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News New 22 minute CBC documentary on incels ft. US!

Oh, damn. I'm not in it :feelscry:
Not watching this garbage, the word misogyny just makes me cringe at this point.
They think we're cooler than we are.
Does anybody have the Alek Minassian music video as shown in the documentary?
Oh I didn't make it :feelsbadman:, my dream would be to tell that cucktears wifes are whores who suck on Tyrone cock in television, well :feelsgah:
'he used to meow at people and try to bite them'
'people would gather around him and try to make him make mewing noises'

lmao, there was a guy like this in my middle school, always felt sorry for him. at least he had friends though.
'he used to meow at people and try to bite them'
'people would gather around him and try to make him make mewing noises'

lmao, there was a guy like this in my middle school, always felt sorry for him. at least he had friends though.
Damn same
documentary would imply some moral upstanding and giving the viewer truthful facts.

none of which is present in this piece of shit
JoinedMay 16, 2018

eggman is a retard who even had a gf, not incel in the slighest.

i thought you would know better @Ritalincel

Alek Minassian for president
"'Waaah Waaah Waaah, Incels say things about roasties that are true!' Article/Docu #998"
Mainstream media can suck my dick.
They'll go on and on about our violence and anger but discuss nothing of the cause of it.
They say nothing about how roasties cause this anger, and how our lookist society only pushes us to violence and hatred.

Also I made it into the video, lel.

Also JFL, they explicitly call us "Right-wing extremists in that video".
So that means one of two things.

A. They didn't actually do much research and they didn't stick around the forum for any longer than a day, so they just make the same prejudiced assumption that we are "politically affiliated" with the right wing because other journalists wrote that we were.

B. They did research and stick around, but they don't care because they have their own political affiliations and would like to maliciously spread incorrect information in an effort to make their "opponents" seem like the bad guys.

It's almost definitely B or some form of it, that they're just maliciously spreading misinformation on us to further their own political agenda.
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Anyone know if im in it?
They just focused on the worst aspects and try to make everyone seem alt-right . Propaganda Piece .
Misogynistic x20, all incels are mentally ill, it's always fault of males foids are innocent angels! We gotta SHUT THEM DOWN THOSE RIGHT WING ALT-RIGHT NABZI EXTRIMISTS THEY SPREAD THE HAIT! - CuckBCuck :soy::soy::soy:
You need to understand the normalfag perspective.
Us incels are really -that- fucked up in their minds.
Most people manage to have relationships and sex. Most incels aren't like us; the "real" incels are deformed, crippled, severe mental illness. And even then some of those people get into relationships.
So how fucked up does that make an average looking, able, normative dude who manages to get into their mid 20's without doing something even literal middleschoolers can accomplish? Literal children have more of a grasp on being a fulfilled human being than us.
They can't understand it, and that's what frightens them.

EDIT: Watched the video. Why the fuck do normalfags keep asking other normalfags about incel ideology and reasoning instead of incels? And even when they interview "incels" it's almost always white fakecels too. At least get someone like Kent for fucks sake instead of pretending this is a exclusively white phenomenon.
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This is about taming unapologetic heterosexual white males, which the incel community is mostly made up of. They wealthy jews, feminist and cucks who are involved groups in the media along with biased anti-defemation politicize us by linking us to far right (eventhough incels are all over the political spectrum). Those groups that I mentioned always overlook the misogyny in the hip hop commuinty, worldstar hip hop, the muslim community etc. Canada is white cuck country and you have to be a submissive white goy or you will be labeled a far right wing terrorist.
Another predictable af boring low effort smear-work. Also;

>We spent 5 months infiltrating

Fucking cringy as fuck, holy shit. I can't remember anything that made me cringe this much as that. JFL @ these normies and all their worthless lives
4. I personally didn't like Eggy's rap song, but I do find it interesting that he gets shit on for making a rap song which could be construed as supporting violence, yet all these retard, dimwitted, low IQ mainstream rappers who do the EXACT SAME FUCKING THING get millions of followers and no one seems to care.

They do this all the time. It used to be that Marilyn Manson was to blame for Columbine shooting. We are the new scapegoat, the new juicy story, the new boogeyman the media is clinging to. Not the war on drugs anymore. It’s the war on virgins. And like many issues before us, they only look at the symptoms.

Also, lol I see @Grotesque was featured.

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