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My message to the Florida high school that was shot



Nov 10, 2017
This is the blackpill these semen-slurping administrators need, not media memes or femoid nonsense. If a poor fellow incel standing up for himself against the barrage of shit these fuckwit kids threw at him every single day is okay to these guys, then so is this redpill message.


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Very good email, 10/10. These females treat ugly men like shit, its not suprising that some us break down after YEARS of abuse and fight back.
Exactly my thoughts, and what I have been saying about women's hate for sub-Chad men, as well as the detrimental effects of social media on society.
He was a fuarking retarded sociopath, he wasn't incel.
The entire school system should be torn down and done differently. Stuff like Khan Academy prove that school is archaic and didn't change much in centuries.
As liberal cucks like to repeat to brag how "progressive " they are, this is 2018.
All the brutal treatment caused this. Torture someone enough and they crack.
Based Nik Cruz.

Found this:


Yeah he is definitely one of us.
A new saint has been introduced, saint nik.
Crustaciouse said:
A new saint has been introduced, saint nik.

He is up there with Saint Marc, Saint Elliot, and Saint Michael
Thank you. We need to spread the word.
They will ignore the email

Eternaldarkness said:
Found this:


Yeah he is definitely one of us.

Holy shit
OTaKu_WarrIOr_N said:
They will ignore the email

I emailed it to several dozen teachers and administrators so some might get around to it and learn something
Eternaldarkness said:
Found this:


Yeah he is definitely one of us.

Oh my god  :'( :'( :'( He is one of us.
RIP Saint Nik. Shame the media is just going to turn thia into another nonsense story about gun control with no mention of the incel crisis.
Eternaldarkness said:
Found this:


Yeah he is definitely one of us.

Holy crap we are going to get brigaded hard when they figured out he was incel. Prepare the backup emergency plan because this forum is going to get some attention.
spicycurry said:
Holy crap we are going to get brigaded hard when they figured out he was incel. Prepare the backup emergency plan because this forum is going to get some attention.

What's the plan?
Eternaldarkness said:
Found this:


Yeah he is definitely one of us.

Where did you find it?

EDIT: It's from this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cQDhy5dzX9w
He was a fuarking retarded sociopath, he wasn't incel.

Fakecel cope.

He did the right thing, fuck all of you who condemn his actions.
lol @ idoit cucks here he wasnt even ugly, you guys are fucking idiots
Maybe he even posted on this site
universallyabhorred said:
He was a fuarking retarded sociopath, he wasn't incel.
Fakecel cope.

He did the right thing, fuck all of you who condemn his actions.

Nah, he didn't do the right thing, maybe to a sociopath it was the right thing to do; but not to somebody who's religious.

Tellem--T said:
lol @ idoit cucks here he wasnt even ugly, you guys are fucking idiots

Brother he was a filthy Islamophobe. Fuark him and his sociopathic ass. I hope he gets pounded in jail.
More and more people will know about our suffering that women inflict upon us.
You will give them a good laugh

not a particularly well written email, shallow, no deep detail or examples, no solutions offered

you may make them think about it for a minute or 2 I guess
This has been the greatest valentine's day gift I could've gotten.
Nah, he didn't do the right thing, maybe to a sociopath it was the right thing to do; but not to somebody who's religious.

Brother he was a filthy Islamophobe. Fuark him and his sociopathic ass. I hope he gets pounded in jail.

Most of those he slaughtered would be considered kuffar scum, so by islamic standards his behavior was righteous.
Nah, he didn't do the right thing, maybe to a sociopath it was the right thing to do; but not to somebody who's religious.

Brother he was a filthy Islamophobe. 

well in that case fuark him
universallyabhorred said:
Most of those he slaughtered would be considered kuffar scum, so by islamic standards his behavior was righteous.

I don't mourn them but I don't think killing them is good either. By Islamic standards his behavior would only be righteous if this was a war, which it wasn't. Don't get me wrong, I couldn't care less about them, but to call me a fakecel just because I'm against killing people when not in war is just a bit absurd to say the least.
Tellem--T said:
lol @ idoit cucks here he wasnt even ugly, you guys are fucking idiots

Funny coming from you.
Tellem--T said:
Nah, he didn't do the right thing, maybe to a sociopath it was the right thing to do; but not to somebody who's religious.

Brother he was a filthy Islamophobe.

well in that case fuark him

Here's proof:


]In 2015, he posted a screenshot of a Google search for the phrase, “what does allahu akbar.” He then wrote a caption that included an anti-Muslim slur, “Well at least we now know what it means when a sand durka says “allahu Akbar” ??????” While some have been using that post to claim that he was pro-ISIS or supporter of Islamic terrorism, comments he made on the Instagram post indicated he wanted to kill terrorists and made jokes about terrorism.

“Durka durka Mohamed jihad .. how do I work this oh oh I mess up cooo booom!!” he wrote. He then added, “durka durka … bam boom explosions,” with a series of bomb smilies.
I don't mourn them but I don't think killing them is good either. By Islamic standards his behavior would only be righteous if this was a war, which it wasn't. Don't get me wrong, I couldn't care less about them, but to call me a fakecel just because I'm against killing people when not in war is just a bit absurd to say the least.
It is a war though think of all the incel men society is driving to suicide every day, if these casualties are considered we are losing the war, this heroic gentleman is just trying to turn the tide that is all.
universallyabhorred said:
It is a war though think of all the incel men society is driving to suicide every day, if these casualties are considered we are losing the war, this heroic gentleman is just trying to turn the tide that is all.

Ok, let me rephrase: it's not a religious war. As per my belief system, I can't cheer for their deaths. It doesn't make me any less of a truecel.
Nice edgelordism bro.

If you're actually this edgy, send it to the school and show us their response you fucking attention-seeking fag.
Ok, let me rephrase: it's not a religious war. As per my belief system, I can't cheer for their deaths. It doesn't make me any less of a truecel.

imagine believing in pedo god while being a truecel at the same time  :relief: :relief: :'( :'(
Looks like he was subscribed to some gun enthusiast channels too.

incelkingkong said:
imagine believing in pedo god while being a truecel at the same time Relief Relief Crying Crying

This is why you're incel LOL.
surprisingly most of these shootings are not angry incels. It's a myth that incels are shooting because they can't get laid. This is because most incels are weak minded bluepilled beta bitches who continue to whiteknight stacies. I'd say only the people on this forum are incels who are not bluepilled. That is less than 1% of the population.

99% of incels would rather look to things like pua, or cope with excuses. Basically in old times they would die in their tribe.

incels.is would of castrated the chads in the tribe and claimed our evolutionary right to life with a fight.
62 fiollowers. Definitely an incel
Dumb email nik cruz had 10 confirmed lays.
Yay, a shooting today! I'm behind, was playing vidya on this horrible day.

Also, high probability your e-mails won't get past their filters. But, good effort.
Agreed, the entire system needs to go.
I hope you actually sent this
Eternaldarkness said:
Found this:


Yeah he is definitely one of us.

Can't find the comment from your link. You sure it's not photoshopped?
I hope that email isn't connected to your real name
Incelibate anarchist said:
Very good email, 10/10. These females treat ugly men like shit, its not suprising that some us break down after YEARS of abuse and fight back.

What do they expect to happen? That all the pain they cause will make him into a good person?

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