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RageFuel My therapist wants to send me to the mental asylum

Sounds like prison with extra steps.
If ANYBODY is trying to get NEETBUX, IT'S MANDATORY THAT YOU ARE COMMITTED ATLEAST 1-2 TIMES. Once I get my neetbux, I will create a guide for people like us on how to get it.
The Nietzche quite about women not caring or thinking about laws and logic comes to mind. The ward was ruled by a group of old fat mean gossip ladies in the public sector with low to medium IQ. They never broke any major laws as far as I know but their rule would go above the law if they saw it fit.

I have in my life been threatened by 2 medical workers I did not work with, one male and one female, that I would get forcefully admitted for insanity if I would reveal things like crimes they committed against me or others. They worked at the same hospital but not quite with me or the fat gossipers. They were medium to high IQ but immoral.
Fuck these people are sick really(especially foids). Psychiatry ward is basically legalized torture no matter where you live.Once you get into their hands it's over for you really, they'll strip you of your rights and treat you as human garbage.Really wish that Freud cuck never came into this world
You sound like a paranoid schizophrenic. You don't know how to articulate your problems. Why the fuck are you mentioning knives?
Do you want to get v&'d?
You're fucking retarded
Fuck these people are sick really(especially foids). Psychiatry ward is basically legalized torture no matter where you live.Once you get into their hands it's over for you really, they'll strip you of your rights and treat you as human garbage.Really wish that Freud cuck never came into this world
Id like to add that many mentally ill people walk around in the open without being taken to a psych ward dispite them being in the public sector. The women who dominate these wards dont want to help them.

While I would rather kill myself than be forcefully admitted, what I noticed among the staff was more stupidity than evil. They want their paycheck for an easy job in the public sector but not take risks or responsibility for how they treat patients.
Modern medicine is just an extension of the pharmaceutical industry.

Mask the symptoms, but do not treat the cause.
What a fucking cunt. I can imagine her being all smug and and passive aggressive about it
Oh you worked there. Did they give patients anxiety meds and how long did the average patient stay?
The most common stay was to be forcefully admitted for a few weeks or months. Some poor people have to deal with it for life. Some young women come with minor problems; they arent forcefully admitted and can leave whenever they want, usually a few days at most.

One of my duties when working at the computer was to input all the codes for diagnoses and treatments into the system of notation. The codes where unintimtelligible things like ”TLF960”. There were many things like anxiety, psycosis, delusion, halucination, but not to me specified of what sort. The names of meds beside injections and electric shock treatment said nothing to me.
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Im literally a medman.

If ANYBODY is trying to get NEETBUX, IT'S MANDATORY THAT YOU ARE COMMITTED ATLEAST 1-2 TIMES. Once I get my neetbux, I will create a guide for people like us on how to get it.
The only thing (((shrinks))) are good for are neetbux. Refer to Uncle Remus' guide to outjew them
OP if you are not on bux, temporarily committal might help you get on them, but try to plan your way out so you can regain some semblance of freedom.
If ANYBODY is trying to get NEETBUX, IT'S MANDATORY THAT YOU ARE COMMITTED ATLEAST 1-2 TIMES. Once I get my neetbux, I will create a guide for people like us on how to get it.
Big IQ
Big heart
Tbh you came across as a schizio.
Wow, to date no therapist has tried to send me to asylum, but I make it clear I'm so far beyond the blackpill that I'm not a danger to society.
Re pills I'm not sure I agree with everyone here that they do more harm than good, but I would say in the instance of many of them the issue is coming if them can really fuck u up.
You do sound paranoid a bit my man. Carrying a knife and thinking people are out to get you are symptoms of schizophrenia. That is definitely a disorder that can be helped by meds.

A lot us feel ugly but don't have that part thinking society is after us, it is just they don't care about us. Which is actually worse.

We're ignored.

The fact that you think people care about us for a second shows symptoms of a bigger problem.

Take the meds she's offering and I'll think you'll stop thinking that way, but see reality for what it is. The people aren't after us, they're rather indifferent-too wrapped up in their own lives to give a shit.

Only saying this because I care bro.
Any chance of getting laid in the asylum?
you should talk to the mood therapy about that.

What is that...? What you need is not to talk but some testosterone and IGF 1 into your veins.

The west's solution to lonely men feeling depressed and angry is to drug them up until they don't feel anything. Clown world.

So that we cannot fight back. Actually, they are afraid of that. That reminds me on that one female at Jubilee who said ''I need you to not harm me.'' @BrendioEEE and on top of that she talked about how independent she is.
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You are an idiot OP, going to the rapist as an incel is asking for trouble.
The only reason psychiatry exist is to screen against potential hERoes and keep them in place with medication, or locked in asylum when they're already acting dangerous. Going there you're asking for problems and you will eventually get them.
Tbh you came across as a schizio
Talking to the rapist about how you feel persecuted and carry weapons = low iq

Stay safe, don't let them get you alive.
Any chance of getting laid in the asylum?
Around me my bedmates will probably be oldfags who are hostile to me. (In my city oldfags and boomers many of them are hostile to young people)
How is it after u have talked to your therapist, does it even help?
Just become a retarded zombie bro lmao i won't take pills anymore tbh they legit destroyed my brain
How is it after u have talked to your therapist, does it even help?
No real help
Just become a retarded zombie bro lmao i won't take pills anymore tbh they legit destroyed my brain
Ngl it's better than being angry all the times. That's why I take the pills to inhib my anger
The west's solution to lonely men feeling depressed and angry is to drug them up until they don't feel anything. Clown world.
Psychiatrists don't understand us, they will never until they understand that we are the result of what they did, and still continue to do.
Your female psychiatrist? She's had multiple partners, and though her life she'll have more.
And if you had a male one it would be the same case, a chad who got the job.

Fuck all of this.
therapy wont help
Ok so today I had a talk with my therapist, well a doctor if you may, which I'm regularly required to visit her otherwise I lose my autismbuxx and benefits.

So I talked to her about being presecuted by the society, she came back with bunch of nonsense and told me to get on meds. Dude I'm already on lots of meds, I'm literally a medman.

She was very defensive and firm on answering what I said, I can see that she has run out of actual solutions to my problem, which is being presecuted by the society, not having a GF, eating disorder, and bad mood.

My medical intake daily: 25g Prozac, 27g concerta (extended release Ritalin), 10g cold pill (for insomnia usage)

Her solutions are more (useless) mood therapy
more meds (like I don't take enough already)
'relax' in a 'recovery hospital' (notice:psychology department so that's like asylum for milder disorder)

Here's some highlights from the conversation

Me:Well, I do feel presecuted by the society, I haven't been able to find any strict case of that, but lots of people don't welcome me and they seen to be well connected already, so something is against me.
Her: I see, so you feel people don't welcome you, got it. Do you need some early psychosis pills to calm you down when you feel angry?

Me:I'm always angry and I can feel a bit suicidal at times
Her:Oh if it is that serious, we can send you to the recovery hospital (read:mental asylum with nutjobs), do you feel the need to take a break?

Me:I feel the need to carry a knife at times to protect myself, though I NEVER DID IT for once. (It's illegal)
Her:did you really do it? No? That's just anger

Her:So how do you feel about us giving you some mood stabilizer to eat it when you feel angry?
Me:well ......ok.,..sighs

Her:We also can refer to the mood therapy department, would you like that?
My mom: Yeah. He would need this.

Her:So why were you so angry at the society?
Me:They're presecuting me and my fellow nerds, the couples kissing and showing affection is making us angry, and most of society don't accept us.
Her:Well you seem angry, like I said, you should talk to the mood therapy about that.
How does the therapist look? Is she a white Stacy?
You do sound paranoid a bit my man. Carrying a knife and thinking people are out to get you are symptoms of schizophrenia. That is definitely a disorder that can be helped by meds.
Massive cope, if he's diagnosed autistic as he claims, then majority of people definitely despise him. That's usually manifested in social aggression and extreme bullying and ostracism, but depending on the safety of the area he's at, he could also be at physical risk. Carrying a knife in that situation is an absolute necessity for when the situation turns dangerous.

OP isn't paranoid or schizophrenic, he realizes his place in society and how others regard him. Yes most people wouldn't care about him as an individual if he was normal, but due to his social disorder, he's definitely at risk.
Yes but your therapist cannot change society, they can only change you, that's why.

It's over.
Mask the symptoms, but do not treat the cause.

Make you passive and tolerant to the increasingly repressive conditions.
ita not that bad to go to a mental asylum here in germany tbh .
I was sent there several time and its like vacation lol
Free food free activites and lots of interesting non NT people to hang with
jfl ive had one of the best days of my life in a mental asylum ngl

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