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My true Unpopular Opinon



Nov 8, 2017
(pardon me for my bad english)

I hate women because they live their lives on easy mode. They take advantages of people for just being a "lady".
They have so much power in their hands and still they plead that women are not equal to men.



Just hear me out once.

I am actually an UGLY person and a subhuman(not like many fakecels here)
So why would any woman want to be associated with me?
There are literally MILLIONS of normies and who are not ugly who are willing to date her.
Why would she want to be seen with a person whom the society makes fun of and treats as trash?
Why would she want to be with a boring person who has no experience in dating and other related stuff?
Why would she want to be with a person who is not rich and won't pay for her stuff?
Why would she want to be with a person who she knows is a virgin who has no experience in pleasuring women whatsoever?

Its the hard truth but its the LAW OF NATURE.
Only the best and the fittest survive. Weaklings don't matter and will be consumed by cruel nature and nobody will care.

Everyone wants the BEST. Deal with it. Nobody wants rejected D-grade shit.
I strongly oppose the fact that people say that they are "entitled to sex from women" Like dude shut up why would she fuck you when there are million better choices?

I am societal trash and I accept that. And I try my hardest to not think that I have any chance with any women as its just getting my hopes up for nothing.

Its women's choice to who to fuck and who to not. Its their choice deal with it.
Sorry for being an SJW but I hate how so many people comment here are like "but she won't fuck me!?!" Its like dude not shit a hot girl won't fuck you, you are not hot or rich or muscly or cute.

RE: My true Unpopular Opinon(Don't ban me Mods pls)

So true yet depressing.
RE: My true Unpopular Opinon(Don't ban me Mods pls)

The law of nature doesn't apply to humans who are capable of setting rules, while agency also being a thing.
RE: My true Unpopular Opinon(Don't ban me Mods pls)

You won't get banned for this. I don't hate women, either. It's hard to hate what you understand - and I understand that women behave this way because they can, because of the sexual market of the 21st century, because of genetics that millions of years of evolution have bred in us as a species, because of mass media and the internet. Simply can't outright hate women for being women. Be unhappy about my lot in life? Definitely. Be frustrated as hell with the way society and the sexual market operates? Absolutely. But hate women? I feel like that is killing the messenger.
RE: My true Unpopular Opinon(Don't ban me Mods pls)


most incels will think like this (unless they're delusional faggots)

You're not a SJW dude those guys are faggots
RE: My true Unpopular Opinon(Don't ban me Mods pls)


Seriously, why do you cuckcels hate yourselves so much? Stop being Incle Toms, stop being fine with bring treated worse for things you can't control and stop valuing personal freedom over what's good for society and our species.
RE: My true Unpopular Opinon(Don't ban me Mods pls)

SaintMarcLepine said:

Seriously, why do you cuckcels hate yourselves so much? Stop being Incle Toms, stop being fine with bring treated worse for things you can't control and stop valuing personal freedom over what's good for society and our species.


Is there anything more disgusting than a subhuman with an ego
RE: My true Unpopular Opinon(Don't ban me Mods pls)

NekoStance said:

Is there anything more disgusting than a subhuman with an ego

Ego? What the fuck are you talking about you lookism invader trash?
RE: My true Unpopular Opinon(Don't ban me Mods pls)

SaintMarcLepine said:
Ego? What the fuck are you talking about you lookism invader trash?

Don't know, you just came off as kinda self-important there

I think you should take a leaf outta the OP's book
RE: My true Unpopular Opinon(Don't ban me Mods pls)

It is your prerogative to hold your own opinion on this matter though it may go against the grain on this forum. I don't hate femoids on the principle that such unsavory creatures are unworthy of emotional cathexis but I do dislike them.

I fully accept that I am inferior genetic detritus but I do make an effort to be kind to biologically inferior beings. Can't femoids overcome their primitive programming and
at least attempt to be moral?

I only ask this of femoids as I would like to give them the option to exonerate themselves. I am not a willing misogynist.
RE: My true Unpopular Opinon(Don't ban me Mods pls)

i hate them because they REFUSE their looksmatch unless he is betabux. they are parasites who only want Chad. stacy wanting Chad is fine because they are looksmatched. when our looksmatch (2-5) only go for chadlite, tyrone, or chad, thats what pisses me off
RE: My true Unpopular Opinon(Don't ban me Mods pls)

NekoStance said:
Don't know, you just came off as kinda self-important there

I think you should take a leaf outta the OP's book

I really don't get how that post made me seem self-important but whatever you say. OP is a bluepilled, feminist cuck and the only people on this forum who think like him are Zyros and his followers, a.k.a Lookism invaders.
RE: My true Unpopular Opinon(Don't ban me Mods pls)

I don't hate women any more than I hate men.

Everybody just gives me a rash.

My policy has always been if women don't want to fuck me, fine. I'd mainly be using them for release and, I don't know, someone to hold the flashlight under the hood. If they won't provide a service, neither will I. It's like standoff territory.
RE: My true Unpopular Opinon(Don't ban me Mods pls)

NekoStance said:

Is there anything more disgusting than a subhuman with an ego

yeah, cucks and PUA faggots like yourself tbh.
RE: My true Unpopular Opinon(Don't ban me Mods pls)

SaintMarcLepine said:
I really don't get how that post made me seem self-important but whatever you say. OP is a bluepilled, feminist cuck and the only people on this forum who think like him are Zyros and his followers, a.k.a Lookism invaders.
How am I a feminist? Is it wrong to say women have the right to sleep with anyone they want with? Its their vagina not yours. Or are you just mad that truth hurts that women don't want YOU?
RE: My true Unpopular Opinon(Don't ban me Mods pls)

How is this unpopular? Pretty most incels know this deep down. I mean, how much sense would it make to hate women because they don't want you even though YOU know how unattractive you are?
RE: My true Unpopular Opinon(Don't ban me Mods pls)

vancha986 said:
How am I a feminist? Is it wrong to say women have the right to sleep with anyone they want with? Its their vagina not yours. Or are you just mad that truth hurts that women don't want YOU?

You are most definitely a feminist lmao. Also, I am volcel.
RE: My true Unpopular Opinon(Don't ban me Mods pls)

SaintMarcLepine said:
You are most definitely a feminist lmao. Also, I am volcel.

No reason to support that argument? I would assume so.
RE: My true Unpopular Opinon(Don't ban me Mods pls)

vancha986 said:
No reason to support that argument? I would assume so.

everything you're saying is typical feminist rhetoric.
RE: My true Unpopular Opinon(Don't ban me Mods pls)

Women should be gased
RE: My true Unpopular Opinon(Don't ban me Mods pls)

vancha986 said:
No reason to support that argument? I would assume so.

[font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]
Is it wrong to say women have the right to sleep with anyone they want with? Its their vagina not yours.
Sounds like you went straight to tumblr and copied some shit from there. I don't give a shit if you don't consider yourself a feminist, you still have feminist views. End of argument.
RE: My true Unpopular Opinon(Don't ban me Mods pls)

Good points. I know personally I'd be a trash partner, so it's no surprise I've never had a gf. I do resent women a bit sometimes due to their privilege and victimhood status, but that really only affects people in marriages and the professional world, so whatever.
RE: My true Unpopular Opinon(Don't ban me Mods pls)

avsky1 said:
Good points. I know personally I'd be a trash partner, so it's no surprise I've never had a gf. I do resent women a bit sometimes due to their privilege and victimhood status, but that really only affects people in marriages and the professional world, so whatever.
RE: My true Unpopular Opinon(Don't ban me Mods pls)

fukmylyf said:
everything you're saying is typical feminist rhetoric.

I also like you can spill nonsense without anything to support it.
RE: My true Unpopular Opinon(Don't ban me Mods pls)

vancha986 said:
I also like you can spill nonsense without anything to support it.

the evidence is in your own posts, retard.

[font=Tahoma, sans-serif]Its women's choice to who to fuck and who to not. Its their choice deal with it.[/font]
[font=Tahoma, sans-serif]
Sorry for being an SJW but I hate how so many people comment here are like "but she won't fuck me!?!" Its like dude not shit a hot girl won't fuck you, you are not hot or rich or muscly or cute.[/font]

[font=Tahoma, sans-serif] [/font]
[font=Helvetica, sans-serif]How am I a feminist? Is it wrong to say women have the right to sleep with anyone they want with? Its their vagina not yours. Or are you just mad that truth hurts that women don't want YOU?[/font]

this is exactly the kind of shit an inceltears landwhale feminist would post.
RE: My true Unpopular Opinon(Don't ban me Mods pls)

very good post, good to know there are some blackpilled incels here that dont just hate women for treating them like the genetic trash they are

nature isnt cruel, nature is just nature - winners always win
RE: My true Unpopular Opinon(Don't ban me Mods pls)

SaintMarcLepine said:
Sounds like you went straight to tumblr and copied some shit from there. I don't give a shit if you don't consider yourself a feminist, you still have feminist views. End of argument.

I don't think you know what an argument is. Both sides have to provide actual constructive arguments of their side rather than calling names lol.
RE: My true Unpopular Opinon(Don't ban me Mods pls)

vancha986 said:
I don't think you know what an argument is. Both sides have to provide actual constructive arguments of their side rather than calling names lol.
There is nothing to argue about here cuckold. We might as well argue about whether water is wet or not, it would be just as constructive.
RE: My true Unpopular Opinon(Don't ban me Mods pls)

thread is a good reminder that bluepilled incels will blame everyone but themselves for their failure

they will insult anyone who calls out their coping

anything to avoid admitting they are genetic trash and their place is as such
RE: My true Unpopular Opinon(Don't ban me Mods pls)

IdealMaxilla said:
thread is a good reminder that bluepilled incels will blame everyone but themselves for their failure

they will insult anyone who calls out their coping

anything to avoid admitting they are genetic trash and their place is as such

so true, too many snowflakes on here.
RE: My true Unpopular Opinon(Don't ban me Mods pls)

IdealMaxilla said:
thread is a good reminder that bluepilled incels will blame everyone but themselves for their failure

they will insult anyone who calls out their coping

anything to avoid admitting they are genetic trash and their place is as such

Exactly thank you for this. See the people here in this thread won't give a single reasonable response than just calling names like kids.
RE: My true Unpopular Opinon(Don't ban me Mods pls)

IdealMaxilla said:
thread is a good reminder that bluepilled incels will blame everyone but themselves for their failure

they will insult anyone who calls out their coping

anything to avoid admitting they are genetic trash and their place is as such

so we should blame ourselves for something beyond our control? (i.e. genetics)

strong logic.
RE: My true Unpopular Opinon(Don't ban me Mods pls)

fukmylyf said:
so we should blame ourselves for something beyond our control? (i.e. genetics)

strong logic.

I think blame assigns guilt, so perhaps it's not the best word for it. We should acknowledge the reason why things are the case, and not blame any one person or group for behaving as nature intended. I think that's closer to the point.
RE: My true Unpopular Opinon(Don't ban me Mods pls)

fukmylyf said:
so we should blame ourselves for something beyond your control? (i.e. genetics)

strong logic.

you should blame yourself from not being aware enough to recognize your low genetic worth and find a place and copes that suit your value rather than poorly project your inadequacies on people who are above you in value out of childish envy and narcissism
RE: My true Unpopular Opinon(Don't ban me Mods pls)

IdealMaxilla said:
you should blame yourself from not being aware enough to recognize your low genetic worth and find a place and copes that suit your value rather than poorly project your inadequacies on people who are above you in value out of childish envy and narcissism

How am I "projecting inadequecies?"

Your argument is basically know your place and worship roasties. No thanks. You can take it up the ass if you want, but don't expect me to.
RE: My true Unpopular Opinon(Don't ban me Mods pls)

blickpall said:
I think blame assigns guilt, so perhaps it's not the best word for it. We should acknowledge the reason why things are the case, and not blame any one person or group for behaving as nature intended. I think that's closer to the point.

Rape is part of nature too. I guess that makes it okay.
RE: My true Unpopular Opinon(Don't ban me Mods pls)

Master said:
The thing is that people are pissed off about is that women's value has shot up so high in society to the point that it's unreasonable to expect people to not be mad about it. Women have no loyalties and will jump from partner to partner until she thinks she can't do any better. Ugly women now have a shot at average men and us subhumans have nothing. We're just genetic trash. If women were born as ugly men, they would probably off themselves from all of the mocking and lack of attention.

We have a reason to be angry at them. They will never understand us, and they will belittle and mock us for being subhumans.

i understand you being mad, but i just think the reasoning is misguided as that is just nature of being a hierarchical mammal. 

reasons i agree with being mad at modern women, particularly feminists, is for constantly calling for equality when they already use men, make equal pay and have all the rights of a male and more and live in a world filled with hypocrisy and double standards. 

the whole mad at them for fucking the hot guys an not incels is just too biological and obvious to be emotional about
RE: My true Unpopular Opinon(Don't ban me Mods pls)

vancha986 said:
How am I a feminist? Is it wrong to say women have the right to sleep with anyone they want with? Its their vagina not yours. Or are you just mad that truth hurts that women don't want YOU?

So this has what become of Incels? Pathetic. 

Cucks like you would get absolutely destroyed on r/incels for saying degenerate shit like this. Thank yourself that this forum is filled lookism phags who has the same mentality as yourself.
RE: My true Unpopular Opinon(Don't ban me Mods pls)

fukmylyf said:
Rape is part of nature too. I guess that makes it okay.

If you wanted to push the argument to absurdity you could have just gone for murder or infanticide. I'm talking about trends of behavior and preference, not outliers.
RE: My true Unpopular Opinon(Don't ban me Mods pls)

blickpall said:
If you wanted to push the argument to absurdity you could have just gone for murder or infanticide. I'm talking about trends of behavior and preference, not outliers.

we shouldn't blame rapists. They're just acting on their instincts.
RE: My true Unpopular Opinon(Don't ban me Mods pls)

Master said:
I fucking hate women. Nothing will make me not hate women TBH. They're narcissistic, self-serving, heartless little bitches. They will lie to your face to get what they want. They never take responsibility for anything bad that happens to them. They always play victim to get sympathy from idiots and they always act like they don't have equal rights.

They have the ultimate power over society and their issues are always overemphasized. While at the same time, noone cares about the high male suicide rate. It pisses me off so much.

I fucking hate women.

Not much to add. Exactly this.
I don't hate women. I hate their behaviour.

However, I partially agree with @Master. Women want authority, but they don't want to bear the big responsibilities that comes with it.
This is a great high-quality post @vancha986!
I'm also mad that women get everything handed to them and that they life live on easy mode but at the same time I understand that nobody wants to be seen with subhuman trash. Everyone wants the best possible genetic material and that's all that counts on this planet. Genetic trash is weeded out.
Good thread, and good debate.

Ppl are too harsh on OP, he acknowledges that many women should be hated today because they have life so easy and can find worship easily and everywhere.

But a subhuman hating Stacy because she won't play with his peepee, is just off, immature and gives incel a bad image.
vancha986 said:
(pardon me  for my bad english)

I hate women because they live their lives on easy mode. They take advantages of people for just being a "lady".
They have so much power in their hands and still they plead that women are not equal to men.



Just hear me out once.

I am actually an UGLY person and a subhuman(not like many fakecels here)
So why would any woman want to be associated with me?
There are literally MILLIONS of normies and who are not ugly who are willing to date her.
Why would she want to be seen with a person whom the society makes fun of and treats as trash?
Why would she want to be with a boring person who has no experience in dating and other related stuff?
Why would she want to be with a person who is not rich and won't pay for her stuff?
Why would she want to be with a person who she knows is a virgin who has no experience in pleasuring women whatsoever?

Its the hard truth but its the LAW OF NATURE.
Only the best and the fittest survive. Weaklings don't matter and will be consumed by cruel nature and nobody will care.

Everyone wants the BEST. Deal with it. Nobody wants rejected D-grade shit.
I strongly oppose the fact that people say that they are "entitled to sex from women" Like dude shut up why would she fuck you when there are million better choices?

I am societal trash and I accept that. And I try my hardest to not think that I have any chance with any women as its just getting my hopes up for nothing.

Its women's choice to who to fuck and who to not. Its their choice deal with it.
Sorry for being an SJW but I hate how so many people comment here are like "but she won't fuck me!?!" Its like dude not shit a hot girl won't fuck you, you are not hot or rich or muscly or cute.

stop with this fucking nature cope !

we don't live in jungle anymore

wanna jungle? a starved animal WILL FIGHT BACK
RE: My true Unpopular Opinon(Don't ban me Mods pls)

Circlemarveljerk said:
So this has what become of Incels? Pathetic. 

Cucks like you would get absolutely destroyed on r/incels for saying degenerate shit like this. Thank yourself that this forum is filled lookism phags who has the same mentality as yourself.

Lol at you guys throwing around the word cuck so much that's its lost all meaning. If you were a woman, would you want to be forced to fuck someone you weren't attracted to? How about now as a man, would you want to be forced to fuck an 80 year old, 300 pound granny? You buffoon. I'm as far away from being a cuck as possible, just realistic. I'm also not like all these fags obsessed with lookism. I came straight from r/Incels.
fukmylyf said:
we shouldn't blame rapists. They're just acting on their instincts.

I won't judge you for that. I am also retarded. :)

NekoStance said:
Good thread, and good debate.

Ppl are too harsh on OP, he acknowledges that many women should be hated today because they gave life so easy and can find worship easily and everywhere.

But a subhuman hating Stacy because she won't play with his peepee, is just off, immature and gives incel a bad image.

Thank you for your kind words. I knew I would be getting a lot of shit for posting this but I had to get that out and see for myself if there were people who agreed with me.

nausea said:
stop with this fucking nature cope !

we don't live in jungle anymore

wanna jungle? a starved animal WILL FIGHT BACK

And where will that land you ? straight in jail.  Learn to C O P E and LDAR.

LonelyButterfly said:
This is a great high-quality post @vancha986!
I'm also mad that women get everything handed to them and that they life live on easy mode but at the same time I understand that nobody wants to be seen with subhuman trash. Everyone wants the best possible genetic material and that's all that counts on this planet. Genetic trash is weeded out.

Thank you bro.
vancha986 said:
And where will that land you ? straight in jail.  Learn to C O P E and LDAR.

SOCIETY is our enemy, even Ghandi ended in jail

also, I agree with you that nobody shall be forced to mate with someone they don't like but WOMMINZ cannot be left unchecked because their brains are too primitive to understand what's the best for the community, AUTHORITY IS MALE DOMAIN
Nah. I hate women because 99% of them just treat me like shit. They deserve whatever they get coming to them because of their treatment of us like this, as if we're not even human.

If it were up to them, they'd have you on a cross getting crucified/castrated. Don't give those fucking disgusting whores ANY sympathy
vancha986 said:
I won't judge you for that. I am also retarded. :)

The fact that you still don't understand the point confirms that you are low IQ. Glad you at least have some self-awareness though.

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