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Theory Normie and chad logic explained. Here's why they cannot comprehend our struggle and have such big egos



May 6, 2024
We all know how normies and chads will gaslight us and say it's our fault we fail both socially and romantically, without even considering how hard things are for us. I wanted to address why I believe this is.

Normies and even more so chads have big egos because they generally had enough validation growing up. They had a decent friend group their whole life without much effort, and also got a girlfriend fairly easily when they were of age. They experienced the essential social developmental milestones at the correct times. Because of this, their self esteem is high and they believe they succeed because of how smart of choices they made instead of the fact they were good looking and NT enough to succeed socially and romantically.

This is the complete opposite of how it was for us. We did everything we could to succeed socially, and it never worked no matter how much we tried. They fail to realize how much harder we have it. We tried so hard and failed, so naturally our self esteem will be much lower. You NEED proper validation by society and females to feel good about yourself

Good life experiences and generally being perceived positively will make you feel good about yourself, and gives you a reason to be confident. Confidence cannot be spawned from nothing, which is why the, "Just be confident" argument is bullshit.

As a result of how easy they had it, they genuinely believe that you are doing something wrong if you can’t succeed socially and romantically. Because they had it so much easier, they cannot comprehend what it is like to struggle in this regard. Because just being themselves and treating people alright worked for them, they think it will work for everyone. What they fail to realize is that people aren’t as receptive to us as to them, in terms of women and trying to make friends with other guys. We don't get choosing signals from women. We don't get people wanting to be friends with us. They genuinely cannot imagine this is our reality.

Here's an analogy I think sums it up well:

It’s kinda like if you had two people working on two engines. The normie/chad is working on an engine that literally just needs a new spark plug and will be good as new, so it’s gonna be fixed very easily. The incel is working on an engine with bad spark plugs, a bad coil, a clogged carburetor, popped out intake valve seat, and no oil. Of course the normie is gonna succeed far more easily because the game was rigged from the start. Same goes for life. They just had to do some basic easy stuff to succeed, while we have to do fucking rocket science and insane work just to get 1/10th of the benefits they get from just existing and living their lives

The issue with normie/chad logic is that they will criticize the incel for taking so long to fix it, failing to account for how much easier their task was in the game. Same goes for real life. The baseline they are working with at the start is so much superior to ours, that there is no comparison. Everything just happened easier for them, and they fail to realize this, causing them to genuinely think they are doing things a much better way than us, when in reality, they wouldn’t know where to begin if faced with our lives, and would fail miserably
Chads don't deserve the hate they're good in the majority of cases, Normies on the other hand are the real bitches
Of course the normie is gonna succeed far more easily because the game was rigged from the start. Same goes for life. They just had to do some basic easy stuff to succeed, while we have to do fucking rocket science and insane work just to get 1/10th of the benefits they get from just existing and living their lives

The issue with normie/chad logic is that they will criticize the incel for taking so long to fix it, failing to account for how much easier their task was in the game. Same goes for real life. The baseline they are working with at the start is so much superior to ours, that there is no comparison. Everything just happened easier for them, and they fail to realize this, causing them to genuinely think they are doing things a much better way than us, when in reality, they wouldn’t know where to begin if faced with our lives, and would fail miserably
high IQ
This is the complete opposite of how it was for us. We did everything we could to succeed socially, and it never worked no matter how much we tried. They fail to realize how much harder we have it. We tried so hard and failed, so naturally our self esteem will be much lower. You NEED proper validation by society and females to feel good about yourself
we tried so hard and got so far but in the end it doesn't even matter

we had to fall to lose it allll but in the end it doesn't even matterrrr
we tried so hard and got so far but in the end it didn't even matter

we had to fall to lose it allll but in the end it doesn't even matterrrr
It's so brutal man. All that effort to end up empty handed. Also, based Linkin Park In the End enjoyer
Chads don't deserve the hate they're good in the majority of cases, Normies on the other hand are the real bitches
Eh, some chads are so bluepilled and gaslight us they deserve the hate tbh. Normies do tend to be worse overall though from my personal experience
We all know how normies and chads will gaslight us and say it's our fault we fail both socially and romantically, without even considering how hard things are for us. I wanted to address why I believe this is.
Why Chads? Normies would

Normies and even more so chads have big egos because they generally had enough validation growing up.

They had a decent friend group their whole life without much effort, and also got a girlfriend fairly easily when they were of age.
Yeah but normies struggle to have a gf, agree about the friend part though
ecause of this, their self esteem is high and they believe they succeed because of how smart of choices they made instead of the fact they were good looking and NT enough to succeed socially and romantically.

This is the complete opposite of how it was for us.

You NEED proper validation by society and females to feel good about yourself
is the complete opposite of how it was for us. We did everything we could to succeed socially,
I disagree, most people never try due to high social inhib

Good life experiences and generally being perceived positively will make you feel good about yourself, and gives you a reason to be confident. Confidence cannot be spawned from nothing, which is why the, "Just be confident" argument is bullshit.
True but there are plenty of ugly confident people and guess what the vast majority don't have a gf because confidence is bs

As a result of how easy they had it, they genuinely believe that you are doing something wrong if you can’t succeed socially and romantically. Because they had it so much easier, they cannot comprehend what it is like to struggle in this regard. Because just being themselves and treating people alright worked for them, they think it will work for everyone. What they fail to realize is that people aren’t as receptive to us as to them, in terms of women and trying to make friends with other guys. We don't get choosing signals from women. We don't get people wanting to be friends with us. They genuinely cannot imagine this is our reality.
Yup, well said
They have the same mentality of boomers who tell people to "just work harder bro". It's all just gaslighting to avoid the reality of the situation.
I think this is a pretty logical thread and explains this topic quite well, especially my analogy.
Any chance this can get pinned? @Fat Link @LeFrenchCel
congrats on the pin

lifefuel for pincels
Why Chads? Normies would
Chads would too

Yeah but normies struggle to have a gf, agree about the friend part though
Normies might struggle more that Chads of course, but they would still bully the fuck out of us if they found out we were adult KHHVs. That's why they are included here, because they would still shame us for not being able to get a gf

I disagree, most people never try due to high social inhib
I think most of us tried making conversation with women to see where we stand when we were younger, even if we didn't outright ask them out. Them acting all bitchy and like it's a chore to talk to us every time is rejection enough.
True but there are plenty of ugly confident people and guess what the vast majority don't have a gf because confidence is bs
True, but this is because you generally need decent enough looks to succeed. That was included in my post as well. No confidence can come out of nothing. That's called faking it
Yup, well said
Agree 100%. I like how you included your love for cars as the analogy lol (Well it's an engine but still)

@Fat Link @LeFrenchCel pin
Agree 100%. I like how you included your love for cars as the analogy lol (Well it's an engine but still)

@Fat Link @LeFrenchCel pin
Thanks. I had to include an interesting personal anology, kek. I was literally just working on the engine issues I described there and it inspired me to write this
Well said. It's not possible to just "be confident", since confidence is simply the expectation of success or failure based on past successes or failures. If all you've ever known is failure, you can't trick your brain into not expecting future failure.
Well said. It's not possible to just "be confident", since confidence is simply the expectation of success or failure based on past successes or failures. If all you've ever known is failure, you can't trick your brain into not expecting future failure.
Yep. True confidence is impossible to fake. Fuck anyone that says otherwise
They fail to recognize the source of our suffering because they have never experienced it first-hand, most regard foreign experience with disbelief and dogmatic rebuke when it contradicts their personal interpretation of things. As Rehab Room would point out, they're bemused by Francis Bacon's Idol of the Cave.
Yep. True confidence is impossible to fake. Fuck anyone that says otherwise

And even if you do manage to feel confident, normies are masters at sniffing out fake confidence, so you'll always be outed as an incel in the end. I know because I spent most of my 20's trying to cultivate confidence and it never worked.
And even if you do manage to feel confident, normies are masters at sniffing out fake confidence, so you'll always be outed as an incel in the end. I know because I spent most of my 20's trying to cultivate confidence and it never worked.
True. Fake confidence is eas4y to spot. You'll get outed fast. Especially by women. They are masters at smelling out fake confidence and detecting lies. They are likely this good at it because they are such liars themselves
They are masters at smelling out fake confidence and detecting lies. They are likely this good at it because they are such liars themselves
meh it depends

if you're an incel they'll just assume that anything you do is fake, because it doesn't fit with their preconceived notions of you

but psychopaths deceive foids very easily with manufactured personas, lies, etc. there's very little too outlandish that psychopath criminals haven't convinced foids of it
meh it depends

if you're an incel they'll just assume that anything you do is fake, because it doesn't fit with their preconceived notions of you

but psychopaths deceive foids very easily with manufactured personas, lies, etc. there's very little too outlandish that psychopath criminals haven't convinced foids of it
it's like people in multiplayer games accusing other players of being cheaters

if you're not 'supposed' to be able to do something, then they'll call you a cheater. especially if you're on the other side, or you're some kind of underclass which isn't supposed to beat them (eg. a freeplayer in a p2w game, or an incel irl)

usually, the people being accused didn't actually cheat

but it doesn't matter, people will call you one either way. it's not that they're good at sniffing out cheaters per se, they're just hysterical
meh it depends

if you're an incel they'll just assume that anything you do is fake, because it doesn't fit with their preconceived notions of you

but psychopaths deceive foids very easily with manufactured personas, lies, etc. there's very little too outlandish that psychopath criminals haven't convinced foids of it
Yep. That's because most incels don't have the natural social ability a psychopath does. Incels tend to very commonly have Asperger's, and makes them suck at socializing. Psychopaths are cold and ruthless, but they have a natural innate ability to lie and use charm on people
That's exactly how it is. And they don't even realize that we tried way harder than them. When things like these came normally to them, they're gonna have a different life perspective and all the fact is they never experienced real isolation so they should at least shut up and not saying it's our fault and to "try harder" "just go out" "ahah friends are unimportant" "oh but being single is much better than having a gf" just stfu, why are you saying being alone and not having friends is better when in fact you do have friends and girls want to be with you just cause you're existing?
Yep. That's because most incels don't have the natural social ability a psychopath does.
if a psychopath was truecel it wouldn't help

psychopaths will lie and present a front, and if a foid's first impression of you is bad then no 'social skills' will matter because she's decided it's illegitimate. she gets swept away in it because she is ready to accept that you are positive and desirable, and psychopaths will take advantage of that as far as possible

a normal chad might meet a foid, impress her, and be like 'yeah I went to a cool nightclub last night'
a psychopathic chad will impress a foid and be like 'yeah I'm friends with donald trump I work for the israeli government and saw aliens in area 51' (well not exactly that but it's the idea, it's a fun ride for the foid)

but if a foid makes positive initial assumptions about you, generally due to looks and status, then she'll probably accept blatant lies

foids barely know what a lie is, they lie so much because they have no clear conception of the truth

but if they view you negatively, then they will shoe-horn you into that, and be skeptical of anything that goes against their initial assumptions

so foids are often quite bad when it comes to detecting lies, because they simply won't scrutinize people as much when they have positive initial assumptions and are ready to accept anything that the person says. but for an incel it might seem that way, because they will meet you with skepticism as soon as you exceed what she expects of you or step out of your designated 'lane'
That's exactly how it is. And they don't even realize that we tried way harder than them. When things like these came normally to them, they're gonna have a different life perspective and all the fact is they never experienced real isolation so they should at least shut up and not saying it's our fault and to "try harder" "just go out" "ahah friends are unimportant" "oh but being single is much better than having a gf" just stfu, why are you saying being alone and not having friends is better when in fact you do have friends and girls want to be with you just cause you're existing?
Yep. I hate that they don't realize we tried way harder than them for so much less results, They also talk like they can understand what it's like, but they don't, so they can fuck right off with that
Yep. I hate that they don't realize we tried way harder than them for so much less results, They also talk like they can understand what it's like, but they don't, so they can fuck right off with that
a line i got often was "ok i understand you, it is you who does not understand me!" yeah I do not, but at least i admit it
if a psychopath was truecel it wouldn't help
True. It works great for normie tier psycos though who would be doomed if they were a socially awkward sperg.
psychopaths will lie and present a front, and if a foid's first impression of you is bad then no 'social skills' will matter because she's decided it's illegitimate. she gets swept away in it because she is ready to accept that you are positive and desirable, and psychopaths will take advantage of that as far as possible
a normal chad might meet a foid, impress her, and be like 'yeah I went to a cool nightclub last night'
a psychopathic chad will impress a foid and be like 'yeah I'm friends with donald trump I work for the israeli government and saw aliens in area 51' (well not exactly that but it's the idea, it's a fun ride for the foid)
Pretty funny, ngl
but if a foid makes positive initial assumptions about you, generally due to looks and status, then she'll probably accept blatant lies

foids barely know what a lie is, they lie so much because they have no clear conception of the truth
Very true. They often are so used to lying the truth and lies blur together
but if they view you negatively, then they will shoe-horn you into that, and be skeptical of anything that goes against their initial assumptions

so foids are often quite bad when it comes to detecting lies, because they simply won't scrutinize people as much when they have positive initial assumptions and are ready to accept anything that the person says. but for an incel it might seem that way, because they will meet you with skepticism as soon as you exceed what she expects of you or step out of your designated 'lane'
True. They hate it when a man acts more confident than she thinks he deserves to be
a line i got often was "ok i understand you, it is you who does not understand me!" yeah I do not, but at least i admit it
Yep. They always act like they are so superior and can understand anything. No you fucking can't bitch, so fuck off
Chads don't deserve the hate they're good in the majority of cases, Normies on the other hand are the real bitches
Halo effect lmfao. Some of my biggest tormentors and abusers have been chads.
We all know how normies and chads will gaslight us and say it's our fault we fail both socially and romantically, without even considering how hard things are for us. I wanted to address why I believe this is.

Normies and even more so chads have big egos because they generally had enough validation growing up. They had a decent friend group their whole life without much effort, and also got a girlfriend fairly easily when they were of age. They experienced the essential social developmental milestones at the correct times. Because of this, their self esteem is high and they believe they succeed because of how smart of choices they made instead of the fact they were good looking and NT enough to succeed socially and romantically.

This is the complete opposite of how it was for us. We did everything we could to succeed socially, and it never worked no matter how much we tried. They fail to realize how much harder we have it. We tried so hard and failed, so naturally our self esteem will be much lower. You NEED proper validation by society and females to feel good about yourself

Good life experiences and generally being perceived positively will make you feel good about yourself, and gives you a reason to be confident. Confidence cannot be spawned from nothing, which is why the, "Just be confident" argument is bullshit.

As a result of how easy they had it, they genuinely believe that you are doing something wrong if you can’t succeed socially and romantically. Because they had it so much easier, they cannot comprehend what it is like to struggle in this regard. Because just being themselves and treating people alright worked for them, they think it will work for everyone. What they fail to realize is that people aren’t as receptive to us as to them, in terms of women and trying to make friends with other guys. We don't get choosing signals from women. We don't get people wanting to be friends with us. They genuinely cannot imagine this is our reality.

Here's an analogy I think sums it up well:

It’s kinda like if you had two people working on two engines. The normie/chad is working on an engine that literally just needs a new spark plug and will be good as new, so it’s gonna be fixed very easily. The incel is working on an engine with bad spark plugs, a bad coil, a clogged carburetor, popped out intake valve seat, and no oil. Of course the normie is gonna succeed far more easily because the game was rigged from the start. Same goes for life. They just had to do some basic easy stuff to succeed, while we have to do fucking rocket science and insane work just to get 1/10th of the benefits they get from just existing and living their lives

The issue with normie/chad logic is that they will criticize the incel for taking so long to fix it, failing to account for how much easier their task was in the game. Same goes for real life. The baseline they are working with at the start is so much superior to ours, that there is no comparison. Everything just happened easier for them, and they fail to realize this, causing them to genuinely think they are doing things a much better way than us, when in reality, they wouldn’t know where to begin if faced with our lives, and would fail miserably
I personally think you should add in one more paragraph talking about how this behavior translates to them thinking that they are superior at everything they do, and how that gives them an ego in matters unrelated to women and building friendships. Like why chads are more likely to take initiative in things and explore any passions they have with less mental blockers. Incel life in general causes us to be doubtful of everything, even in our own personal hobbies. The negative validation we receive from people shape our performance and abilities as a whole.
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I personally think you should add in one more paragraph talking about how this behavior translates to them thinking that they are superior at everything they do, and how that gives them an ego in matters unrelated to women and building friendships. Like why chads are more likely to take initiative in things and explore any passions they have with less mental blockers. Incel life in general causes us to be doubtful of everything, even in our own personal hobbies. The negative validation we receive from people shape our performance and abilities as a whole.
True. This would be a good addition
I personally think you should add in one more paragraph talking about how this behavior translates to them thinking that they are superior at everything they do, and how that gives them an ego in matters unrelated to women and building friendships. Like why chads are more likely to take initiative in things and explore any passions they have with less mental blockers. Incel life in general causes us to be doubtful of everything, even in our own personal hobbies. The negative validation we receive from people shape our performance and abilities as a whole.
I can’t edit the post now though. It’s been too long and won’t let me. You are welcome to add a comment about it though if you wanna write about it
I can’t edit the post now though. It’s been too long and won’t let me. You are welcome to add a comment about it though if you wanna write about it
Still a great thread though and explains things perfectly
We all know how normies and chads will gaslight us and say it's our fault we fail both socially and romantically, without even considering how hard things are for us. I wanted to address why I believe this is.

Normies and even more so chads have big egos because they generally had enough validation growing up. They had a decent friend group their whole life without much effort, and also got a girlfriend fairly easily when they were of age. They experienced the essential social developmental milestones at the correct times. Because of this, their self esteem is high and they believe they succeed because of how smart of choices they made instead of the fact they were good looking and NT enough to succeed socially and romantically.

This is the complete opposite of how it was for us. We did everything we could to succeed socially, and it never worked no matter how much we tried. They fail to realize how much harder we have it. We tried so hard and failed, so naturally our self esteem will be much lower. You NEED proper validation by society and females to feel good about yourself

Good life experiences and generally being perceived positively will make you feel good about yourself, and gives you a reason to be confident. Confidence cannot be spawned from nothing, which is why the, "Just be confident" argument is bullshit.

As a result of how easy they had it, they genuinely believe that you are doing something wrong if you can’t succeed socially and romantically. Because they had it so much easier, they cannot comprehend what it is like to struggle in this regard. Because just being themselves and treating people alright worked for them, they think it will work for everyone. What they fail to realize is that people aren’t as receptive to us as to them, in terms of women and trying to make friends with other guys. We don't get choosing signals from women. We don't get people wanting to be friends with us. They genuinely cannot imagine this is our reality.

Here's an analogy I think sums it up well:

It’s kinda like if you had two people working on two engines. The normie/chad is working on an engine that literally just needs a new spark plug and will be good as new, so it’s gonna be fixed very easily. The incel is working on an engine with bad spark plugs, a bad coil, a clogged carburetor, popped out intake valve seat, and no oil. Of course the normie is gonna succeed far more easily because the game was rigged from the start. Same goes for life. They just had to do some basic easy stuff to succeed, while we have to do fucking rocket science and insane work just to get 1/10th of the benefits they get from just existing and living their lives

The issue with normie/chad logic is that they will criticize the incel for taking so long to fix it, failing to account for how much easier their task was in the game. Same goes for real life. The baseline they are working with at the start is so much superior to ours, that there is no comparison. Everything just happened easier for them, and they fail to realize this, causing them to genuinely think they are doing things a much better way than us, when in reality, they wouldn’t know where to begin if faced with our lives, and would fail miserably
Yeah I agree.
Now watch IT either ignoring this or saying "nobody is entitled to love/sex teehee"

They don't WANT to understand us, because doing so will shatter their just world fallacy. That would mean that luck had an important part to play in where they are in life. Their egos don't like that of course.

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