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Blackpill Nationalism is chad only



Just Love and Peace man
May 12, 2024
No matter how many Adolf Hitler edits you make, no matter how often you say nigger, no matter how much you dream off if hitler won ww2 you're still a subhuman.

Hitler and Goebles, both truecels themselves if they hadn't statusmaxxed, hated the incel.
Hitlers Plan in creating a new superior human race consisted in selective breeding and eugenics. He considered offspring that didn't match his requirements, like disabled and autistic people as genetical failures and exterminated them. His ideal aryan Man wasn't a 5'7 skinny balding loser who is gaming all day but a 6'4 gigachad with strong thick hair and a neck like a bull.

For him you are closer to a kike or a nigger than to his vision of the ideal aryan human and he would've treated you as such.

In fact i bet he would've treated heightmaxxed gymmaxxed tyrone better than all of us and would rather consider him as aryan than you
half the posts here argue for eugenicism like you're describing lol
nationalists r mostly more violent compared to lefties...u need to get out and beat pedos/migrants/gays up like the neonazi russian dude
facts. nationalism and far-right stuff idolize chad. they arent even masculine anymore its just white chad worship with pro-israeli sentiment
Nah Hitler was a top lad
Pretty sure Hitler was autistic himself
Hitler and Goebles, both truecels themselves if they hadn't statusmaxxed, hated the incel.
Hitlers Plan in creating a new superior human race consisted in selective breeding and eugenics. He considered offspring that didn't match his requirements, like disabled and autistic people as genetical failures and exterminated them. His ideal aryan Man wasn't a 5'7 skinny balding loser who is gaming all day but a 6'4 gigachad with strong thick hair and a neck like a bull.
You're not wrong at all. But here's the thing, modern society still believes in the same thing. It's just that the nazi's were more open about it.
Everything is chad only. It's human nature to hate ugly people and no system or ideology can change that short of advocating for complete genetic engineering and social change. There is no moderate solution to extreme problems. What we require is far more radical than what even the most fringe parts of political spectrum believe in. Everything less is an incomplete half measure doomed to failure since it will never be enough to accomplish those goals. We don't just need to change how humans are governed or organized, but also alter what human beings are on a fundamental level.
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Foids today have way higher standards for breeding than the nazis did. It wasn't even that hard to become an honary Aryan and Hitler never targeted autistic people for extermination like you claimed. Under national socialism personality actually mattered.
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Foids today have way higher standards for breeding than the nazis did. It wasn't even that hard to become an honary Aryan and Hitler never targeted autistic people for extermination like you claimed. Under national socialism personality actually mattered.
yeah, I remember that right wing dude who was posted here and he was annoyed that his members were all subhumans and not chads jfl
Being nationalist has nothing to do with eugenics. Most racial nationalist these days are actually "just stay in your land" guys who aren't actually hateful

Also, I'd say, the right wing Chad worship is mainly aesthetics only. The nazi propaganda is designed to make you feel like "that's literally me".

All sides worship chads, but ask yourself, which side offers policies that are pro incel (restricted gender roles)?
Being nationalist has nothing to do with eugenics. Most racial nationalist these days are actually "just stay in your land" guys who aren't actually hateful

Also, I'd say, the right wing Chad worship is mainly aesthetics only. The nazi propaganda is designed to make you feel like "that's literally me".

All sides worship chads, but ask yourself, which side offers policies that are pro incel (restricted gender roles)?
Infact, I'd say, many right wingers are more for actual "equality" that is equity. Leftists will say everyone are equal, therefore, if you failed at a task, it's your fault, this is darwinism at its purest.

But right wingers aren't that delusional. They don't force women into roles they are not good at (like being a soldier) but put them where they are good at (mothering)
Foids today have way higher standards for breeding than the nazis did. It wasn't even that hard to become an honary Aryan and Hitler never targeted autistic people for extermination like you claimed. Under national socialism personality actually mattered.
It was about achievement, not marxist misandry, "about DOING" and not "the genes make who you are".
Hitlers Plan in creating a new superior human race consisted in selective breeding and eugenics. He considered offspring that didn't match his requirements, like disabled and autistic people as genetical failures and exterminated them. His ideal aryan Man wasn't a 5'7 skinny balding loser who is gaming all day but a 6'4 gigachad with strong thick hair and a neck like a bull.
Germany allowed women to vote starting at 1918 as a result of feminism, of course without a draft duty to counterbalance. He appealed to female voters with the Lebensborn program knowing that the men did not support his war plans. It is the ultimate fantasy of women to do nothing but be bred by Chad continuously, and Hitler took advantage of that.
Nationalism disenfranchises incels by separating them from their brocels of other ethnicities. Divide and conquer.
facts. nationalism and far-right stuff idolize chad. they arent even masculine anymore its just white chad worship with pro-israeli sentiment
That's the side order. The main dish is white pussy worship.
GrAYs don't even know most of the claims about the holocaust are fake.
Even taking the story at face value I doubt people with mild autism would have been diagnosed with autism and he only recommended two people be sent to Spiegelgrund, which Hitler wasn't directly involved in. He said good things about most of the kids he worked with. If you think the USA never had sketchy clinics like this where they experimented on people and did fucked up shit to kids think again.
Sending two highly autistic foids to some sketchy clinic who probably shit and piss themselves hardly counts as "wanting to exterminate all autistic people"
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Infact, I'd say, many right wingers are more for actual "equality" that is equity. Leftists will say everyone are equal, therefore, if you failed at a task, it's your fault, this is darwinism at its purest.
That's a very high-IQ way of explaining this. :bigbrain:
No matter how many Adolf Hitler edits you make, no matter how often you say nigger, no matter how much you dream off if hitler won ww2 you're still a subhuman.

Hitler and Goebles, both truecels themselves if they hadn't statusmaxxed, hated the incel.
Hitlers Plan in creating a new superior human race consisted in selective breeding and eugenics. He considered offspring that didn't match his requirements, like disabled and autistic people as genetical failures and exterminated them. His ideal aryan Man wasn't a 5'7 skinny balding loser who is gaming all day but a 6'4 gigachad with strong thick hair and a neck like a bull.

For him you are closer to a kike or a nigger than to his vision of the ideal aryan human and he would've treated you as such.

In fact i bet he would've treated heightmaxxed gymmaxxed tyrone better than all of us and would rather consider him as aryan than you
It's literaly the same thing today. Why are we all here anyway?

The nazis, contrary to today's jewish soyciety, had the balls to admit it. At the end of the day it wouldn't matter for people like us but at least you weren't being feed soy and bluepill bs.
GrAYs don't even know most of the claims about the holocaust are fake.
Even taking the story at face value I doubt people with mild autism would have been diagnosed with autism and he only recommended two people be sent to Spiegelgrund, which Hitler wasn't directly involved in. He said good things about most of the kids he worked with. If you think the USA never had sketchy clinics like this where they experimented on people and did fucked up shit to kids think again.
Sending two highly autistic foids to some sketchy clinic who probably shit and piss themselves hardly counts as "wanting to exterminate all autistic people"
he's a GrAYfag, he prob thinks 6 million juice died :feelsseriously:
GrAYs don't even know most of the claims about the holocaust are fake.
Even taking the story at face value I doubt people with mild autism would have been diagnosed with autism and he only recommended two people be sent to Spiegelgrund, which Hitler wasn't directly involved in. He said good things about most of the kids he worked with. If you think the USA never had sketchy clinics like this where they experimented on people and did fucked up shit to kids think again.
Sending two highly autistic foids to some sketchy clinic who probably shit and piss themselves hardly counts as "wanting to exterminate all autistic people"
I didn't talk about the holocaust specifically idiot and it's literally true what i said, the whole nazi ideology revolves around creating the perfect race as in a chad aryan. Do you seriously think that hitler was thinking of balding manlets with subhuman facial structure and small wiener when he was talking about the perfect human race?
he's a GrAYfag, he prob thinks 6 million juice died :feelsseriously:
Keep coping faggot, you're out here asking other men for titty pics while you lick the boots of a dead controlled opposition who was intentionally installed by the Jews themselves to destabilize europe and create Israel. And the Nazis were largely Atheists while the Nazi Elite were Occultists who performed rituals and worshipped the Devil
Keep coping faggot, you're out here asking other men for titty pics while you lick the boots of a dead controlled opposition who was intentionally installed by the Jews themselves to destabilize europe and create Israel. And the Nazis were largely Atheists while the Nazi Elite were Occultists who performed rituals and worshipped the Devil
First of all, I asked you ironically a tit pick because most of grayfags are foids in disguise or some IT infiltrator.

Secondly, Hitler and the national socialists were not controlled opposition, you retard. As far as I am aware the kikes were malding pretty hard when Hitler took power and removed them from any position of power in Germany. Some prominent zionist kikes were literally making statement after statement about how they would destroy Germany and its people beyond recognition (we pretty much see that today) for rebelling againsts the globohomo. Yea, so much controlled opposition.

And third and finally, do you need to take some schitzopills or did play too much Wolfenstein and actually believe it is historically "accurate" jfl? :feelshaha:
You do realise that atheists were banned from joining the SS right? :feelskek:

Jesus man, did you watch some Steven Crowder or some cuckservative lately and now you think you are an expert about everything about national socialism? Meanwhile their figurehead does some shit like this.
Today's nationalists want incels to pay more taxes because incels cannot make babies. The politics are all against incels. Normies want incels to become homeless and die from hypothermia or starvation and keep telling us to get a job while refusing to hire us especially due to being non-NT
Nationalism disenfranchises incels by separating them from their brocels of other ethnicities. Divide and conquer.

That's the side order. The main dish is white pussy worship.
Better option than miscegenation
No matter how many Adolf Hitler edits you make, no matter how often you say nigger, no matter how much you dream off if hitler won ww2 you're still a subhuman.

Hitler and Goebles, both truecels themselves if they hadn't statusmaxxed, hated the incel.
Hitlers Plan in creating a new superior human race consisted in selective breeding and eugenics. He considered offspring that didn't match his requirements, like disabled and autistic people as genetical failures and exterminated them. His ideal aryan Man wasn't a 5'7 skinny balding loser who is gaming all day but a 6'4 gigachad with strong thick hair and a neck like a bull.

For him you are closer to a kike or a nigger than to his vision of the ideal aryan human and he would've treated you as such.

In fact i bet he would've treated heightmaxxed gymmaxxed tyrone better than all of us and would rather consider him as aryan than you
Keep coping faggot, you're out here asking other men for titty pics while you lick the boots of a dead controlled opposition who was intentionally installed by the Jews themselves to destabilize europe and create Israel. And the Nazis were largely Atheists while the Nazi Elite were Occultists who performed rituals and worshipped the Devil
Being used as cannon fodder to go die in a ditch while Chad breeds
Germany allowed women to vote starting at 1918 as a result of feminism, of course without a draft duty to counterbalance. He appealed to female voters with the Lebensborn program knowing that the men did not support his war plans. It is the ultimate fantasy of women to do nothing but be bred by Chad continuously, and Hitler took advantage of that.
i could never cope with nationalism cause i come from multi national family but i coped with racism badly until i realized white sluts i worship and want to defend from “intruders” see me as lower than rats shit and want me dead/in jail. JFL at any sub5 coping with 14 words or any other bullshit.

only ideological thing i beleive in now is eugenics. but only as an ideal since its not happening
First of all, I asked you ironically a tit pick because most of grayfags are foids in disguise or some IT infiltrator.

Secondly, Hitler and the national socialists were not controlled opposition, you retard. As far as I am aware the kikes were malding pretty hard when Hitler took power and removed them from any position of power in Germany. Some prominent zionist kikes were literally making statement after statement about how they would destroy Germany and its people beyond recognition (we pretty much see that today) for rebelling againsts the globohomo. Yea, so much controlled opposition.

And third and finally, do you need to take some schitzopills or did play too much Wolfenstein and actually believe it is historically "accurate" jfl? :feelshaha:
You do realise that atheists were banned from joining the SS right? :feelskek:

Jesus man, did you watch some Steven Crowder or some cuckservative lately and now you think you are an expert about everything about national socialism? Meanwhile their figurehead does some shit like this.
"You do realise that atheists were banned from joining the SS right? :feelskek:" literally the exact opposite idiot, Christians were not allowed into the SS, only atheists/agnostics and Muslims were allowed into the SS Dumbass.

Christianity in general is incompatible with nazism since nazis believe in racial superiority (fake ideology created by jews) which directly contradicts Gods teachings of brotherhood and love among humans of all races, you'll realize Nazism is a copypaste of Talmudic Judaism if you compare the 2 ideologies, it's a superfluous former tool of the elites to rebirth judaism and create israel
All sides worship chads, but ask yourself, which side offers policies that are pro incel (restricted gender roles)?
Convert to Islam then
Convert to Islam then
Most Islam blocs are positioned far right. Also, I don't buy into islamic "nationalism" because more radical Muslims does not believe in blood and soil concept, some even want to tear down all existing borders.

And also polygamy
Most Islam blocs are positioned far right. Also, I don't buy into islamic "nationalism" because more radical Muslims does not believe in blood and soil concept, some even want to tear down all existing borders.

And also polygamy
Even more green flags for you then, i would go to the nearest mosque in the area if i were you rn
Even more green flags for you then, i would go to the nearest mosque in the area if i were you rn
The problem is that the ideology of Islam embraces anti racialism (not to say its followed aren't racist), and really the only nation they believe in, regardless of borders, is the "ummah".

Nu'man bin Bashir (May Allah be pleased with them) reported: Messenger of Allah ﷺ said, "The believers in their mutual kindness, compassion and sympathy are just like one body. When one of the limbs suffers, the whole body responds to it with wakefulness and fever". Al-Bukhari and Muslim.
It's really no different to the concept (which I support) of "Oversea Chinese" that our country is pushing, that overseas Chinese are a part of the collective of the Chinese community, and that they should do their duties to the homeland.

But I'm a nationalist, and I stay loyal to my own people, so...
SF posters are mostly incels in denial
nationalists r mostly more violent compared to lefties...u need to get out and beat pedos/migrants/gays up like the neonazi russian dude

who was killed at the end in prison​

Tesak was a national tutovist, he believed you should be taller, better looking and stronger than your enemies

The issue is that he was a subhuman bald roidcel and eventually the authorities killed him inside prison
No matter how many Adolf Hitler edits you make, no matter how often you say nigger, no matter how much you dream off if hitler won ww2 you're still a subhuman.

Hitler and Goebles, both truecels themselves if they hadn't statusmaxxed, hated the incel.
Hitlers Plan in creating a new superior human race consisted in selective breeding and eugenics. He considered offspring that didn't match his requirements, like disabled and autistic people as genetical failures and exterminated them. His ideal aryan Man wasn't a 5'7 skinny balding loser who is gaming all day but a 6'4 gigachad with strong thick hair and a neck like a bull.

For him you are closer to a kike or a nigger than to his vision of the ideal aryan human and he would've treated you as such.

In fact i bet he would've treated heightmaxxed gymmaxxed tyrone better than all of us and would rather consider him as aryan than you
Nationalism will end for post-iron-curatain chads when their face will be met with a boot for not taking part in mandatory military training.

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