She had a blog post that she tried to scrub coping about how she wants gook points for le racism
but is literally not exaggerating white cocku onry.
Which makes Part II of this post very weird.
The majority of criticism I’ve gotten comes not from white people in publishing, but from Asian activists. It’s hard to sift out their particular argument from the vitriol, but I’ll try to summarize it here:
I am an Asian woman dating a white man. This makes me an unfit advocate for Asian-Americans for a myriad reasons–because my “racial preference” displays internalized self-hatred, because my “refusal to date Asian men” proves that I only advocate for “toxic” Asian females, because I “talk Asian but sleep white,” and because I’ve submitted myself to a “colonialist” relationship with a “weaboo” with an “Asian fetish.”
I’m not going to link to the threads themselves here. I don’t have much respect for people who post anonymously, or people who sift through my personal history to make irrational and ad hominem attacks. You can surely hunt it down yourself if you’re curious.
Of course she goes for the most hyperbolic version and poisons the well instead of just answering the question stated: If you claim to be a proponent of anti-Asian racism than why do you refuse to date asians. Pretty simple right.
But I will respond to the argument, because I think that this ideology is so terribly hurtful and dangerous.
I understand where it’s coming from. Trust me. I am aware of how my relationship with my white partner is situated in a long history of a) the emasculation and demonization of Asian men, and b) oppressive relationships between white men and Asian women. I understand the instinct to believe that an Asian woman who dates a white man must hate her own race. I get that.
But see, you don’t get to tell me who I should date. You don’t get to make assumptions about my “racial preferences” when you don’t know me, you don’t know my boyfriend, and you don’t know a thing about our relationship. That’s misogynistic. That strips me of my agency because it purports to make my personal decisions for me.
She then pretends to engage before going back to foid cope no.1 MY BODY MY CHOICE OKAY YOU DON'T KNOW ME AND WHY I PICKED WHITE COLONIZER CHAD
I don’t have to prove my activism is genuine by dating someone from my own race. That’s…well, that’s just honestly pretty stupid.
The idea of advocating for asians while dating asians is absurd ricecel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How the fuck are you going to say ricecels are worth respect when you won't even open up your pussy to them meanwhile
You certainly don’t get to tell me that I have “no standing” among Asians if I “sleep white.” I advocate with my words. I don’t advocate with my vagina.
My boyfriend and I aren’t naive about the ways that race affects our relationship. We know we come from different locations, that he doesn’t understand many of my experiences. Of course there are slip-ups! Of course there are awkward run-ins with family!
SO what if white chad called me a gook noodlewhore, so what if my family doesn't what me too dilute my genes with whitepigcum. We are working through it. How come that isn't an option for ricecel you gook faced bitch.
But we’re talking through them. We’re learning. We’re moving forward together, because we love and respect each other, and that’s all that should matter. I can very much assure you that he is not a domineering Pinkerton, and I am no submissive China doll.
You can tell this bitch is fucking into some nasty raceplay type shit, nobody thinks of white-gook relationship as some old west cowboy fucking a china doll, most people just think weeb this whore is literally projecting her love of white cocku onto her critics while denying it...
I love the Asian men in my life–my father, my brother, my closest friends–and I will advocate for them. I
father, my brother, my closest friends
also love my boyfriend because he’s kind, cute, thoughtful, and makes me laugh. Love is love is love is love. Don’t make this a forced choice between them, because that’s a foolish binary. Don’t create divisions where none need exist. You’re better than that.
Yeah I love my white chad boyfriend, don't make me choose between my people and white chad because I will chose white chad but then I won't be able to grift about gook oppression as much.
Ricecelbros, ITS TIME TO TALIBANMAXX RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!