knows this is bullshit.
Bullies usually punch down and it's usually multiple bullies.
If you get bullied, it's probably all of society bullying you (looks work universally).

Also, if they valued you as a person, they would stop the bullying as a group (teachers, parents, peers).

We can easily figure this out by thinking about what happens when people get bullied that society actually values.
Women, children, pets...
People will IMMEDIATELY step in and stop it.
Like, even random strangers.

So when you get bullied and nobody helps, they all have silently agreed that it is ok.
Including teachers, your parents etc.
For example, when I came home with torn up clothes, my parents said I bullied myself, to get back at them.
I am not joking.

Here is an example of how social behavior is SYSTEMIC and does not happen on an individual basis (people are not individuals):

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LlFAd4YdQks

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dtVHnZX8E50

You can easily see what I am talking about.
When women abuse men in public, people just laugh.
Society implicitly acknowledges female power and that women rule society.
However, if a man abuses a woman, people will literally go ER on the abuser instantly.

Same for homelessness. There are barely any female homeless because society values foids.
Why are there orphanages? Because society does not value children to that extend.

If you look at peoples behavior, they always tell you who they are.
Don't listen to them, just observe their behavior.
Their values are on full display.

Bullying works off the same dynamics.
Take this great thread by @Gymcelled for example:

View attachment 1055846

View attachment 1055847

Humans always operate in groups.
If one person hates you, everyone does usually, because looks.

1. All bullying is systemic and comes from society. Everyone agrees that you should be bullied.
If someone they value gets bullied, they instantly stop the bullying.

2. If you fight back against the bully, you are actually fighting a group of people.

3. This means if someone can just "punch a bully in the face" and get away with it... - they were not the one being bullied! THEY WERE THE BULLY!
They must have had support from society to get away with that.
And the bully backed down because he had nobody backing him up -> he is alone! (socially outcast!)

This also explains why normies always say "bullies are just insecure people that come from broken homes."

a) ugly
b) socially outcast
c) unhealthy from shitty nutrition and no family supporting them

So normies are basically bragging about how they got away with punching a bunch of abused ugly boys in the face.
This also means:


This is insane to me because I have been wondering for ages how normies can view some sickly ugly man as a threat.
But this explains it.
They are just that retarded.
They think the half-dead hobo under a bridge is a bigger threat to society, than the 6'2 ripped psychopath next to them.


This explains why normies love dark-triad men and bullies if they are good looking enough.
They don't even view these people as committing moral wrongs.
Like, you can be straight up evil, if you have the looks people will act like you are a good person LMFAO.

Someone told me how he was shocked when he saw people from his HS hang out with his bullies.
He said these foids and men were giga psychopathic and dangerous and he does not get how normies can't see this.
Well, now we know.

They probably viewed HIM as the psychopathic, dark-triad aggressor, even though he suffers from crippling health issues.

Is this why they are scared of me in public?
Like normies will get scared and run away.
When they see my face, they flinch. Like this 10 year old boy in superjew, he saw my face and flinched.
Also, when I walk behind people, they turn their head and stop, or they let me pass.
Or when they see me in Isle in supermarket, they do a 180° and leave lmao.

They literally view me as Ted Bundy or some shit. Unbelievable.
Chipmunk levels of IQ.

Reminds me, there are studies that show that first impressions are very primal and mostly on the level of "fight or flight."
This means normies literally see us as predators - based?

Just fucking lol at this world

View attachment 1055853

Have you tried not caring about what normies think for a second ?
Normies need a common enemy. Its a known tactic in extremist, delusional and atomized groups in society.

People who were (or feel like they were) outcasted on a way or another tend to gather in ali baba style groups and start to access what type of thing (its usually blamed in a person or a group of people) its "undermining" their social cohesion as a group.

They then attack that thing relentelesly. Or pretend to attack it, just to form cohesion in the in-group.
Lay down and take the bullying if you want. They still will not leave you alone.

Is fighting better? I don’t know.

But doing nothing means that nothing is going to change.
Amazing thread. In school, I was bullied and the teachers went along with it, but so did the parents; they think their kids are superior to others and encourage bullying. All of the supposed anti bullying measures in schools are pure bullshit. They are designed to make it hard to fight back and to label the "weird" kids.
same shit happened when i was at school
You are overthinking this.

They don't see you as a predator, they see you as having shitty genetics that could hurt the group. Forget about the moral stuff and all that, it's always just about genetics. It's always just about who can mog who and might makes right. That's it.

I do think you make a good point about the whole group basically having decided that you are the omega that's free to bully. Also the observation about normies claiming to have stood up to their bullies is accurate, they never were truyl bullied. There are so many mma fighters that claim to have been bullied and then supposedly stood up to their bullies. For example Bas Rutten, a guy that 100 percent has always been a hyper aggressive super high Testosterone monster. So absolutely not the type of kid bullies would ever even think to pick on. It's way more likely that he was actively beating up and bullying random kids even at a young age.
Bullied too. Dont think It was looks-related, most of guys that bullied me were much uglier then me. They bullied me because I was/am weak, I guess that's the sole reason
Well you looked weak, so it is looks related. Looking frail/weak is all the way down on the looks scale. It is mostly low tier normies that do the bullying tho simply because they try to keep their status in the group.
Well you looked weak, so it is looks related. Looking frail/weak is all the way down on the looks scale. It is mostly low tier normies that do the bullying tho simply because they try to keep their status in the group.
Ah, well, in that point you are correct. Sorry, English is not my first language, I thought looks meant exclusively the face
Ah, well, in that point you are correct. Sorry, English is not my first language, I thought looks meant exclusively the face
To be fair, some people here seem to only refer to the face when talking about looks. But i think skeletal frame and therefore height is also part of looks. It's a matter of definition.
We're omega males.

Just like omega wolves exist to be the punching bag of the pack, we omega males are seen by soyciety as walking breathing punching bags.

The Boys comic was okay, it still felt Garth Ennis as fuck but not as much as Crossed. But i still think Preacher was better than both.
I love the comics, I know its far from perfect but its miles better than the pozzed up, "progressive" hack garbage thats the Amazon show
Even in the past, people were telling their kids the same redpill shit.
Like, I found this quote from the 300s BC, thats 1700 years ago, where a dude says parents tell their kids to study or they will be poor, and they tell their kids look there was this beggar who became rich by tryharding and so you should tryhard.
Same shit as now, 1000s of years ago.

Holy fuck:feelshaha:, saved:feelskek:.
Holy fuck:feelshaha:, saved:feelskek:.
bro its mindboggling how nothing changes.
I am borderline thinking this applies to everything.
Like you know all this doomsday shit MUH SOCIETY WILL END, PORN IS DESTROYING OUR BRAIN

- note how all this doomsday signaling is used for only one purpose: Attacking men. It's all about how men have to safe society (women), have strong families (support a woman), stop using porn (chase women).

Nobody ever uses this type of signalling on women.

- "women are not what they used to be, there are no real women anymore!"
- "women these days have low estrogen levels and their egg count is dropping."
- "women are just rotting and masturbating to kpop, this generation is fucked"
what if its all cope and people just say the same shit in every century? Like what if its all horseshit.
I want to live to like 200 to see if I am right on this.

For example, people say the online dating and shit is destroying society because men have no options now bla bla bla
but men never had options to begin with.
And we know that when women want to be tradwives, they can do it. They did it in the past, right?
So what if that is what will happen next?
Like, shit will just repeat itself honestly.

Pay attention, people always present the past in a black and white fashion
- the past was glorious
- the past was shit

but nobody offers you door 3 - the past was the same.
Nobody even looks for evidence for this.

For example the later romans used to glorify the earlier romans. If you read that book "letters by a stoic" by seneca, he writes about how he is on Scipios farm and hes like
"dude like, scipio was so tough man, like he only bathed in cold water and shit, not like romans in our time"

I am not shitting look:

Here l am, staying at the country house which once belonged
to Scipio of Africa himself...

I have seen the house, which is built of squared stone
blocks; the wall surrounding the park; and the towers built
out on both sides of the house for purposes of defence; the
well, concealed among the greenery and out-buildings, with
sufficient water to provide for the needs of a whole army;
and the tiny little bath, situated after the old-fashioned custom
in an ill-lit corner, our ancestors believing that the only place
where one could properly have a hot bath was in the dark.
ok we get it they thought it was pussy to take warm showers ok nigga
It was this which started in my mind reflections that occa-
sioned me a good deal of enjoyment as I compared Scipio’s
way of life and our own.

In this corner the famous Terror of
Carthage, to whom Rome owes it that she has only once* in
her history been captured, used to wash a body weary from
work on the farm! For he kept himself fit through toil,
cultivating his fields by his own labour, as was the regular
way in the old days.
Sure he did :feelshaha::feelshaha::feelshaha: some roman noble boy ploughed his own fields fuck off
And this was the ceiling, dingy in the
extreme, under which he stood; and this the equally undis-
tinguished paving that carried his weight.

Who is there who could bear to have a bath in such
surroundings nowadays?
In this bathroom of Scipio’s there are tiny chinks - you
could hardly call them windows - pierced in the masonry of
the wall in such a way as‘to let in light without in any way
weakening its defensive character. Nowadays ‘moth-hole’ is
the way some people speak of a bathroom unless it has been
designed to catch the sun through enormous windows all
day long, unless a person can acquire a tan at the same time
as he is having a bath, unless he has views from the bath over
countryside and sea.
There was a time when bath-houses were few and far be-
tween, and never in the least luxuriously appointed - and
why should they have been, considering that they were
designed for use, not for diversion, and that admission only
cost you a copper?
ok we get it please stop
There were no showers in those days,
and the water did not come in a continuous gush as if from
a hot spring.
Ok grandpa, yeah your ancestors did not have water, we get it YAWN :feelsjuice::feelsjuice::feelsjuice:
People did not think it mattered then how clear
the water was in which they were going to get rid of the dirt.
There doesn’t seem to me to be any difference
now between ‘your bath’s warm’ and ‘your bath’s boiling’.
ok we get it people bath in warm water now ok ffs shut up
‘How primitive!’ Such is some people’s verdict these days
on Scipio because he did not have extensive areas of glass to
let the daylight into the perspiring room, because it was not a
habit with him to stew in strong sunlight, letting the time go
by until he was perfectly cooked in his own bathroom. “What
a sorry wretch of a man! He didn’t know how to live!
He’d take his bath in water that was never filtered and often
cloudy, practically muddy in fact after any heavy rain.’
Well, it did not make much difference to Scipio if this was
the kind of bath he had; he went there to wash off sweat, not
scent. And what do you think some people will say to this?
“Well, I don’t envy Scipio; if that was the kind of bath he had
all the time, it was a real exile’s life that he was leading.’
OK WE GET IT STOP SUCKING HIS DICK WTF :feelswhat::feelswhat::feelswhat:
Yes, and what’s more, if you must know, he didn’t even
have a bath every day. Writers who have left us a record of
life in ancient Rome tell us that it was just their arms and legs,
which of course they dirtied working, that people washed
every day, bathing all over only once a week on market day.
‘Obviously, someone will comment, ‘there must have been
times when they were positively disgusting.’ And what do

you think they stank of? I'll tell you — of hard soldiering, of
hard work, of all that goes to make up a man.
Men are
dirtier creatures now than they ever were in the days before
the coming of spotlessly clean bathrooms. What is it Horace
says when he wants to describe a man noted and indeed
notorious for the inordinate lengths to which he carried
personal fastidiousness?
shut the fuck up, please, we get it, yes everyone is a pussy now and shit fuarkkkkk :reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee:
Produce Bucillus today and he might just as well ‘stink like
a goat’. He would be in the same position as the Gargonius
with whom Horace contrasted him. For nowadays it is not
even enough to use some scented ointment — it must be re-
applied two or three times a day as a precaution against its
evaporation on the person. I say nothing about the way people
preen themselves on the perfume it carries, as if it were their
im gonna kill him, i will dig up his fucking body and kill him, shut the fuck up.
For reference, this is the same seneca who would have orgies all the time and shit.

bro its mindboggling how nothing changes.
I am borderline thinking this applies to everything.
Like you know all this doomsday shit MUH SOCIETY WILL END, PORN IS DESTROYING OUR BRAIN

- note how all this doomsday signaling is used for only one purpose: Attacking men. It's all about how men have to safe society (women), have strong families (support a woman), stop using porn (chase women).

Nobody ever uses this type of signalling on women.

- "women are not what they used to be, there are no real women anymore!"
- "women these days have low estrogen levels and their egg count is dropping."
- "women are just rotting and masturbating to kpop, this generation is fucked"
what if its all cope and people just say the same shit in every century? Like what if its all horseshit.
I want to live to like 200 to see if I am right on this.

For example, people say the online dating and shit is destroying society because men have no options now bla bla bla
but men never had options to begin with.
And we know that when women want to be tradwives, they can do it. They did it in the past, right?
So what if that is what will happen next?
Like, shit will just repeat itself honestly.

Pay attention, people always present the past in a black and white fashion
- the past was glorious
- the past was shit

but nobody offers you door 3 - the past was the same.
Nobody even looks for evidence for this.

For example the later romans used to glorify the earlier romans. If you read that book "letters by a stoic" by seneca, he writes about how he is on Scipios farm and hes like
"dude like, scipio was so tough man, like he only bathed in cold water and shit, not like romans in our time"

I am not shitting look:

ok we get it they thought it was pussy to take warm showers ok nigga

Sure he did :feelshaha::feelshaha::feelshaha: some roman noble boy ploughed his own fields fuck off

ok we get it please stop

Ok grandpa, yeah your ancestors did not have water, we get it YAWN :feelsjuice::feelsjuice::feelsjuice:


ok we get it people bath in warm water now ok ffs shut up

OK WE GET IT STOP SUCKING HIS DICK WTF:feelswhat::feelswhat::feelswhat:


shut the fuck up, please, we get it, yes everyone is a pussy now and shit fuarkkkkk :reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee:

im gonna kill him, i will dig up his fucking body and kill him, shut the fuck up.
For reference, this is the same seneca who would have orgies all the time and shit.

View attachment 1063893
Harsh truth. People gang up on you like a pack of wolves once they smell weakness. I was bullied through most of my high school years by guys taller than me and no one stepped in to stop it. They just looked on in indifference. It didn't matter to them because I was a nobody. When you're a nobody, everyone walks over you and you're worthless.
damnnnnn man. hard shit. no more hope for humanity. its over for us. sad so sad.
ro its mindboggling how nothing changes.
I am borderline thinking this applies to everything.
Like you know all this doomsday shit MUH SOCIETY WILL END, PORN IS DESTROYING OUR BRAIN

- note how all this doomsday signaling is used for only one purpose: Attacking men. It's all about how men have to safe society (women), have strong families (support a woman), stop using porn (chase women).

Nobody ever uses this type of signalling on women.

- "women are not what they used to be, there are no real women anymore!"
- "women these days have low estrogen levels and their egg count is dropping."
- "women are just rotting and masturbating to kpop, this generation is fucked"
what if its all cope and people just say the same shit in every century? Like what if its all horseshit.
I want to live to like 200 to see if I am right on this.

For example, people say the online dating and shit is destroying society because men have no options now bla bla bla
but men never had options to begin with.
And we know that when women want to be tradwives, they can do it. They did it in the past, right?
So what if that is what will happen next?
Like, shit will just repeat itself honestly.

Pay attention, people always present the past in a black and white fashion
- the past was glorious
- the past was shit

but nobody offers you door 3 - the past was the same.
Nobody even looks for evidence for this.

For example the later romans used to glorify the earlier romans. If you read that book "letters by a stoic" by seneca, he writes about how he is on Scipios farm and hes like
"dude like, scipio was so tough man, like he only bathed in cold water and shit, not like romans in our time"
it was always the same shit. never changed. always the same. Women fucked always chads. they never changed their behaviour. we life in a endless loop. I'm today an incel and I would be an incel if I was born 1880.
high iq and potent suicide fuel
Pay attention, people always present the past in a black and white fashion
- the past was glorious
- the past was shit

but nobody offers you door 3 - the past was the same.
Nobody even looks for evidence for this.
thats one of the biggest lies at it was better in the past or more fucked up. it was always the same and we live in a endless matrix that was and will be always the same. Only people try to spread lies that other centuries were different. medicine is shit like in the past. every doctor is just trying to make money and they make up things to make money. it's just as shitty as it used to be. The only thing that matters in life is still genetics and how a person presents themselves. This shows his success. good genetics + good social environment = successful life (doctor, engineer, pilot)
thats one of the biggest lies at it was better in the past or more fucked up. it was always the same and we live in a endless matrix that was and will be always the same. Only people try to spread lies that other centuries were different. medicine is shit like in the past. every doctor is just trying to make money and they make up things to make money. it's just as shitty as it used to be. The only thing that matters in life is still genetics and how a person presents themselves. This shows his success. good genetics + good social environment = successful life (doctor, engineer, pilot)
yes exactly, modern medicine is a meme, just like in the past.
What makes people think we will not look back modern medicine like we look at 1800s medicine now?
Of course we will.
Nobody would let an 1800s doctor treat them now, they would be afraid.
But our time is no different, it makes no sense.
Bullying only ends when the massacre begins.
Individualism is one of the biggest lies ever told. It's sick in that this lie only affects the smarter kids who are able to make sense of individualist values, while their inferiors are incapable of going against their nature, so it harms the better and gives an advantage to the inferior.
Humans always operate in groups.
If one person hates you, everyone does usually, because looks.

1. All bullying is systemic and comes from society. Everyone agrees that you should be bullied.
If someone they value gets bullied, they instantly stop the bullying.
Yes. I think along similar lines. Bullies are not the leaders, they are the footsoldiers. They do what they do to score brownie points with the group. They don't target anyone without the group's approval. The actual leader is hiding somewhere in the crowd, making sure the bully doesn't get punished. This is almost always a kid whose parents are highly connected, e.g., the mayor's son.
2. If you fight back against the bully, you are actually fighting a group of people.
Yes. It's never a one-on-one fight, unless the bully is truly rogue and not backed by the group. You will actually get attacked from behind. And, because the bully is backed by someone connected to a locally powerful adult, the school administration will punish you as though you're the bully.
3. This means if someone can just "punch a bully in the face" and get away with it... - they were not the one being bullied! THEY WERE THE BULLY!
They must have had support from society to get away with that.
And the bully backed down because he had nobody backing him up -> he is alone! (socially outcast!)
Sometimes the group didn't like the bully enough. But that's just not enough of the time. If they didn't stalk the bully and jump him when there was no one around, then they're probably lying. The only way to use violence to beat bullying is to jump them when they're alone, and really make it count.
And then they say that suicide is irrational :feelssus:
Amazing thread. In school, I was bullied and the teachers went along with it,
IMO the teachers are always involved. I had a teacher spread rumors about me to the kids in my class in middle school to get them to gang up on me. She was a kike, that's my suspicion why she did it. In high school, it's hard to think of a teacher who wasn't a piece of shit. One of the English teachers was a massive gossip and would grade the popular clique better so she could be in with them. A lot of schoolteachers are this way, they don't want to leave school, and they don't mind being the old person. Buying beer for minors mentality.
but so did the parents; they think their kids are superior to others and encourage bullying.
I hinted at it before, I don't think bullying exists without parents supporting it. I believe the key person is the child with powerful parents who protects the bullying operation from getting shut down and punished. That kid lying to protect them makes the whole thing possible. That might be the key to shutting it down, too. Identify the ringleader and target him hard. He only does what he does because it's very low-risk.

For a lot of parents, having kids is their second shot at school, that's why they do this.
All of the supposed anti bullying measures in schools are pure bullshit. They are designed to make it hard to fight back and to label the "weird" kids.
Normies always say "I got bullied but then I punched the bully really hard and they stopped."

Anyone who has been bullied knows this is bullshit.
Bullies usually punch down and it's usually multiple bullies.
If you get bullied, it's probably all of society bullying you (looks work universally).
I cannot express this enough. Ive heard so many normies talk about how you're a bitch if you're bullied. Why? Because they punched a bully in the nose and it ended. Because what they call bullying is just one dude who said a few mean things one time or shoved them in the hallway.

They've never been cornered by gangs of kids a head taller than them, kids with knives, kids with elder brothers who've been in jail and so on.

In my school the bullies literally sent other kids to the hospital if they fought back. One dude cornered me outside of school and pointed a blade close to my neck jfl.

Those same normies also cant understand the power differencial in smv. Ive been lifting since i was 17 and im a khhv wizard. Ive heard so many normies online say "bro i lifted and 6 months later i had so many girls hit on me". Those same guys refuse to believe it's possible to lift for much longer, have a much better physique and get NOTHING, N-O-T-H-I-N-G in return. Their smv was much higher pre-lifting than mine will ever be. So of course hitting the gym wouldnt have the same effect.

1. All bullying is systemic and comes from society. Everyone agrees that you should be bullied.
If someone they value gets bullied, they instantly stop the bullying.
Pretty much. If you fight back you're immediately put back in your place and you get gaslight into thinking you're a monster or you cant take a joke.

Take short men for instance. Everyone clowns them irl and the moment they try to clown someone back people gasp and act like they're unreasonable, mean, abusive etc. If you're a manlet, the status quo is you being a bitch that gets shit on by everyone, and if you try to change that you're seen as a fucked up individual.

This is just an example but it's how it tends to go for people who are deemed unworthy of respect. You deserve everything and then some, your existance is an affront to life itself.
I cannot express this enough. Ive heard so many normies talk about how you're a bitch if you're bullied. Why? Because they punched a bully in the nose and it ended. Because what they call bullying is just one dude who said a few mean things one time or shoved them in the hallway.

They've never been cornered by gangs of kids a head taller than them, kids with knives, kids with elder brothers who've been in jail and so on.

In my school the bullies literally sent other kids to the hospital if they fought back. One dude cornered me outside of school and pointed a blade close to my neck jfl.

Those same normies also cant understand the power differencial in smv. Ive been lifting since i was 17 and im a khhv wizard. Ive heard so many normies online say "bro i lifted and 6 months later i had so many girls hit on me". Those same guys refuse to believe it's possible to lift for much longer, have a much better physique and get NOTHING, N-O-T-H-I-N-G in return. Their smv was much higher pre-lifting than mine will ever be. So of course hitting the gym wouldnt have the same effect.

Pretty much. If you fight back you're immediately put back in your place and you get gaslight into thinking you're a monster or you cant take a joke.

Take short men for instance. Everyone clowns them irl and the moment they try to clown someone back people gasp and act like they're unreasonable, mean, abusive etc. If you're a manlet, the status quo is you being a bitch that gets shit on by everyone, and if you try to change that you're seen as a fucked up individual.

This is just an example but it's how it tends to go for people who are deemed unworthy of respect. You deserve everything and then some, your existance is an affront to life itself.
bro imagine you brought a knife to school to defend yourself :lul: :lul: :lul: they would have expelled me permanently
bro imagine you brought a knife to school to defend yourself :lul: :lul: :lul: they would have expelled me permanently
On a school trip on a ship, a sex haver at my school stole condoms from a store on the fucking ship. Teachers were only slightly annoyed when the ship called the cops who waited for us when we arrived on land.

Also boys were supposed to stay with boys in their cabin but that dude slept with some hoe and the teachers didnt care.
On a school trip on a ship, a sex haver at my school stole condoms from a store on the fucking ship. Teachers were only slightly annoyed when the ship called the cops who waited for us when we arrived on land.

Also boys were supposed to stay with boys in their cabin but that dude slept with some hoe and the teachers didnt care.
just fucking lol
Bullies out smart the system so when you fight back you're the one who gets in trouble.
@JudeoBiden brootal I also had a bitch kike teacher. I hope the children of all the awful teachers u guys had mine included have their husband or children die. They deserve it especially yours @Paperman @GeckoBus @Gymcelled

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