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Blackpill "NEETDOM" Is Nothing But A Psyop Foisted Upon Social Rejects So That We Don't Become "Real Threats"



Feb 28, 2018
Think about it, how the fuck does being broke help you, if you had more money you'd be more likely to buy a gun and go ER, you would have more money to invest into things that are to the detriment of normie society but benefit us, isn't this whole NEET meme just all too convenient as something that keeps us perpetually unable to change our lives (especially via violent/direct means).

I only just thought of this just now and its so true when you think about it, we waste our time joking and memeing about "wagies" and how its "so blackpill" not to work, like work is somehow for "normies". Where does that leave us, all it does is leave us without the will our resources to make plans and do what we see fit, try to shape the world in the way we invision. Imagine if their was a group of successful incel businessmen, imagine if these men came together and pooled resources for black pill causes, shit that directly fucks with women's power in society (e.g. Male birth control pill)

We need to be honest and direct, and attack this elephant in the room head on, a lot of you have likely already been fooled by this shit, fell for the meme, and are currently "neets" and not even trying to get a job or get educated so you can increase your wealth. Its really just sad and lazy because most incels I know have above average intelligence and are true thinkers, to waste your potential and hatred, is just ridiculous, I think its all to convenient that this is part of being incel or part of being "black pill", it just seems like a psyop to me, the perfect mindset to foist unto individuals that you'd rank as dangerous if they became organized and resourceful

Stop with this nonsense, get a job, get educated, invest, network with other incels that are "going somewhere in life". If we did this we'd be a force to be reckoned with.
ehh i will just rot, thanks for the advice tho
I am NEET cause I can barely get out of bed. I am tired and old.
JFL at thinking I give a fuck about some social movements or whatever. It is already over for me. I am 29 my life is over.
agree 100%. we need to take the system out from the inside. if we can get incels into high places of power that would be glorious.
agree 100%. we need to take the system out from the inside. if we can get incels into high places of power that would be glorious.

Whatever shit you are smoking give me some as well.
I am 29 my life is over.

Lol you are fucking retarded I swore you were going to say were at least mid 40's or in your 50's or somethings, its from guys that age that you usually hear the "old and tired" rhetoric, are you fucking kidding me, you've barely hit the half mark and you are screaming "tired and old", a lot of you are probably incel because you were lazy fucks to begin with, all of you keep saying you put effort in but effort is relative, to a lazy weak willed fuck getting rejected by women 100 times is enough for them to give up completely, while other men 1000 times is their limit.

With the way you sound, and a lot of the guy like you, I can only view you as volcel, with a mindset like that, so defeatist, no wonder you failed at life. You chose to fail, oh and reminder, failure is never an "instance", failure is something ongoing and never ending, so its not that you failed, its that you chose to fail EVERYDAY

Like I told you before, if your life is already over, and you are unwilling to do anything, just stop wasting time and kill yourself, you don't even need a gun for a painless death, just go to the top of a tall building and jump off head first

Whatever shit you are smoking give me some as well.

Please just off yourself, do it tonight, or tomorrow even, but just do it, guys like you are useless, nothing but a detriment to all incels, and i suspect you may not even be incel, I always expect people that talk like you on these forums are paid psyop operatives, paid to be "deescalators" used to keep incels and black pillers in general "docile" and hopeless.

Like the "50 Cent Army/Party" of communist china - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/50_Cent_Party

For those of you who think this is just crazy shit, no this shit is real, psychological war is being waged on the internet, remember the cold war wasn't a physical war, governments are doing shit like this all over the world, one of my favorite youtube channels has a video on this kind of evil shit.

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its so ironic how you're saying that as an actual truecel you would be seen as any different if you had a job, fucking lol
Lol you are fucking retarded I swore you were going to say were at least mid 40's or in your 50's or somethings, its from guys that age that you usually hear the "old and tired" rhetoric, are you fucking kidding me, you've barely hit the half mark and you are screaming "tired and old", a lot of you are probably incel because you were lazy fucks to begin with, all of you keep saying you put effort in but effort is relative, to a lazy weak willed fuck getting rejected by women 100 times is enough for them to give up completely, while other men 1000 times is their limit.

With the way you sound, and a lot of the guy like you, I can only view you as volcel, with a mindset like that, so defeatist, no wonder you failed at life. You chose to fail, oh and reminder, failure is never an "instance", failure is something ongoing and never ending, so its not that you failed, its that you chose to fail EVERYDAY

Like I told you before, if your life is already over, and you are unwilling to do anything, just stop wasting time and kill yourself, you don't even need a gun for a painless death, just go to the top of a tall building and jump off head first
I am not even incel. Cause I had some success in the past. But now I just legit wanma go to sleep and never wake up.

Prob gonna sui when the pain becomes unbarable. I am religioncel so it is ehy I didn't sui earlier,also dont wanna do this to my mom and grandma who took.care of me. So I am waiting them to die.

And for your information I have over 1000+ rejections (talking inrl not online).
"I tried so hard and went so far but in the end it didnt even matter" it is ogre.
its so ironic how you're saying that as an actual truecel you would be seen as any different if you had a job, fucking lol

Your lack of reading and comprehensions skills are astounding, now where did I say having a job will make normies view you differently, idk but it sounds more like I'm tlaking about using money and resources to fuck with society, not get people to like us, ever think maybe you just don't know how to read and interpret?

My comment had nothing to do with how we'll look, it had everything to do with WHAT WE CAN ACCOMPLISH FOR OURSELVES.
i'm fine with LDARing as a filthy neet for now
It's good that you are highly motivated. Hell you can even male a difference but understand most of us are not like that. It's not as simple as "getting off your ass" you need a intrinsic self motivation.
your perspective is refreshing. I need to get motivated again
incel corporation... incel clothing brand... incel music...incel bars... incel movies... incel crypto currency... incel comic book...incel propaganda videos...incel cooking shows...incel space missions...incel telethons...incel video games... incel documentary... incel talk show... incel restaurants...incelcon...incel plastic surgeons...incel textbooks...incel birthday cards...incel flavored candy...incel scented candles...incel magazines...incel fashion shows...incel action figures...custom incel tombstones...incel handshake...incel drug dealers... then use our money from these things to buy influence in the government install our own leader into the presidency then instruct them to nuke the world into oblivion
this might be true but im too deep into the neet lifestyle at this point
If a person could get off their ass and work at getting what they want, they wouldn't be incel in the first place.
Some incels here are woke. This has potential. Maybe unattractive men are the chosen ones to destroy (((the establishment))), who knew. We must become a force
I'm a NEET but I still make money these lazy NEETs who don't do anything have given up on life and don't deserve anything out of it
Yes goy, support the system, someone has to pay for Stacies 12 biracial kids after all.
When your deprived of all of life's pleasure getting a job seems stupid. I'll work when a job comes my way that I WANT to do. I'm not mopping up floors to then come home to an empty apartment that I can barely afford because the money I make is so shit.

Governments still haven't figured out the solution to this problem. They forget what makes life worth living to most people. The overwhelming majority of NEETs will happily get off their asses if you give them more than a just a mop and a shit wage. Otherwise everyone can fuck off.
If a person could get off their ass and work at getting what they want, they wouldn't be incel in the first place.

I guess you are right, because we all know hard work alters your genetics and makes you more handsome over time, so being a hard worker by default makes you more physically attractive. (You sound retarded mate).
When your deprived of all of life's pleasure getting a job seems stupid. I'll work when a job comes my way that I WANT to do.

Yeah there are these things called saving and entreupernurship that allow you to work the way YOU WANT, do you know what people do to get to that point....... WORK

I'm not mopping up floors to then come home to an empty apartment that I can barely afford because the money I make is so shit.

This line here just makes you sound retarded and bad with money, because it implies you are living outside of your means, if you have low paying shitty job, then you should be living in a low rent shitty apartment, in this hypothetical scenario you just proposed, its your fault, you're the idiot living outside of your means. Get a shitty apartment that fits your shitty pay or STFU. Its like you guys have the minds of children.

Oh and mop floors?, what kind of crappy educational background do you have, I thought were supposed to be the "logical" and "smart ones", that's the only good thing we have going for us, so if you not only couldn't get laid, but also decided to waste your time at school, then FUCK YOU, you deserve to have a shitty life, you literally chose to be good at nothing. I expect every so called incel in here to at least be educated enough where their complain is a "boring cubicle job" not mopping floors, the fact that you used that as an example makes me think you wasted your time at school, there are good jobs available, you just have to get out there and force yourself to smile and talk to people (impossible right?, requires actual effort smh).

Governments still haven't figured out the solution to this problem. They forget what makes life worth living to most people. The overwhelming majority of NEETs will happily get off their asses if you give them more than a just a mop and a shit wage. Otherwise everyone can fuck off.

Lol alright then, continue to pointlessly complain about how bad your life is, and that nothing good ever happens. Again I find it ironic that black pillers are supposed to be the "logical" ones, yet a good bit of you here are illogical as fuck, you're stuck in an infinite loop, where the way out is obvious but you're too brainwashed and/or stubborn to take it.

I don't get it, why not just kill yourself now, it isn't the end of the road, YOU HAVE DECIDED ITS THE END BASED ON WHAT YOU ARE WILLING TO DO. At that point, if you know that you personally are never going to do anything to change your own circumstances then why continue living in a hell you know will never end due to your own inaction. You've already admitted to yourself that you aren't willing to change, and being realistic your life isn't magically going to change out of nowhere, so why not just kill yourself now.

>Inb4 - "well there are still things I enjoy doing, so I live to do those things"

Really, good, then STFU and stop complaining about the other things you don't get to enjoy you illogical idiot, because you literally just admitted you aren't willing to do shit to get it. Its like standing in front of the see through window of an ice-cream store and crying and bawling all day long, the owner comes out and asks why you don't come inside, your response it you just don't want to, doesn't seem worth the effort (THE IRONY), you then resume crying and bawling lol.

The great irony of endlessly complaining about something while simultaneously saying that whatever means that are present to attain it "aren't worth it". If its really not worth it, then what you are crying about isn't that great anyways, so just STFU and stop crying about it. It makes no sense to complain and do nothing. PICK A SIDE

Do you get how retarded you sound, you are literally saying here that the government HAS TO CONVINCE YOU TO HELP YOURSELF. The role of a government is not to make its citizens happy, the role of a government is to facilitate social order and ensure that everyone has to follow a specific set of rules, its your own job to make your life great.

TLDR - Kill yourself
Yes goy, support the system, someone has to pay for Stacies 12 biracial kids after all.
Whether you work or not her children get supported idiot, because there will always be a beta provider around, there will always be white knights, might as well use the system to my benefit and then check out, than to just remain stagnant within the system and complain while I suffer. Its like you can't even do a simple cost benefit analysis. If there's a chest filled with gold, and blocking my path is a tiny swarm of mosquitos, then I have no problem sacrificing a little blood and pain to get the gold.

So society can take whatever the want from the taxes i'll pay and use it for whatever the hell they want, I'm never getting married, I'm never having children, etc, so that means I have a lot of expendable income to inv.est in myself and my business ventures, being incel ironically provides us with a rare outlook and means to create greater lives for ourselves (well financially) than the average man who has to worry about wedding costs, family vacations, tutions, schooling costs, diapers (that's a big one, shit is expensive, realized this as a cashier years ago), not to mention the possible divorce, alimony and/or child support payments. We have more potential expendable income than the average man
How old are you OP?
How old are you OP?
In my 20's, don't want to give out an exact age, because well I'm going to be "starting shit" in the next few years, and I'd rather not get doxxed too soon before I can fully cement my plans, it will happen anyways when shit starts to go down, but I'm not going to help normies narrow it down.
I guess you are right, because we all know hard work alters your genetics and makes you more handsome over time, so being a hard worker by default makes you more physically attractive. (You sound retarded mate).

Fuck being handsome.

How many trainloads of women do you reckon Harvey Weinstein has bedded in one lifetime?

Or any high status man?

Stephen fucking Hawking got laid.

An 800 pound guy from Mexico got laid.

The midget Tatoo from Fantasy Island got laid.

I see ugly guys with their wives all day every day.

As far as wageslaving.

You have to start somewhere, you can't magically start from the top, it's called "career ladder" because you climb it.

When you are making 6-figures and getting your dick sucked at Cabo it feels good.

But you not gonna get there if you don't take the mop, if you don't study and improve, you gonna be zero sitting home wacking your 4 inch dick talking bout going ER.

See here is the dark truth about "revolution."

If the revolutionary worked hard enough to succeed, he would have a place at the table.

He doesn't have a place at the table because he sits on his punk ass and fantasizes about being a violent nigger.

If you spent the next 10 years working on your life you will have everything. Wife, kids, whatever you want.

"But I am ugly."

So what, me too.

I am ugly and fat and I have money so girls suck my dick, not only that they wanna have my baby.

But I'm not stupid, I have plans and I only want the best.
Fuck being handsome.

How many trainloads of women do you reckon Harvey Weinstein has bedded in one lifetime?

Or any high status man?

Stephen fucking Hawking got laid.

An 800 pound guy from Mexico got laid.

The midget Tatoo from Fantasy Island got laid.

I see ugly guys with their wives all day every day.

As far as wageslaving.

You have to start somewhere, you can't magically start from the top, it's called "career ladder" because you climb it.

When you are making 6-figures and getting your dick sucked at Cabo it feels good.

But you not gonna get there if you don't take the mop, if you don't study and improve, you gonna be zero sitting home wacking your 4 inch dick talking bout going ER.

See here is the dark truth about "revolution."

If the revolutionary worked hard enough to succeed, he would have a place at the table.

He doesn't have a place at the table because he sits on his punk ass and fantasizes about being a violent nigger.

If you spent the next 10 years working on your life you will have everything. Wife, kids, whatever you want.

"But I am ugly."

So what, me too.

I am ugly and fat and I have money so girls suck my dick, not only that they wanna have my baby.

But I'm not stupid, I have plans and I only want the best.

I am confused as fuck right now lol, because were arguing the same thing, maybe I was confused by what you intended by your post, but when I read "If a person could get off their ass and work at getting what they want, they wouldn't be incel in the first place". It seemed like you were saying if working hard made a difference then incels wouldn't exist. think I read too much into the sentence, sorry.
Yes, but at least you can sleep easy knowing that not a single penny of your hard-earned money went to a slut.

Yeah, while less money goes into your pocket and you remain perpetually broke and sex starved, you must have one comfy bed, which model is it, the CopeX 9000?

Whats 10000 pennies in some random whores pocket vs possible thousands of dollars more in mines. You are very small minded, there's this saying I hear years ago that FITS YOU PERFECTLY

dude a gun costs like $300 anyone can afford that

NEET life is good because I just don't wanna work. I get no satisfaction from spending 9 hours a day doing something I don't want to, only to receive a meager amount of money for time that I'll never get back. Free time is more important to me.

What am I even gonna spend that money on? I don't want anything. Every book, film or game I've ever wanted can be pirated, and I already have a computer. I don't want a yacht or a big house or to eat at a restaurant every night. I'd rather sleep 14 hours a night, bask under the hot sun, and laze around alone. I am a slacker in my very soul. As long as the weather's nice and I have a roof over my head, I'm as happy as I can be, I don't feel any drive to be productive.
If a person could get off their ass and work at getting what they want, they wouldn't be incel in the first place.
That is absolutely fucking ridiculous.
dude a gun costs like $300 anyone can afford that

NEET life is good because I just don't wanna work. I get no satisfaction from spending 9 hours a day doing something I don't want to, only to receive a meager amount of money for time that I'll never get back. Free time is more important to me.

What am I even gonna spend that money on? I don't want anything. Every book, film or game I've ever wanted can be pirated, and I already have a computer. I don't want a yacht or a big house or to eat at a restaurant every night. I'd rather sleep 14 hours a night, bask under the hot sun, and laze around alone. I am a slacker in my very soul. As long as the weather's nice and I have a roof over my head, I'm as happy as I can be, I don't feel any drive to be productive.

Do you live with your parents, if so, are they immortal? lol, if not then you must be well off, because computers cost money, so does internet, food, etc.

Also I have to assume to don't plan on ever paying for sex, so why come on a site everyday to complain about not getting laid, when you are aware of the current rule of society and also aware that you aren't willing to do what it takes to get it
agree 100%. we need to take the system out from the inside. if we can get incels into high places of power that would be glorious.
I want a successful incel to drag me out of this swamp.
Do you live with your parents,
nah but they do pay for my place

Also I have to assume to don't plan on ever paying for sex, so why come on a site everyday to complain about not getting laid, when you are aware of the current rule of society and also aware that you aren't willing to do what it takes to get it
since when does being betabux/paying a prostitute mean you've escaped inceldom

an incel is anyone who can't get sex without money/status

I don't complain that much, I come here mostly to enjoy the misanthropic atmosphere and socialize in the company of fellow parasites and losers tbh
nah but they do pay for my place

Same difference, you are still being supported by your parents, what happens when they die, let me guess you have a large inheritance to collect, well boyo you are the exception to the rule your words here on this topic really don't count for shit, what you said was so much BS that I automatically assumed that your parents were paying for you shit because that's the only way somebody could think they way you think, you are speaking about things as though costs don't add up and they do, but since you're basically still being taken care of by your parents you have this illusion that your life is always going to be that comfy, it isn't (unless you have an inheritance coming your way, and if so then I repeat again YOUR OPINION HERE DOESN'T MATTER THEN, YOU ARE THE EXCEPTION TO THE RULE, now back to the rest of us that will actually have to work to build an enjoyable life for ourselves)

since when does being betabux/paying a prostitute mean you've escaped inceldom
I never said it would, I was just thinking that getting laid would be a desirable expense, you won't escape inceldom, but your orgasms will be just as enjoyable as chads, so who cares. If I walk into a store an a frequent shopper gets a 50% discount (Chad Discount Card) on an item and I have to pay the full price, the item is still just as useful for both of us, I just had to pay more.
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@BlkPillPres destrpyed you guys in a very high IQ way.

i always disagreed with NEETing because you seem to be limiting yourself just to spite the very people you are now dependent on.
Same difference, you are still being supported by your parents, what happens when they die, let me guess you have a large inheritance to collect, well boyo you are the exception to the rule your words here on this topic really don't count for shit, what you said was so much BS that I automatically assumed that your parents were paying for you shit because that's the only way somebody could think they way you think, you are speaking about things as though costs don't add up and they do, but since you're basically still being taken care of by your parents you have this illusion that your life is always going to be that comfy, it isn't (unless you have an inheritance coming your way, and if so then I repeat again YOUR OPINION HERE DOESN'T MATTER THEN, YOU ARE THE EXCEPTION TO THE RULE, now back to the rest of us that will actually have to work to build an enjoyable life for ourselves)

I never said it would, I was just thinking that getting laid would be a desirable expense, you won't escape inceldom, but your orgasms will be just as enjoyable as chads, so who cares. If I walk into a store an a frequent shopper gets a 50% discount (Chad Discount Card) on an item and I have to pay the full price, the item is still just as useful for both of us, I just had to pay more.

At 5'3.5 and ethnic I can get a lot of low paying jobs easily because there's no real discrimination in an ethnic area. Once I take on white collar jobs in a dominantly white area and profession, I am unlikely to progress beyond the staff level.

I have about $15k in fluid cash and $3K in investment accounts so money and jobs doesn't matter since that are unttainable by 95% of the "incels" out there.

A career with progression and advancement however is unlikely to occur due to things such as looks, social incompetence and a blatant repulsive personality.

Wouldn't be surprised if I can land a $40K job but again, it's unlikely there's forward growth.
NEETcels on suicide watch
What the fuck can we accomplish? There's no cohesive incel movement and there never will be.

Working is cucked beyond belief, this society has done nothing for us, why would you want to contribute to it in any meaningful way? The american dream is a fantasy unless you're a millionare or chad. All the good experiences life has to offer are pretty much exclusive for neurotypicals and couples.

If you had 100k in your hand right now what would you do to enjoy yourself alone? Probably a bunch of meaningless copes that will never fill the void of lonliness and depression in your soul. Accept that it's over, if you're talented and smart then use that to orchestrate intelligent crimes or if you're not then jump on NEETbux and enjoy life knowing you're draining societal resources.
Think about it, how the fuck does being broke help you, if you had more money you'd be more likely to buy a gun and go ER, you would have more money to invest into things that are to the detriment of normie society but benefit us, isn't this whole NEET meme just all too convenient as something that keeps us perpetually unable to change our lives (especially via violent/direct means).

I only just thought of this just now and its so true when you think about it, we waste our time joking and memeing about "wagies" and how its "so blackpill" not to work, like work is somehow for "normies". Where does that leave us, all it does is leave us without the will our resources to make plans and do what we see fit, try to shape the world in the way we invision. Imagine if their was a group of successful incel businessmen, imagine if these men came together and pooled resources for black pill causes, shit that directly fucks with women's power in society (e.g. Male birth control pill)

We need to be honest and direct, and attack this elephant in the room head on, a lot of you have likely already been fooled by this shit, fell for the meme, and are currently "neets" and not even trying to get a job or get educated so you can increase your wealth. Its really just sad and lazy because most incels I know have above average intelligence and are true thinkers, to waste your potential and hatred, is just ridiculous, I think its all to convenient that this is part of being incel or part of being "black pill", it just seems like a psyop to me, the perfect mindset to foist unto individuals that you'd rank as dangerous if they became organized and resourceful

Stop with this nonsense, get a job, get educated, invest, network with other incels that are "going somewhere in life". If we did this we'd be a force to be reckoned with.

High IQ!

It's tough though... I feel like the same things that make me an incel prevent me from being successful in any other way (being ugly, poorly socialized, etc). By any standards I'd be considered a total failure.

I've never liked the neet life. I've neeted on and off for short periods of time but I always find something to do.

You've got the real blackpill: getting off your ass and trying to do something.
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Fuck being handsome.

How many trainloads of women do you reckon Harvey Weinstein has bedded in one lifetime?

Or any high status man?

Stephen fucking Hawking got laid.

An 800 pound guy from Mexico got laid.

The midget Tatoo from Fantasy Island got laid.

I see ugly guys with their wives all day every day.

As far as wageslaving.

You have to start somewhere, you can't magically start from the top, it's called "career ladder" because you climb it.

When you are making 6-figures and getting your dick sucked at Cabo it feels good.

But you not gonna get there if you don't take the mop, if you don't study and improve, you gonna be zero sitting home wacking your 4 inch dick talking bout going ER.

See here is the dark truth about "revolution."

If the revolutionary worked hard enough to succeed, he would have a place at the table.

He doesn't have a place at the table because he sits on his punk ass and fantasizes about being a violent nigger.

If you spent the next 10 years working on your life you will have everything. Wife, kids, whatever you want.

"But I am ugly."

So what, me too.

I am ugly and fat and I have money so girls suck my dick, not only that they wanna have my baby.

But I'm not stupid, I have plans and I only want the best.

JFL at this cope, the economy is getting much worse so this idea of study hard and get a comfy middle class job is dying very fast. I know so many graduates that are working for minimum wage because they can't secure a job in their field.

Hard work is becoming the least influential factor to financial success, in fact it's mostly connections (nepotism) and alot of luck nowadays. Heck i'm 22 years old and graduate with a software engineering degree (distinction average) within a few months and i couldn't even land an internship despite applying to every single opportunity in the career portal.

Your survivorship bias is deluding you into believing that theres a life script for success when most factors that control an individuals success are completely out of their control. Anyone who is even remotley intelligent understands this and gives up as a result, why even bother when no amount of hard work gurantees you any sort of stability and upwards economic mobility? This isn't the baby boomer generation where you graduate with a degree and get guranteed a nice job with good income, shit is far more difficult and aimless these days and i refuse to work for a society that lied to me about my opportunities and expects me to gamble with my future for a basic livable wage.
JFL at this cope, the economy is getting much worse so this idea of study hard and get a comfy middle class job is dying very fast. I know so many graduates that are working for minimum wage because they can't secure a job in their field.

Hard work is becoming the least influential factor to financial success, in fact it's mostly connections (nepotism) and alot of luck nowadays. Heck i'm 22 years old and graduate with a software engineering degree (distinction average) within a few months and i couldn't even land an internship despite applying to every single opportunity in the career portal.

Your survivorship bias is deluding you into believing that theres a life script for success when most factors that control an individuals success are completely out of their control. Anyone who is even remotley intelligent understands this and gives up as a result, why even bother when no amount of hard work gurantees you any sort of stability and upwards economic mobility? This isn't the baby boomer generation where you graduate with a degree and get guranteed a nice job with good income, shit is far more difficult and aimless these days and i refuse to work for a society that lied to me about my opportunities and expects me to gamble with my future for a basic livable wage.
high IQ
looks like a wagey getting buttblasted as usual, dont forget to go to sleep, or mr.shlomo will cut your paycheck if you're late!

also imagine being so insecure and retarded that your only success in life is WORK and you think you are successfull at it ALL because of your HARD WORK, and you keep BRAINWASHING other people that THEY CAN ALSO MAKE IT just to PAT YOUR EGO THAT YOU ACHIEVED SOMETHING BY YOUR OWN WORK (when in reality it was just genetics/luck/nepotism aka survivorship bias like @BlackPilledKira said

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JFL at this cope, the economy is getting much worse so this idea of study hard and get a comfy middle class job is dying very fast. I know so many graduates that are working for minimum wage because they can't secure a job in their field.

Hard work is becoming the least influential factor to financial success, in fact it's mostly connections (nepotism) and alot of luck nowadays. Heck i'm 22 years old and graduate with a software engineering degree (distinction average) within a few months and i couldn't even land an internship despite applying to every single opportunity in the career portal.

Your survivorship bias is deluding you into believing that theres a life script for success when most factors that control an individuals success are completely out of their control. Anyone who is even remotley intelligent understands this and gives up as a result, why even bother when no amount of hard work gurantees you any sort of stability and upwards economic mobility? This isn't the baby boomer generation where you graduate with a degree and get guranteed a nice job with good income, shit is far more difficult and aimless these days and i refuse to work for a society that lied to me about my opportunities and expects me to gamble with my future for a basic livable wage.
Yes, this is why I don't want to work and basically just decided to give up after highs school, I realised this shit was fucking rigged, I will have to move out, I will have to pay shitty taxes, I will have to pay shitty bills, I will have shitty co workers, I will have a shitty boss, all for what? My own house? who fucking cares lmao. I can buy enough shit for coping with my NEETbux anyway. The negatives far out weigh the positives in my opinion. My severe social anxiety makes interacting with anyone a living hell any way so I just never leave my house ever and rot. It's fucking over

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