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RageFuel NiggER beats up a fat old WHITE man. Normies celebrate in comments section.

By this logic the next time a black homeless man shouts a slur at me it’s justice for me to break his legs. You don’t think that’s overreacting?

Mean words =/= actual violence. Being called mean names is unironically no big deal. Has happened to me more times than I can count (probably most of us here since we’re low status ugly men so nobody in society cares a lick if people are cruel to us).

Responding how the guy in the story did just further destroys the reputation of blacks to other groups and will likely get one landed in jail. It isn’t worth it. Now, chewing him out and giving him a piece of your mind would definitely be reasonable here though. If the other guy could be baited to swing first then you’ve got the justification to thrash him seems to me.
It's not being called mean words, it's getting up insides someone's face in a menacing manner while being told repeatedly to step back, that he's feeling threatened and that if he doesn't comply he'll face the consequences.

The most reasonable thing was for the white guy to take just a few steps back, and talk to him lmao. Amazing how cumskins will see this guy as more rational and civilized than the black guy, while this hillbilly couldn't even understand basic instructions. The nig was basically begging him to get away.
Niggers gonna nig
jfl at laugh at retards who think theres a political solution to shit like this. nukes are the only answer
Ship the nigs back to Africa is the correct solution and send the Mexicans back from where they came. Then use the military to protrol the southern border. These are simple solutions problem is no one is willing to do it and society would fight back if anything even dared to try.
why do you love niggers so much?
you should go live in a nigger community if you like these 'things' so much. let me know how it goes.
I'm not a sheltered cave demon, I've lived around other black people. Much prefer that over whites who call the cops at the drop of a hat and random whites normies who appoint themselves as cops when they aren't. Black people at least leave you alone if you mind your business. Practically no such thing as a black Karen.
By this logic the next time a black homeless man shouts a slur at me it’s justice for me to break his legs. You don’t think that’s overreacting?
False equivalence. A random homeless guy shouting at you and you breaking his legs? How is that anything like the scenario in the video? The guy wasn't attacked based on words. The vid clearly shows he was attacked because he refused to get out of his personal space. The dude was trying to do things peacefully.

Responding how the guy in the story did just further destroys the reputation of blacks to other groups and will likely get one landed in jail. It isn’t worth it. Now, chewing him out and giving him a piece of your mind would definitely be reasonable here though. If the other guy could be baited to swing first then you’ve got the justification to thrash him seems to me.
If the races were reversed you would say his behavior was justified, don't lie.

The "reputation" of blacks. As if people are sitting around rationally picking thru every example of black behavior. No. Racists highlight the negative stuff and ignore everything else without context.

This thread clearly shows that even when you're in the right you're in the wrong. "Reputation" my ass. Does the existence of things like 'incels without hate' better the reputation of incels? No. No one gives a shit about the "good incels". They're just cucks trying appease normies. People will invent reasons to hate then come up false justification after.
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Anything thing this thread shows: if the cac was armed and shot him, racists would spin the story to make him the good guy. Something to think about for black lurkers.
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So the cumskin was proven right after all.
It's not being called mean words, it's getting up insides someone's face in a menacing manner while being told repeatedly to step back, that he's feeling threatened and that if he doesn't comply he'll face the consequences.

The most reasonable thing was for the white guy to take just a few steps back, and talk to him lmao. Amazing how cumskins will see this guy as more rational and civilized than the black guy, while this hillbilly couldn't even understand basic instructions. The nig was basically begging him to get away.
Which is a perfectly rational response to some rando getting in your face. But blacks apparently don't have the right to feel threatened by people who obviously have bad intentions. Unbelievable :feelskek:
Because that's how "threatened" caucuskikes behave towards random black people. You guys really don't get it do you? Lol
Don't argue with those dogfuckers. Anyone with basic survival skills knows not to fuck with someone that can kick your ass.
Getting up in someone’s face isn’t illegal and isn’t justification for violence.
Its physically threatening to get that close to someone, especially after a warning. Only a high inhib cumskin wouldnt defend himself and "be the better person" :feelskek:
I'm not a sheltered cave demon, I've lived around other black people. Much prefer that over whites who call the cops at the drop of a hat and random whites normies who appoint themselves as cops when they aren't. Black people at least leave you alone if you mind your business. Practically no such thing as a black Karen.

False equivalence. A random homeless guy shouting at you and you breaking his legs? How is that anything like the scenario in the video? The guy wasn't attacked based on words. The vid clearly shows he was attacked because he refused to get out of his personal space. The dude was trying to do things peacefully.

If the races were reversed you would say his behavior was justified, don't lie.

The "reputation" of blacks. As if people are sitting around rationally picking thru every example of black behavior. No. Racists highlight the negative stuff and ignore everything else without context.

This thread clearly shows that even when you're in the right you're in the wrong. "Reputation" my ass. Does the existence of things like 'incels without hate' better the reputation of incels? No. No one gives a shit about the "good incels". They're just cucks trying appease normies. People will invent reasons to hate then come up false justification after.
I don’t agree with you, but such is life. I really would think the same thing if you swapped the people around. You can either believe me when I say that or not *shrug*

Seems to me you came into this with your own biased lens. It’s apparent you’d favor the black guy by default going off your comments while other people are flipped the other direction.

Maybe there really is no solving this and people will just self segregate their communities.
Normans are so obsessed with the law but forget it when it's convenient. Striking first is illegal unless you're counterattacking. Getting closer isn't legally a justification for getting punched lol. And if you justify illegal behavior then you lose the right to argue against shooters.
Agreed, good job framing this without race attached. Maybe it will get through to people that are only capable of seeing this with tribal brain.
That cracker was literally the instigator of the whole situation. You kkkcels deserve worse
Getting up in someone’s face isn’t illegal and isn’t justification for violence. Nigger mentality.

If you think the guy getting punched in the face for a non-threatening confrontation isn’t the victim then you’re retarded.
yes it is you dumb motherfucker. If I'm arguing with someone who's a complete stranger and they step up to me I'm sleeping them without any further dialogue. If the races were reversed you would say the black guy deserved it
These fucking kkkcels should be designated as enemies the same as foids. They probably aren’t even incels and just come here because it’s the only place their racist bullshit is tolerated. Any actual incel knows that it’s men vs women and that we shouldn’t be fighting with our fellow man in the same situation based on skin color
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white guy 100% deserved it honestly
You can literally just be existing somewhere in public as a black person and some cave monkey will try to get up in your face. After so many warnings too. Then the faggot wants to play the victim. Typical caucuscuck.
Yeah he's just a jogger, a scholar, and a stranger "existing" in a random residential area he has no business being in.
yes it is you dumb motherfucker. If I'm arguing with someone who's a complete stranger and they step up to me I'm sleeping them without any further dialogue.
If this old fat guy with crossed arms being a contrarian is threatening to you, maybe you’re a pussy. “DONT U DARE TAKE 1 STEP FURTHER, OR ILL PUNCH YOU IN THE FACE” what a cunt lol I would’ve stepped up too, this random bitch in front of my house doesn’t tell me what to do. He’s a dumbass for swinging because now he’s catching charges because he couldn’t control himself.
If the races were reversed you would say the black guy deserved it
If the races were swapped I wouldn’t say the black guy deserved it but it doesn’t mean I wouldn’t enjoy the video. :feelshmm:
Ship the nigs back to Africa is the correct solution and send the Mexicans back from where they came. Then use the military to protrol the southern border. These are simple solutions problem is no one is willing to do it and society would fight back if anything even dared to try.
id be fine with just giving the Mexicans and blacks some land is southern California. much more realistic imo.
isnt this forum supposed to be about being ugly? not random blacks hitting a white guy?
By this logic the next time a black homeless man shouts a slur at me it’s justice for me to break his legs. You don’t think that’s overreacting?

Mean words =/= actual violence. Being called mean names is unironically no big deal. Has happened to me more times than I can count (probably most of us here since we’re low status ugly men so nobody in society cares a lick if people are cruel to us).

Responding how the guy in the story did just further destroys the reputation of blacks to other groups and will likely get one landed in jail. It isn’t worth it. Now, chewing him out and giving him a piece of your mind would definitely be reasonable here though. If the other guy could be baited to swing first then you’ve got the justification to thrash him seems to me.
The words were irrelevant. Stepping into his space and harassing him after he repeatedly told him to leave him alone and even warning him exactly what he'd do if he stepped into his space again made what he did 100% justifiable. Especially in Yankland.
It's not being called mean words, it's getting up insides someone's face in a menacing manner while being told repeatedly to step back, that he's feeling threatened and that if he doesn't comply he'll face the consequences.

The most reasonable thing was for the white guy to take just a few steps back, and talk to him lmao. Amazing how cumskins will see this guy as more rational and civilized than the black guy, while this hillbilly couldn't even understand basic instructions. The nig was basically begging him to get away.

I'm a cumskin, and I agree with you. Very well articulated. The old white guy didn't back off, got in his face, was given fair warning. I don't advocate violence, but this old white guy didn't back off and seemed to take the challenge.

While I've seen niggers do so many nigger things, in this particular case, I can't fault the nigger. Good thing he had video. Nothing to do with words, everything to do with provocation.

And yes, we can get philosophical and argue the white guy didn't actually lay a hand on the negro. True. But he physically got too close for comfort. Nothing to do with words. I suppose, as an extra step, the negro himself could have backed up a few feet and said, "Stay away, come any closer, I'll feel threatened and will attack," as one final show that he didn't want a violent confrontation, but was willing to engage in one. But, regardless, I think most of us would feel threatened by another man getting that up-close and personal. And the negro gave the old guy fair warning.
Getting up in someone’s face isn’t illegal and isn’t justification for violence. Nigger mentality.

If you think the guy getting punched in the face for a non-threatening confrontation isn’t the victim then you’re retarded.
this wht we need Chinese world order
You can literally just be existing somewhere in public as a black person and some cave monkey will try to get up in your face. After so many warnings too. Then the faggot wants to play the victim. Typical caucuscuck.
Anything thing this thread shows: if the cac was armed and shot him, racists would spin the story to make him the good guy. Something to think about for black lurkers.
nothing off value is lost when a nigger gets shot
The vid is missing context. We don’t know who harassed who.

Don’t allow kikes to make you emotional with ambiguous content.
Good that cracker needs to mind his damn business as long as anyone isn't on your property you have no business even talking to people
Blacks are violent cowards who, now that they're protected from the consequences of being violent cowards, are free to act like violent cowards in a nation of violent cowards. Always looking for an excuse to commit violence, never able to take it, ready to weave new "black legends" to avoid taking personal responsibility. Don't answer to their crocodile tears - they'll use that equal pedestal to smash you in the face when they don't get what they want. NEVER relax!
IMG 2597
IMG 2742
Black people are the most privileged people in America that can get away with anything short of murder.
they can get away with everything, i have +3000 video-evidences of Black-On-White crimes, niggers gang stomping people's head, brutal crimes against children, no one panics!! no one revolts!! normies are the scum of this Earth!!!
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Tbf tho, the guy overreacted. He should’ve just left. Why are human beings so fucking shitty?
Tbf tho, the guy overreacted. He should’ve just left. Why are human beings so fucking shitty?

That’s why when they get killed, I feel happy.

Most humans r scum who desERve much worse than death
Blacks are violent cowards who, now that they're protected from the consequences of being violent cowards, are free to act like violent cowards in a nation of violent cowards. Always looking for an excuse to commit violence, never able to take it, ready to weave new "black legends" to avoid taking personal responsibility. Don't answer to their crocodile tears - they'll use that equal pedestal to smash you in the face when they don't get what they want. NEVER relax!

The biggest mistake of post colonial/slavERy ERa boomERs was to give rights to blacks, and the biggest mistake of post WW2 ERa boomERs was to give rights to women

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