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Blackpill Neets Operate On The Same BS Logic As MGTOW

People just want to drag you down into their misery, they don't care if you actually can't work. Someone like me has no business doing anything but sweeping a floor or delivering things because I can't relate to people and almost every fucking job requires that nowadays. I've been diagnosed with a few conditions that should give me at the very least some benefits along with training (I don't expect to make the same money as an NT) but the govt said "no, you're not disabled enough". Ultimately, I was forced to work with people almost all the time in the only job that would have me and paid enough.

I live on my own. I quit working, I lose my house, you don't have a house you can't work. women logic. this world operates on women logic.
take drugs.
jfl at being an incel and stay sober

yeah if you want me to be a murderer, sure.
Wagecucking is hell but atleast it makes me forget my shitty life
NEETs are retarded. They dont realize that they are making their situations worse everyday.
Getting a well paid job isn't easy. I went to university for engineering, got my masters degree and now I'm working for minimum wage at warehouse... Hoping to get another job start of 2019, but that still only pays about £300 per month.
Being NEET only makes sense if you actually have money.

I really hate the ones who shame you for "contributing to society" like we can all just quit making money and live in mom's living room
they don't care if you actually can't work.

Only the physically disabled and/or the extremely mentally disabled "can't work", if you don't fall into those categories, then you're just spewing bullshit right now.
Only the physically disabled and/or the extremely mentally disabled "can't work", if you don't fall into those categories, then you're just spewing bullshit right now.

Unfortunately, I have an inability to relate to others properly and my executive thinking is poor. All I’m good for is moving boxes, sweeping floors, and maybe data entry. I can’t function in a workplace no matter how hard I try. It’s not that I expect everything to be paid for but I was refused possible training to get a job that could pay the bills or any aid to help make ends meet.
Unfortunately, I have an inability to relate to others properly and my executive thinking is poor

You are just a lazy fuck giving yourself excuses, I am literally autisitc, I have aspergers, I can't empathize with people really, I struggle to maintain eye contact, and I hate social interactions. But you see there's this skill called "pretending" that you get better at over time. I remember before I had my cashiers job I struggled to even smile at people or with them, the manager talked to me about it and said in this line of work I'd have to improve in stuff like that, so over time I just forced myself more and more to do it, and observed when to do it, etc, till it became part of my normal behaviour.

You aren't making any sense, can't relate to others, ok idiot, ever think about JUST PRETENDING THAT YOU DO?

Look at that, its like magic, that solution came out of nowhere, its not like it was an obvious choice. Nah, clearly the better choice is to make excuses and keep yourself perpetually broke. Whenever I hear guys like you speak I think you are larps, like you are saying this shit on purpose to take screenshots and go back to inceltears or something to make - "see these guys don't actually try" posts. You are a living meme, your existence proves the BS normies say about us right. That its not that the game is rigged, its that we don't actually put in any effort.

When I left my cashiers job I was one of the most liked workers by my co-workers and especially by customers, who would often tell me they enjoyed cashing with me and I had a good personality, very cheery JFL. Its all an act really, you get good at it IF YOU ACTUALLY TRY. After months of working there customers would ask me if I got promoted yet, because they expected me to.

I'm starting to realize something, you guys don't even know whats possible for you to do, because you never actually really tried to do it. When I first started working period I was quiet, timid, not very talkative, did not smile, did not even look at people (still kinda bad at that), would not speak up for myself, etc. After years of during various jobs, I have no problem talking to people, making jokes, and most importantly being direct and bold about what you want, outright demanding (or hinting lol) that you want a promotion because you've proved yourself already.

Please stop with this BS excuse guys, I've seen guys at the university I was once at who were legit mentally retarded, stuttered, was "kinda slow", etc that had better social skills than me, because they put themselves out there and actually tried. So I don't even need to use myself as an example, there are more extreme examples out there that prove my point even further, guys who would be considered mentally retarded yet their social competence is higher than mines because they spent the time basically learning to be social and how to operate in that environment.
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OP, you obviously didn’t read where I said before that I had worked in the past. This isn’t me sitting at home saying “I won’t try because I’m socially awkward” as I learned from a colossal failure @ work that it would be near-impossible for me to do most jobs. Why are you focused on us being NEETs? This isn’t a general self-improvement forum or something.

I’m glad that you overcame your issues although you probably had ADHD-I which is commonly misdiagnosed as HFA. There’s no fix for what I have, if there’s workarounds, then I’ve potentially been denied those by disability services. Even if I was “NT”, I doubt I would fare well with people looking to get me fired due to my notable ugliness. In the one full-time job I had, I didn’t last long enough to find out but fail to see why it’d be any different in the workplace. There is no light at the end of the tunnel for incel wageslaves or NEETs alike, just different ways of rotting. As my grandfather once said, it’s the experiences that matter in life and we have fuckall.
All I ever hear neets say is - "I'm withholding my labor and participation from society, and that's how I fight back, ha ha society, take that"

That's no different to when MGTOW say - "I'm opting out of societal male norms like marriage, etc and keeping my money for myself, ha ha society, take that"


There aren't enough people doing these things for it to make an impact, your income is a drop in the bucket in comparison to what the collective population of betabuxx pulls in for his whore wife, the only person impacted negatively by you not working, is you, it only negatively affects your life, leaves you with less options, and no access to resources and financial opportunities.

Even then admittedly my comparison is a bad one, because there is no upside to being married, so even if a MGTOW acknowledged it was coping, it would still be the most logical choice, being a neet is pure down side.

What do neets always go back to - "well I have more free time to relax and enjoy life unlike you"

News Flash - You are an incel, work is a mental escape from your shitty life, I often forget about being incel while working, and then when I get home its like everything floods right back in, because you have time to think and contemplate. Neets have a lot of free time, true, but here's the question.

A LOT OF FREE TIME TO DO WHAT...................... SUFFER MORE?

More time is only a positive if you have something enjoyable to do with it, and all neets have a copes, and low level medicore copes at that because they can't afford anything.

High IQ thread.

Sorry Neets, but you need to do more to challenge inceldom's enemies. By doing nothing, that's one less opposition society gets to sweep under a rug.
Low T thread.
Remember to go to bed early tonight, wagies! You need to be 10 minutes early so Mr. Shekelberg doesn't yell at you again.
Remember to go to bed early tonight, wagies! You need to be 10 minutes early so Mr. Shekelberg doesn't yell at you again.

Exactly, I think most NEETs on here see it from that perspective. It’s not about “withholding” your labor from society but about not having to face the grind and degradation of work if you can help it. Go to work now when you’re youngish so you can retire slightly earlier when you’re old...maybe. I know too many people that died slaving away at work and never saw a day’s worth of benefits or they or a family member ended up with a medical condition that forced them to go back to some kind of work. If you can avoid it, do it for as long as possible.
I worked for a decade, mostly 40-50 hour office jobs.

They destroyed my brain.

100% of the work was pointless and unnecessary, and that includes a job involved with special needs children. I mostly had chill bosses too, that stuck up for me and my autism.

The drudgery of 9-6 everyday takes its toll. Not seeing the sun for 3-4 months each year. Driving back and forth doing something you know isn't worthwhile, and doing it for people who hate you.

And the main problem, office politics. This cannot be avoided at all jobs. You will work with females. You will work with Chads. You will work with normalfags that annoyingly run their mouth. All of them are treated better than you, and they treat you like sewer trash.

But, yay, you have more money now! What will you spend it on? You have no friends and no time to do any hobbies. You sit and rot at night, tired the entire time, dreading the next morning of the same pointless shit you did the day before, and the day before....

We have to jerk off and play some vidya at night to dull some of the pain. Let's go on Twitch to fulfill both those needs!

Oh, look, this thot just got a donation that's more than I earn in a month. That's uplifting. And this Russian slut on Camwhores.com got 2 months salary for diddling herself. Oh boy, so this is what I'm supposed to do with the money I've earned!

Either you spend that money on those online thots, or be betabux with a lesser looking cunt that's forever dreaming of the Chad she fucked in high school.

I ponder these things at night, and only get about 5 hours sleep before another day of wagecucking. I'm tired, miserable, and will soon have to listen to Staci and Maci in HR go on about how much fun they had last night!

So, you do this for 10 years and you eventually want to kill everyone and acid face all females. The end.
With the only ‘reward’ in the dating scene being a post prime chubster only attained by being a high-tier betabux

JFL at this low IQ thread.


Just raking in 50k a year can afford you toptier sloots by the end of the year depending how well you manage your bankroll. We're ugly as fuck anyways, it's not like it was ever going to be genuine sex with or without money lmao it never fucking began, but atleast with money, you regain leverage to cherrypick what YOU want to fuck.

I dont get where some you retards think that moneymaxxing=betabuxxing for postwall trash.
Can a nigga neet in peace
Sorry Neets, but you need to do more to challenge inceldom's enemies. By doing nothing, that's one less opposition society gets to sweep under a rug.

The most ironic part of this though is the same neets that will praise Elliot Rodger for what he did to normies (and did for incels as a collective) convince themselves that the ultimate strategy and revenge against normies is to do absolutely nothing.

If Elliot Rodger had the same mindset as neets none of these big changes that came as a result of his actions would have happened, no vocal incel community would exist, society would have continued to pretend that we don't exist but now they have no choice but to acknowledge our existence (which is the first step to getting society to change).
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My god racists always amaze me, that's the reason she needs to be beat, not because she's a roastie, not because she's a gold digging whore, but because she's fucking a black guy.

This is why I'll always say racism and inceldom can never truly co-exist, because to be racist means to take pride in your own race, which is ironically contradictory because if you are incel then you are a genetic failure of your own race, its illogical taking pride in something you aren't actually a part of, as far as your race is concerned you might as well be a "nigger" too.

I also notice a lot of racist incels tend to be copers - "Once we create that white ethnostate i'll have a chance"

Sure bud, sure, it won't just narrow down all white women's choice to white chads, it'll somehow open up a path for you.
In your fucking cagie
"work is a mental escape from your shitty life"

incorrect, work was one of the things that made my life so shitty

and work strikes are actually marginally meaningful, even if it's a 'drop in the bucket', it still is withholding labor from society, and making a very noticeable statement

sex strikes are more dumb because you are actually improving the lives of normie men by reducing competition for women (who are scarce, jobs aren't theoretically scarce), it's not noticeable, and it's not even a strike as you wouldn't even have sex in the first place
NEET is a meme. Unless you have a rich parents , how can you cover your expenses ?
what expenses apart from food? Doing odd jobs here and there I only use like $30 of my parent's money a month
There's virtually free dental and health clinics out there
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incorrect, work was one of the things that made my life so shitty

What kind of job was it, physical labour?, if so then of course I can see that kind of job being stressful, I usually avoid those. The more I listen to some of you guys, the more you just sound lazy.

and work strikes are actually marginally meaningful, even if it's a 'drop in the bucket', it still is withholding labor from society, and making a very noticeable statement

1. False comparison, a work strike involves multiple workers AT THE SAME WORK PLACE, that's what makes it noticeable. Having multiple (lets say a few thousand) men all over the country decide to not work ISN'T NOTICEABLE AT ALL. Comparing workers that go on strike to being a neet is ridiculous, what you are doing isn't that "noble" and there is nothing (no data) that any company can compare against to realize that this sub group of society not working is a detriment to society.

Also when most of you guys are saying stuff like this:
Unfortunately, I have an inability to relate to others properly and my executive thinking is poor. All I’m good for is moving boxes, sweeping floors, and maybe data entry. I can’t function in a workplace no matter how hard I try.

Isn't it pretty obvious these companies aren't losing out, most of you literally admit you are shitty workers and/or aren't willing to put in any effort to become good.

So which is it, are you guys such shitty workers with social skills so bad that there's no point in you working, or are companies losing out on your work capabilities and you not working is a "very noticeable statement", pick one because both can't be true at the same time.

2. See if you can notice whats off about your logic here:
>drop in the bucket
>very noticeable statement

PICK ONE (both contradict eachother)

The phrase drop in the bucket is literally used to show that something is insignificant, insignificant things aren't noticeable, I don't even see how you formulated that sentence in your head and didn't spot this contradiction.

Its like saying - "Yeah I have 4/10 looks, but I'm still above average looking"

sex strikes are more dumb because you are actually improving the lives of normie men by reducing competition for women (who are scarce, jobs aren't theoretically scarce), it's not noticeable, and it's not even a strike as you wouldn't even have sex in the first place

JFL you do realize that the same logic here can be applied to the working world right - "neet work strikes are dumb because you are actually improving the lives of normie men by reducing competition for jobs (jobs actually are scarce, well good paying low effort jobs are), it's not noticeable, and it's not even a strike as you guys are self admittedly poor workers with bad social skills"

I hope you are starting to pick up on this ridiculous contradiction in the rhetoric of neets, most of you say something along the lines of - "I'm not fit for work, I would not be good at it anyways <insert shortcoming here>"

WHILE AT THE SAME TIME SAYING - "even if it's a 'drop in the bucket', it still is withholding labor from society, and making a very noticeable statement"

One can't make both of these statements and have them both be true and make sense, you can't withhold labor that nobody wants and isn't any good, if the first statement is true then they don't want your labour to begin with.
All I ever hear neets say is - "I'm withholding my labor and participation from society, and that's how I fight back, ha ha society, take that"

That's no different to when MGTOW say - "I'm opting out of societal male norms like marriage, etc and keeping my money for myself, ha ha society, take that"


There aren't enough people doing these things for it to make an impact, your income is a drop in the bucket in comparison to what the collective population of betabuxx pulls in for his whore wife, the only person impacted negatively by you not working, is you, it only negatively affects your life, leaves you with less options, and no access to resources and financial opportunities.

Even then admittedly my comparison is a bad one, because there is no upside to being married, so even if a MGTOW acknowledged it was coping, it would still be the most logical choice, being a neet is pure down side.

What do neets always go back to - "well I have more free time to relax and enjoy life unlike you"

News Flash - You are an incel, work is a mental escape from your shitty life, I often forget about being incel while working, and then when I get home its like everything floods right back in, because you have time to think and contemplate. Neets have a lot of free time, true, but here's the question.

A LOT OF FREE TIME TO DO WHAT...................... SUFFER MORE?

More time is only a positive if you have something enjoyable to do with it, and all neets have a copes, and low level medicore copes at that because they can't afford anything.
Yeah but minimum wage jobs are so much shit, and Working isn't a good cope when you're constantly bombarded with blackpilled interactions on a daily basis
What kind of job was it, physical labour?, if so then of course I can see that kind of job being stressful, I usually avoid those. The more I listen to some of you guys, the more you just sound lazy.

1. False comparison, a work strike involves multiple workers AT THE SAME WORK PLACE, that's what makes it noticeable. Having multiple (lets say a few thousand) men all over the country decide to not work ISN'T NOTICEABLE AT ALL. Comparing workers that go on strike to being a neet is ridiculous, what you are doing isn't that "noble" and there is nothing (no data) that any company can compare against to realize that this sub group of society not working is a detriment to society.

Also when most of you guys are saying stuff like this:

Isn't it pretty obvious these companies aren't losing out, most of you literally admit you are shitty workers and/or aren't willing to put in any effort to become good.

So which is it, are you guys such shitty workers with social skills so bad that there's no point in you working, or are companies losing out on your work capabilities and you not working is a "very noticeable statement", pick one because both can't be true at the same time.

2. See if you can notice whats off about your logic here:
>drop in the bucket
>very noticeable statement

PICK ONE (both contradict eachother)

The phrase drop in the bucket is literally used to show that something is insignificant, insignificant things aren't noticeable, I don't even see how you formulated that sentence in your head and didn't spot this contradiction.

Its like saying - "Yeah I have 4/10 looks, but I'm still above average looking"

JFL you do realize that the same logic here can be applied to the working world right - "neet work strikes are dumb because you are actually improving the lives of normie men by reducing competition for jobs (jobs actually are scarce, well good paying low effort jobs are), it's not noticeable, and it's not even a strike as you guys are self admittedly poor workers with bad social skills"

I hope you are starting to pick up on this ridiculous contradiction in the rhetoric of neets, most of you say something along the lines of - "I'm not fit for work, I would not be good at it anyways <insert shortcoming here>"

WHILE AT THE SAME TIME SAYING - "even if it's a 'drop in the bucket', it still is withholding labor from society, and making a very noticeable statement"

One can't make both of these statements and have them both be true and make sense, you can't withhold labor that nobody wants and isn't any good, if the first statement is true then they don't want your labour to begin with.
I agree with you tbh, if I could get a job that doesn't require much social interaction and physical labor I'd live at the fucking job
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Yeah but minimum wage jobs are so much shit

I have a simple solution............ don't work in a minimum wage job, while working there, send out your resume to other places

Working isn't a good cope when you're constantly bombarded with blackpilled interactions on a daily basis

Haven't you guys gotten used to this shit already, before I would have been angry or sad, but now its like a joke to me, I see these things and I laugh, and in some cases make a game out of it.

My most memorable example: https://incels.is/threads/workplace-roasties.40476/
I walk into the room, arrive at work early, one female co-worker is helping out a customer, tall white chad, I see how they are all looking at him, decide to put these whores on the spot, walk up to the group and say audibly enough for chad to hear - "whats going here, why is everyone gathered around".

Laughing at my head at all the BS excuses coming out of their mouth and they all quickly begin to remember they had something to do and scatter, reminded me of fucking roaches scattering when you disturb them eating something lol.

This is something I never would have been aware of if I wasn't black pilled, I probably use to bypass shit like this all the time taking place around me, completely unaware to how things really worked. The black pill is like being blind your entire life and waking up able to see, everything is different, you notice things you'd never notice before that were literally right in front of you when you were blue pilled

The blue pilled version of myself would have thought nothing of that scene in the room, would not have realized he could ruin their "eye candy" moment in a hilarious fashion that left the whores speechless and ashamed. You'd ask any one of my female co-workers an they'd say - "I don't have a type, personality matters".

The black pill is my life fuel, if I was still blue pilled I would have likely killed myself by now
I have a simple solution............ don't work in a minimum wage job, while working there, send out your resume to other places

Haven't you guys gotten used to this shit already, before I would have been angry or sad, but now its like a joke to me, I see these things and I laugh, and in some cases make a game out of it.

My most memorable example: https://incels.is/threads/workplace-roasties.40476/
Gotta get actual qualifications before I handout them resumes boyo
jobs actually are scarce

There's a hard theoretical limit to how much time women can divide among men, romantically, and women's nature is to constantly enforce that limit even if it doesn't need to be enforced.

The only theoretical limit to the amount of jobs there can be is the amount of labor a populace can perform (and that limit never gets hit anyway except during periods of world war), everything else is man made constraints. The job market is mainly constrained by taxes, temporary political ideology, and belief in political voodoo like the "gvmt debt being bad", totally artificial and flexible constraints. In native communities like the American Indians, EVERYONE IS EMPLOYED. The state enforces the entire concept of unemployment through taxes on money it has a monopoly on, a very recent human development. In other words, it's not natural for a group of people to "price out" other people from doing work. Unemployment is a UNNATURAL phenomenon. Job scarcity is an UNNATURAL phenomenon.

Therefore, doing a sex "strike" will always reduce competition on the other side. Doing a work strike doesn't really reduce any competition.

Having multiple (lets say a few thousand) men all over the country decide to not work ISN'T NOTICEABLE AT ALL
if I stop working, at least 60 people notice (and the word spreads beyond those 60 people as well). If i started having sex, no one would necessarily know except the person i'm having sex with.

Tell me what exactly is noble about working 40+ hours a week to give a society that undermines your mental and physical health stuff it doesn't even need, especially when there's mechanisms in place to not have to do that? The only noble thing for incels to do is to change the social contract either through culture or the law, to make it worth engaging in.
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If all incels stopped working society would collapse at that moment. It all depends on our labour, low tier men usually do the toughest most important work and brings in the most taxes. Why should we contribute to that collectivism that does nothing but hates us?
for an incel NEETings and drugs are the only reasons to live and however not-NEET incels are traitors supporting a collectivism that treat them as wageslaves taxes-payers
The job market is mainly constrained by taxes, temporary political ideology, and belief in political voodoo like the "gvmt debt being bad", totally artificial and flexible constraints. In native communities like the American Indians, EVERYONE IS EMPLOYED. The state enforces unemployment through taxes. In other words, it's not natural for businesses to "price out" workers. That's a MAN MADE phenomenon.

You are arguing something different and that really is irrelevant to the conversation, my point is that jobs actually are scarce, you are now telling me why they are scarce and stating that its artificial and shouldn't be like this.

Guess what, jobs are also inherently artificial, in the animal kingdom there are no jobs, you just kill and take what you want, complaining about the artificial constraints around something that is arficial to begin with is ridiculous.

You say its not natural for businesses to "do X", well guess what, businesses aren't natural to begin with, jobs aren't natural to begin with, it makes sense that artificial laws are formed to control artificial social constructs.

If all incels stopped working society would collapse at that moment. It all depends on our labour, low tier men usually do the toughest most important work and brings in the most taxes. Why should we contribute to that collectivism that does nothing but hates us?

1. What is your definition of an incel, is the scope wide (men who struggle to get sex?, men who don't have feasible access to their looks match?) or is it a small scope (men who can never get sex without paying for it). This is important because depending on your constraints your statement is true or false

2. I don't work to contribute to anything, that is just a tiny side effect, I work to one day pull myself out of societies hold over my life. Like I've said before, both neets and wagies are in a deep pit, the wagies pit just has a ladder inside it. Were both trapped in our lives, though my pit has a means of escape, while a neets pit is a permanent domicile. I'd much rather take the crappy path in life that has a means of improvement, than the crappy path in life that is unchangeable.
for an incel NEETings and drugs are the only reasons to live and however not-NEET incels are traitors supporting a collectivism that treat them as wageslaves taxes-payers

Not all of our parents are weak willed enough to allow a lazy good for nothing child live off of them, I'm pretty sure I would be throw out on the streets if I ever tried some BS like that. You aren't making a noble choice by being a neet, you just have shitty parents that think nothing of you so they have very low expectations.
I worked for a decade, mostly 40-50 hour office jobs.

They destroyed my brain.

100% of the work was pointless and unnecessary


in the animal kingdom there are no jobs, you just kill and take what you want,

Incorrect. In hunter gatherer pre-history, "jobs" were assigned based on life survival, everyone was not-NEET, every adult put in work in exchange for their survival. If they didn't they were killed off. NEETdom is a pretty modern phenomenon. It's unnatural, and usually voluntary as the social costs are so high (for a man) and the state application process (for men) is usually harder than asking a parent or grocery store for another job. Being deselected MGTOW style is natural, and almost always involuntary.

The point is that the artificial nature of job scarcity is extremely flexible because it's not natural. If people go on a work strike, the job market doesn't have any natural incentive to not adjust for the reduced labor. The political ideology enforcing the job scarcity doesn't want rampant NEETdom, it's only designed to make people feel like they need to have the jobs by making everyone believe it's a scarce commodity, something you've almost bought into.

Hypergamy wants MGTOWs to be deselected.

If 30% of young men drop out of the work force voluntarily, that's highly noticeable, and the work force will still adjust to continue to enforce artificial scarcity to create artificial competition to make people feel like they are 'earning' jobs, and create demand for jobs.

If 30% of men do a MGTOW style sex "strike", it's less noticeable and meaningful because they were already deselected, they are involuntarily being weeded out.

Doing a male sex "strike" is simply following a natural process that is there to undermine you.
Doing a work strike is combating people enforcing a particular social contract on you.

Most self-identified NEETs are fighting against a social contract, are visible and voluntary, MGTOWs aren't any of that stuff. MGTOWs think they've rejected the social contract RE: sex, when they've just been deselected. MGTOWs then go onto celebrate and participate in the rest of the social contract. It's the stupidest thing. NEETs reject almost all of it.

Tell me what exactly is noble about working 40+ hours a week to give a society that undermines your mental and physical health stuff it doesn't even need, especially when there's mechanisms in place to not have to do that? The only noble thing for incels to do is to change the social contract either through culture or the law, to make it worth engaging in.
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All I ever hear neets say is - "I'm withholding my labor and participation from society, and that's how I fight back, ha ha society, take that"

That's no different to when MGTOW say - "I'm opting out of societal male norms like marriage, etc and keeping my money for myself, ha ha society, take that"


There aren't enough people doing these things for it to make an impact, your income is a drop in the bucket in comparison to what the collective population of betabuxx pulls in for his whore wife, the only person impacted negatively by you not working, is you, it only negatively affects your life, leaves you with less options, and no access to resources and financial opportunities.

Even then admittedly my comparison is a bad one, because there is no upside to being married, so even if a MGTOW acknowledged it was coping, it would still be the most logical choice, being a neet is pure down side.

What do neets always go back to - "well I have more free time to relax and enjoy life unlike you"

News Flash - You are an incel, work is a mental escape from your shitty life, I often forget about being incel while working, and then when I get home its like everything floods right back in, because you have time to think and contemplate. Neets have a lot of free time, true, but here's the question.

A LOT OF FREE TIME TO DO WHAT...................... SUFFER MORE?

More time is only a positive if you have something enjoyable to do with it, and all neets have a copes, and low level medicore copes at that because they can't afford anything.
It depends on the person. There are some people who really thrive in their job/career and enjoy it. Then there are people who just hate working in general and get depressed if they work.
It depends on the person. There are some people who really thrive in their job/career and enjoy it. Then there are people who just hate working in general and get depressed if they work.

Again more BS excuses, I don't like working, whenever my co-workers asked me what my dream job is my reply is always "land lord, because you get paid a lot to do nothing".

I always find it ridiculous when I hear people acting as if "hating to work" is some special rare trait that only they have and the rest of us are just walking around with wide grins as we go through the working day, everybody at work is always talking about hoping to win the lottery, etc. Nobody wants to work, we just have to if we want a chance of having a more enjoyable life.

Some people find work enjoyable because its a field they actually want to work in, but if they could choose not to do said field as a job but instead as a hobby, don't you think they would?.
Again more BS excuses, I don't like working, whenever my co-workers asked me what my dream job is my reply is always "land lord, because you get paid a lot to do nothing".

I always find it ridiculous when I hear people acting as if "hating to work" is some special rare trait that only they have and the rest of us are just walking around with wide grins as we go through the working day, everybody at work is always talking about hoping to win the lottery, etc. Nobody wants to work, we just have to if we want a chance of having a more enjoyable life.

Some people find work enjoyable because its a field they actually want to work in, but if they could choose not to do said field as a job but instead as a hobby, don't you think they would.
Believe me there are people out there who found their calling or passion and really enjoy working. The average person is somewhat indifferent to their job. But we are talking about neets here they get depressed and really fucked up if they have to work a job they loathe for a long time, they are on a different level.
Believe me there are people out there who found their calling or passion and really enjoy working. The average person is somewhat indifferent to their job. But we are talking about neets here they get depressed and really fucked up if they have to work a job they loathe for a long time, they are on a different level.

1. They only became neets because they never really tried to begin with

2. They never really tried because they had a safety net (parents that would support said lifestyle choice, inheritance, welfare, etc). Hence they became neets. Like i've said before, the only true neet is a homeless man, the natural result of not working is not having access to any basic modern amenities.

If any of their parents threw them out and or they lost access to their inheritance, welfare, etc. Watch how quickly they'll magically become good workers and start training themselves to be socially competant.

They are neets because they have the choice to be neets, people who don't have that choice magically attain skills that make them fit to work, it isn't magic though, its simply putting effort in because you have no choice but to.
1. They only became neets because they never really tried to begin with

2. They never really tried because they had a safety net (parents that would support said lifestyle choice, inheritance, welfare, etc). Hence they became neets. Like i've said before, the only true neet is a homeless man, the natural result of not working is not having access to any basic modern amenities.

If any of their parents threw them out and or they lost access to their inheritance, welfare, etc. Watch how quickly they'll magically become good workers and start training themselves to be socially competant.

They are neets because they have the choice to be neets, people who don't have that choice magically attain skills that make them fit to work, it isn't magic though, its simply putting effort in because you have no choice but to.
You are a fool if you think thrown out neets become good workers lol. The ones i knew couldn't get much better than minimum wage jobs...

Incorrect. In hunter gatherer pre-history, "jobs" were assigned based on life survival, everyone was not-NEET, every adult put in work in exchange for their survival. If they didn't they were killed off. NEETdom is a pretty modern phenomenon. It's unnatural, and usually voluntary as the social costs are so high and there is usually a state application process is usually harder than asking a parent or grocery store for another job, whether it be NEETbux for being a low status male or slutbux for being a single mom. Being deselected MGTOW style is natural, and almost always involuntary.

The point is that the artificial nature of job scarcity is extremely flexible because it's not natural. If people go on a work strike, the job market doesn't have any natural incentive to not adjust for the reduced labor. The political ideology enforcing the job scarcity doesn't want rampant NEETdom, it's only designed to make people feel like they need to have the jobs by making everyone believe it's a scarce commodity, something you've almost bought into.

Hypergamy wants MGTOWs to be deselected.

If 30% of young men drop out of the work force voluntarily, that's highly noticeable, and the work force will still adjust to continue to enforce artificial scarcity to create artificial competition to make people feel like they are 'earning' jobs, and create demand for jobs.

If 30% of men do a MGTOW style sex "strike", it's less noticeable and meaningful because they were already deselected, they are involuntarily being weeded out.

Doing a male sex "strike" is simply following a natural process that is there to undermine you.
Doing a work strike is combating people enforcing a particular social contract on you.

Most self-identified NEETs are fighting against a social contract, are visible and voluntary, MGTOWs aren't any of that stuff. MGTOWs think they've rejected the social contract RE: sex, when they've just been deselected. MGTOWs then go onto celebrate and participate in the rest of the social contract. It's the stupidest thing. NEETs reject almost all of it.

Tell me what exactly is noble about working 40+ hours a week to give a society that undermines your mental and physical health stuff it doesn't even need, especially when there's mechanisms in place to not have to do that? The only noble thing for incels to do is to change the social contract either through culture or the law, to make it worth engaging in.

The fuck are you on, I'm only working because I need to live, I don't give a fuck about society

#1 I was born into one
#2 work or die

I ain't gonna run out to the wild and eat fucking bugs and raw animal carcasses, you live in society, you can participate or not but if you want to live then u need something called money

Money is like food, u need it to live

Keep making copes about feeding single mom's
1. They only became neets because they never really tried to begin with

2. They never really tried because they had a safety net (parents that would support said lifestyle choice, inheritance, welfare, etc). Hence they became neets. Like i've said before, the only true neet is a homeless man, the natural result of not working is not having access to any basic modern amenities.

If any of their parents threw them out and or they lost access to their inheritance, welfare, etc. Watch how quickly they'll magically become good workers and start training themselves to be socially competant.

They are neets because they have the choice to be neets, people who don't have that choice magically attain skills that make them fit to work, it isn't magic though, its simply putting effort in because you have no choice but to.

What about young african and Arab men
You are a fool if you think thrown out neets become good workers lol. The ones i knew couldn't get much better than minimum wage jobs...

Of course they couldn't, because they had no qualifications, that's their fault, if instead of staying at home all they they pursued education their parents would be more understanding and take notice of their effort, they would not have been thrown out, and when they finally entered the working world they would be able to get better than minimum wage.

Also based on this statement, I refer you to my most recent thread - https://incels.is/threads/if-you-fa...ou-arent-incel-you-are-a-failed-normie.88540/

If you failed at both having a social life and at academics, then you aren't incel, you are just a failed normie
What about young african and Arab men

What about them, what do you mean?
Remember to go to bed early tonight, wagies! You need to be 10 minutes early so Mr. Shekelberg doesn't yell at you again.
The fuck are you on, I'm only working because I need to live, I don't give a fuck about society

#1 I was born into one
#2 work or die

I ain't gonna run out to the wild and eat fucking bugs and raw animal carcasses, you live in society, you can participate or not but if you want to live then u need something called money

Money is like food, u need it to live

You don't need much if you live in a welfare state and have immediate family in good health and/or qualify for SSDI. It's hard but for many, less abusive than a full time job.
You don't need much if you live in a welfare state and have immediate family in good health and/or qualify for SSDI. It's hard but for many, less abusive than a full time job.

Heads up 85% of nation states don't have welfare for singles and the other 10% makes it an extreme hassle to yet it unless you've been actually been institutionalized in a government facility

Heads up 85% of nation states don't have welfare for singles and the other 10% makes it an extreme hassle to yet it unless you've been actually been institutionalized in a government facility

Does being involuntarily committed by a local gvmt to a private psychiatric facility count? Cuz that's happened to me.
My therapist told me last month to seek welfare.
Does being involuntarily committed by a local gvmt to a private psychiatric facility count? Cuz that's happened to me.
My therapist told me last month to seek welfare.

No. I'm talking about government wards, prisons or hospitals. Your application for U.S disability will be rejected if it's a priviate facility because documentation is weaker if it isn't government biased.

I know a few blacks that were released from prison or jail for minor drug charges or assault then claimed depression and it worked for them.

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