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Never try to network with Normies.



Jul 31, 2019
Today I tried. Yet again. With a low tier normie bootlicker in the coast guard.

10 minutes in of neutral talk, he thinks it's okay to already insult me. Calls me "weird". Even though until now I am trying to he as nice, polite, respectful and Not as possible as normies say you should be. The foid in the group laughs. I already know I'm in a losing position here with the NT normie battle.

Then later on the insults just get worse. As they're happening in my mind I just think "yet again. It's happening again. Just let every other time you tried to integrate into society".

He starts vaping and playing among us in between passive insults to me. The kind where I mention say my sister being at ivy league for medicine and his first reaction is "is she hot"? And at this point I know what is going on, that this piece of garbage NT thinks he is better than me and it's ok to insult me. So I tell him to go fuck himself without smiling so he knows. At this point I have been here a MiLLLION times. I know where this is going. I try to be as AGRESSIVE as I CAN because I know I'm dealing with a soulless npc APE trying to get status over me.

The best part is. After all this. The foid in the group rewards this. Insulting me for no reason. She straight up asks what his lay count is. He lies and boosts the number as all Normies do. She then asks for his Instagram and snapchat. Before this all he did was brag about made up stories OUT OF NOWHERE, no context, about how foids love him so much blablabla, and insult me passively for no reason. The way Normies do it, the "insult you then say haha just kidding" thing.

I'm extremely drunk rn so I will admit it by this point all I wanted to was bash his head into the wall. I was just reenacting the scene from the 2018 myers movie where he bashes the journalists head into the wall in the restroom over and over. That scene played over and over in my head and I larped I was doing it to him over and over. I used to do that in HS but I can't anymore or I'll go to jail Even though I'm stronger and heavier than him all he did was NT mog me and insult me to no end and then the foid rewarding him for that was the cherry on top of the blackpill. He even tried to degrade me by downplaying my weight and strength in unrelated questions around the foid.

im again really drunk and I doubt anyone will read my blog post. But in that moment all I felt was intense rage and all I wanted to do was reenact a Michael myers or jason scene there because all he did was insult my entire existence while being rewarded for it. I'm sure I'll cringe at this while sober but cia that's how I feel sorry no homo. Because h personifies life among Normies itself. You will NEVER fit in if you're ugly and weird. They are ANIMALS. They are NOT human.

Do not ever try to play ball with normies. Even low tier ones. They'll step all over you just to feel better AND THEN SOCIETY WILL REWARD THEM FOR IT.

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describes my entire highschool experience. if a normie ever wants to hang out with you (an incel) its always just to brag or use u as a punching bag / emotional shoulder, no one wants an incel around unless they want to feel better about themselves.

Im glad you decided to speak up, however you should have physically put him in his place. Normies only know violence. If you broke his jaw he wouldn't do that shit to another person again
Normies are typically not worth talking too if you can’t fit in.
Brutal post. I can understand. That's why I prefer solitude, can't stand normalfags. Everything to them is about their shitty social media presence and/or mogging others by blatantly lying and exaggerating their sex lives. Most of them are future betacucks in dead bedroom marriages with their low tier chubby roastie whores. I'm glad that I'm not one of them.
Im glad you decided to speak up, however you should have physically put him in his place. Normies only know violence. If you broke his jaw he wouldn't do that shit to another person again
I did this multiple times in the part. Then they just go, "omg what is wrong with you"? Or "omg who hurt you?" But in that moment I was trying to calm down all I could think about was s grabbing his head and bashing it into the wall until he bled. But I can't do that outside of highschool or I'll go to prison. So all I could do was sit there and bite my tongue down until it bled to calm down.
10 minutes in of neutral talk, he thinks it's okay to already insult me. Calls me "weird". The foid in the group laughs. I already know I'm in a losing position here with the NT normie battle.

Then later on the insults just get worse. As they're happening in my mind I just think "yet again. It's happening again. Just let every other time you tried to integrate into society".
I know exactly what you mean. You try to be cordial and polite while they slowly test the waters to see how much they can shit on you and step on you for their own gains.

It always starts with small bullshit like this. Something that's just big enough to humiliate you and make them seem better than you, while just being small enough that if you try to stand up for yourself people will be like "oh cmon bro?? wtf? we're just kidding? why can't you take a joke? why are you so serious".

It's complete bullshit, it's always the same people who have to deal with this "banter" and disrespect

And yeah if you give them an inch they'll take a mile, they won't stop like the monsters they are
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I know exactly what you mean. You try to be cordial and polite while they slowly test the waters to see how much they can shit on you and step on you for their own games.

It always starts with small bullshit like this. Something that's just big enough to humiliate you and make them seem better than you, while just being small enough that if you try to stand up for yourself people will be like "oh cmon bro?? wtf? we're just kidding? why can't you take a joke? why are you so serious".

It's complete bullshit, it's always the same people who have to deal with this "banter" and disrespect

And yeah if you give them an inch they'll take a mile, they won't stop like the monsters they are
I'm so glad even one person out there under stands.

The best part is the foid rewarded his behavior. He was a piece of shit bragging and insulting ever one behing nice to him. And the foid rewarded it.


I put up with this for many, many years. Then eventually I realized, wow, this isn't worth it. I started bashing kids head in the second they think it's okay to insult me minding my own business. Or pulling shit like this.

I am sad I can't get away with it anymore. If we were still in hs, from something like this this guy would already have been laying on the ground bleeding from the head because that's how I learned to deal with NT normies who think it's okay to just insult your entire soul and existence while you're minding your own business. That think think it's ok to insult you because you're ugly or low status or non NT. That's the only language they understand.

I just bit my tongue and daydreamed bashing his head into the stalls like I would have done back then.

The best part is Normies will always act as if youre true bad guy. After they insult you belittle you and degrade you when you fight back, you're the bad guy.

I just wish this guy was in my senior year high school so I could just grab him by the head and bash him into the concrete wall. I'm heavier and stronger than him and taller even though of course he tried to downplay that and pretend I'm not as all Normies do.
I'm so glad even one person out there under stands.

The best part is the foid rewarded his behavior. He was a piece of shit bragging and insulting ever one behing nice to him. And the foid rewarded it.


I put up with this for many, many years. Then eventually I realized, wow, this isn't worth it. I started bashing kids head in the second they think it's okay to insult me minding my own business. Or pulling shit like this.

I am sad I can't get away with it anymore. If we were still in hs, from something like this this guy would already have been laying on the ground bleeding from the head because that's how I learned to deal with NT normies who think it's okay to just insult your entire soul and existence while you're minding your own business. That think think it's ok to insult you because you're ugly or low status or non NT. That's the only language they understand.

I just bit my tongue and daydreamed bashing his head into the stalls like I would have done back then.

The best part is Normies will always act as if youre true bad guy. After they insult you belittle you and degrade you when you fight back, you're the bad guy.

I just wish this guy was in my senior year high school so I could just grab him by the head and bash him into the concrete wall. I'm heavier and stronger than him and taller even though of course he tried to downplay that and pretend I'm not as all Normies do.
Yeah just another proof that personality is a big meme. Women reward assholes and psychopaths

And jfl people call us edgy for saying this but violence is literally the only thing these monsters understand. Everything else they won't respect. The only time I ever got social scumbags like that off my back was by beating them and making them bleed

The best part is Normies will always act as if youre true bad guy. After they insult you belittle you and degrade you when you fight back, you're the bad guy.

Yes no matter what you're always accused of being the bad guy. He starts talking shit to you, he disrespects you and nobody sees a problem with this. But the second you talk back to him people freak out or act surprised like your behavior comes out of absolutely nowhere and is completely unjustified. Really they act like you just did the most unexpected thing in the world with 0 reason for it

And if you make him stop with a beating then you're even more of a monster in their eyes

There's really no winning move. You just have to not play the game to begin with
Yeah just another proof that personality is a big meme. Women reward assholes and psychopaths

And jfl people call us edgy for saying this but violence is literally the only thing these monsters understand. Everything else they won't respect. The only time I ever got social scumbags like that off my back was by beating them and making them bleed

Yes no matter what you're always accused of being the bad guy. He starts talking shit to you, he disrespects you and nobody sees a problem with this. But the second you talk back to him people freak out or act surprised like your behavior comes out of absolutely nowhere and is completely unjustified. Really they act like you just did the most unexpected thing in the world with 0 reason for it

And if you make him stop with a beating then you're even more of a monster in their eyes

There's really no winning move. You just have to not play the game to begin with
I daydream about curbstomping them when they do stuff like this. It's the only true response. I have dealt with insults my entire life. I have dealt with being isolated my entire life. But they think it's okay to insult your entire existence because you are nice to them.

They're sociopaths. You're right. The best part? Foids reward it.

Normies will go oh wow you want to attack them youre the sociopath. But my entire life I was nice. I spent hours petting and caring for animals. I was nice to everyone. And what that got me? Being a khhv. Being insulted and walked all over.

Now I know they are vicious animals. Ones that need to be beaten the second they think it's ok to disrespect you after they degrade you for being nice to them.

I truly wish this was high school and I could still grab them by the head and smash it to the wall. That's all they understand. I offer good will, respect, nothing but good favor and it's returned with "______(insult) but haha, jk bro". [Testing the waters].
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Jesus, its like normiefags never grow out of that stupid high school mentality.

Normiefags are unbearable and annoying as fuck.
Jesus, its like normiefags never grow out of that stupid high school mentality.

Normiefags are unbearable and annoying as fuck.
tried sending a message but private profile so lol too cool for me.

Did you really try to rope? If so, come on man. Don't. Normies WANT you to. Don't give in. That is all that keeps me going. Some days I want to rope. But I think wow, do I really deserve to die ? Nope. Normies want me to but that anger keeps me going. I don't rope on those days out of sheer anger at them. And you should too. Incels and weirdos shouldn't rope because that's cucked. Stay alive to spite the NPCs if nothing else.
brutal post.

This is apparently a behavior that all normies(low-mid-high tier) have. It happened to me too.

You can't win as an ugly man.
surprised to hear that a low-tier normie got asked about his lay count from a foid. sociopaths reign supreme, i guess
She STRAIGHT up asked. No joke.
No exagerating.

Quote. "So what is your lau count"?

She's a Muslim btw

Just more reminder to never, ever give any love, affection or money to any breathing whore

They are garbage soullesscreatures

Lol though that her own islamic mother called her a whore multiple times when she was with her boyfriend

But yes you are right. Sociopaths reign supreme. Always have always will. Foids will reward it every time as well. No exceptions. I have never seen one. You will never see one either. It doesn't exist.
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L0L. Calling me a pussy when I straight up knew what was happening right away and started insulting back the second I detected it.

Problem is, I am not NT and I'm ugly so I was doomed from the start probably

I can't bash his head in to solve this problem like I did in high school so nowadays I really don't have many options
L0L. Calling me a pussy when I straight up knew what was happening right away and started insulting back the second I detected it.

Problem is, I am not NT and I'm ugly so I was doomed from the start probably

I can't bash his head in to solve this problem like I did in high school so nowadays I really don't have many options
O u insulted him back fairs
O u insulted him back fairs
The entire time i was hoping he would touch me so I could just to full out back

But, Normies evolve. He didn't. If I did that he would just say something like "what's your problem bro" then paitn me as the villain like NT do. He would also risk me going to jail as well

I know by now to recognize this behavior. In high school I knew I couldn't go to prison so the second I sensed it would just cut to the chase and try to hurt them as much as I can physically the second they think it's okay to insult my good will and character.

It depressed me every time because every time I'm just reminded, that's all normies understand.
I know where this is going. I try to be as AGRESSIVE as I CAN because I know I'm dealing with a soulless npc APE trying to get status over me.

I've been in these situations before and like you mentioned, I would get extremely aggressive almost ready to get into a fight

But as I've grown older I've realized the most effective way is giving it back verbally WITHOUT getting angry/aggressive

The mere fact that you had such a strong emotional response and got angry would have given him momentarily pleasure, cause he knows he's triggered you

The real skill is when you maintain your state and use sarcasm/exaggeration to turn their jokes/comments back on them
I've been in these situations before and like you mentioned, I would get extremely aggressive almost ready to get into a fight

But as I've grown older I've realized the most effective way is giving it back verbally WITHOUT getting angry/aggressive

The mere fact that you had such a strong emotional response and got angry would have given him momentarily pleasure, cause he knows he's triggered you

The real skill is when you maintain your state and use sarcasm/exaggeration to turn their jokes/comments back on them
You're probably right

But I just miss being able to take that out physically on him

I was always physically stronger, heavier, etc and could usually beat the fuck out of them unless they were truly a freak and in hs I used that to my full advantage

But nowadays I can't. I'd go to jail if i tried
We should be exempt from going to jail as society does not include us , we should have the right to butcher those who oppose us.
Why didn't you get up and walk away then? Jfl just voluntary suffer theory.
Why didn't you get up and walk away then? Jfl just voluntary suffer theory.
I'm in a situation where I can't tbh I'm a kind of neet

Anyway I sadly will be working soon and then I will never talk to anyone ever again I'll just get drunk every once in a while to cope and save up
At the beach right? There's a pier yes? Should of suggested hanging around there & when an opportunity arose smash him up under there if you're legit strong.

Look for him to be separated from witnesses.
Ragefuel. Thats how literally how life is dealing with NT NPC normies.
This is very relatable bro. Nowadays, I don't take shit from anyone, and I insult them back. Obviously, they'll say it's your fault. But it's better like this than to let them insult you.
You should just insult them first, don't wait for them to throw the first punch, do it yourself. Don't go in heavy, just a small insult should do the trick. When they reply, just say "ooh, I've rattled you huh" and just laugh. Every time you insult them you need to smile/laugh too btw, since it shows you're not taking it too seirously and their insults aren't affecting you
why do you always make long posts? at least add a tldr
Thats how normies function, put someone down to boost themselves. its just a joke bro, you have no sense of humor bro, fuck them.
Typical narcissistic normgroid. He cannot even be graced with the term sociopath because he is such an effeminate and pretentious coward.

JFL at the retarded femoid getting turned on by his status signalling. I wouldn't expect anything more of a foid ape, who shares the same narcissistic features as the normgroid, after all.
Brutal post. I can understand. That's why I prefer solitude, can't stand normalfags. Everything to them is about their shitty social media presence and/or mogging others by blatantly lying and exaggerating their sex lives. Most of them are future betacucks in dead bedroom marriages with their low tier chubby roastie whores. I'm glad that I'm not one of them.
I've been in these situations before and like you mentioned, I would get extremely aggressive almost ready to get into a fight

But as I've grown older I've realized the most effective way is giving it back verbally WITHOUT getting angry/aggressive

The mere fact that you had such a strong emotional response and got angry would have given him momentarily pleasure, cause he knows he's triggered you

The real skill is when you maintain your state and use sarcasm/exaggeration to turn their jokes/comments back on them
some people just can't do that. sure I'm witty and everything but I go into adrenaline overdrive when a normie talks shit. so I've found what works for me is at the slightest hint of disrespect from a normie I go full aggro like you said. a death stare can go a long way
I wouldn't call it anger tbh. I used to get angry, now I just get pumped
some people just can't do that. sure I'm witty and everything but I go into adrenaline overdrive when a normie talks shit. so I've found what works for me is at the slightest hint of disrespect from a normie I go full aggro like you said. a death stare can go a long way
I wouldn't call it anger tbh. I used to get angry, now I just get pumped

That's true, it does take an immense amount of practice to control your emotions - but it may be well worth it in the long run

After a certain age you don't want to be getting into physical confrontations or even making death stares/getting aggressive specially with people you see on a daily basis (workplace / social circle) - that only creates awkward and hostile environments

You could even have a few ready one liner comebacks (sounds lame, but its a good start)
I wish I could fight back when people insult me, all I can do is awkwardly chuckle, then cry when i get back to my inner sanctum.

Brutal shit though, i definitely agree.
Brutal post. I can understand. That's why I prefer solitude, can't stand normalfags. Everything to them is about their shitty social media presence and/or mogging others by blatantly lying and exaggerating their sex lives. Most of them are future betacucks in dead bedroom marriages with their low tier chubby roastie whores. I'm glad that I'm not one of them.
Most of them are betabuxxes already Bro JFL
That's true, it does take an immense amount of practice to control your emotions - but it may be well worth it in the long run

After a certain age you don't want to be getting into physical confrontations or even making death stares/getting aggressive specially with people you see on a daily basis (workplace / social circle) - that only creates awkward and hostile environments

You could even have a few ready one liner comebacks (sounds lame, but its a good start)
You should just insult them first, don't wait for them to throw the first punch, do it yourself. Don't go in heavy, just a small insult should do the trick. When they reply, just say "ooh, I've rattled you huh" and just laugh. Every time you insult them you need to smile/laugh too btw, since it shows you're not taking it too seirously and their insults aren't affecting you
At the beach right? There's a pier yes? Should of suggested hanging around there & when an opportunity arose smash him up under there if you're legit strong.

Look for him to be separated from witnesses.
Jesus, its like normiefags never grow out of that stupid high school mentality.

Normiefags are unbearable and annoying as fuck.
You should insult him badly irl and if he tries or punches you, fuck him up badly, so you say you did it in self defense. That’s what I would do. If he continues being like this, you should maybe stalk and beat him up using boxer or baseball bat, like break all his teeth or smth. If you’re not strong to do it I recommend getting his address and ordering pizza over and over like 20 pizzas, registering his number on gay websites and spamming his email. I do this irl and noone ever dared to mess with me again, and they couldn’t stop me because they can’t prove it’s me :)
Im glad you decided to speak up, however you should have physically put him in his place. Normies only know violence. If you broke his jaw he wouldn't do that shit to another person again
True intimation will guarantee you wont get fucked with normal people only start conflict with people they think are easy targets
Today I tried. Yet again. With a low tier normie bootlicker in the coast guard.

10 minutes in of neutral talk, he thinks it's okay to already insult me. Calls me "weird". Even though until now I am trying to he as nice, polite, respectful and Not as possible as normies say you should be. The foid in the group laughs. I already know I'm in a losing position here with the NT normie battle.

Then later on the insults just get worse. As they're happening in my mind I just think "yet again. It's happening again. Just let every other time you tried to integrate into society".

He starts vaping and playing among us in between passive insults to me. The kind where I mention say my sister being at ivy league for medicine and his first reaction is "is she hot"? And at this point I know what is going on, that this piece of garbage NT thinks he is better than me and it's ok to insult me. So I tell him to go fuck himself without smiling so he knows. At this point I have been here a MiLLLION times. I know where this is going. I try to be as AGRESSIVE as I CAN because I know I'm dealing with a soulless npc APE trying to get status over me.

The best part is. After all this. The foid in the group rewards this. Insulting me for no reason. She straight up asks what his lay count is. He lies and boosts the number as all Normies do. She then asks for his Instagram and snapchat. Before this all he did was brag about made up stories OUT OF NOWHERE, no context, about how foids love him so much blablabla, and insult me passively for no reason. The way Normies do it, the "insult you then say haha just kidding" thing.

I'm extremely drunk rn so I will admit it by this point all I wanted to was bash his head into the wall. I was just reenacting the scene from the 2018 myers movie where he bashes the journalists head into the wall in the restroom over and over. That scene played over and over in my head and I larped I was doing it to him over and over. I used to do that in HS but I can't anymore or I'll go to jail Even though I'm stronger and heavier than him all he did was NT mog me and insult me to no end and then the foid rewarding him for that was the cherry on top of the blackpill. He even tried to degrade me by downplaying my weight and strength in unrelated questions around the foid.

im again really drunk and I doubt anyone will read my blog post. But in that moment all I felt was intense rage and all I wanted to do was reenact a Michael myers or jason scene there because all he did was insult my entire existence while being rewarded for it. I'm sure I'll cringe at this while sober but cia that's how I feel sorry no homo. Because h personifies life among Normies itself. You will NEVER fit in if you're ugly and weird. They are ANIMALS. They are NOT human.

Do not ever try to play ball with normies. Even low tier ones. They'll step all over you just to feel better AND THEN SOCIETY WILL REWARD THEM FOR IT.

in all my experience with normies I have learned a few things.

You see, you are not supposed to be all nice and good. If they start insulting you need to put them in their place. You are 6'5 jfl. Use that to intimidate them. Walk over them. Make jokes about them. Subtley Insult them back. They will love you for it. Normies are masochists. They don't understand kindness. You be good to them and they will walk all over you. You shit on them and they will respect and sometimes even worship you.

Don't take shit from people.
Typical narcissistic normgroid. He cannot even be graced with the term sociopath because he is such an effeminate and pretentious coward.
This defines how they all act pretty well. They think they’re ballsy by being passive aggressive and never confronting a person they don’t like. Faggots.
Brutal post. I can understand. That's why I prefer solitude, can't stand normalfags. Everything to them is about their shitty social media presence and/or mogging others by blatantly lying and exaggerating their sex lives. Most of them are future betacucks in dead bedroom marriages with their low tier chubby roastie whores. I'm glad that I'm not one of them.
@Diocel this guy is complaining about normies shitty sex lives he must be a failed normie
Every day was like this for me before living on my own. I'd come home to insults and then go to school for more insults while trying to get good grades to pull myself out of the filth. It's just soul-crushing to try and be nice to people just for them to turn around and either insult you or just use you and drift away when you're no longer of use to them.

We weren't meant to be happy - we were born to suffer and spectate what happiness is for others.
Rent prostitutes and friends instead. Much better solution for ugly people. And don't say you have no fucking money 90% of incels here live in a rich country.
Damn this was brutal you should have physically disciplined that normroach for being so disrespectful for no good reason.

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