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Serious no one is entitled to anything



good environment = good life, discord: frigid223
Oct 13, 2022
to be completely honest 99% of incels are total hypocrites. i have seen more than 2000 threads over the past couple of years since i browsed the forum and i have seen countless posts with this preface:

"i would love a girlfriend who is my looksmatch bro, she would be so nice and would make my life so much better"

or even worse:

"foid says she doesnt want to date men under 6'5 8/10 (brutal)"

you retards talk so much about chad this, chad that, and you talk constantly about how much you value a womans opinion, but in the EXACT SAME breath you whine about how they are all stuck up shallow whores. how they all need to have horrible things happen to them. which one is it? half of you cant make up your minds about whether or not the opinion of a woman matters or if all women are the horrible, nasty things you say about them.

i actually agree that none of you are entitled to anything. no one in this world owes you anything be that sex, money, love, friendship, connection..... everyone in this world should expect to be out for themselves without the expectation that someone else is going to swoop in and save them with 0 hesitation.

now with that being said i believe this applies to all people. male, female, tall, short, poor, rich, brown, white purple etc etc etc you get the idea. no matter what demographic you belong to it is ridiculous and selfish to demand that others have some kind of societal obligation to "owe" you anything.

but this idea goes both ways.. just like incels are not owed sex, relationships, love, and all the different things we long for, doesnt mean anyone else is either.... you cannot believe in one group not being entitled to anything and not believe people of other demographics are still entitled to other things.

women should not be entitled to protection if they feel unsafe or threatened, blacks should not be entitled to extra financial accomodations or social privileges based on the color of thier skin, and just like an incel is not entitled to sex or relationships, NO ONE should be entitled to them. sad, lonely, hurt people are not entitled to anything from this cruel society - and that makes sense given its parameters.

you are a hypocrite if you say otherwise. the conditions from one set of people should be applied to all for a truly fair outlook of this world. just like pro-womens groups say women are entitled to feeling safe at night (not true, no one is entitled to anything), you incels are not entitled to anything either.
why are you such a retard?
Not reading all that shit
that’s a lot of text for something I’m sure is stupid and not worth reading TL;DR your reasoning?
that’s a lot of text for something I’m sure is stupid and not worth reading TL;DR your reasoning?
thats a whole sentence for saying "i dont have the brainpower to read stuff that says stuff i dont like"
thats a whole sentence for saying "i dont have the brainpower to read stuff that says stuff i dont like"
Yeah basically.
My next response will be predicated on Islam.
Go read the Quaran before your next reply to me so you can have something intelligent to say about my next reply.
why are you such a retard?
I'm done with life. My body feels weak once I realize I've been engaging in senseless arguments against strangers over the internet. What is the point, actually?
Why don’t you go to reddit instead ? maybe you could become a mod for /short with all that soy :feels::banhammer:
you retards talk so much about chad this, chad that, and you talk constantly about how much you value a womans opinion, but in the EXACT SAME breath you whine about how they are all stuck up shallow whores. how they all need to have horrible things happen to them. which one is it? half of you cant make up your minds about whether or not the opinion of a woman matters or if all women are the horrible, nasty things you say about them.
Has this ever been mutually exclusive? Is it impossible for the opinion of half the humans on earth to be relevant while also being shallow?
Yeah basically.
My next response will be predicated on Islam.
Go read the Quaran before your next reply to me so you can have something intelligent to say about my next reply.
you spelled quran wrong
I know the universe does not owe me a woman, but almost every man had access to sex for pleasure and reproduction a century ago on the condition that he provided for his wife and kids, but nothing of the sort is possible today because the unrealistic standards of women have reached astronomical levels. So, for the benefit of society, women should be encouraged to date men their category. Hypergamy must be stopped.
even though i dont nessesarily agree with you thx for writing something besides "dnr" while foaming at the mouth...

how do you think relationships 100 years ago and today differ?
thats a whole sentence for saying "i dont have the brainpower to read stuff that says stuff i dont like"
wrong, it's a whole sentence saying "no matter what I say you will just throw back some mental diarrhea back at me, so why would I invest the effort to engage with your garbage?". I don't argue with creationists either, because the second they start explaining why the earth is 6k years old I recognize that there is simply no way for us to see eye to eye. the IQ gap is simply to vast.
wrong, it's a whole sentence saying "no matter what I say you will just throw back some mental diarrhea back at me, so why would I invest the effort to engage with your garbage?". I don't argue with creationists either, because the second they start explaining why the earth is 6k years old I recognize that there is simply no way for us to see eye to eye. the IQ gap is simply to vast.
enlighten me on why a sad, lonely pseudointellectual user like yourself who writes paragraphs making fun of other peoples intelligences deserves a woman?
enlighten me on why a sad, lonely pseudointellectual user like yourself who writes paragraphs making fun of other peoples intelligences deserves a woman?
The whole "owe you anything" angle is a cheap trick. If you engage with it, you accept that you only deserve what others decide you are "owed". And that you were demanding women have sex with you against their will.

The same logic is never used in other contexts, it's the perspective used to decide how to deal with enemies. Are cripples owed state support? Minorities? The poor? The mentally ill?
Why is every disadvantaged group owed help, sympathy and understanding except low status men?

I hate these leftist word play games. Name yourself "anti-facists" or "black lives matter". Now it feels bad to disagree with you because nobody wants to be seen disagreeing publicly with the name of the org itself.

On the one side, Black lives matter and on the other side, their opposition... you are fucked before you open your mouth.

Framing the incel debate as "men think they are owed sex" works the same way. Men are the aggressor, they are the ones making unreasonable demands, they are the problem, etc. When you start arguing with it, you first have to prove that you are not demanding sex from women against their will, by accepting their framing you are starting from an unwinnable position and in the defensive.

That these kind of tricks work at scale is just a symptom of how fucking retarded the average smarter-than-average person is. In a better world, the audience would see through these super cheap manipulations and start booing the ones using them off the stage, but we live in hell so...
Why is this obvious infiltrator still unbanned btw? He pulled another thread like this in the past.
Has this ever been mutually exclusive? Is it impossible for the opinion of half the humans on earth to be relevant while also being shallow?
Answer me mate
Why is this obvious infiltrator still unbanned btw? He pulled another thread like this in the past.
"The same logic is never used in other contexts, it's the perspective used to decide how to deal with enemies. Are cripples owed state support? Minorities? The poor? The mentally ill?
Why is every disadvantaged group owed help, sympathy and understanding except low status men?"

yes because being a quadriplegic with the brain function of a 10 year old is akin to being a man with 0 physical deformities who otherwise can do whatever that he pleases lol
why are you such a retard?
He’s not he actually is pointing out straight facts no one is entitled to anything including little girls to be protected from sex trafficking.
Answer me mate
sorry, didnt see
Has this ever been mutually exclusive? Is it impossible for the opinion of half the humans on earth to be relevant while also being shallow?
it depends on your personal viewpoint. if you see women as evil, shallow, and hypergamous then by definition nothing that they say has any worth to you. just like if you believe that they are people who make relevant points also insinuates that you think as a whole that they are good people. you cant really have one viewpoint without having the other unless ur a hypocrite who picks and chooses what he beleives
He’s not he actually is pointing out straight facts no one is entitled to anything including little girls to be protected from sex trafficking.
NO ABLE BODIED PERSON is entitled to anything. sure i might feel bad for them but no one has am obligation to help them out just because le society says so lol. i believe this to be true even for incels
Stop breathing, you aren’t entitled to oxygen.,
NO ABLE BODIED PERSON is entitled to anything. sure i might feel bad for them but no one has am obligation to help them out just because le society says so lol. i believe this to be true even for incels
Even non able bodied tbh.
"The same logic is never used in other contexts, it's the perspective used to decide how to deal with enemies. Are cripples owed state support? Minorities? The poor? The mentally ill?
Why is every disadvantaged group owed help, sympathy and understanding except low status men?"

yes because being a quadriplegic with the brain function of a 10 year old is akin to being a man with 0 physical deformities who otherwise can do whatever that he pleases lol
see, engaging with you expecting any good faith argument is obviously a waste of time. being genetically disadvantaged in looks is indeed akin to being disadvantaged in your mental or physically capabilities. and of course you ignore how every other group also free "to do what they please" still gets help if they underperform. women, minorities, sexual orientations. we live in a world where any kind of inequality is seen as injust, because people are slowly waking up to the facts that it's all genetic, from your intelligence to your character to your body. but for one specific group, that has not resulted in an increase in empathy or support. because people are innately biased against men.

also, why are you entitled to be a financial drain on your society, to get the majority of scholarship programs for your own sex even after men have already fallen behind in educational attainments, to benefit from a natural pro-female bias that makes men litterally kill themselfs for you?
1200px Cumulative net fiscal impact per capita


You have zero interest in what's fair or right, you only care about your own self-interest, because you are an amoral piece of scum. You abandoned fairness the second it no longer benefited you. You are truly the lowest of the low.
it depends on your personal viewpoint. if you see women as evil, shallow, and hypergamous then by definition nothing that they say has any worth to you.
Says who? You can dislike someone and acknowledge their opinion has value. That's why debates exist.
just like if you believe that they are people who make relevant points also insinuates that you think as a whole that they are good people.
I would wager the majority of people in the West today would agree with Hitler's takes on smoking and Stalin's take on homelessness. Does this mean the majority of normalscum think either of them were good people?
In your opinion Is Fair that of you are tall with a chad face you can have affection and love, and if you are not you can't even have affection and love from the opposite sex?
being genetically disadvantaged in looks is indeed akin to being disadvantaged in your mental or physically capabilities.
yes, being "genetically disadvantaged" means you are physically unable to walk out of your house just like someone who is physically disadvantaged. omg woe is me im such an incel.
also, why are you entitled to be a financial drain on your society, to get the majority of scholarship programs for your own sex even after men have already fallen behind in educational attainments, to beenfit from a natural pro female bais that makes men litterally kill themselfs for you?
read my post idiot. this is exactly what i am saying. no one is entitled to anything just like women arent entitled for special privileges just for being women. no women should get grants on the basis of their sex just like no blacks or spics or whoever else should either. my whole point is that society picks and chooses who is entitled to what while in reality NO ONE should be entitled to anything
In your opinion Is Fair that of you are tall with a chad face you can have affection and love, and if you are not you can't even have affection and love from the opposite sex?
nothing is "fair" this world is used in the wrong context

if you are a chad it isnt fair that you get sex while others rot just like it isnt fair that ugly fucks have sex while you rot too
Says who? You can dislike someone and acknowledge their opinion has value. That's why debates exist.

I would wager the majority of people in the West today would agree with Hitler's takes on smoking and Stalin's take on homelessness. Does this mean the majority of normalscum think either of them were good people?
see you are conflating the opinion of 1 person with the generality of an entire gender. hitler and stalin arent genders just like all women cant be condensed into 1 person. you cant correlate people and groups if you are trying to make a counterpoint
nothing is "fair" this world is used in the wrong context

if you are a chad it isnt fair that you get sex while others rot just like it isnt fair that ugly fucks have sex while you rot too
No It Is used by me in the right context, a thing Is right Is you have earned It with sacrifice, ex. I worked hard for my Money, if you get a lot of One thing (sex) Just for existing Is not Fair, at the same time if you don't get sex even if you try a lot Is not fair
I agree that no one is entitled to anything, but what's the point of this vitriol towards us?... Towards "Incels" (You genuinely sound like a Redditor, not one of us at all...)

Women hate you, I hope you already know that.
There's no point in doing this at all. IT won't like you, Twitter won't like you.
I agree that no one is entitled to anything, but what's the point of this vitriol towards us?... Towards "Incels" (You genuinely sound like a Redditor, not one of us at all...)

Women hate you, I hope you already know that.
There's no point in doing this at all. IT won't like you, Twitter won't like you.
no one hates you, no one even thinks about you or cares about you you lol. hatred implies that people specifically have you in mind like you are some kind of supervillain lol. i can assure you you are not that important
see you are conflating the opinion of 1 person with the generality of an entire gender.
Your entire thread is based off the assumption that all hundreds of people in this forum all share the same opinion or thought pattern mate. How is that different from claiming an entire gender behaves similarly?
Your entire thread is based off the assumption that all hundreds of people in this forum all share the same opinion or thought pattern mate. How is that different from claiming an entire gender behaves similarly?
would i be lying if i said 99% of incels think they are owed sex? or would you say something different
yes, being "genetically disadvantaged" means you are physically unable to walk out of your house just like someone who is physically disadvantaged. omg woe is me im such an incel.

read my post idiot. this is exactly what i am saying. no one is entitled to anything just like women arent entitled for special privileges just for being women. no women should get grants on the basis of their sex just like no blacks or spics or whoever else should either. my whole point is that society picks and chooses who is entitled to what while in reality NO ONE should be entitled to anything
I won't read your garbage in this life time, sorry. The data makes it pretty clear how devastating being ugly is. I would instantly trade in my legs for better looks. Tech gets around the whole "can't walk part" by now, and in a first world country the whole "can't find love, live a life devoid of affection and intimacy" part is more impactful anyways. you still using nothing but cheap manipulation.

putting cripples as the real victims, so incels look bad because how can we complain if someone else has it even worse? just take starving african children instead you brainlet. no one who has it better than them deserves any sympathy, since we are only allowed to think in absolutes. now no one on here or anywhere gets to complain. all problems solved. great job.
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The Truth is strange and Works in a weird way Sometimes shit happens and we can't change sometimes that fat kid over there finds himself and gets a stacy and sometimes chad grew up In a shit environment both parents on drugs and neglected and he Just plows girls never forming a deep meaningful connection with them leaving him empty Inside

I honestly Don't think anyone On this Forum wants a Gf

Wanting a Gf is code for trying to fix themselves because We are the Lost ones who have been beaten down

Obviously I can't speak for everyone e but most of us had a terrible upbringing and were never "Apart of the club so to speak"

All we can do is try to heal and move on and stop living in the past we should try are best to live healthy and happy but if we can't atleast we can try to be kind to another person who is going through the sam thing

Me myself would just be contempt with finding inner peace seeing as how I don't know who I am and what my purpose is

That's life
The Truth is strange and Works in a weird way Sometimes shit happens and we can't change sometimes that fat kid over there finds himself and gets a stacy and sometimes chad grew up In a shit environment both parents on drugs and neglected and he Just plows girls never forming a deep meaningful connection with them leaving him empty Inside
yes, i agree, the thruth is often strange and contorted… nothing is guaranteed in this life much less the simple act of sex
Me myself would just be contempt with finding inner peace seeing as how I don't know who I am and what my purpose is
same for me bro, i would be happy with a few things added to my life

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