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NSFW Nazi German woman sucking American soldiers dick 1945

Bangkok or bust

Bangkok or bust

A life of poorer quality due to skull & bones
Mar 22, 2018

Even in 1945 Germany where conservative values were preached for over 12 years women turned into sluts the moment the enemy marched into their town. They were ready at once to go on their knees and suck an occupying soldiers dick just for one cigarette or a bar of chocolate. Mind you that these women were taught to hate foreign men and still ended up sleeping with them, marrying them and having kids. It's eerily similar to fathers raising their daughters to not be sluts and not to date certain men (such as a ghetto Tyrone) just to have them go against all the rules as soon as they are free to do as they please. Women have no loyality, are selfish and will do as they please as long as their actions do not hurt them.
Women have no loyality, are selfish and will do as they please as long as their actions do not hurt them.
Women are not human, wild animals are capable of more empathy than they ever will. They are monsters in the bodies of humans.
Nazi Germany was cucked, they worshipped Anglos.

JFL at people who think Nazis were based. Just another group of feminist Westerners.
Women have no loyality, are selfish and will do as they please as long as their actions do not hurt them.

french women did the same with german soliders so you're right
Blackpill 101 theory —- it is woman’s nature to spread her legs to the invaders that defeat their kinsmen. Always has been since hunter gatherer times and will always remain this way.
What led you to that conclusion? This one picture or what?

It's widely known that Nazis were anglophiles. They didn't want to go to war with Britain and were basically forced into it.
Its clear that women are the physical embodiment of the concept of 'chaos'. Emotionally and opportunistically driven but without logic.
Imagine the horror of it. The German soldiers fighting at the front trying to retreat, to reach their home again to see their wifes only to witness that they already sucking dicks of the enemies. It really brings up the question of why fighting in general? German soldiers sacrificed their lives for... this...
It's widely known that Nazis were anglophiles. They didn't want to go to war with Britain and were basically forced into it.
I hate to press you because this is not that important of a topic, so feel free to not respond, but I would be interested to hear an in depth explanation of why this is true beyond the iffy reasons you've given already.
just foids being foids
Thank you for the free nazi porn

This reminds me of KKK bitches swallowing Tyrone or, conversely, mudsharks sucking off white supremacist Chad.

Female hypocrisy never surprises me. Their brains are wired to be submissive to dominant males: keep your legs closed around daddy, put out for dangerous black thugs, etc.

If only they were submissive to the male quest for sexual/romantic loyalty. Even Muslim women open up for American soldiers. Burkas don't prevent shit. And why fear getting beheaded when you can sleep your way out of punishment?

Sleeping with the enemy is a powerful weapon in a foid's arsenal against inferior males.
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Imagine the horror of it. The German soldiers fighting at the front trying to retreat, to reach their home again to see their wifes only to witness that they already sucking dicks of the enemies. It really brings up the question of why fighting in general? German soldiers sacrificed their lives for... this...
If only they won the war and put their roasties in the oven so they could be toasty.
I hate to press you because this is not that important of a topic, so feel free to not respond, but I would be interested to hear an in depth explanation of why this is true beyond the iffy reasons you've given already.
Sucking dick in public for cigarettes Lmao
Blackpill 101 theory —- it is woman’s nature to spread her legs to the invaders that defeat their kinsmen. Always has been since hunter gatherer times and will always remain this way.

I wonder how these white women felt when Ghengis Khan brought his Mongoloid army over to invade them?

The quasi-Asian appearance you see in Huns, Slavs etc is due to Asian men fucking white women, not vice versa.
Women act on their feelings during the moment, that’s why so many normie cucks get cheated on when she spots a more sexually attractive male who shows interest
It was probably by force. Strongarming the enemy into sex was something soldiers just did back then.
Imagine the horror of it. The German soldiers fighting at the front trying to retreat, to reach their home again to see their wifes only to witness that they already sucking dicks of the enemies. It really brings up the question of why fighting in general? German soldiers sacrificed their lives for... this...
We need to create a world without women, I will start increasing my power level for this task.
We need to create a world without women

A peaceful and tranquil world where no female is able to driver licence mogg us anymore.

I will start increasing my power level for this task.

If it saves your life as someone who did not want to die, it's probably worth it.
french foids were the same if not worse, after germans took over the french they stated fucking french but when americans took over the french they started fucking americans JFL at cucked state of frenchcels

fucking whores


japanese too ofc, all foids = whores who will want to have sex with winners
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Women are not human, wild animals are capable of more empathy than they ever will. They are monsters in the bodies of humans.
Finally a based comment on this site. Women are not humans, and they should not be treated as such. They are lower than dogs. they should be treated as commodities.

German woman getting sucked off my a cow
Imagine the horror of it. The German soldiers fighting at the front trying to retreat, to reach their home again to see their wifes only to witness that they already sucking dicks of the enemies. It really brings up the question of why fighting in general? German soldiers sacrificed their lives for... this...

So many dead Germans. Dresden, the horrors of the russians, the list goes on and on.

For this. For all she knows, that man killed her cousin, her brother, her father, her uncle.....truly she is lebensunwerts leben.
Imagine the smell
I think german women had less cases of consensual sex. There were more rapes in germany than in france or soviet union
they worshipped Anglos.

Hitler had the chance to invade Great Britain, but rumour has it that he didn't because he saw the British as equals to the German people.
french foids were the same if not worse, after germans took over the french they stated fucking french but when americans took over the french they started fucking americans JFL at cucked state of frenchcels

fucking whores


japanese too ofc, all foids = whores who will want to have sex with winners

Women don't have loyalty. They only care about themselves and feeling safe. They will join the murderers of their husbands and sons without second thoughts.

Even in 1945 Germany where conservative values were preached for over 12 years women turned into sluts the moment the enemy marched into their town. They were ready at once to go on their knees and suck an occupying soldiers dick just for one cigarette or a bar of chocolate. Mind you that these women were taught to hate foreign men and still ended up sleeping with them, marrying them and having kids. It's eerily similar to fathers raising their daughters to not be sluts and not to date certain men (such as a ghetto Tyrone) just to have them go against all the rules as soon as they are free to do as they please. Women have no loyality, are selfish and will do as they please as long as their actions do not hurt them.

Girls love taboo because they subconsciously know conquering adversity and not heeding insulation shows their true extent of power and conquest. Its the instinct that makes humanity power hungry.
Finally a based comment on this site. Women are not humans, and they should not be treated as such. They are lower than dogs. they should be treated as commodities.
Anyone who claims to be blackpilled must also realize that holes are not human, if he sees them as human then he is still cucked to a certain degree
This post shoudl seriously be pinned. Primality showcasing.
Imagine if foids today were conquered by nazis how shit would go.
Anyone who claims to be blackpilled must also realize that holes are not human, if he sees them as human then he is still cucked to a certain degree
This is 100% true. Holes are like viruses I suppose. Certainly an organism of some sort, but an organism that must be kept under control. Holes must be used for one thing and one thing alone: To follow the demands of their male owner. If the husband wants his foid to bear him children, then she must do that. If he wants her to be childless, then that is her destiny.
This post shoudl seriously be pinned. Primality showcasing.
It's widely known that Nazis were anglophiles. They didn't want to go to war with Britain and were basically forced into it.
Because British and German people are very similar in terms of culture, language, and heritage. Way more similar than the Germans and the French for example, who have been rivals for centuries. It has nothing to do with worshipping anyone. Both are descendants of Germanic tribes. Not wanting to kill your brothers and cousins has nothing to do with worshipping them. I'm German born and raised in Germany for generations and even I have cousins over in England.
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This is 100% true. Holes are like viruses I suppose. Certainly an organism of some sort, but an organism that must be kept under control. Holes must be used for one thing and one thing alone: To follow the demands of their male owner. If the husband wants his foid to bear him children, then she must do that. If he wants her to be childless, then that is her destiny.
100% truth, a foid is supposed to be submissive and loyal to her male owner. Religion and family values about a century ago had this right, giving rights to something as primal as a foid was man's greatest mistake.
french women did the same with german soliders so you're right
... and these days Swedish / German women do the same with Negroes, and Asian women flock to foreign men. Ethnonationalism now.
This is 100% true. Holes are like viruses I suppose. Certainly an organism of some sort, but an organism that must be kept under control. Holes must be used for one thing and one thing alone: To follow the demands of their male owner. If the husband wants his foid to bear him children, then she must do that. If he wants her to be childless, then that is her destiny.
Women are plants, following natural laws without true consciousness.
I think german women had less cases of consensual sex. There were more rapes in germany than in france or soviet union
Consensual sex was probably the highest in France when Germans were there. German women were raped a lot, especially by the Russians. Not blaming it on them though, they had Jewish propagandists like (((Ilya Ehrenburg))) and semites like Stalin all over the place. They were conquered.
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