Welcome to Incels.is - Involuntary Celibate Forum

Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.

Hypocrisy My response to the: "we only expose the crazy stuff incels do, we're not making fun of virgins"-argument.

This is the argument I see every IT-user use to justify their obsession and bullying of incels. I differentiate between incels and virgins only because braindead IT-lurkers would never understand otherwise, incel means involuntary celibate and not what some retarded IT-foid wants to change it to.

Why I'm arguing against this idea of theirs?
It's common knowledge that if you're spending your days rotting on IT you're probably just as pathetic as us, would someone with a great life and a bunch of kids or alot of friends to hang out with really be spending their time on some forum shitting on other people? No, you know it, we know it. These people love their own personality so much they feel they should lecture us on ours constantly, if only we were more like them because they are such great people. Showing them arguments they can't refute why their personality is dogshit will either make them realize they're bad people and stop doing it or realize they're hypocritical hateful people which destroys their whole identity of being "the good guys".

Even if you only pointed out the bad stuff (which is a lie), you're still only focussing on one very small mostly depressed close to suicide group of people.
Imagine if a cop was only arresting black people and has been doing so for weeks, months, some of you wackos even years, never arrested or ticketed a white person in all that time just 100% black people. White people could even do worse crimes than black people and the cop would ignore it but keep fucking with all the black people doing petty crimes. Would you think that's racist of this cop? Ofcourse you would, you're progressive leftie. But aren't you doing the same to incels? I look at your post histories, it's IT, it's neckbeardthings, it's niceguys, maybe some dyke-stuff or feminist-stuff in there. None of you have ever watched a woman or a Chad or a muslim or an SJW do anything wrong, you only care when incels or niceguys do something bad. The comparison is actually too charitable because there is no widespread depression or high suiciderate among blacks while there is for incels, but I know how much you soys care about your minorities.
Here are some examples of some of you who are guilty of this:
/u/Liz_is_a_lemon u/SykoSarah u/the_moonshine u/Princess_kitty14 u/Zoomie1977 u/LadyFausta

Saying "this is why you're an incel" when we say shit you don't like is the same as "this is why you're a virgin". You use our inceldom against us, you look down on us and there must be something wrong with us, why else would bad thing = reason why you're not getting laid? But the same people who think this will also tell us "there isn't anything wrong with being a virgin and they would never look down on us for that reason soysoysoy". Make up your mind IT it can't be both.
I wanna add that I truely hope that the foids of IT have the IQ high enough to understand that them spreading their legs isn't proof that their personality is good, it's not, in fact most of your personalities are dogshit and men would never hang out with you if they weren't trying to get laid. The fact you sit on IT makes you even worse than the average foid. You have no reason to look down on anyone.

This is an assumption but I think it's a good one so I'll throw it in there anyways: You don't tell anyone about your secret hobby of shitting on suicidal, mentally ill people who have a rough life, if you're such a good person why wouldn't you tell your family and your friends and your colleagues about your favorite hobby? Again it's an assumption, I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt that you aren't so retarded that you would openly talk about your vile hobby with anyone, if you do then you're a complete psychobitch but you aren't guilty of this one.

I think it's safe to say reddit has a leftwing bias, your subreddit wouldn't exist if you did the same to transgenders, fat people, homeless people, suicidal people, blacks, gays and dykes even if you used the mental gymnastics argument of the title. Reddit is guilty as well and basically every reddit-cuck who justifies your shitty subreddit even if they don't partake in it. Don't use reddit as the judge of what is right and wrong.

Some normies and kids sympathize with schoolshooters if they realize they were bullied by people their entire lives. Heck that whole Joker movie was based on it and normies loved it. I can see why you don't. Sure you could argue that "the joker wasn't the good guy in that movie" but the white guys who bulled him on the train definitely weren't nor was the guy who made fun of him on live TV. So even the world hates you, they might not know about you or fall for your lies but they do hate who you are deep down inside, not just us.

Anyways, hope that helps you guys sleep at night.
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Saying "this is why you're an incel" when we say shit you don't like is the same as "this is why you're a virgin". You use our inceldom against us, you look down on us and there must be something wrong with us, why else would bad thing = reason why you're not getting laid? But the same people who think this will also tell us "there isn't anything wrong with being a virgin and they would never look down on us for that reason soysoysoy". Make up your mind IT it can't be both.
I wanna add that I truely hope that the foids of IT have the IQ high enough to understand that them spreading their legs isn't proof that their personality is good, it's not, in fact most of your personalities are dogshit and men would never hang out with you if they weren't trying to get laid. The fact you sit on IT makes you even worse than the average foid. You have no reason to look down on anyone.
Very based. Very good point about how "this is why you're an incel" is no different than the shaming about "this is why you're a virgin."
And yeah for all they talk about incels having a bad personality IncelTear users unironically have dogshit personalities.

I think it's safe to say reddit has a leftwing bias, your subreddit wouldn't exist if you did the same to transgenders, fat people, homeless people, suicidal people, blacks, gays and dykes even if you used the mental gymnastics argument of the title. Reddit is guilty as well and basically every reddit-cuck who justifies your shitty subreddit even if they don't partake in it. Don't use reddit as the judge of what is right and wrong.

Anyways, hope that helps you guys sleep at night.
They aren't entitled to sleep.
A High IQ read, great arguments.

I'd like to add something: In their whole Thing i see parallels with things that IT and Reddit absolutely despise:
Racism and generalization.

A notion is getting projected on a whole group of people, the same principle as in racism. But the traits or prejustices of the hatred are taken from a whole different context: The ERs and other cases US-American school shooters.

But are American set standards the right Measurement for ethnicels, Europeancels and Asiancels?

I see a potential point for disruption there. If spun the right way, you could frame the hate coming from IT as racism and thereby making the group attackable by the standards of reddit.

I'm thinking of something like posters/memes with a diverse selection of portraits from ethnicels, blackcels, asiancels and europeancels, always one portrait of a guy in his surrounding at work or at the desk and a caption like "This is an incel."
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High IQ post
I mean only the most deranged ones are left at IT at this point
High IQ post
I mean only the most deranged ones are left at IT at this point
The absolute truth.

I think it's safe to say reddit has a leftwing bias, your subreddit wouldn't exist if you did the same to transgenders, fat people, homeless people, suicidal people, blacks, gays and dykes even if you used the mental gymnastics argument of the title. Reddit is guilty as well and basically every reddit-cuck who justifies your shitty subreddit even if they don't partake in it. Don't use reddit as the judge of what is right and wrong.
One of the most important things one has to realize is the fact that society doesn't care what somebody says, it only cares about who says something. It's only wrong when certain people say it. When trannies complain about lookism because no heterosexual man wants to fuck the fournier gangrene of a mentally-ill man in womens' undergarments, it's justified; when we do the same thing it's guilt-tripping and trying to shame women into giving us sex. When we take a closer look at the writings of many trannies, there is little to no difference to the writings of incels on the terms of lookism - but one thing is acceptable, the other thing is unacceptable.

One statement from an infamous feminist newspaper from my country which was translated for that reason, because it's absolutely pathognomonic for that mentality:

"Laconically speaking: We are already fucking scum, but it doesn't help. Incel ideology is therefore disproven. At the same time there are many people that are stigmatized as unfuckable and unlovable by our society by the reason of identity - (visibly) disabled people, transwomen (without taking fetishization into account), obese people etc. Incels who stand out due to mass shootings are just guys who are butthurt because they fail in a system that was designed to their advantage. Having said that: Delete yourself!"

Straight from the whore's mouth: It's only wrong when we (as males) say it!


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This post was very good should be pinned on that Incel Tear group to educate them they won’t respond though
This post was very good should be pinned on that Incel Tear group to educate them they won’t respond though
High IQ post
Based post, man :feelsokman:
Very based.
A High IQ read, great arguments.
:feelsokman: Thank dudes.

I mean only the most deranged ones are left at IT at this point

True but you never know who gets sucked into that shithole and starts believing their lies.

Anyways their response is retarded as usual, claiming they are very open about spending their every waking hour posting about us, imagine if you knew a person like that, holy fuck. Also makes makes you wonder how dangerous they think we really are. One retard said he talks about other groups all the time so I looked at his post history just to verify, he doesn't talk about other groups of people doing bad shit at all and has like 20x /r/inceltears in there in between his other hobbies, I should post some screenshots of it.
:feelsokman: Thank dudes.

True but you never know who gets sucked into that shithole and starts believing their lies.

Anyways their response is retarded as usual, claiming they are very open about spending their every waking hour posting about us, imagine if you knew a person like that, holy fuck. Also makes makes you wonder how dangerous they think we really are. One retard said he talks about other groups all the time so I looked at his post history just to verify, he doesn't talk about other groups of people doing bad shit at all and has like 20x /r/inceltears in there in between his other hobbies, I should post some screenshots of it.
I saw their reponse too. They are a bunch of pathetic parasites using us to feel better about themselves.
Arguements will not change minds no matter how good they are, especially on the internet. Probably best to just ignore IT cause its clear they do not realy want to help.
I saw their reponse too. They are a bunch of pathetic parasites using us to feel better about themselves.

Yeah it's kinda sick to be that much into it, especially considering they clearly have shitty lives as well, you'd think that would make them more empathetic but clearly that's not the case.

Arguements will not change minds no matter how good they are, especially on the internet. Probably best to just ignore IT cause its clear they do not realy want to help.

I'd like to think I could change my mind if someone made some good points, I don't expect them to straight up think "huh I guess I am an asshole" I'm just planting the seed of logic and maybe in a couple months or something they can use my arguments to make some moral grandstand on "why they decided to leave IT". As we saw with the old /r/inceltears. But yeah 100% agree that nobody should be lurking there I just wanted to see what they had to say in response.
A+ for the effort but you ultimately didn’t achieve anything in trying to open up an argument against them. They will continue defending their position to death and will keep coming up with excuses. Some are probably self aware of their morality and don’t care. Best thing to do is ignore them. 90% of people there just spam for karma
I’ve seen them making fun of my mental Illness, I believe it was my depression or anxiety.
cope arabs (muslims) are one of the most fun made and hated group all around the world
cope arabs (muslims) are one of the most fun made and hated group all around the world
Yeah maybe stop bombing people and being complete violent scum in Europe and that wouldn't happen, however this is about IT-whores who would never ever say anything bad about brown people.
Some of them might slip up from time to time, god knows they're only virtue signalling when they claim to care about them, but it's in their SJW-bible I've spoken too plenty of them to know.
SJWs don't extend any consideration to unattractive ethnic males.
Also they don't care if it contradicts what they are saying. In the end it's not ethnic males or seeming tolerant they care for but protecting women from any remarks that make women as a group look bad.
@SergeantIncel @Master @mental_out please potentially pin thanks.
Yeah maybe stop bombing people and being complete violent scum in Europe and that wouldn't happen, however this is about IT-whores who would never ever say anything bad about brown people.
when eurocucks say that arabs should stop bombing KEKW get a load of this retard
Very, very, very, very based.
Good read OP.
don't bother reading that sub the most annoying/prolific posters on that board are ALL ex incels (banned on here) or current .co members/PUAhate members trolling
its like saying " we are only making fun of nice guys and their posts/ comments, we dont make fun of all virgins/ lonely people", yet they continue to attack these people and give them reasons/ make reasons of why they are and will be a nice guy and never get laid etc
its like saying " we are only making fun of nice guys and their posts/ comments, we dont make fun of all virgins/ lonely people", yet they continue to attack these people and give them reasons/ make reasons of why they are and will be a nice guy and never get laid etc
That's like reddit saying "We are only banning a few IncelTear users"
high IQ thread, IT probably wont even spit in its direction
unfortunately the average IT user is illiterate and won't be able to read this thread
Do they answered this?
I guess they never heard of the phrase 'don't kick someone when he is down'. I wonder how many lives have they indirectly taken? It all adds up. But I guess that's not much of a concern to them. Likewise, they are not much of a concern to me. Boo hoo my life is shit; tell me something I don't know already IT. Except your larp stories and delusional schizophrenic ways to help me because all your shit advice is quite worthless frankly.

They are nothing more but selfish egomaniacs masquerading under the guise of a 'support/expose' group. Aka if you learn your place incels we'll play nice with you. Fuck them. They are nothing to me and I'm tired of seeing everybody here be so concerned about them. People like that will always exist. Pay them no attention .
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Excellent thread. But unfortunately this will fall on deaf ears amongst soys.
Yeah maybe stop bombing people and being complete violent scum in Europe and that wouldn't happen, however this is about IT-whores who would never ever say anything bad about brown people.
The Muslims that fight the West are giving up everything they have to return to their people's authentic traditions. The Imperial West installs and backs brutal, secular puppet dictators, uses the apartide state of Israel to inflame the region and conducts information warfare to undermine their society's most deeply held beliefs.

The only reason there are so many in the West is because of the refugee crises created by the West. And if course that causes trouble. People should be with their own kind, in societies that there temperament adapted to over generations.

Just say "incel" is a categorization, not a movement. Whether someone considers themselves an incel or not is irrelevant.
Do they answered this?
Not really no, all the IT-people I mentioned are still posting, either they don't care that they're the fat feminist version of a racist cop or they're too dumb to get it. I saw one thread and they all talked about how they are super proud and open about spending every waking hour of their day obsessing over us and totally share that information with everyone they know (doubt it), so they got me there I guess? They didn't respond to anything else.
Not really no, all the IT-people I mentioned are still posting, either they don't care that they're the fat feminist version of a racist cop or they're too dumb to get it. I saw one thread and they all talked about how they are super proud and open about spending every waking hour of their day obsessing over us and totally share that information with everyone they know (doubt it), so they got me there I guess? They didn't respond to anything else.
They talked shit on me for a certain period when i was making some edgy islamist posts.
Well yeah but it was because you're an incel, if you can find me some hardcore IT-users who shit on any group just as hard as they do us I'd be very surprised.
Dude it's 2020 even if they hate us they won't say shit, and hating on whites is open bar now lo
True, idk if they even hate us they just wanna feel better about their own lives being fucking pathetic and since you can literally say nothing bad about any other group the default is us.

Also I just noticed one of these IT-people I mentioned hasn't posted in 10 days, fingers crossed everyone.
Some normies and kids sympathize with schoolshooters if they realize they were bullied by people their entire lives. Heck that whole Joker movie was based on it and normies loved it. I can see why you don't. Sure you could argue that "the joker wasn't the good guy in that movie" but the white guys who bulled him on the train definitely weren't nor was the guy who made fun of him on live TV. So even the world hates you, they might not know about you or fall for your lies but they do hate who you are deep down inside, not just us.
This is lifefuel tbh, thinking at the possibilities of turning normies against these failed abortions.
They are no better than neo-nazis blaming every little crime on blacks. Retards will focus on one thing be they right or left wing. These left wing retards have chosen to focus one a certain field of study in feminist circles and that's any sub8 male saying ANYTHING bad about foids. A label long ago was virgin, loser now it's nice guy or incel. It's just sand these people don't understand they are even in a worse situation than us
bro all this effort from your post is wasted on these degenerates. Their skulls so fucking thick nothing will come in. If they were really trying to understand theyd read this:

It is of absolutely no point talking sense with them. Its like talking to a runescape NPC in Varrock except the conversations on IT are lower IQ.

They are too dumb man give it up
bro all this effort from your post is wasted on these degenerates. Their skulls so fucking thick nothing will come in. If they were really trying to understand theyd read this:

It is of absolutely no point talking sense with them. Its like talking to a runescape NPC in Varrock except the conversations on IT are lower IQ.

They are too dumb man give it up
if you're such a good person why wouldn't you tell your family and your friends and your colleagues about your favorite hobby?
Turn down for what
The absolute truth.

One of the most important things one has to realize is the fact that society doesn't care what somebody says, it only cares about who says something. It's only wrong when certain people say it. When trannies complain about lookism because no heterosexual man wants to fuck the fournier gangrene of a mentally-ill man in womens' undergarments, it's justified; when we do the same thing it's guilt-tripping and trying to shame women into giving us sex. When we take a closer look at the writings of many trannies, there is little to no difference to the writings of incels on the terms of lookism - but one thing is acceptable, the other thing is unacceptable.
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They constantly try to explicity push the narrative that ALL incels are domestic terrorists. Taking that in count alone is enough evidence to dismantle whatever pathetic backpedaling excuse they make about ''we just want to help incels teehee''

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