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SuicideFuel My younger brother fucked up his exams and failed his university offers (and why Asian parents are blackpilled)

Oh no he won't be able to get a yacht to the UK for his top 3 in the world uni overseas instead he will have to get a helicopter everyday to his uni that's only in the top 10 in the world
ur brother will still live a better life than 99% of his forum. no sympathy

Who gives a shit about "muh dating" when you earn 300k just lol at your mindset. Why not fuck top tier escorts?

JFL, imagine making 300K and thinking - "good, now I can see if I'm worthy to try and get one hole to fuck me"

Men have truly been raised to be emotional idiots in these times, completely illogical, the leverage is 100% on your side, don't play a rigged game, buy what you want wholesale from the manufacturer don't waste your time gambling
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Being rice is complete trash, all we have are moneycopes, imagine being a poor rice though.

your family sounds typical rice @PPEcel it’s pretty gay how there’s basically just one defined path to “success” and it’s being a drone. And if ur lucky u get the privilege to betabuxx for an ungrateful noodlewhore who would rather be banging chad
Brutal af. It's so exhausting to know the only value we have is being a lifeless wageslave.
JFL, imagine making 300K and thinking - "good, now I can see if I'm worthy to try and get one hole to fuck me"

Men have truly been raised to be emotional idiots in these times, completely illogical, the leverage is 100% on your side, don't play a rigged game, buy what you want wholesale from the manufacturer don't waste your time gambling
true, I would argue a rich incel like ppecel easily lives far better life than average normie. They shouldn't really be bitching
They are still too focused on getting attention and validation from women and unwilling to play to their financial advantages. All cause they can't restrain their ego.
cope I'm still knowledgable and I don't have a jew degree. Did any of the inventors needed a jewmill degree to make what they want? didn't think so but maybe some did but even then they hated them. Also I don't know where this cope of asian parents mad came from but mine don't give two shits (well they did for gcse's when I intentionally flunked them) also they did hit me but I usually do it worse in return because I'm not going to sit there and take a beating by those who think they can get me to obey them. All my frustrated anger from school was usually directed at them or I just steam it off through vidya or self reflection talks I have.

Giga counter cope.

Inventors and thinkers who make a significant contribution and have an impact are a rarity. They're the exception, not the rule. Are you the statistical improbability? Possibly. The rest of humanity has to have some kind of training and/or education in the modern world to have a place in it and play a role, else they get left behind. I mean, I guess you could be a farmer in some third world country.

If you don't have a degree, nobody will give you the time of day. Do you have money somewhere? Yes? Great. Become a businessman and live off of your profits. No? That's too bad. Get your ticket and get in line for the rat race. Wait, what's that? You don't have a degree? OK, you can start all the way at the back of the line with the dishwashers and janitors.

I'm sure you're knowledgeable. I honestly don't doubt it. But nobody in the real world gives a fuck about how knowledgeable you are. That includes having a degree*. They're effectively job interview licenses. People in the real world care only about what you can do for them. They care about tangible skills that can produce and make profit. People don't pay you to think or give them facts, they pay you to do jobs for them and keep the wheels greased. Only PhDs in universities, think tanks, government, and some corporate industries pay you for that, though you'd still have to produce (papers, reports etc.).

*Technical degrees like engineering are the exception, since the theory is directly applied and the education is cerified by professional committees.
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Oh no he won't be able to get a yacht to the UK for his top 3 in the world uni overseas instead he will have to get a helicopter everyday to his uni that's only in the top 10 in the world

ngl i wish i was a billionairecel so i could just private jet commute to classes from my home in Paris or Geneva
Being rice is complete trash, all we have are moneycopes, imagine being a poor rice though.

your family sounds typical rice @PPEcel it’s pretty gay how there’s basically just one defined path to “success” and it’s being a drone. And if ur lucky u get the privilege to betabuxx for an ungrateful noodlewhore who would rather be banging chad
it sucks, i wish i was white
Thank you for reply.

Good to hear about your dad (BTW how do you know that your dad preferred daughters?) that there are such Chinese. Did your mother prefer sons though?

my dad told me

idk what my mother thinks
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ngl i wish i was a billionairecel so i could just private jet commute to classes from my home in Paris or Geneva
I knew someone irl who lied that he takes a submarine to other countries when he's travelling and we were fucking 16 at the time and he was trying to tell this to me
Who gives a shit about "muh dating" when you earn 300k just lol at your mindset. Why not fuck top tier escorts?
Cos each time that riceman on 300k goes outx he is reminded 10 times an hour if how low value he is.

He has paid with his life, and any masculine development to get that 300k, he has focused on pointless grades, rather than using those formative years developing social skills, and increasing his sexual value, and now he sees it all around him.

He sees everywhere JBW who may only be 4/10 having massively higher value than him, and having the noodles see them as a prize, whilst he is only a prize for his mum to show off to the aunties, and they will eventually identify some roastie soon-to-be leftover woman, to marry him off to.

He smiles as him and that roastie noodle walk around Walmart, buying their mundane shit, he tries to smile at the fact he got the toilet rolls cheaper at Safeway and use this to impress on the roastie how smart he is. Meanwhile she is not even hiding the fact she checks out the frat boys stocking up on beer and acting NT, and reminiscing how she let them run a train in her back in the day.

The riceman tries to put it out of his head, and tells her he needs to update their 401k allocation when they get home, but inside he's dying.

Dread it.
Run from it.

The blackpill arrives nontheless
No, I think certain groups are more rational than others. Asians, Jews, Indians, Nigerians all know that money matters so much for the quality of life you are going to live, so they are trying to just push them to be the best they can. If their kids got a bunch of chicks pregnant before marriage, it would be a death sentence (exaggeration), and they wouldn't be like "wow our kid has ascended without money".

Honestly I don't think you thought this one through bro.
Problem is money matters in their shithole countries, so u don't Starve to death or live in a iron hut.

Stupid rice and curry parents in the west don't realise it's different and tell their kids just get good grades, personal, social, physical development don't matter, so the kid is screwed. He should have studied 10% of that time and focused on other shit, because it's pretty hard to be starving in UK, EU, Australia, Canada, and then the curry / riceman studies hard but ends up as the bottom rung of the social ladder, and is basically fucked for life
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Giga counter cope.

Inventors and thinkers who make a significant contribution and have an impact are a rarity. They're the exception, not the rule. Are you the statistical improbability? Possibly. The rest of humanity has to have some kind of training and/or education in the modern world to have a place in it and play a role, else they get left behind. I mean, I guess you could be a farmer in some third world country.

If you don't have a degree, nobody will give you the time of day. Do you have money somewhere? Yes? Great. Become a businessman and live off of your profits. No? That's too bad. Get your ticket and get in line for the rat race. Wait, what's that? You don't have a degree? OK, you can start all the way at the back of the line with the dishwashers and janitors.

I'm sure you're knowledgeable. I honestly don't doubt it. But nobody in the real world gives a fuck about how knowledgeable you are. That includes having a degree*. They're effectively job interview licenses. People in the real world care only about what you can do for them. They care about tangible skills that can produce and make profit. People don't pay you to think or give them facts, they pay you to do jobs for them and keep the wheels greased. Only PhDs in universities, think tanks, government, and some corporate industries pay you for that, though you'd still have to produce (papers, reports etc.).

*Technical degrees like engineering are the exception, since the theory is directly applied and the education is cerified by professional committees.
>rest of humanity has to have some kind of training
you missed the point, inventors and innovators didn't need some form of institutional training, they simply needed awareness and understanding of what they needed to do, unlike the masses that need to be taught.

Did Edison or Tesla need to waver their degrees (though I don't recall Edison having one) to show off their inventions? don't think so, plus I never stated that I wouldn't apply the knowledge when needed, thus the same can be said for those that want to show their skills even when they don't have no paper to show for it, though I will agree only a few ever get in, just the same in universities as well.
>rest of humanity has to have some kind of training
you missed the point, inventors and innovators didn't need some form of institutional training, they simply needed awareness and understanding of what they needed to do, unlike the masses that need to be taught.

Did Edison or Tesla need to waver their degrees (though I don't recall Edison having one) to show off their inventions? don't think so, plus I never stated that I wouldn't apply the knowledge when needed, thus the same can be said for those that want to show their skills even when they don't have no paper to show for it, though I will agree only a few ever get in, just the same in universities as well.

I didn't miss your point, I covered it in the same paragraph, which evidently you didn't bother reading. I said that inventors and thinkers are very rare, and if you're not one then it means that there's a high chance that you need training/education to do something (unless you have money and don't need to work), which implies that you're probably not a natural (i.e., have a natural awareness and understanding) to be inventing and innovating in the first place.

You've set up this false dichotomy where either you're an informally educated innovator who doesn't need an education, or you're an educated drone who can't/won't invent anything. I'm trying to alert you to the fact that the former is highly improbable, which means that the wiser bet is the one placed on education and training so that you can so something with yourself. That is, again, unless you have a rich family and just LDAR all day calling yourself an "inventor." Maybe you have latent talent that will get unlocked as you get exposed to different things. It doesn't have to be either or.

Education really should be the default. You're rejecting it and clinging to the alternative, not unlike how some people drop out to follow their passion in music, for example. I mean, you're free to do whatever, but betting on yourself to be the next Bob Dylan (or in this case whoever the analogue for a modern inventor is) is like playing the lottery - it's a sucker bet. If you're a brilliant and creative thinker, the rest of the pieces will fall into place anyway, with a bit of luck.

Tell me, what are you highly knowledgeable about, and how have you used that knowledge to create and innovate?
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Cos each time that riceman on 300k goes outx he is reminded 10 times an hour if how low value he is.

He has paid with his life, and any masculine development to get that 300k, he has focused on pointless grades, rather than using those formative years developing social skills, and increasing his sexual value, and now he sees it all around him.

He sees everywhere JBW who may only be 4/10 having massively higher value than him, and having the noodles see them as a prize, whilst he is only a prize for his mum to show off to the aunties, and they will eventually identify some roastie soon-to-be leftover woman, to marry him off to.

He smiles as him and that roastie noodle walk around Walmart, buying their mundane shit, he tries to smile at the fact he got the toilet rolls cheaper at Safeway and use this to impress on the roastie how smart he is. Meanwhile she is not even hiding the fact she checks out the frat boys stocking up on beer and acting NT, and reminiscing how she let them run a train in her back in the day.

The riceman tries to put it out of his head, and tells her he needs to update their 401k allocation when they get home, but inside he's dying.

Dread it.
Run from it.

The blackpill arrives nontheless

Problem is money matters in their shithole countries, so u don't Starve to death or live in a iron hut.

Stupid rice and curry parents in the west don't realise it's different and tell their kids just get good grades, personal, social, physical development don't matter, so the kid is screwed. He should have studied 10% of that time and focused on other shit, because it's pretty hard to be starving in UK, EU, Australia, Canada, and then the curry / riceman studies hard but ends up as the bottom rung of the social ladder, and is basically fucked for life
High IQ

I would say that for some of us, we are genetically predestined to end up on the bottom rung of the social ladder anyway
Cos each time that riceman on 300k goes outx he is reminded 10 times an hour if how low value he is.

He has paid with his life, and any masculine development to get that 300k, he has focused on pointless grades, rather than using those formative years developing social skills, and increasing his sexual value, and now he sees it all around him.

He sees everywhere JBW who may only be 4/10 having massively higher value than him, and having the noodles see them as a prize, whilst he is only a prize for his mum to show off to the aunties, and they will eventually identify some roastie soon-to-be leftover woman, to marry him off to.

He smiles as him and that roastie noodle walk around Walmart, buying their mundane shit, he tries to smile at the fact he got the toilet rolls cheaper at Safeway and use this to impress on the roastie how smart he is. Meanwhile she is not even hiding the fact she checks out the frat boys stocking up on beer and acting NT, and reminiscing how she let them run a train in her back in the day.

The riceman tries to put it out of his head, and tells her he needs to update their 401k allocation when they get home, but inside he's dying.

Dread it.
Run from it.

The blackpill arrives nontheless

Problem is money matters in their shithole countries, so u don't Starve to death or live in a iron hut.

Stupid rice and curry parents in the west don't realise it's different and tell their kids just get good grades, personal, social, physical development don't matter, so the kid is screwed. He should have studied 10% of that time and focused on other shit, because it's pretty hard to be starving in UK, EU, Australia, Canada, and then the curry / riceman studies hard but ends up as the bottom rung of the social ladder, and is basically fucked for life

Mega society IQ and asian parents pilled.

In the parents' defense though, there is a huge cultural and generational chasm which maginifies their ignorance on the struggles of the generations their children are in.

When they tell you to focus on studying and ignore social life they genuinely believe that it's better for their child in the long run (formulas that worked for their generation), but their ignorance on the importance of social development - and even the extent to which this influences career and life success - harms their children in ways that they're not even aware of. They're not doing any of it out of malice, since they don't know any better.

The problem is left unsolved, because the only generation who sees the problems of the current generation is the one who's actually living through it. Add to this the fact that there is a cultural meme of parents knowing better than their children, and you have a situation where no matter what the child tries to tell the parents they'll have none of it and see you as some kind of failure that isn't living up to expectations.

The best thing to do is live by your own standards on these cases and completely forget trying to reason with the parents of a bygone generation.
Sucks for him but I guess he can get into another college.

I would say fuck it, he doesn't need to be a doctor, but then I remember he is rice. He needs $250,000+
I didn't miss your point, I covered it in the same paragraph, which evidently you didn't bother reading. I said that inventors and thinkers are very rare, and if you're not one then it means that there's a high chance that you need training/education to do something (unless you have money and don't need to work), which implies that you're probably not a natural (i.e., have a natural awareness and understanding) to be inventing and innovating in the first place.

You've set up this false dichotomy where either you're an informally educated innovator who doesn't need an education, or you're an educated drone who can't/won't invent anything. I'm trying to alert you to the fact that the former is highly improbable, which means that the wiser bet is the one placed on education and training so that you can so something with yourself. That is, again, unless you have a rich family and just LDAR all day calling yourself an "inventor." Maybe you have latent talent that will get unlocked as you get exposed to different things. It doesn't have to be either or.

Education really should be the default. You're rejecting it and clinging to the alternative, not unlike how some people drop out to follow their passion in music, for example. I mean, you're free to do whatever, but betting on yourself to be the next Bob Dylan (or in this case whoever the analogue for a modern inventor is) is like playing the lottery - it's a sucker bet. If you're a brilliant and creative thinker, the rest of the pieces will fall into place anyway, with a bit of luck.

Tell me, what are you highly knowledgeable about, and how have you used that knowledge to create and innovate?
Well first of all I know free will exists, and that everything can be deduced to just the idea of events occuring, thus can be manipulated to the point where when knowing the cause and effect of the idea that you choose to enact on is the suitable choice or not, though it's possible most know this, however, foresighting the cause and effect to the point where you get what you want is possible, which makes the claim as people say that they can't control anything beyond, quite simply false.

Otherwise this would go against, my other theory of understanding that this world works in a cyclic evolution, where what is present (Infinitum) is a result of multiple upgrades from the past i.e. the numerous inventions we've had ranging from the fire and the wheel to the skyscraper and interactive smartphones (which I call Infintex or to bring about something new that revolutionises the present), which is a result of awareness and understanding, and though people would say that awareness isn't something in accordance to free will, it actualy really is, as awareness of anything would mean to wake up from what is currently in the works and figuring out what is going on and deciding, whether it would need improvement or not, thus free will, as this would mean a direct change in action that benefits the user and not something against.

I also understand that the dawn of AI that is fully functional and achieves learning standards beyond what is considered the norm for humans, is actually synonymous to our evolution, as the beginning of technology could be considered as similar to the beginning of species starting from bacteria, thus gives the possibility that us humans are also capable of reaching the same if not higher intellect than AI that can span to infinity, if given the chance, though what we see now is a deliberate action to undermine the human populous.

Therefore, I've made it possible to know that I can learn in the same fashion as the AI does but usually this requires massive tinkering within, though I'm not going to tell things as such in full detail, since it ruins the value for me of even bothering with this, and would much rather have people figure it out on their own.

Next I know that top down hierarchies don't work at all, in the sense that just because someone higher up has more value doesn't place them on the pedestal or just because someone is good looking based on the halo effect, this shouldn't give them authority over anything, likewise, on the other end, those that are the workers shouldn't be given as much power or placed on a pedestal, as this would result in problems such as poor business. Thus I came to the conclusion that what is actually meant to work isn't something like top down, where each is separate and treated in such a way, as we know from the imagery depiction, but rather in the sense that, based on the image below, where each sector of the business is placed on a point of a shape, and are treated as a valuable asset towards the business (trying to explain this as best as I can) and are valued in the sense that without them, nothing would ever function at all within the business, though everyone would practically know this, but is it really practiced in the current state of events, where amazon workers are treated like scum. Sure the amount of pay they receive is equal to the type of work they're doing (not trying to imply some marxist sense), likewise, the amount of work the boss does is respectively in the right to earn the amount they receive, however, overworking staff and treating them like robots, whilst pocketing their wages by cutting them down, shouldn't be something practiced, though it is and usually was always the case. Basically, bosses are still high on the value scale, whilst workers are low, though both have to be treated in harmony than in hierarchy of power. However, this isn't to say the boss can't push his/her workers to further enhance their business through investments and output/productivity, therefore the business should be treated like a person in itself and would need maintenance and growth to accomplish things.

The same thing can be linked to monarchical societies, where the king/queen does their duties, whilst also retaining their titles but treating their subjects like a family of sorts, instead of them being subjects. This then makes the entire kingdom look like a large community, where everyone is separate in their thinking but have a common goal in the end, which is the sustainability of the kingdom.

These are just a few things that I'm talk about to myself and I do have more that I understand of but would result in a essay long reply, and to be quite frankly honest I haven't created or innovated anything yet, because one I'm not in the circumstance to do so, two inceldom led to fear and doubt of what I can do thus I need to relearn and three I have character that favours laziness and addiction than actually doing anything.


  • Ideal system.png
    Ideal system.png
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Well first of all I know free will exists, and that everything can be deduced to just the idea of events occuring, thus can be manipulated to the point where when knowing the cause and effect of the idea that you choose to enact on is the suitable choice or not, though it's possible most know this, however, foresighting the cause and effect to the point where you get what you want is possible, which makes the claim as people say that they can't control anything beyond, quite simply false.

Otherwise this would go against, my other theory of understanding that this world works in a cyclic evolution, where what is present (Infinitum) is a result of multiple upgrades from the past i.e. the numerous inventions we've had ranging from the fire and the wheel to the skyscraper and interactive smartphones (which I call Infintex or to bring about something new that revolutionises the present), which is a result of awareness and understanding, and though people would say that awareness isn't something in accordance to free will, it actualy really is, as awareness of anything would mean to wake up from what is currently in the works and figuring out what is going on and deciding, whether it would need improvement or not, thus free will, as this would mean a direct change in action that benefits the user and not something against.

I also understand that the dawn of AI that is fully functional and achieves learning standards beyond what is considered the norm for humans, is actually synonymous to our evolution, as the beginning of technology could be considered as similar to the beginning of species starting from bacteria, thus gives the possibility that us humans are also capable of reaching the same if not higher intellect than AI that can span to infinity, if given the chance, though what we see now is a deliberate action to undermine the human populous.

Therefore, I've made it possible to know that I can learn in the same fashion as the AI does but usually this requires massive tinkering within, though I'm not going to tell things as such in full detail, since it ruins the value for me of even bothering with this, and would much rather have people figure it out on their own.

Next I know that top down hierarchies don't work at all, in the sense that just because someone higher up has more value doesn't place them on the pedestal or just because someone is good looking based on the halo effect, this shouldn't give them authority over anything, likewise, on the other end, those that are the workers shouldn't be given as much power or placed on a pedestal, as this would result in problems such as poor business. Thus I came to the conclusion that what is actually meant to work isn't something like top down, where each is separate and treated in such a way, as we know from the imagery depiction, but rather in the sense that, based on the image below, where each sector of the business is placed on a point of a shape, and are treated as a valuable asset towards the business (trying to explain this as best as I can) and are valued in the sense that without them, nothing would ever function at all within the business, though everyone would practically know this, but is it really practiced in the current state of events, where amazon workers are treated like scum. Sure the amount of pay they receive is equal to the type of work they're doing (not trying to imply some marxist sense), likewise, the amount of work the boss does is respectively in the right to earn the amount they receive, however, overworking staff and treating them like robots, whilst pocketing their wages by cutting them down, shouldn't be something practiced, though it is and usually was always the case. Basically, bosses are still high on the value scale, whilst workers are low, though both have to be treated in harmony than in hierarchy of power. However, this isn't to say the boss can't push his/her workers to further enhance their business through investments and output/productivity, therefore the business should be treated like a person in itself and would need maintenance and growth to accomplish things.

The same thing can be linked to monarchical societies, where the king/queen does their duties, whilst also retaining their titles but treating their subjects like a family of sorts, instead of them being subjects. This then makes the entire kingdom look like a large community, where everyone is separate in their thinking but have a common goal in the end, which is the sustainability of the kingdom.

These are just a few things that I'm talk about to myself and I do have more that I understand of but would result in a essay long reply, and to be quite frankly honest I haven't created or innovated anything yet, because one I'm not in the circumstance to do so, two inceldom led to fear and doubt of what I can do thus I need to relearn and three I have character that favours laziness and addiction than actually doing anything.

Dude, wtf is this wall of autism?
what? you asked for it.

I asked what you're highly knowledgeable about, I didn't ask for a stream of consciousness word dump. Give me a subject and topics, give me skills.
I asked what you're highly knowledgeable about, I didn't ask for a stream of consciousness word dump. Give me a subject and topics, give me skills.
I did state the reason for it in the last section
I knew someone irl who lied that he takes a submarine to other countries when he's travelling and we were fucking 16 at the time and he was trying to tell this to me
The way Jeremy Lin was treated and how quickly a lot of people forgot about him demonstrated how centered around white and black males athleticism in burgerland is imo. It's an inescapable racepill. Because athletic ability and status are some things besides looks that high SMV foids are attracted to, the realization dawns that there are some walks of life that white and black normies/chadlites and chads get a head start on that will never be accessible to most Asian males.
That's how white and black normies had an advantage with women over Asians even before online dating tbh
To be fair they are the original US population, after the chad indians were forced to go to canada
Does college really matter in the long run though? Rice and Curry parents just want you to get into top colleges so they can parent mogg other family members.
Justified necro since im interested. Whats up with him now?

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