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SuicideFuel New Girl fast track promoted to Senior Position and officially Honored by the Company because she's a "Woman in Tech"



Dec 3, 2020
All of our metric data is public and, in fairness, she isn't at the bottom in terms of productivity/ability, but she is in the bottom quarter thereabouts. Not terrible considering how long she's been at the company, but for context I'm smack dab in the middle on those charts and I've been here for


I used to be top quarter til I realized the game was rigged and it's all "who you know"/connection driven and stopped killing myself for a company that treats me so badly. This is a male dominated field -- we have basically no women. New management is woke as all god damn fuck and intentionally tries to hire truckloads of women. ~90% of them leave or sink within the first 6 months. A few survive, none have been top performers. Ponder this for a minute gentleman, if we receive 40 applicants for a position and 35 of them are male, it follows most of the time your best applicant is going to be a man. That's just how it works out. Some women are good at this job too, sure, but they are a rare breed.

Anyway, this chick gets literally wined and dined by the company every other week -- she gets to go schmooze with the top brass JUST BECAUSE SHE IS A FUCKING WOMAN IN TECH. Oh wow! A WOMAN doing a job MEN usually do -- WOW, I mean THAT'S INCREDIBLE :feelsseriously: woopdy fucking do! They act like she's Jesus Christ because just because she's a woman in tech who didn't immediately quit like the others.

She's really really hot and young so that probably also has something to do with it being real. Let me tell you that pays dividends in spades because autistic techies will help her problems they never would for me and to an extreme extent they never would with me so even her metric you have to keep in mind that kernel of salt.

i can't stand the tech industry -- fuck IT work. Fuck corporations. Literally because I'm a man and because I'm white and not a faggot I don't get the same opportunities as other people. If you've worked in tech somewhere like California or Seattle and you deny that's not how it is in the current day then you're a fucking blind retard. I have seen this with my own eyes over and over again.

My manager is a woman too now -- she had no experience and was put in a position she can't even do (she literally does nothing every day except """""run meetings"""" and assign other people work) and she earns double what I do. She was promoted purely because "muh woman in tech" meme "muh woman's history month". Fucking faggots. I hate this fucking society so much I hope it burns to the fucking ground.

My life's not even in my hands -- it doesn't matter what I do. It doesn't matter what my metrics were or how long I've been here, none of it matters. What matters if whether I'm a fucking hot woman as a rare unicorn in a field woman don't normally do. I genuinely hate these people. And I hate how women have an insane in-group bias and how the top brass give special favoritism to female new hires JUST BECAUSE THEY ARE WOMEN. That shit is not fair and it's not right. How come women get to have exclusive special treatment but men don't'? I wish I could start my own company and discriminate against these people because they've discriminated against me all my fucking working career. God I hate them.

These absolute fucking cunts who control hiring and promotions are nepo in-group FUCKS that I hope have their lives destroyed because they're corrupt cunts. And this new girl has ZERO self awareness about it -- she gave a speech and makes posts about how "TEEHEE I'M A SENIOR STAFF NOW I MAKE SO MUCH MONEY AND I DESERVE IT!!!!!!" And you see all these fucking boomers being like "well yes of course I'm sure you do see effort and hard work are rewarded". Our entire society is full of retards who have no conception of how things really work.

These people always erroneously believe they deserve what they have and that they "earned" it -- LIES. I have SEEN how they got where they are. Life is so profoundly unfair and nobody seems to notice nobody seems to care. Or they do but come to the fucking opposite conclusions they should if they were honest/impartial. I wish men weren't blind brainwashed cattle who would open their god damn eyes
and rail against this shit but who am I kidding? Nothing ever changes and I'll continue to be an autistic fuck social pariah and I'll die never having made it because of what I am.

I hate my life. Imagine what life could be like if you were special and people were actually in your corner like they are for this girl. It's over. Reality is she'll be fast tracked to an exec role where she doesn't doing any real work and makes oodles of money and men like me will be left to rot at the bottom of the hierarchy making shit pay and doing all of the actual real work. I'm so filled with rage at the world and I'm powerless. Is there a worse feeling?
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kill her
All of our metric data is public and, in fairness, she isn't at the bottom in terms of productivity/ability, but she is in the bottom quarter thereabouts.
Not terrible considering how long she's been at the company, but for context I'm smack dab in the middle on those charts and I've been here for


I used to be top quarter til I realized the game was rigged and it's all "who you know"/connection driven and stopped killing myself for a company that treats me so badly. This is a male dominated field -- we have basically no women. new management is woke as all god damn fuck and intentionally tries to hire truckloads of women.
~90% of them leave or sink within the first 6 months. A few survive, none have been top performers. Ponder this for a minute gentleman, if we receive 40 applicants for a position and 35 of them are male, it follows most of the time your best applicant is going to be a man. That's just how it works out. Some women are good at this job too, sure, but they are a rare breed.

Anyway, this chick gets literally wined and dined by the company every other week -- she gets to go schmooze with the top brass JUST BECAUSE SHE IS A FUCKING WOMAN IN TECH. Oh wow! A WOMAN doing a job MEN usually do -- WOW, I mean THAT'S INCREDIBLE :feelsseriously: woopdy fucking do! They act like she's Jesus Christ because just because she's a woman in tech who didn't immediately quit like the others.

She's really really hot and young so that probably also has something to do with it being real. Let me tell you that pays dividends in spades because autistic techies will help her problems they never would for me and to an extreme extent they never would with me so even her metric you have to keep in mind that kernel of salt.

i can't stand the tech industry -- fuck IT work. Fuck corporations. Literally because I'm a man and because I'm white and not a faggot I don't get the same opportunities as other people. If you've worked in tech somewhere like California or Seattle and you deny that's not how it is in the current day then you're a fucking blind retard. I have seen this with my own eyes over and over again.

My manager is a woman too now -- she had no experience and was put in a position she can't even do (she literally does nothing every day except """""run meetings"""" and assign other people work) and she earns double what I do. She was promoted purely because "muh woman in tech" meme "muh woman's history month". Fucking faggots. I hate this fucking society so much I hope it burns to the fucking ground.

My life's not even in my hands -- it doesn't matter what I do. It doesn't matter what my metrics were or how long I've been here, none of it matters.
What matters if whether I'm a fucking hot woman as a rare unicorn in a field woman don't normally do. I genuinely hate these people. And I hate how women have an insane in-group bias and how the top brass give special favoritism to female new hires JUST BECAUSE THEY ARE WOMEN. That shit is not fair and it's not right. How come women get to have exclusive special treatment but men don't'? I wish I could start my own company and discriminate against these people because they've discriminated against me all my fucking working career. God I hate them.

These absolute fucking cunts who control hiring and promotions are nepo in-group FUCKS that I hope have their lives destroyed because they're corrupt cunts.

And this new girl has ZERO self awareness about it -- she gave a speech and makes posts about how "TEEHEE I'M A SENIOR STAFF NOW I MAKE SO MUCH MONEY AND I DESERVE IT!!!!!!" And you see all these fucking boomers being like "well yes of course I'm sure you do see effort and hard work are rewarded". Our entire society is full of retards who have no conception of how things really work.

These people always erroneously believe they deserve what they have and that they "earned" it -- LIES. I have SEEN how they got where they are.
Life is so profoundly unfair and nobody seems to notice nobody seems to care. Or they do but come to the fucking opposite conclusions they should if they were honest/impartial. I wish men weren't blind brainwashed cattle who would open their god damn eyes
and rail against this shit but who am I kidding? Nothing ever changes and I'll continue to be an autistic fuck social pariah and I'll die never having made it
because of what I am.
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I hate my life. Imagine what life could be like if you were special and people were actually in your corner like they are for this girl. It's over

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I just wish I could make her understand -- really experientially understand -- what it's like to be one of us where you're never given a chance and nobody is in your corner. And also nobody treats you well or ever does nice things for you because you're an ugly low status poor man.

Maybe it wouldn't feel as bad if the gaslighting didn't happen and if people were honest about the way things work, but they are not. And of course they're not because if they were they'd have to acknowledge some kind of reform is needed for a better/more reasonable outcome.
Yeah, this is major suicide fuel. I also work in a similar environment and see everyday the privilege women in tech get. Most of the high paying and leadership positions are just given to them, meanwhile they spout wage gap rhetoric and that they'd even further in their career if they were a man. All this shit makes my blood boil.

My life's not even in my hands -- it doesn't matter what I do. It doesn't matter what my metrics were or how long I've been here, none of it matters.
What matters if whether I'm a fucking hot woman as a rare unicorn in a field woman don't normally do. I genuinely hate these people. And I hate how women have an insane in-group bias and how the top brass give special favoritism to female new hires JUST BECAUSE THEY ARE WOMEN. That shit is not fair and it's not right. How come women get to have exclusive special treatment but men don't'? I wish I could start my own company and discriminate against these people because they've discriminated against me all my fucking working career. God I hate them.
This is extreme BS. Your entire life is in the hands of slutty, feminist, psychology hr foids. Because most HR workers are women like these.
Corporate life is about work or productivity most are subsidize by the goyverment or are already not paying people what they are worth. Its a playground for adults out of college to fuck foids and have fun which is the real reason they hire them. Jews want full control of peoples lives and made work environments the only place for normies to meet foids int he past but even that doesn't work very well.
Yeah, this is major suicide fuel. I also work in a similar environment and see everyday the privilege women in tech get. Most of the high paying and leadership positions are just given to them, meanwhile they spout wage gap rhetoric and that they'd even further in their career if they were a man. All this shit makes my blood boil.

This is extreme BS. Your entire life is in the hands of slutty, feminist, psychology hr foids. Because most HR workers are women like these.
When you see this shit first hand day in and day out eventually it really starts to eat you up. In the beginning you think "well maybe it's an exception" or "well maybe if I apply myself and work hard it'll be me someday" but in reality it never began the these double standards are seen as morally righteous by these people.

And yes, it makes my blood boil when some nepo hire who got leap frogged over more deserving staff due to being a rare "woman in tech" has to gall to talk about myths like the wage gap when they clearly have no understanding of what it really is and, yeah it doesn't actually exist when you adjust for what you should (education history/work experience/women and women innately preferring different job types on average, etc).

No one is ever honest with women and they grow up believing all kinds of horse shit. Then if you're the one to try and tell them the truth you're seen as "evil" and they "just know" that you're wrong due to all the years of getting their way and top down wrong teachings they've had.

This is based in your footer by the way:
> :foidSoy: Misogyny is self defense :foidSoy:

The hard truth is that people like us are going to have to work, and work hard, while being treated very badly to get by because of what we are. I wouldn't even mind it so much if people weren't so cruel -- those higher up in the chain are often genuinely evil people who treat their underlings like garbage and are two-faced bastards. Sometimes there are rare exceptions of course, but it's not really the norm, especially when those execs/managers are women from what I've seen.
> Ecclesiastes 7:28 -- Which I am still seeking but have not found—one upright man among a thousand have I found, but an upright woman among all those have I not found.
Same principle as this verse applies to managers lol

I hope your work situation gets better man -- maybe someday an opportunity will come along or better higher ups that appreciate you more.
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Corporate wokeness is a disease
All of our metric data is public and, in fairness, she isn't at the bottom in terms of productivity/ability, but she is in the bottom quarter thereabouts. Not terrible considering how long she's been at the company, but for context I'm smack dab in the middle on those charts and I've been here for

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I used to be top quarter til I realized the game was rigged and it's all "who you know"/connection driven and stopped killing myself for a company that treats me so badly. This is a male dominated field -- we have basically no women. New management is woke as all god damn fuck and intentionally tries to hire truckloads of women. ~90% of them leave or sink within the first 6 months. A few survive, none have been top performers. Ponder this for a minute gentleman, if we receive 40 applicants for a position and 35 of them are male, it follows most of the time your best applicant is going to be a man. That's just how it works out. Some women are good at this job too, sure, but they are a rare breed.

Anyway, this chick gets literally wined and dined by the company every other week -- she gets to go schmooze with the top brass JUST BECAUSE SHE IS A FUCKING WOMAN IN TECH. Oh wow! A WOMAN doing a job MEN usually do -- WOW, I mean THAT'S INCREDIBLE :feelsseriously: woopdy fucking do! They act like she's Jesus Christ because just because she's a woman in tech who didn't immediately quit like the others.

She's really really hot and young so that probably also has something to do with it being real. Let me tell you that pays dividends in spades because autistic techies will help her problems they never would for me and to an extreme extent they never would with me so even her metric you have to keep in mind that kernel of salt.

i can't stand the tech industry -- fuck IT work. Fuck corporations. Literally because I'm a man and because I'm white and not a faggot I don't get the same opportunities as other people. If you've worked in tech somewhere like California or Seattle and you deny that's not how it is in the current day then you're a fucking blind retard. I have seen this with my own eyes over and over again.
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My manager is a woman too now -- she had no experience and was put in a position she can't even do (she literally does nothing every day except """""run meetings"""" and assign other people work) and she earns double what I do. She was promoted purely because "muh woman in tech" meme "muh woman's history month". Fucking faggots. I hate this fucking society so much I hope it burns to the fucking ground.

My life's not even in my hands -- it doesn't matter what I do. It doesn't matter what my metrics were or how long I've been here, none of it matters. What matters if whether I'm a fucking hot woman as a rare unicorn in a field woman don't normally do. I genuinely hate these people. And I hate how women have an insane in-group bias and how the top brass give special favoritism to female new hires JUST BECAUSE THEY ARE WOMEN. That shit is not fair and it's not right. How come women get to have exclusive special treatment but men don't'? I wish I could start my own company and discriminate against these people because they've discriminated against me all my fucking working career. God I hate them.

These absolute fucking cunts who control hiring and promotions are nepo in-group FUCKS that I hope have their lives destroyed because they're corrupt cunts. And this new girl has ZERO self awareness about it -- she gave a speech and makes posts about how "TEEHEE I'M A SENIOR STAFF NOW I MAKE SO MUCH MONEY AND I DESERVE IT!!!!!!" And you see all these fucking boomers being like "well yes of course I'm sure you do see effort and hard work are rewarded". Our entire society is full of retards who have no conception of how things really work.
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These people always erroneously believe they deserve what they have and that they "earned" it -- LIES. I have SEEN how they got where they are. Life is so profoundly unfair and nobody seems to notice nobody seems to care. Or they do but come to the fucking opposite conclusions they should if they were honest/impartial. I wish men weren't blind brainwashed cattle who would open their god damn eyes
and rail against this shit but who am I kidding? Nothing ever changes and I'll continue to be an autistic fuck social pariah and I'll die never having made it because of what I am.

I hate my life. Imagine what life could be like if you were special and people were actually in your corner like they are for this girl. It's over. Reality is she'll be fast tracked to an exec role where she doesn't doing any real work and makes oodles of money and men like me will be left to rot at the bottom of the hierarchy making shit pay and doing all of the actual real work. I'm so filled with rage at the world and I'm powerless. Is there a worse feeling?
View attachment 1089173
Corporate wokeness is a disease
It's rotten filth, but nobody who benefits from it will ever oppose it. Like this woman my post is about for example. She delusionally believes it truly is because of her own merits, she doesn't even seem to perceive the way the system is stacked in her favor and how people are in her corner and giving her these opportunities without which she would be no where.
:reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::lasereyes: :lasereyes: :lasereyes:
he doesn't even seem to perceive the way the system is stacked in her favor and how people are in her corner and giving her these opportunities without which she would be no where.
Its like a rigged ballot . They cannot lose .
Corporate life is about work or productivity most are subsidize by the goyverment or are already not paying people what they are worth. Its a playground for adults out of college to fuck foids and have fun which is the real reason they hire them. Jews want full control of peoples lives and made work environments the only place for normies to meet foids int he past but even that doesn't work very well.
I know there's truth in what you're saying, it would just be nice to be recognized or respected considering what I do is very hard for most people :feelsbadman: it's hard for me even after all these years. I hate doing it, but I gotta afford my rent.

I'd go back to school, but I can't afford it. I'd get another job, but it's been really really hard to get this type of STEM job lately (apparently most companies are focusing on DEI hiring so ... maybe that's my issue I dunno).

Would be nice to actually have someone in my corner and make progress like these women do -- and I know for certain they aren't promoted because of their work ability or productivity. It's because they know the right people and/or top down hiring/promotion incentives are in place, that kind of thing. Just really sucks and people are so cruel and ruthless in corporations. If you're low in the corpo hierarchy you're gonna have a bad time.

All it takes is one single important person to slightly dislike you and your career is over. That can be Stacie thinking you look creepy and then telling the other managers she doesn't like you, etc.
It happens very often in male dominated fields, even if people think otherwise. Many women are simply promoted _because_ they are women. They don't get such privileges in female dominated fields, but in male dominated fields many men suck up to them.
It happens very often in male dominated fields, even if people think otherwise. Many women are simply promoted _because_ they are women. They don't get such privileges in female dominated fields, but in male dominated fields many men suck up to them.
And the reverse isn't true either -- if I had gone into a female dominated field there is nowhere near the same top down / societal push to give men a helping hand in such environments. For women in male fields people just erroneously assume women are oppressed and kept down and thus they need to be artificially boosted to compensate. Which is definitely not at all true from what I've seen in these companies.

It honestly stupefies me how these erroneous ideas ever got started and planted into people's heads to begin with. It had to be top down social conditioning over a very long period of time I expect. the libshits control academia and the some very specific actors control the news media and anything we would observe or talk about immediately gets banned off of mainstream social media so it's no wonder people are retarded and believe dumb fuck things about their own society.
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And the reverse isn't true either -- if I had gone into a female dominated field there is nowhere near the same top down / societal push to give men a helping hand in such environments. For women in male fields people just erroneously assume women are oppressed and kept down and thus they need to be artificially boosted to compensate. Which is definitely not at all true from what I've seen in these companies.
True. No free meals for men. Of course these blatant truths are never discussed in the public eye because they don't fit the feminist agenda.

If anything, a man choosing a "feminine" career will result in him being clowned on. Even the so called equality loving women would find such a man much less attractive. And I'm not even going to talk about male teachers or male kindergarten teachers and explain what kind of stigmas they face.
When you see this shit first hand day in and day out eventually it really starts to eat you up. In the beginning you think "well maybe it's an exception" or "well maybe if I apply myself and work hard it'll be me someday" but in reality it never began the these double standards are seen as morally righteous by these people.
Job hopping seems to be the only way to grow, but it's only possible if the economy isn't shit.

No one is ever honest with women and they grow up believing all kinds of horse shit. Then if you're the one to try and tell them the truth you're seen as "evil" and they "just know" that you're wrong due to all the years of getting their way and top down wrong teachings they've had.
They strongly profit with this dishonesty. And they never didn't know the side without privilege.

This is based in your footer by the way:
> :foidSoy: Misogyny is self defense :foidSoy:
Thx! I feel like all men should have at least a healthy distrust towards women.

The hard truth is that people like us are going to have to work, and work hard, while being treated very badly to get by because of what we are. I wouldn't even mind it so much if people weren't so cruel -- those higher up in the chain are often genuinely evil people who treat their underlings like garbage and are two-faced bastards. Sometimes there are rare exceptions of course, but it's not really the norm, especially when those execs/managers are women from what I've seen.
> Ecclesiastes 7:28 -- Which I am still seeking but have not found—one upright man among a thousand have I found, but an upright woman among all those have I not found.
Same principle as this verse applies to managers lol
Very true. Every day is a battle and we're set up to fail at every step. It's a success just to stay afloat, although people won't see this.

I've also read that even women don't like women managers, as they tend to be petty, have favorites, create drama and tend to be capricious and arbitrary.
I hope your work situation gets better man -- maybe someday an opportunity will come along or better higher ups that appreciate you more.
Thank you! Same for you! Personally I don't have ambitions of great wealth, just want to live away from my incredibly toxic family, which I hate profoundly.
Job hopping seems to be the only way to grow, but it's only possible if the economy isn't shit.

They strongly profit with this dishonesty. And they never didn't know the side without privilege.

Thx! I feel like all men should have at least a healthy distrust towards women.

Very true. Every day is a battle and we're set up to fail at every step. It's a success just to stay afloat, although people won't see this.

I've also read that even women don't like women managers, as they tend to be petty, have favorites, create drama and tend to be capricious and arbitrary.

Thank you! Same for you! Personally I don't have ambitions of great wealth, just want to live away from my incredibly toxic family, which I hate profoundly.
You're right about the constant job hopping part -- it's stupid and it shouldn't work like since retaining staff long term matters a LOT for how much you can get done in this field/it takes probably 1-2 years for a new hire to really get going where I work due to the nature of the work.

Companies do this bullshit thing where they leverage inflation to pay their employees less in real terms over time then pocket the difference for themselves. I've been here for 6 years and after that time I know way more than I did starting out and I'm way more productive on harder problems as a result -- yet I would actually MAKE MORE MONEY starting as a green newbie because so much inflation has happened in that time and they only bump pay for: Top 5-10% staff by metrics (and even then I don't think it matches inflation lol) OR the execs personal darlings (like the girl in the OP) who get fast tracked to the cushy jobs due to favoritism.

The is so stupid because its the corpos that have created the environment where you must job hop every 2-3 years if you actually want to make more money. But as you said the economy matters a ton for this -- I missed the right time during the tail end of covid apparently as there were lots of STEM jobs in my field but now it's like it's all dried up.

All this horseshit about "Bidenomics" and "how great the economy is doing" is the dumbest shit I've ever heard -- people outside the top are earning less money (a lot less) in real/inflation adjusted terms (seriously 3 small pieces of raw chicken at the grocery store costs more than minimum wage for an hour JFL) and there are way way way less decent jobs at the moment -- I have a lot of experience and I can't even get callbacks (I'm at 250+ apps in the past few months, seriously).

> "They strongly profit with this dishonesty. And they never didn't know the side without privilege"
You're really good at finding concise/accurate ways to phrase this stuff. Nailed it mate

> "Every day is a battle and we're set up to fail at every step. It's a success just to stay afloat, although people won't see this."
Life sure is hard eh? :feelsbadman: I just don't see the point in living if one cannot reasonably obtain the core things that really matter in life -- e.g. A loyal wife who loves you, your own family, a decent job that doesn't make you want to blow your head off with a shotgun with reasonable people, and a home of your own. Most young men are finding these core things are harder than maybe ever in history to acquire. So why should men support this system? It's awful and treats most of us like we are just serf taxpayer workhorses who should never complain and keep our nose to the grindstone to prop up a system that gives back nothing and hates us.

> "I've also read that even women don't like women managers, as they tend to be petty, have favorites, create drama and tend to be capricious and arbitrary."
It's honestly nuts how many managers I've had at this point -- most are parasites with no integrity and this has especially been true for the female ones. I have had 2 male managers that actually did do real work and were reasonable people. I have met one woman very very high up in the company who seemed surprisingly decent but she was very old and from another time/had very different values to young women today. Also I'd argue it's easy to be congenial when you're at that level where you're being paid hand over fist to basically do nothing lol.

> "Thank you! Same for you! Personally I don't have ambitions of great wealth, just want to live away from my incredibly toxic family, which I hate profoundly."
Thanks man, ditto. I really wish I wasn't estranged from my family. They're just deluded awful people (I've written before about how my mom/sister blackpilled the shit out of me over the years with their behavior/my mom divorce raped my dad and cheated on him/my sister did the same thing to her Chad doctor husband because she's insane). I think if tomorrow my family were to die in a freak bus crash I wouldn't even feel anything, we just have no bond or connection due to years of abuse. There were times I was sleeping under bridges since my mom would beat me with shoes and metal and if I tried to restrain her she and my sister would freak out and threaten to call the cops and have me jailed. That's the thing, women KNOW that the system will just believe them over you -- the truth is irrelevant.

You're supposed to be able to rely on your family -- parents are supposed to be there for their kids and teach them about the world. Why the fuck did Boomers fail so miserably on this front? Some didn't sure, but a ton absolutely did and are deeply delusional about many many things. I don't recall the exact quote but Schopenhauer wrote about how the best one can do (at least in circumstances like ours) is try to minimize our suffering as much as possible. True happiness and contentment is likely impossible, at least without some heavy delusion.
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they do job hypergamy too?
In my field women are rare so the top brass basically just hand them cushy positions and fast track them to executive roles. Sometimes I wonder if it's because women typically aren't as good at the actual job as the guys so they want to keep the guys there, but they also want to look good/virtue signal and it's not like they can terminate the woman without her claiming "sexism" so they just pad out the middle management sector.

Related my own sister basically bombed in her job/didn't do anything so they blocked her from promotion so she went nuclear and started threatening her manager with a lawsuite claiming he was sexist and shit -- and this actually worked she said JFL (she really believes it I think, but listening to her story she's full of crock and just didn't do her job). I could never pull something like that, but "marginalized" groups can.

Or I could be wrong and it's just plain old favoritism, what do I know. I'm just a bitter person filled with rage due to how my life is, I admit that.

Also your audio clip:
> "This isn't your average goyslop radio"
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In my field women are rare so the top brass basically just hand them cushy positions and fast track them to executive roles. Sometimes I wonder if it's because women typically aren't as good at the actual job as the guys so they want to keep the guys there, but they also want to look good/virtue signal and it's not like they can terminate the woman without her claiming "sexism" so they just pad out the middle management sector.
i'm not sure either tbh
Related my own sister basically bombed in her job/didn't do anything so they blocked her from promotion so she went nuclear and started threatening her manager with a lawsuite claiming he was sexist and shit -- and this actually worked she said JFL (she really believes it I think, but listening to her story she's full of crock and just didn't do her job). I could never pull something like that, but "marginalized" groups can.
ofc she believes it, foids are delusional
Or I could be wrong and it's just plain old favoritism, what do I know. I'm just a bitter person filled with rage due to how my life is, I admit that.
favoritism is retarded, why don't they just say they want to hire a certain group over another? it would be easier because they wouldn't have to deal with the so-called "bad" groups
Also your audio clip:
> "This isn't your average goyslop radio"
thanks bro
You're right about the constant job hopping part -- it's stupid and it shouldn't work like since retaining staff long term matters a LOT for how much you can get done in this field/it takes probably 1-2 years for a new hire to really get going where I work due to the nature of the work.

Companies do this bullshit thing where they leverage inflation to pay their employees less in real terms over time then pocket the difference for themselves. I've been here for 6 years and after that time I know way more than I did starting out and I'm way more productive on harder problems as a result -- yet I would actually MAKE MORE MONEY starting as a green newbie because so much inflation has happened in that time and they only bump pay for: Top 5-10% staff by metrics (and even then I don't think it matches inflation lol) OR the execs personal darlings (like the girl in the OP) who get fast tracked to the cushy jobs due to favoritism.

The is so stupid because its the corpos that have created the environment where you must job hop every 2-3 years if you actually want to make more money. But as you said the economy matters a ton for this -- I missed the right time during the tail end of covid apparently as there were lots of STEM jobs in my field but now it's like it's all dried up.
A 15% yearly raise would go a long way keeping talent and would make a lot of useless HR drones unnecessary, because there would be less hiring processes. I don't know what kind of math they do that makes it worth to rehire and retrain people every 2 years. I also work in IT and agree with it taking around 2 years for a ramp up of new hire.

All this horseshit about "Bidenomics" and "how great the economy is doing" is the dumbest shit I've ever heard -- people outside the top are earning less money (a lot less) in real/inflation adjusted terms (seriously 3 small pieces of raw chicken at the grocery store costs more than minimum wage for an hour JFL) and there are way way way less decent jobs at the moment -- I have a lot of experience and I can't even get callbacks (I'm at 250+ apps in the past few months, seriously).
Yeah, job market is absolutely awful now. I also blame companies wanting to return to office. There is definitely some housing/construction lobby here stopping most office spaces from being redundant.

> "They strongly profit with this dishonesty. And they never didn't know the side without privilege"
You're really good at finding concise/accurate ways to phrase this stuff. Nailed it mate

> "Every day is a battle and we're set up to fail at every step. It's a success just to stay afloat, although people won't see this."
Life sure is hard eh? :feelsbadman: I just don't see the point in living if one cannot reasonably obtain the core things that really matter in life -- e.g. A loyal wife who loves you, your own family, a decent job that doesn't make you want to blow your head off with a shotgun with reasonable people, and a home of your own. Most young men are finding these core things are harder than maybe ever in history to acquire. So why should men support this system? It's awful and treats most of us like we are just serf taxpayer workhorses who should never complain and keep our nose to the grindstone to prop up a system that gives back nothing and hates us.
Thank you!

Yeah, we and non-chads are just coping and hoping for the best. I wonder when we will break.

> "Thank you! Same for you! Personally I don't have ambitions of great wealth, just want to live away from my incredibly toxic family, which I hate profoundly."
Thanks man, ditto. I really wish I wasn't estranged from my family. They're just deluded awful people (I've written before about how my mom/sister blackpilled the shit out of me over the years with their behavior/my mom divorce raped my dad and cheated on him/my sister did the same thing to her Chad doctor husband because she's insane). I think if tomorrow my family were to die in a freak bus crash I wouldn't even feel anything, we just have no bond or connection due to years of abuse. There were times I was sleeping under bridges since my mom would beat me with shoes and metal and if I tried to restrain her she and my sister would freak out and threaten to call the cops and have me jailed. That's the thing, women KNOW that the system will just believe them over you -- the truth is irrelevant.

You're supposed to be able to rely on your family -- parents are supposed to be there for their kids and teach them about the world. Why the fuck did Boomers fail so miserably on this front? Some didn't sure, but a ton absolutely did and are deeply delusional about many many things. I don't recall the exact quote but Schopenhauer wrote about how the best one can do (at least in circumstances like ours) is try to minimize our suffering as much as possible. True happiness and contentment is likely impossible, at least without some heavy delusion.
That's brutal asf. Sorry you had to go through that. I honestly don't know what kind of strength you have to calm down and not go berserk. My family is also difficult, my father is such a dysfunctional boomer failed parent that I think he'd die if left alone, nowhere near like your though. Boomer parenting is definitely a cause for inceldom.
A 15% yearly raise would go a long way keeping talent and would make a lot of useless HR drones unnecessary, because there would be less hiring processes. I don't know what kind of math they do that makes it worth to rehire and retrain people every 2 years. I also work in IT and agree with it taking around 2 years for a ramp up of new hire.

Yeah, job market is absolutely awful now. I also blame companies wanting to return to office. There is definitely some housing/construction lobby here stopping most office spaces from being redundant.

Thank you!

Yeah, we and non-chads are just coping and hoping for the best. I wonder when we will break.

That's brutal asf. Sorry you had to go through that. I honestly don't know what kind of strength you have to calm down and not go berserk. My family is also difficult, my father is such a dysfunctional boomer failed parent that I think he'd die if left alone, nowhere near like your though. Boomer parenting is definitely a cause for inceldom.
I do not believe whatever math they are doing internally makes sense. Where I work we have a revolving door of talent and get slowed way way down as a direct result of constantly loosing our best people (and the company definitely can afford to pay more, they’re been growing and having really good years — but like everything else all that profit goes straight to the top).

At the very least you should be matching the government reported inflation rate for any talent in the top 50% of metrics seems to me — and I mean bare minimum.

Do you think unions are good or bad net? I’m not sure since you always hear about the bad end of unions in the states but I’ve seen the best worker we had try to negotiate a 5% pay bump, they wouldn’t do it so he left — which set us back terribly since he was in the middle of a year long project nobody else knew.

It does seem like unions can do “some good” but getting one off the ground and staving off corruption is probably not easy. I’ve heard a lot of people complain about unions due to having to pay dues or thinking the union doesn’t do much so I need to research it more. In the states companies will shut down entire branches if they even catch a whif of a union forming. There was also the Amazon leak where they wrote about how a diverse work force created a lower trust environment with a much lower chance of unionization — that right there an interesting writeup if you seen it.

You’re a nice guy Fren :feelscomfy: Yeah, my immediate family are nuts and black pilled me personally on women. One of them pulled a Steve Jobs and let herself die because she thought she was smarter than the doctors and that “spiritualism” would heal her. She wouldn’t listen to her husband or father and now her husband has a dead wife and my grandpa outlived his own child — that’s just not right and situations like that are good examples of where having a head of the household override the woman’s crazy decision would be an overwhelming positive.

Speaking of black pills my first real crush was a foreign student who I witnessed dump her foreign Chad boyfriend for a local American Chad boyfriend then later I saw on social media when she moved back she got right back with the first guy. Hoes ain’t loyal or rather are only as loyal as their options — most cases at least from what I’ve seen. I was raised really religious so I could not believe or understand how these popular women had no loyalty and would just monkey branch repeatedly without a care in the world. I mean, they basically do live in a completely different world to us. It’s so baffling that you’re a “far right extremist neo Nazi” if you trust your own observations and merely acknowledge that men and women are very different innately, that we’re better suited to different tasks, and that both men and women have different pernicious tendencies that must be regulated somewhat by society for the greater good.

I am genuinely sorry about your work and family situation as well. I’m not just saying that — going through life alone without support from your own family is incredibly difficult especially if you aren’t charismatic/good looking and able to build your own friend group/family. It just shouldn’t work that way and it seems like a ton of young men have very little in the way of support structures and there’s nobody to really onboard them into a job either. I really dont know what went wrong with Boomers being such terrible self centered and generally deluded parents. Maybe it’s a bit like what happens to famous people where they were so fortunate and so lucky in life that it warped their entire perception of others and the world, but that’s just a guess of course.
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Do you think unions are good or bad net? I’m not sure since you always hear about the bad end of unions in the states but I’ve seen the best worker we had try to negotiate a 5% pay bump, they wouldn’t do it so he left — which set us back terribly since he was in the middle of a year long project nobody else knew.

It does seem like unions can do “some good” but getting one off the ground and staving off corruption is probably not easy. I’ve heard a lot of people complain about unions due to having to pay dues or thinking the union doesn’t do much so I need to research it more. In the states companies will shut down entire branches if they even catch a whif of a union forming. There was also the Amazon leak where they wrote about how a diverse work force created a lower trust environment with a much lower chance of unionization — that right there an interesting writeup if you seen it.
Unions can do good, but they're mostly self-serving and corrupt in my country. They usually have ties to the leftist parties, so they represent the interest of those, and not of the actual workers. But they are happy to take the workers' money.

You’re a nice guy Fren :feelscomfy: Yeah, my immediate family are nuts and black pilled me personally on women. One of them pulled a Steve Jobs and let herself die because she thought she was smarter than the doctors and that “spiritualism” would heal her. She wouldn’t listen to her husband or father and now her husband has a dead wife and my grandpa outlived his own child — that’s just not right and situations like that are good examples of where having a head of the household override the woman’s crazy decision would be an overwhelming positive.
You too. Your content here is always great. JFL at pulling a Steve Jobs, lol.

Speaking of black pills my first real crush was a foreign student who I witnessed dump her foreign Chad boyfriend for a local American Chad boyfriend then later I saw on social media when she moved back she got right back with the first guy. Hoes ain’t loyal or rather are only as loyal as their options — most cases at least from what I’ve seen. I was raised really religious so I could not believe or understand how these popular women had no loyalty and would just monkey branch repeatedly without a care in the world. I mean, they basically do live in a completely different world to us. It’s so baffling that you’re a “far right extremist neo Nazi” if you trust your own observations and merely acknowledge that men and women are very different innately, that we’re better suited to different tasks, and that both men and women have different pernicious tendencies that must be regulated somewhat by society for the greater good.
Brutal, but that's the bluepilled upbringing. I think almost everyone was taught that and it takes your own observation to change your mind. I believe that's why people are so resistant to the black pill. Normies with gf have no reason to believe it.

I am genuinely sorry about your work and family situation as well. I’m not just saying that — going through life alone without support from your own family is incredibly difficult especially if you aren’t charismatic/good looking and able to build your own friend group/family. It just shouldn’t work that way and it seems like a ton of young men have very little in the way of support structures and there’s nobody to really onboard them into a job either. I really dont know what went wrong with Boomers being such terrible self centered and generally deluded parents. Maybe it’s a bit like what happens to famous people where they were so fortunate and so lucky in life that it warped their entire perception of others and the world, but that’s just a guess of course.
Thank you. Your explanation on boomers make sense too. They didn't need to do anything to succeed.
Went to move up in my job but got told no white men jst women and niggers that's the west for you
I'm shocked. Flabbergasted, even!
Went to move up in my job but got told no white men jst women and niggers that's the west for you
I'm shocked. Flabbergasted, even!
> "that's the west for you"
I don't even get how we got here -- the people with institutional power basically sold out young men's futures for personal gain. When did the west become so greedy and sick that the old stopped trying to build a better future for their off spring? My grandpa always told me that his goal was to leave his kids and family better off than he was -- yet at the same time he sold his company (so no jobs or income from that for his family) then blew all of the money on himself over the next decade on frivolous things.

There's an old saying:
> "Society prospers when men plant trees whose shade they will not live to see"

How many Boomers do you see that apply that? And young men won't for entirely different reasons -- mainly that we've been curb stomped our entire lives and thus actively despise our own societies (unless it's the cohort of feminized brainwashed soyboy young men who have swallowed all of the top down propaganda blown up their ass). Well, that and most of us won't even have kids because that's how the great and mighty Murica has come to -- a society that funnels all its resources to the top where normal people who work all their lives can't afford kids or their own home and where the powers that be constantly lie to you about everything. Yuck
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Always do the minimum work.
> "that's the west for you"
I don't even get how we got here -- the people with institutional power basically sold out young men's futures for personal gain. When did the west become so greedy and sick that the old stopped trying to build a better future for their off spring? My grandpa always told me that his goal was to leave his kids and family better off than he was -- yet at the same time he sold his company (so no jobs or income from that for his family) then blew all of the money on himself over the next decade on frivolous things.

There's an old saying:
> "Society prospers when men plant trees whose shade they will not live to see"

How many Boomers do you see that apply that? And young men won't for entirely different reasons -- mainly that we've been curb stomped our entire lives and thus actively despise our own societies (unless it's the cohort of feminized brainwashed soyboy young men who have swallowed all of the top down propaganda blown up their ass). Well, that and most of us won't even have kids because that's how the great and mighty Murica has come to -- a society that funnels all its resources to the top where normal people who work all their lives can't afford kids or their own home and where the powers that be constantly lie to you about everything. Y

> "that's the west for you"
I don't even get how we got here -- the people with institutional power basically sold out young men's futures for personal gain. When did the west become so greedy and sick that the old stopped trying to build a better future for their off spring? My grandpa always told me that his goal was to leave his kids and family better off than he was -- yet at the same time he sold his company (so no jobs or income from that for his family) then blew all of the money on himself over the next decade on frivolous things.

There's an old saying:
> "Society prospers when men plant trees whose shade they will not live to see"

How many Boomers do you see that apply that? And young men won't for entirely different reasons -- mainly that we've been curb stomped our entire lives and thus actively despise our own societies (unless it's the cohort of feminized brainwashed soyboy young men who have swallowed all of the top down propaganda blown up their ass). Well, that and most of us won't even have kids because that's how the great and mighty Murica has come to -- a society that funnels all its resources to the top where normal people who work all their lives can't afford kids or their own home and where the powers that be constantly lie to you about everything. Yuck
Couldn't agree more based
Yes, biased nonsense like this is partly why I stopped wageslaving. Enough of supporting a society that actively works against me and hates me.
Yes, biased nonsense like this is partly why I stopped wageslaving. Enough of supporting a society that actively works against me and hates me.
I really wish I could NEET. Where I live I won't be able to get on any government assistance barring temporary unemployment pay and even that's contingent upon staying employed somewhere for a fairly long duration and then not getting terminated "for cause". Which is sort of intense levels of bullshit when you think about it because companies will always claim it was "for cause" even it wasn't. They often spend months before termination "building a case" which is often just making things up or acting like normal minor errors at low rates are justification. Or a classic is they intentionally give that staff member an extremely hard problem that they know they'll fail at -- and then the company win-wins. Either the person by some miracle manages to solve the trap problem meant to crush them or they have their "justification" for termination. I've seen this happen several times and I've been in my prior position for many years.

Basically all it takes is one higher up deciding they don't like you and your career is over. Usually this turning point is pretty obvious though so at that point one's best bet is to start looking for work. Even if i could NEET via government aid of some kind I really doubt it would be enough to cover a basic apartment -- without family to assist with the housing part it's kinda over, where I'm at at least.
It could be nepotism as well. I have a female cousin who was always a lost soul and annoying, she only had an art degree, but she became CEO or CFO of some big company because her dad is well connected
It could be nepotism as well. I have a female cousin who was always a lost soul and annoying, she only had an art degree, but she became CEO or CFO of some big company because her dad is well connected
You're correct of course. I met someone who also has a bachelors in "the arts" (kek) and somehow she landed a job making 200K in some high up VP position and when I asked her about her work she couldn't even tell me what she does because it was obvious she doesn't really do anything or actually produce anything. The truth is once you get high enough up in a large corporate structure you basically just get to enjoy ownership while the ship mostly steers itself. Yeah, you need to go to some meetings (where everyone sucks you off since you're higher in the hierarchy and people want to be in good graces for possible promotion), but it's like Warren Buffett said -- what you do is basically make 1-2 crucially important decisions in a year. And that matters, sure it does, but it is a fucking HELL of a lot easier and better a position to be in than on the bottom rung where you're actually expected to work continually and produce the actual product.

Getting into these high up exec roles is usually nepotism as you say. Sometimes it probably isn't, but most of the time? Yeah

Side note it is hilarious bullshit to me when people like Elon Musk (he's based about some things side note but still) sit there and act like "Oh I work so hard, I work 80 hours a week, I'm a self made man" when it's like nigga no you are not -- flying around first class in planes, sitting in meetings where everyone sucks you off, having catered "business meetings" with other execs and then working 10 minutes on the factory floor for marketing pictures is in no way even remotely related to an actual real job that normal people have to do.

Hierarchies can be fine so long as:
1) They don't get too steep (e.g. Decades ago CEOs made like 30-40x average employee pay now that's like 400x -- the hierarchy has gotten steeper and steeper over time)
2) They're actually meritocratic (they are laughably not today).

I'm moreso OK with small family businesses being nepo with onboarding their kids because back in the day way way way more families did things like that whereas now it's all consolidated into mega corps so the situation has changed -- all those small family businesses (e.g. the blacksmith training and leaving his business to his son) sold out by this point so there isn't even a company to onboard their kids into. This is one of the worst long form things Boomers did -- they sold out their kids futures for a quick buck for themselves. Many such cases.
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It always has been about connections and receiving social validation from others in society. If they don’t see you as a member of “the club”, they will be prejudice to you. They are less likely to help you, they will be less likely to increase your wages. They’ll fast track other people who joined after you and did less work than you, and fast track them to higher positions with higher pay

It’s all about validation. Look at Tesla, he was a prodigal inventor and scientist ahead of his own time. Realistically Tesla should have achieved a multi-billion dollar net worth in his lifetime. But normies treated him like crap throughout his life. He was a wagie for most of his adult life, and died an overlord wizard while lonely and financially broke

If people do not validate you, then it doesn’t matter how intelligent or skilled you are. There’s nothing you can do, and you will be treated as a low value in society. Unless you're lucky enough and find a "gap in the market" with massive potential, you will be a wagie until you die
It always has been about connections and receiving social validation from others in society. If they don’t see you as a member of “the club”, they will be prejudice to you. They are less likely to help you, they will be less likely to increase your wages. They’ll fast track other people who joined after you and did less work than you, and fast track them to higher positions with higher pay

It’s all about validation. Look at Tesla, he was a prodigal inventor and scientist ahead of his own time. Realistically Tesla should have achieved a multi-billion dollar net worth in his lifetime. But normies treated him like crap throughout his life. He was a wagie for most of his adult life, and died an overlord wizard while lonely and financially broke

If people do not validate you, then it doesn’t matter how intelligent or skilled you are. There’s nothing you can do, and you will be treated as a low value in society. Unless you're lucky enough and find a "gap in the market" with massive potential, you will be a wagie until you die
I don’t have anything to add really but you nailed it.

I think some rare incels can basically “brute force” their way to success (to a degree) if they are a true genius — and eg there is an incel in denial I work with who is probably the smartest person I have ever met. He does more work than anyone and hard work that basically no one else can do, so much that he’s indispensable to the company and they know it.

Still, he’s:
1) underpaid dramatically (I know his salary)
2) has never been promoted
3) was put with me on basically the “reject incel” team where the people management doesn’t like go.

Basically it never began, but if you are truly tip top of a niche field I think maybe you can still make it probably but you’ll have to work your fucking ass off for your entire life — which itself is a source of great misery. But for normal people of your typical intelligence you can’t brute force things that way.

This guy I’m referring to got divorce raped and and lost his kid so he is very black pilled and way more open about it than me. This is part of why management and coworkers hate him kek.
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I used to be top quarter til I realized the game was rigged and it's all "who you know"/connection driven
That's the game, it's not about how much work you can do but the connections you have. Climbing the corporate ladder is a meme, the only way anyone is going to be recognized is if they're a pretty female or a transgender or the son of a top manager. The kiss-asses also reap some sort of benefit.
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