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Blackpill Nationalism is cope



Sep 6, 2018
Most nationalists are unwanted beta males. Generally anyone heavily interested in politics is genetic trash. Why sacrifice yourself for a state that doesn't care about you or for a race that hates your beta genes? It is pure nonsense. Being a productive member of society is bad for you if you aren't guaranteed a looksmatch through marriage.
5ft9 MANLET Adolf Hitler devoted his life to saving the white race from the Joos and serving the superior chad ubermensch like a cuck. In today's Germany there isn't even a trace of hitler's genes as he died childless and his manlet genes seized to exist in Germoney. If you are a beta white male it is better to just go to third world/EE and fuck tons of women than staying in your matriarchial shitholes that only cater to chad.

Agreed, nationalism is fucking retarded. Imagine caring about the country that treated you like shit your whole life.
I don't understand how someone can love a country so much. A country is just a few lines drawn in the sand. Its all meaningless
ok ok bro its not like this hasn't been said 400 times over and over bro man bro dude man you must be the new blackpill scholar for thinking such an insane thought and theory brochacho brotato-chip man you must truly be the enstien of this incel generation bro
Nationalism is another tool for the powerful to control the stupid.
Nationalism, racism, capitalism etc.

All are copes, and what a surprise, All are shitty and invented by humans to either get ahead or put down other humans.

In conclusion, humans are garbage

Istockphoto 472211979 612x612
Nationalism, racism, capitalism etc.

All are copes, and what a surprise, All are shitty and invented by humans to either get ahead or put down other humans.

In conclusion, humans are garbage

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they kinda make sense in trad patriarchal societies where the majority of men have a chance at the good life.
It is irrational to be nationalist in godless, amoral, hyper-individualistic and matriarchal societies unless privileged.
Nationalism is cuckholdry to a state and female population who don't give two fucks about you.
they kinda make sense in trad patriarchal societies where the majority of men have a chance at the good life.
It is irrational to be nationalist in godless, amoral, hyper-individualistic and matriarchal societies unless privileged.
I agree. Years ago they probably were relevant. But yeah, now its just pointless pathetic cope.
pretty much this. I just distanted myself from the whole political thing as soon as I realized how much fucked up I was regardless of who is in sitting on that fancy chair up there. I still vote and stuff just to not allow some libtard fuck even more with me but done with the whole arguing and advocating thing.

btw, these tradcons and racist dudes are a really interesting case. They keep talking about saving the white race/traditional family but they clearly ain't getting no ass at all. And I'm pretty sure these tards would leave this bs if some ethnic pussy came in.
Nationalism is the last refuge of many villains too.

If you are a beta white male it is better to just go to third world/EE and fuck tons of women

Chads.co would disagree though.
Huh? National Socialist is about restoring order
Nationalism is just the default state of mind if you arent mentally ill (leftist).
thanks for trying to convince me that having a pack of drugged niggers outside my house door is something positive for me...
Our forefathers got married to virgins, it's only recently that women have been turned in to complete whores because before there were social consequences for sleeping around. All of this is tied to jews, which is what Hitler realized, jews defile nations that they are parasites of (funny how they go super trad in their own nation, really makes you think).
Yes a lot of men died to things like war and didn't reproduce but I'd rather die a glorious death at 18 than live in a sewer of a society for 80 years. If you have a humane eugenics program you can give people who shouldn't reproduce comfortable lives, and honour their sacrifice for the good of the nation, rather than villify them and tell them it's all their fault.
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Nationalism is just the default state of mind if you arent mentally ill (leftist).
nazism is for the mentally ill incels. you are fighting for abstract concepts such as race and nation even to the detriment of your well-being.
thanks for trying to convince me that having a pack of drugged niggers outside my house door is something positive for me...
hitler hated monogamy. he was all about eugenics and getting rid of untermensch genes(you)
i won't disagree that jews corrupt society, but caring about human progress and your nation when you don't get to reproduce is a spook. It's better to just enjoy yourself as much as possible and make money if you aren't religious. your best bet is to vote for right wing libertarians
There's a difference between making a sacrifice for the good of your people, and being recognized for it vs being a social outcast and constantly shit on and lied to. Beautiful and high IQ men and women aren't even more likely to reproduce, it's mostly shitty people who are too stupid to have inhibition that pump out a lot of kids (see: niggers in Africa).

nazism is for the mentally ill incels. you are fighting for abstract concepts such as race and nation even to the detriment of your well-being.
You are part of your race whether you like it or not.
nazism is for the mentally ill incels. you are fighting for abstract concepts such as race and nation even to the detriment of your well-being.
NAZI!!! :soy: :soy: :soy: :soy:
Race and Nation are not "abstract concepts" but simple, graspable facts open to experience. (Post)Modernist egalitarianism on the other hand is an abstract concept that took thousands upon thousands of pages to somehow justify and still they cant turn it into a logical system.



This is not eugenics, the world doesn't need 4 billion 70 IQ niggers
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NAZI!!! :soy: :soy: :soy: :soy:
Race and Nation are not "abstract concepts" but simple, graspable facts open to experience. (Post)Modernist egalitarianism on the other hand is an abstract concept that took thousands upon thousands of pages to somehow justify and still they cant turn it into a logical system.
There's a difference between making a sacrifice for the good of your people, and being recognized for it vs being a social outcast and constantly shit on and lied to. Beautiful and high IQ men and women aren't even more likely to reproduce, it's mostly shitty people who are too stupid to have inhibition that pump out a lot of kids (see: niggers in Africa).

You are part of your race whether you like it or not.
you are both blinded by your ideologies
loyalty to your race, caring about muh human progress are social constructs just like religion.
your people don't give a shit about you. why care about the future if you can't leave offsprings behind to experience it?
what matters is getting PIV and having money. imagine giving away your freedom to support a fascist movement that doesn't want you to reproduce and expects you to contribute selflessly(cuck position).
i know it might shock you but in the 1940's woman valued men for different things
you are both blinded by your ideologies
loyalty to your race, caring about muh human progress are social constructs just like religion.
your people don't give a shit about you. why care about the future if you can't leave offsprings behind to experience it?
what matters is getting PIV and having money. imagine giving away your freedom to support a fascist movement that doesn't want you to reproduce and expects you to contribute selflessly(cuck position).
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Stirner was a mediocre bourgie philsopher of the young Hegelian school who was quickly burried under Marx and Kierkegaards superior intellect and in the end it was Nietzsche who had to revive individualism. Stirner is what I imagine some edgy redditor reading because Nietzsche isnt alternative enough.
You wont be able to peruse your egoism if your nation is subverted and you are forced to participate even if its just through high taxation. I care about the future because I dont want other people like me to have to suffer and so the Villains get what they deserve, defeat, humiliation and death.
i know it might shock you but in the 1940's woman valued men for different things
Bluepil, it was always chad only.
Stirner was a mediocre bourgie philsopher of the young Hegelian school who was quickly burried under Marx and Kierkegaards superior intellect and in the end it was Nietzsche who had to revive individualism. Stirner is what I imagine some edgy redditor reading because Nietzsche isnt alternative enough.
You wont be able to peruse your egoism if your nation is subverted and you are forced to participate even if its just through high taxation. I care about the future because I dont want other people like me to have to suffer and so the Villains get what they deserve, defeat, humiliation and death.

Bluepil, it was always chad only.
yeah, that's why i reject liberals as well. they are driven by emotions and humanitarian ideas that are unscientific and want to enforce equality. right wing centrists//libertarian right seem to provide the most political and economic freedom to pursue your egoism
I don't understand how someone can love a country so much. A country is just a few lines drawn in the sand. Its all meaningless

offtopic I like the penguin gifs
I don't understand how someone can love a country so much. A country is just a few lines drawn in the sand. Its all meaningless
Humans need reasons to live. Chad is too busy cumming in cumdumpsters to care, but lower value men need reasons to wake up in the morning. In other words OP is right. Low SMV men are more likely to cling to nationalism, nazism etc. because they need to cope with wage slavery, their nagging ugly foid wife or whatever by believing in something greater than themselves
I believe in anti-nationalism. There are no independent nations in the world today. Every world leader wears a suit and tie, the garb of his conqueror and oppressor. They are hypocrites and cucks. The entire world is one political entity ruled from SWITZERLAND. My so called "nation" has done nothing but stomp my face with it's boots since I was a child. Why should I support America when it allowed my mother to give birth despite her severe handicaps and trash genetics, denied me reconstructive surgery after my face was disfigured, and vilifies me, treats me like an evil animal, and tells me I SHOULD WAGESLAVE AND GIVE MY LIFE TO IT FOR LESS THAN WHAT MEDIEVAL PEASANTS MADE RELATIVELY SPEAKING? Even ROME treated its people BETTER than America and my righteous ancestor Eunus still rose up against them. America has brought me nothing but suffering. America is my enemy and I support it's destruction.
Most nationalists are unwanted beta males. Generally anyone heavily interested in politics is genetic trash. Why sacrifice yourself for a state that doesn't care about you or for a race that hates your beta genes? It is pure nonsense. Being a productive member of society is bad for you if you aren't guaranteed a looksmatch through marriage.
5ft9 MANLET Adolf Hitler devoted his life to saving the white race from the Joos and serving the superior chad ubermensch like a cuck. In today's Germany there isn't even a trace of hitler's genes as he died childless and his manlet genes seized to exist in Germoney. If you are a beta white male it is better to just go to third world/EE and fuck tons of women than staying in your matriarchial shitholes that only cater to chad.

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Yes, nationalism is cope but importing low IQ, violent, and unproductive foreigners + supporting multiculturalism and its scientifically-observed detrimental effects on human societies is infinitely worse



the world doesn't need 4 billion 70 IQ niggers
thanks for trying to convince me that having a pack of drugged niggers outside my house door is something positive for me...
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you are both blinded by your ideologies
loyalty to your race, caring about muh human progress are social constructs just like religion.
your people don't give a shit about you. why care about the future if you can't leave offsprings behind to experience it?
what matters is getting PIV and having money. imagine giving away your freedom to support a fascist movement that doesn't want you to reproduce and expects you to contribute selflessly(cuck position).
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You live in a jewish world precisely because they're smart enough to put their tribe above individual needs, while whites are stupid enough to do the opposite. If you don't care about your nation, which is an extension of your genes & family (nation!=state, fuck ZOGmerica), then why care about your children?

Humans need reasons to live. Chad is too busy cumming in cumdumpsters to care, but lower value men need reasons to wake up in the morning. In other words OP is right. Low SMV men are more likely to cling to nationalism, nazism etc. because they need to cope with wage slavery, their nagging ugly foid wife or whatever by believing in something greater than themselves
I wouldn't say low SMV, just everyone below Chad, every man who can't naturally have women craving for them needs a social framework to bind women. Men already figured this out, you marry women when they're a virgin so that they instinctively pairbond with you and you punish adultery with death so no men gets any bright ideas about poaching. The world wasn't built by Chads it was built by the vast majority of average men working together for a cause greater than themselves.

I believe in anti-nationalism. There are no independent nations in the world today. Every world leader wears a suit and tie, the garb of his conqueror and oppressor. They are hypocrites and cucks. The entire world is one political entity ruled from SWITZERLAND. My so called "nation" has done nothing but stomp my face with it's boots since I was a child. Why should I support America when it allowed my mother to give birth despite her severe handicaps and trash genetics, denied me reconstructive surgery after my face was disfigured, and vilifies me, treats me like an evil animal, and tells me I SHOULD WAGESLAVE AND GIVE MY LIFE TO IT FOR LESS THAN WHAT MEDIEVAL PEASANTS MADE RELATIVELY SPEAKING? Even ROME treated its people BETTER than America and my righteous ancestor Eunus still rose up against them. America has brought me nothing but suffering. America is my enemy and I support it's destruction.
Nation != state, you are ruled by jews (if you don't believe me then publicly do something that jews don't like e.g. deny the holocaust, and tell me how long it takes for you to become unemployed).
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that's retarded. your country is
You live in a jewish world precisely because they're smart enough to put their tribe above individual needs, while whites are stupid enough to do the opposite. If you don't care about your nation, which is an extension of your genes & family (nation!=state, fuck ZOGmerica), then why care about your children?
whites are too individualistic and secular for this to work, as they have way more intrasocietal competition than jews. the religious jews live life based on their religious books and have very limited sexual freedoms. secular jews aren't much different from white people in behaviour
it's better for whites to maximize their individualism and stop being liberal marxists that invite foreigners to their countries.
that's retarded. your country is

whites are too individualistic and secular for this to work, as they have way more intrasocietal competition than jews. the religious jews live life based on their religious books and have very limited sexual freedoms. secular jews aren't much different from white people in behaviour
it's better for whites to maximize their individualism and stop being liberal marxists that invite foreigners to their countries.
No, the jews are a collective and operate as such. The religious jews form the core and they are the wellspring of "jewyness" that the rest of jewry drinks from. Did you see the incident of de Blasio, in a moment of anger, daring to criticize smelly Hassids having big gatherings during the peak of the Covid outbreak? He quickly had to walk his statement back because he knew he would get destroyed, and it wouldn't be by smelly Hassids it would be by secular jews that look like any other white person, but who still see themselves as part of jewry and willing to fight for it.
Whites need to recreate this attitude and we are doing this, white racialist cores are beginning to form which will be the vanguard of whiteness that other whites can reflect on and have as their guiding light. Hitler made a bold attempt of taking on world jewry but it was far too brash and collapsed on itself because whites globally were still deep in the jewish matrix, but we are waking up. And it's not just whites, all goyim are damaged by jewish power, but jews clearly see whites as the biggest threat so we must work the hardest to overcome their programming.
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No, the jews are a collective and operate as such. The religious jews form the core and they are the wellspring of "jewyness" that the rest of jewry drinks from. Did you see the incident of de Blasio, in a moment of anger, daring to criticize smelly Hassids having big gatherings during the peak of the Covid outbreak? He quickly had to walk his statement back because he knew he would get destroyed, and it wouldn't be by smelly Hassids it would be by secular jews that look like any other white person, but who still see themselves as part of jewry and willing to fight for it.
Whites need to recreate this attitude and we are doing this, white racialist cores are beginning to form which will be the vanguard of whiteness that other whites can reflect on and have as their guiding light. Hitler made a bold attempt of taking on world jewry but it was far too brash and collapsed on itself because whites globally were still deep in the jewish matrix, but we are waking up. And it's not just whites, all goyim are damaged by jewish power, but jews clearly see whites as the biggest threat so we must work the hardest to overcome their programming.
High IQ high sentience post bro. Nobody can unlearn the truth once they've acknowledged the Jewish question. Only a matter of time

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