Welcome to Incels.is - Involuntary Celibate Forum

Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.

Serious My official resignation.

Good to see you're alive and kicking, brother.

All the best in your journey.
Bon chance 'mi!
Resign as mod but reconsider leaving the site. From the posts on here it's obvious you will be missed and your important insights have helped many of us.
Well I for one will be saddened to see you go and just wish you would keep on checking in every great once in a while and updating us on your adventures and happenings but if you don’t want to or literally cannot with your desired living arrangement I guess it is what it is then.

I‘m glad you’re not dead after all and oh JFYI you missed @Komesarj gate which is to say he allegedly succeeded in securing for himself a cute little blonde hapa jailbait and is attempting to live his happily ever after with her as I type.

The cucks and cowards made their big articles and posts about it and there was a huge deal on Twitter about it but fortunately the scandal of it all finally blew over.

Basically I told him to enjoy it while it lasts because considering her youth and the general length of time relationships last in our sick society these days he’s essentially on borrowed time.

I‘ve noted that most modern relationshits implode at or near the 10 year mark if not a bit sooner.
I'm glad to see your health improve, last time I was here your absence brought worry of your health problems. I am glad that you have overcome them my old friend and that you're doing well.

There may be time in the future where I come back from time to time but for now at least my life's journey brings me elsewhere well beyond the confines of the internet. I leave this forum in your wise and strong capable hands under your leadership. The next five years will be more chaotic and insane globally than the previous years, we must prepare for the future world unfolding all around us. :feelsjuice::blackpill:

View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=96ZusNxZgMU&pp=ygUkS2VhbnUgUmVldmVzIEJ1ZGRoYSBtZWRpdGF0aW5nIHNuYWtl
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Bro aren't you still homeless?
Good luck bro, good that u found what u were looking for
Good to see you're alive and kicking, brother.

All the best in your journey.
Bon chance 'mi!
Resign as mod but reconsider leaving the site. From the posts on here it's obvious you will be missed and your important insights have helped many of us.

View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=LAPo1dgrHms&pp=ygUZdGVybWluYXRvciB0aHVtYnMgdXAgbGF2YQ%3D%3D
How did you make yourself quit? Pull the plug on the pc, cancel internet or something, the internet has stolen my best years from me
:fuk: if I was just a normie that only got home internet access with smartphones, so in my early 20s, I would surely be a much different person leading a much different life.
Based Spenglercel.
His book Prussianism and Socialism was my first real introduction to the critique of Liberalism and Marxism from a right-wing perspective and the often overlooked connection between the two.
It is an unfortunate state of affairs this modern world has become, so many smart intelligent men from both the left and right have warned what would become of it eventually yet for all the volumes or great philosophical works made over the centuries warnings have gone unabated by a majority of humanity. The great wisdom of the ages having largely dropped on deaf ears. :feelsjuice:
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this world is so fucked up and getting worse
See you tomorrow
Based Spenglercel.
His book Prussianism and Socialism was my first real introduction to the critique of Liberalism and Marxism from a right-wing perspective and the often overlooked connection between the two.
A local library had a great ~1925 copy of Decline that I checked out several times over the years. I was the only one to check it out in decades. They were having an upcoming book sale one time when I returned it and I suggested that they should sell it (meaning to me) and they said they'd have to ask. Next time I went to check it out it was gone, so I guess they did end up selling it :fuk:

I have the kindle copy but haven't read it since. The book version has fold out pages, much more interesting to read.
what the jews do to a inkwell mfer
@MarquisDeSade I'm glad you've found peace. But I hope you'll still check in from time to time. During the time I was reading your threads I became very fond of you, saying goodbye to you is like saying goodbye to an old friend - very painful.:feelscry:
Just know that none of you are truly alone, there are far more of us around the world than the paid talking heads care to admit. In the future the internet grid will collapse along with everything else, or they will set up such a monstrosity of censorship in total control rendering it practically unusable, when this happens we men will have to learn to talk with each other in the streets face to face once again, it will shock many just how many of us there really is. Understand that most of human history is a lie and that the entire apparatus of the modern world is also a lie, above all else question everything. :feelsjuice: :blackpill:
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God speed my friend
Glad to hear you're alive bro but even though I'm sorry to see you go, I have to say I like your style.
6.) The future will rise out of the east and the Eurasian corridor. The very inception of western civilization collapse was espoused by the likes of Oswald Spengler almost a century ago. However, whether the west dies silently with a quiet whimper or a loud thunderous bang is beyond even my own peripheral. I do know however the next world war if there is one will be the last war as dead silence will accompany the entire planet. If the human species destroys itself everywhere it will also be the last joke and a cosmic one at that. The species of peace, love, compassion, laws, morality, and ethics snuffing itself out through self annihilation. The angels watching in attendance from the very heavens dying of laughter everywhere. :feelsclown:

Based Spenglercel.
His book Prussianism and Socialism was my first real introduction to the critique of Liberalism and Marxism from a right-wing perspective and the often overlooked connection between the two.

btw Spengler didn't predict a collapse but an ossification, like if you play an RPG and the weird ancient civilization of people has been the exact same way for thousands of years.
Wish you the best. You will be missed. I always felt you here since much earlier than 2021.

Stop by some time. :feelsYall:
It looks like you survived to end of summer. You were one of the last noteworthy users on this forum. I also plan to abscond this forum and the Internet for good

A spiritual enlightenment is :whitepill: cope. Sounds like glowies may have captured you and re-programmed you through psychiatric therapy :fbi:

The goal is that when the dollar dies completely replace it with a new digital dollar system or CBDC. Whether or not they have any traction with this new devised system has yet to remain seen. But the aftermath will be much the same everywhere, with new future lockdowns all of society will be locked down permanently, that in affect will become the new normal. They will also openly and very publicly hunt down politically persecuting dissidents of all kinds. If you want to survive this transformation become invisible and sever all ties with the internet altogether, make sure you're individual internet imprint is zero. They plan on coming after everyone who doesn't go along with the new pogrom
The internet is an overrated and exaggerated glorified control grid of consumerism, mass surveillance, spying, or molding public opinion, once one understands the true nature of the internet or the matrix in its entirety, the choice becomes a simple one to make. Make no mistake lads, (((they))) control everything, (((they))) know everything, and (((they))) see everything and everybody. You might think to yourselves you can elude them all your lives going unseen, but as somebody who has haunted the internet for several decades I can tell you right now, they'll hunt us all down one by one eventually. Another reason why I am resigning, in the near future internet anonymity will become a thing of the past and simply will be non-existent everywhere including here. :feelsjuice:
They already own all the infrastructure of the entirety that is the internet, there truly is no escape or uncharted territories anymore, we only delude ourselves thinking otherwise. Their mass surveillance networks are everywhere. :feelsthink:
In the future the internet grid will collapse along with everything else, or they will set up such a monstrosity of censorship in total control rendering it practically unusable, when this happens we men will have to learn to talk with each other in the streets face to face once again, it will shock many just how many of us there really is. Understand that most of human history is a lie and that the entire apparatus of the modern world is also a lie, above all else question everything. :feelsjuice: :blackpill:

I agree with all this. The Internet is a facility for mass surveillence and social engineering (aka programming large amounts of people to think a certain way via shared media and user-generated content). The Internet is already massively monitored by big data companies and state intelligence agencies. It's likely the personal data of most people has already been compromised and siphoned off to unauthorized third parties. Personal data to tech companies and marketing companies, is like crack cocaine to a crackhead. Anonymity on surface web is practically impossible with common operation systems (Windows, MacOS, ChromeOS)

The US dollar and other Western fiat currencies will probably become worthless one day. Throughout human history all fiat currencies from human civilizations & empires of past eras ultimately crashed and became worthless. Just based on human civilization's track record for fiat currencies, it's almost guaranteed the US dollar and other Western fiat currencies will die. It's also probable one of these events will be an immediate aftermath of fiat currency death in some Western countries:
  • A major internal, armed conflict (e.g. America Civil War 2.0)
  • The establishment of a fascist, mass surveillence state that doesn't tolerate the expression of dissident opinion, and incarcerates, "re-educates", "cancels" or eliminates all people who are found to have supported dissident opinion, like the authoritarian Big Brother state of 1984 - We've already seen signs of "dissident opinion suppression" practices in Western society, like how loads of normies in the USA & certain European countries use cancel culture and public defamation on people who are openly anti-LGBT, anti-Semitic, racist (towards nonwhites), blackpilled, or anti-feminist / anti-gynocentric
  • A direct conflict between NATO and a non-NATO superpower where millions will die & the infrastructure of some non-3rd world country is destroyed (basically World War 3)

Through history, civilizations have historically operated by a kind of "destroy and rebuild" model: First there's some sort of disagreement between two or more parties, and it leads to conflict where people die and infrastructure is destroyed. At least one party eventually conquored, a treaty is created, the survivors of defeated party are either executed or coerced to conform to the treaty, and the destroyed regions are rebuilt (as in updated with better infrastructure). The West has too much to lose, so they'll move mountains if possible to avoid a direct armed conflict with non-NATO superpowers like Russia or China --- So if the current regime of some major Western nation falls apart (which probably will happen), it almost surely will be the result of a domestic dispute that's incited or caused by internal forces
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Resign as mod but reconsider leaving the site. From the posts on here it's obvious you will be missed and your important insights have helped many of us.
Why change your username to a former mod
you missed @Komesarj gate which is to say he allegedly succeeded in securing for himself a cute little blonde hapa jailbait and is attempting to live his happily ever after with her as I type.

The cucks and cowards made their big articles and posts about it and there was a huge deal on Twitter about it but fortunately the scandal of it all finally blew over.
Why do you consider it cowardly or cucked to make articles or posts about it?

Why not the reverse?

Perhaps it is cucked or cowardly to remain silent.

Basically I told him to enjoy it while it lasts because considering her youth and the general length of time relationships last in our sick society these days he’s essentially on borrowed time.
I‘ve noted that most modern relationshits implode at or near the 10 year mark if not a bit sooner.
I expect that's been his outlook the entire time, big promises of an eternal romance and a long future all the while using someone he considers to be vulnerable while barely connecting with her. The tragedy is when this becomes apparent it will be hard for her to find happiness. Many have missed their shot at something wholesome here.

she will cheat him 100% because he is ugly i guess? did you know how he was looking?
I don't think she will stray because of his looks.

Still unbelievable a 19yo decided to fuck him :feelshehe:
@My Name Jeff made a thread while ago giving some evidences as to how she could be fake and he's just larping
I have a great imagination about ways I could be gaslit that can outpace any evidence I am given, you don't really need to provide evidence of absence when there's never been thorough evidence of presence to contradict in the first place.

The only strongly affirmative proof of coexistence has been privated in the hands of the elite.

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