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JFL niggers beat currywhore

>the Netherlands
>literally not one white person visable
Lol. Lmao even.
Go to first world white country for better standard of living and so your children can have better future.
End up surrounded by niggers.
>Poorly raised brats
I love the names they come up with to describe nggers :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek:
I always love seeing foids beat up other foids. That would be the 1 benefit of dating a sheboon she could beat up foids that get on your nerves. :feelsdevil:
based, but id prefer it if it were men that were beating the shit out of the currywhore :feelshaha::feelshaha::feelshaha:
if this was Rotterdam you would see a sea of pakis.
>the Netherlands
>literally not one white person visable
Lol. Lmao even.

I'm from a Province that's like 90% White (almost all non-Whites live in the one city or in refugee centres), you can literally go village to village to village without ever seeing a non-White person. I moved to a big city a few years ago and it feels like I'm in a different country. These people don't even behave like regular Dutch people, most are extremely aggressive and any little thing is offensive to them. I was raised by a Black mother and thought that my mother and her family were just anti-social people but that other foreigners were probably "more normal", nope. Basically any Caribbean and Black Surinamese person is horribly aggressive and rude. I've seen Black toilets fight in the streets.

Last year I saw a toilet who looks like the one from the video but fatter shout in Dutch against another one that also looks similar to them, they were all from Curaçao but none of them talked to each other in Papiamentu, they only cursed calling each other "Hija de puta" and "Coño" (Niggerspeak curse words). It almost got physical but a Tyrone broke them up, then later they started throwing stuff at each other, this confrontation lasted 15 minutes.

I'm not saying that White Dutch people as a whole are better, trailer park trash and anti-social Dutch people certainly fit in with these foreigners and if a foreigner has a Dutch friend they are most certainly from these categories, but I don't think that I've ever seen White Dutch toilets physically fight with each other in my life. I've seen them angry, I've seen them shout, but never this monkey-like.

Also, it's likely that the Niggers and Curries are all Surinamese, they tend to live in the same neighborhoods, but they strongly segregate around racial lines. "We all came here from Suriname", Chinese with Chinese, Hindustani's with Hindustani's, Javanese with Javanese, Blacks with Blacks.

Funnily enough, I have 2 Surinamese neighbours, one is a Hindustani (Dravidian) with two half-Nigger kids and the other is a (Chinese) Javanese Manlet with a Haiphong (Vietnamese) girlfriend that literally looks and dresses exactly the same as him. He may be from South America and has mostly Black South American friends, but he still only seems to date Asians. I find it funny how multi-cultural areas are still heavily segregated and even when there's little segregation they usually only befriend people of the same race.
I'm from a Province that's like 90% White (almost all non-Whites live in the one city or in refugee centres), you can literally go village to village to village without ever seeing a non-White person. I moved to a big city a few years ago and it feels like I'm in a different country. These people don't even behave like regular Dutch people, most are extremely aggressive and any little thing is offensive to them. I was raised by a Black mother and thought that my mother and her family were just anti-social people but that other foreigners were probably "more normal", nope. Basically any Caribbean and Black Surinamese person is horribly aggressive and rude. I've seen Black toilets fight in the streets.

Last year I saw a toilet who looks like the one from the video but fatter shout in Dutch against another one that also looks similar to them, they were all from Curaçao but none of them talked to each other in Papiamentu, they only cursed calling each other "Hija de puta" and "Coño" (Niggerspeak curse words). It almost got physical but a Tyrone broke them up, then later they started throwing stuff at each other, this confrontation lasted 15 minutes.

I'm not saying that White Dutch people as a whole are better, trailer park trash and anti-social Dutch people certainly fit in with these foreigners and if a foreigner has a Dutch friend they are most certainly from these categories, but I don't think that I've ever seen White Dutch toilets physically fight with each other in my life. I've seen them angry, I've seen them shout, but never this monkey-like.

Also, it's likely that the Niggers and Curries are all Surinamese, they tend to live in the same neighborhoods, but they strongly segregate around racial lines. "We all came here from Suriname", Chinese with Chinese, Hindustani's with Hindustani's, Javanese with Javanese, Blacks with Blacks.

Funnily enough, I have 2 Surinamese neighbours, one is a Hindustani (Dravidian) with two half-Nigger kids and the other is a (Chinese) Javanese Manlet with a Haiphong (Vietnamese) girlfriend that literally looks and dresses exactly the same as him. He may be from South America and has mostly Black South American friends, but he still only seems to date Asians. I find it funny how multi-cultural areas are still heavily segregated and even when there's little segregation they usually only befriend people of the same race.

Addendum, the Vietnamese girlfriend is born here, I tried speaking Vietnamese with her and she can do it conversationally but it's clearly not her native language. So, despite being a 4'10 Dutch-born Asian toilet she still preferred another Asian man (Javanese-Surinamese) over a White man. Racial segregation is really strong here.

Basically every Asian toilet I knew in the 90+% White rural area where I am from either had a Dutch husband or was a Chinese with a Chinese husband. Most Asian men also married White wives there. If there are plenty of White people foreigners tend to mix, but if there are sufficient numbers of foreigners they refuse to mix with the natives and don't Integrate.
I'm from a Province that's like 90% White (almost all non-Whites live in the one city or in refugee centres), you can literally go village to village to village without ever seeing a non-White person. I moved to a big city a few years ago and it feels like I'm in a different country. These people don't even behave like regular Dutch people, most are extremely aggressive and any little thing is offensive to them. I was raised by a Black mother and thought that my mother and her family were just anti-social people but that other foreigners were probably "more normal", nope. Basically any Caribbean and Black Surinamese person is horribly aggressive and rude. I've seen Black toilets fight in the streets.

Last year I saw a toilet who looks like the one from the video but fatter shout in Dutch against another one that also looks similar to them, they were all from Curaçao but none of them talked to each other in Papiamentu, they only cursed calling each other "Hija de puta" and "Coño" (Niggerspeak curse words). It almost got physical but a Tyrone broke them up, then later they started throwing stuff at each other, this confrontation lasted 15 minutes.

I'm not saying that White Dutch people as a whole are better, trailer park trash and anti-social Dutch people certainly fit in with these foreigners and if a foreigner has a Dutch friend they are most certainly from these categories, but I don't think that I've ever seen White Dutch toilets physically fight with each other in my life. I've seen them angry, I've seen them shout, but never this monkey-like.

Also, it's likely that the Niggers and Curries are all Surinamese, they tend to live in the same neighborhoods, but they strongly segregate around racial lines. "We all came here from Suriname", Chinese with Chinese, Hindustani's with Hindustani's, Javanese with Javanese, Blacks with Blacks.

Funnily enough, I have 2 Surinamese neighbours, one is a Hindustani (Dravidian) with two half-Nigger kids and the other is a (Chinese) Javanese Manlet with a Haiphong (Vietnamese) girlfriend that literally looks and dresses exactly the same as him. He may be from South America and has mostly Black South American friends, but he still only seems to date Asians. I find it funny how multi-cultural areas are still heavily segregated and even when there's little segregation they usually only befriend people of the same race.
I have a luxury to live in 99.97% white population and I'm proud to say I haven't seen niggers in 4 months
Screenshot 20230116 222007

Fuck you Reddit.
Not a currywhore, she looks latina. But regardless, the fight had a mix of cringe and kekfuel:feelshaha:.
Based. Curries on this forum are always praising and sticking up for niggers.
I have a luxury to live in 99.97% white population and I'm proud to say I haven't seen niggers in 4 months

I never have that luxury, even when living in Hanoi and being surrounded only by Asians there was always a Nigger I couldn't escape... The Nigger in the mirror always staring back at me. :feelswhat:
Not a currywhore, she looks latina. But regardless, the fight had a mix of cringe and kekfuel:feelshaha:.

My guess is either a Moroccan without a hijab (some look French, others look Italian) or a Javanese (Indonesian).
I never have that luxury, even when living in Hanoi and being surrounded only by Asians there was always a Nigger I couldn't escape... The Nigger in the mirror always staring back at me. :feelswhat:
Not a currywhore, she looks latina. But regardless, the fight had a mix of cringe and kekfuel:feelshaha:.
I think she's sandniggress. That would be typical for Western Europe. Luckily there aren't that many Blacks in Germany. The Netherlands are literally a narco country by now, maninly bc of Nafri gangs. Crime is even spilling over to Germany. The Netherlands really turned into a shithole.
These people act exactly like Americans. I guess hood culture is our greatest export.
>the Netherlands
>literally not one white person visable
Lol. Lmao even.
All the big cities are a majority non-white in the Netherlands. On a related note, Amsterdam, Brussels, London, and many more are already a non-white majority; ethnics outbreed whites and Euro countries keep importing ethnics to keep the capitalism wheel spinning on top of that :feelsPop:
I always love seeing foids beat up other foids. That would be the 1 benefit of dating a sheboon she could beat up foids that get on your nerves. :feelsdevil:
Jfl, you could just sic her on foids claiming one looked at you
I think she's sandniggress. That would be typical for Western Europe. Luckily there aren't that many Blacks in Germany. The Netherlands are literally a narco country by now, maninly bc of Nafri gangs. Crime is even spilling over to Germany. The Netherlands really turned into a shithole.
Jfl at cuckerlands
I think she's sandniggress. That would be typical for Western Europe. Luckily there aren't that many Blacks in Germany. The Netherlands are literally a narco country by now, maninly bc of Nafri gangs. Crime is even spilling over to Germany. The Netherlands really turned into a shithole.
Same for Sweden the nigger/Arab gangs are getting arrested in Denmark
Go to first world white country for better standard of living and so your children can have better future.
End up surrounded by niggers.
Imagine being Ukrainian refugee in west EU living around niggers jfl
Go to first world white country for better standard of living and so your children can have better future.
End up surrounded by niggers.
The jews are responsible
Imagine the smell.
based and sheboonpill
Based. Curries on this forum are always praising and sticking up for niggers.
Nigs are more masculine than Whites today. Nigger dominance is undeniable.
I find it funny how multi-cultural areas are still heavily segregated and even when there's little segregation they usually only befriend people of the same race.
Exactly. It's precisely the reason why mass immigration is a death sentence. Folks don't integrate and instead intermingle only with their own, shattering any sense of unity that existed theretofore. I can't say I find it funny, however.
The Netherlands really turned into a shithole.
Yep. As much as I sympathize with the Dutch right-wing movement, their call for rekindled nationalism is misguided. There's nothing left worth being nationalist for anymore. The same goes for the entire Occident btw.
I always love seeing foids beat up other foids. That would be the 1 benefit of dating a sheboon she could beat up foids that get on your nerves. :feelsdevil:
I think she's sandniggress. That would be typical for Western Europe. Luckily there aren't that many Blacks in Germany. The Netherlands are literally a narco country by now, maninly bc of Nafri gangs. Crime is even spilling over to Germany. The Netherlands really turned into a shithole.
Nigs are more masculine than Whites today. Nigger dominance is undeniable.
Niggers are retards without behavioral brakes.
This makes me want to kill those niggers.
Nigs are strong. All other races are weak.
Niggers are retarded. If alliances of White nations weren't protecting them right now chinks would be butchering them alive and enjoying their flesh barbecued, because they've already determined they make near worthless slaves. If you think it's great that niggers will get in a pack to jump you and slit your throat for some nikes or a bucket of KFC why aren't you living in nigger neighborhoods?
Niggers are retarded.
But strong. Ooga booga primitive masculine strength and dominance is infinitely more acceptable to me than the effeminate behavior of Whites.
chinks would be butchering them alive and enjoying their flesh barbecued
Chinks are too weak to fight. They are paper tigers.
If you think it's great that niggers will get in a pack to jump you and slit your throat for some nikes or a bucket of KFC why aren't you live in nigger neighborhoods?
Its great to see some primal masculinity even if it comes at the cost of public safety and civilization itself. Civilization has weakened us and turned us into mouth breathing, Marvel watching soys.
Niggers are retarded. If alliances of White nations weren't protecting them right now chinks would be butchering them alive and enjoying their flesh barbecued, because they've already determined they make near worthless slaves. If you think it's great that niggers will get in a pack to jump you and slit your throat for some nikes or a bucket of KFC why aren't you living in nigger neighborhoods?
You above all should know that I've been a White worshiper for the longest time. And while I still acknowledge the greatness of Whites, I can't accept them as they are today.
But strong. Ooga booga primitive masculine strength and dominance is infinitely more acceptable to me than the effeminate behavior of Whites.
homo erectus supreme man!
Chinks are too weak to fight. They are paper tigers.
They're already colonizing and making Africans their bitches, rubbing their hands in anticipation for the time when they can make nigger flesh a chink delicacy.

Its great to see some primal masculinity even if it comes at the cost of public safety and civilization itself. Civilization has weakened us and turned us into mouth breathing, Marvel watching soys.
(((Who nose))), but White societies thrive without jews but niggers will always be niggers.
I don't think the toilet who got beaten by those sheboons was curry. Although I am lighter than her and have seen tons of curries who are lighter than her, she doesn't look phenotypically Indian to me. However, I could be wrong.
(((Who nose))), but White societies thrive without jews but niggers will always be niggers.
Jews had a hand in destroying the West, but lets be honest, it was obsession with equality and feminization that destroyed Whites.
Imagine being Ukrainian refugee in west EU living around niggers jfl
Just look up ukrainian refugee raped refugee center and note all the results. If i was ukranian id take my chances and feel safer in the ukraine with the risk of being russian collatoral than living in the shithole that is western europe.

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