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My high school oneitis was thrown away by Chad

  • Thread starter Deleted member 56
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Deleted member 56

Nov 7, 2017
Back when I was bluepilled I foolishly approached a 9/10 Stacy in my class. I became extremely obsessed with her and  I was delusional to the fact that I was simply another orbiter. She brutally ghosted me even after telling me how she was “there for me” and how much she “cared” about me. Truth was she saw me as a massive creep. She was “sexually abused” (lol) by her brother as a kid. Told me about it bc she needed to use me as an emotional tampon. Treated her super well and she still left. Never told me why. Just began ignoring all of my texts etc.

Now fast forward to today and she has been through five or more different Chads. All of them have pumped and dumped LOL. Even the most recent one who she was going to marry pumped and dumped lmao. I came across her Twitter recently and she has gone full on autistic threatening to kill herself etc. talking about how lonely she is, lol as if that was even possible.

I hate this. When I was bluepilled I was exactly what cucktears said to be. I treated her with respect and had a good personality. I didn’t know of blackpill or anything at the time. If she was truely lonely and wanted someone who wouldn’t pump and dump she would have offered me a chance. No. Instead she gave herself to all of these brutes, opted to be pumped and dumped by them, and is now crying depression and LONELINESS, the very thing I suffered from. She is NOT lonely. That’s complete horse shit. A 9/10 Stacy has tons of orbiters. I hate femoids, all of them are braindead and extremely superficial.
Read this:


















Our story begins in 2013. Intellau was 15, and Shannon was 12. It's a story of inequality in group therapy.

I was an anxious fifteen-year-old with MDD and GAD. Each day, I was filled with crippling anxiety/"hazy depression" and would often start "shaking" on the way to group therapy. They gave me stress balls so I would stop fidgeting with my hands during therapy time. Still, the group psychologist considered me "NT" and often criticized me for my failure to make eye contact with other people in the room/failure to speak to other group youth(Social cue problems).

Shannon Rose Bosanac was a twelve-year-old with "social anxiety" and "depression". During group therapy, I was told to speak to Shannon, which was ignored because she preferred a taller, older boy over me and sat near him daily. The psychologists eventually switched Shannon to another group out of concern for her "progress"(They believed I was "negatively influencing" her by behaving in accordance with my illnesses); Shannon would mimic my neuro-atypical gestures to get attention.

Interesting given Shannon had little issue chatting with friends/associates outside of group therapy. Observe:

View attachment 515704
(Shannon, Carlie, Mariah)

Note that I had no friends or associates outside of group therapy and yet was being asked to pander to a pretty White lass with shallow thinking. This was during a time when I was being verbally and physically abused by one of my parents for being unable to function like NTs.
Yes, I remember my final day in group therapy well. I was heavily depressed, as usual. It was cloudy and raining. A certain Black youth told me, "Intellau, go over there."(As usual), and I obeyed him out of a desire for peaceful group time. A kid by the name of "Sean", another Black youth, criticized my writing and said "Wow....Intellau's writing is terrible"(He was handing out our goal sheets for the day); he also made sure to read my "discharge" certificate. I kept my discharge secret so I wouldn't be laughed at by my group "mates".

And as usual, on the drive home, the young girls in my transportation van started hitting me and drawing on me.

Re: white girls

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#150973899Tuesday, December 02, 2014 4:43 PM CST
What happened to you involving caucasian females?
Re: the answer to all your questions:

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#184353418Friday, February 26, 2016 9:52 AM CST
Caucasian individuals are truly beautiful and intelligent.
Re: Are you a female or a male?

Join Date: 2016-01-25
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#182476630Tuesday, January 26, 2016 7:49 PM CST
As stated prior to the deletion of my previous response, I am a highly-desirable, beautiful, and intelligent brown-haired, blue-eyed Caucasian woman with pale skin.
Re: Why Are Neuro-Typical Individual So Strange?

Join Date: 2016-01-25
Post Count: 182
#182592230Thursday, January 28, 2016 8:52 PM CST
Please describe the reason for this behavior to me.I am frustrated by my interaction with beautiful, intelligent, neuro-typical Caucasian female individuals that continue to avoid explicitly stating their intentions.
Why Am I Rejected By Beautiful Caucasian Women?

Join Date: 2016-01-12
Post Count: 563
#185023614Tuesday, March 08, 2016 10:35 PM CST
Well, Off-Topic? Why am I being rejected by truly beautiful and intelligent Caucasian women?I am a twenty-two male individual with ASD. Despite this, I have performed significant social analysis to improve my conversational capabilities.Nonetheless, I am continuously being patronized by my rather beautiful brown-haired, blue-eyed, pale-skinned colleague.That should not occur. I am much more intelligent and reasonable than the narcissistic imbeciles we are required to regularly collaborate with. I have not exhibited any aggression towards either the woman or the males involved.As evidenced by my status on this website, I am socially-adept enough to easily integrate into social cliques with other individuals. Therefore, I cannot understand why this is occurring.When will the naive female individual involved recognize my objectively-superior suitability?It is quite obvious that women are inherently-narcissistic.
Re: OT is like a white family

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#181986121Tuesday, January 19, 2016 1:41 AM CST
"What's the difference between a white family and the rest?"Simple. Caucasian families are genetically-superior to the other types of families.Of course, this would mean that Off-Topic represents an African American family, which is the lowest-quality family of all, given the aggression and impulsion.
Re: Name something good America has.

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#182219886Saturday, January 23, 2016 3:07 AM CST
Individuals with superior Caucasian DNA.Unfortunately, it is being mitigated by the presence of inferior African American scum.
Re: Would a hot white girl fall for an ugly black male?

Join Date: 2016-01-12
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#184675381Wednesday, March 02, 2016 10:28 PM CST
Why would they? African American males are truly repulsive and intellectually-inferior.In contrast, Caucasian males are beautiful and intelligent.
Re: itt: your main ancestry

Join Date: 2016-01-12
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#200647948Friday, October 28, 2016 7:32 PM CDT
White/European Caucasian. >97.99%I am glad to not have bonobo DNA.






View: https://youtu.be/8tI1_KlO6xI?t=80




Join Date: 2013-06-23
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#146491038Sunday, September 21, 2014 3:00 AM CDT
"Social Anxiety Disorder"Actually, "Generalized Anxiety Disorder" would be appropriate as social anxiety is a form of the disorder itself.

Join Date: 2009-01-08
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#146491042Sunday, September 21, 2014 3:00 AM CDT
Honestly to get rid of Social Anxiety you have to just break your shell.Much like putting on a fake smile, happy or not, can often make you happy... Just being outgoing weather thats your personality or not can help you get used to socializing and the anxiety will leave
Intellau is fucking another maggot filled corpse again, boys.
Now fast forward to today
Group Therapy Update:

No; Shannon Rose B had several boyfriends waiting at home as she flirted with loiro Chris in group therapy.

I dropped a pencil during a private chat:

"Oh, that's right. We have to keep our voices down because Intellau liked her"(Group Psychologist; male)

"Why does he even want her? She already has a boyfriend"(Understudy)

Note that she was flirting heavily with Chris often.

"I told those two to cut it out, like, 'Hey, that's not appropriate'"(Group Psychologist)

He would always quiet down if he thought I was listening to their chats.
Yes.....I kept this in mind when I encountered Shannon Rose B in a hospital waiting room. She was blowing kisses at every guy in the room except me. I thought of how she flirted with tall blonde Chads and felt immediate disgust. And then I recalled how she preferred a tall Chad over me three years prior to that incident. Those things ended any "respect" for her.
Yes. Shannon Rose B is a prime example of this.

Instead of choosing a humble man like her prized orbiter, she chose to cheat on her "prettyboy" Mestizo boyfriend with a vain footballer loiro.
No; Shannon Rose B had several boyfriends waiting at home as she flirted with loiro Chris in group therapy.

I dropped a pencil during a private chat. " 'He' likes her" - "Why does he even want her? She already has a boyfriend" - While flirting with tall Chris.
Fantasizing, in ordinary times, would (Mostly) alleviate this problem for me.

Except for one detail: I fantasize about discussing Dragon Ball with group-mates from therapy. Namely, a Black boy named Jacques or a young loiro named Joshua.
It is more painful to know you'll always be considered low-value period.

I don't even give a shit about sex anymore -- it is about the looks failo for me. Never being seen as a valuable man; always expected to do "more" to be worth less. I would take being a good looking autist with low N count than being an ugly, cast-aside loser who hookermaxes but is still deeply unwanted by the world.
Yes, I remember group therapy well...

Shannon Rose Bosanac frowned at me because I looked at her briefly during "process group". The group leader responded by placing her in another group out of concern for her progress/"mental safety".
Given that we are of different races, I believe it was also due to an incident involving an "interracial pairing" in the group. The male of that pairing took the (White) female outside and did "things" with her near a river.
Indeed, the pairing was of a Black male and White femoid. The White femoid appeared to have racial identity issues("I want to be Black") stemming from adoption into a liberal family. She met the male during his hospitalization for violent behavior while in group therapy.

I suspect that the program manager worried deeply about the idea of young "beautiful" Shannon being influenced by a 5'2, 98lbs ethnic boy with severe anxiety.
Intellau_Celistic said:

He was actually fairly respectful. That adolescent was in group therapy for severe depression and had already attempted suicide twice(Placing a rifle to his head, overdosing on Celexa on his last day of hospitalization).

He helped me pick up our "goal sheets" after I dropped them while handing them out. S.R.B simply sat in her chair and watched as the papers fell near her feet(She also started omitting her name from her goal sheets). More interested in being near tall Chadlite.

He was scheduled to leave Wisconsin within a few weeks to live with his mother in Florida(He was living with grandparents).
The protagonist of our story is a man named "Aspie John" and involves a woman named "Anxious Jane".

Aspie John meets Anxious Jane in "High School".

Anxious Jane is in Special Ed for severe anxiety, and so is Aspie John. Aspie John and Anxious Jane appear to have some mutual attraction at times, given Anxious Jane would always make the same "anxious" hand-fiddling gestures as Aspie John and would wear a shirt with his favorite color: "Blue". When Aspie John dropped a stack of homework sheets on one occasion, Anxious Jane wrote a "message" for him on her sheet the very next day.

Anxious Jane, however, always manages to next to the tallest kid in the room, which is odd given he sits alone in an otherwise empty row of desks. When Tall Kid helps the teacher pick up classroom litter, Anxious Jane suddenly bolts up and quickly joins them. Aspie John remains seated due to anxiety. After some time, Tall Kid starts to sit with other kids in the classroom, leaving Anxious Jane sitting alone each day. He sits across from Aspie John.

Three years later...

Aspie John and Anxious Jane are in different Special Ed classrooms. Anxious Jane speaks of wanting to be in a "relationship" with Aspie John. There is a catch, however: Anxious Jane regularly wears ponytails and make-up for the Tall Kid in her new classroom. She would flirt with this man in class(Which frustrated her teacher) and would also chat with him over text and social media, all while sometimes making friendly gestures towards Aspie John in passing through the hallway.

On a certain occasion, though, Aspie John encounters Anxious Jane in a hospital lab waiting room. Anxious Jane makes "romantic" gestures towards Aspie John. Aspie John, being a very coy man, is reluctant to approach Anxious Jane. As he prepares to approach her, he recalls her heavy flirtation with Tall Kid in her new classroom. He also remembers hearing her teacher say, "Why is Anxious Jane flirting with Tall Kid? She already has a boyfriend."

He then decides to ignore her and covers himself with a hoodie.

A few days later, Aspie John overhears a teacher speaking of himself and Anxious Jane - "He's so sensitive! Oh my goodness! They were just joking!" - Note that this is after months of flirting and closeness between Anxious Jane and Tall Kid. Shortly after that, Anxious Jane flirts with Tall Kid in her classroom, telling him "P-Please don't call my phone number".

An interesting story of "signals" and cues, yes?

Correct. Let me continue with the story of Aspie John:

In Special Ed, Aspie John was referred to the school psychologist. The school psychologist, who also saw Anxious Jane, encouraged Aspie John to speak to Anxious Jane.

"You should speak to Jane!"(S.P)

"I'm not sure..."(A.J)

"Try speaking to Anxious Jane! She would love to have someone to speak to!"(S.P)

"Okay, I think I'll try..."(A.J)

Aspie John would go home anxiously each day and think incessantly of his fellow classmates. He would feel very, depressed, jittery and uncomfortable due to a restless mind. Thinking of Anxious Jane only worsened it.

The teacher criticized Aspie John several times for his inability to socialize with Anxious Jane, who had little problem socializing with kids at social clubs she attended. She would criticize Aspie John's statements of "Managing his classroom anxiety" yet constantly gave Anxious Jane exemptions for her inability to recount her night(The teacher would ask everyone about it daily).

Furthermore, Anxious Jane was desired by nearly every male in the class. Aspie John was ignored to the extent of needing the teacher(Or, on one occasion, the Hispanic kid) to do class activities. One boy quickly sat near Anxious Jane and wrapped his arms around her during a class project.

"Jane, It's okay sweetie. Come pair with me."

As for the "speaking", Anxious Jane's hand-fiddling gestures, as well as her decision to mimic several of Aspie John's other avoidant behaviors, led to criticism from the Phys. Ed teacher, who said:

"Jane was playing with her hands instead of working on her activities. I think we have a dynamic there. Keep that in check."

Anxious Jane then frowned at Aspie John and started coming to school without her glasses(To impress Tall Kid).

Aspie John was also switched to other classroom duties after Anxious Jane wrote her "message" to him via homework.

A certain (respectable) Hispanic boy said of Jane:

"Is Jane still going to be in our classroom?"(He asked this after Aspie John was told that he would remain in the current classroom; unprovoked information)

"No. She'll be switched into the other classroom."(Teacher)

Anxious Jane stopped coming to school until she was switched into another classroom for reasons unknown to Aspie John. She was, of course, shifting to Option #1: Tall Kid.
As Aspie John starts to relay his answers to the class, Short Morena starts laughing happily at each answer and votes for him when the teacher asks the class which student provided the best answers, which causes him to become very jittery from anxiety yet calm.

As the two students leave class, Short Morena says "Bye, Aspie John" in a kind tone to Aspie John, which causes him to reply with a calm "Ok". He is grateful to have met her, though he knows she views him only as someone to be pitied for his illnesses.

The very next day, however:

"I think Aspie John was extremely hurt when we discussed the behavior of Anxious Jane and Tall Kid. He was covering himself up with a hoodie upon seeing her."

"He's so sensitive! Oh my goodness! They were just joking!"

"If Aspie John wanted someone more like him, why didn't he just..."

The other kids in the classroom then start whispering about it and Aspie John overhears them, filling him with shame and embarrassment. He still misses Short Morena. Days before school graduation, Aspie John overhears two teachers discussing him and Anxious Jane:

"So, Anxious Jane is graduating soon"

"When Anxious Jane realizes how difficult it will be to communicate with Aspie John, she'll be crying"

"No, I think she'll be okay. She has plenty of friends and support"

Upon hearing this, two students sitting in the front row of Aspie John, a boy and a girl, whisper and immediately afterwards say to one another:

"Hi Mulatto Boy" - To an autistic child

"Hi Mulatta Girl"

Aspie John assumes they are laughing at him, as he is already anxious and very depressed on this particular day, given he has ASD-related attachment. He has no actual intention to "reconcile" with Anxious Jane, since she has a clear preference for "high status" White males. When a teacher asks him of his opinion of his time in the classroom, he simply responds with "Ambivalent".

As Aspie John leaves his classroom for the final time, the teacher provides him with copies of each homework sheet he submitted. Aspie John is very grateful and thanks him before leaving, with slightly teary eyes not visible to the teacher.
Intellau_Celistic said:


In 2016, Shannon's group was filled with several autistic boys. Meanwhile, I was the only autistic child for most of my time in group therapy. My group mates, though, were unaware of this because I rarely said anything about myself to them. I stuttered too much and often had to close my eyes for relief. An autistic boy named "George" doted on Shannon's presence and loved her.

View attachment 555484

View attachment 555496

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Due to my status as an outcast, the "group psychologist" sometimes referred to me as "bud" and always greeted me. Sometimes he had to tell me to join the group because I would hide near the coat rackets and anxiously think of how to integrate with the group peacefully.

View attachment 555485


View attachment 555495

I was on Seroquel for ASD-related symptoms which the psychiatrists mistook as psychosis. Behavior I now recognize as obsessive-compulsive, "persisting afterimages"(Palinopsia, one of several illnesses I discovered when I searched the Internet in 2012 for answers to my constant floaters and visual sensory problems). I have a yearly phase in which allergies trigger sensory overload, manifesting as constant obsessive thoughts of visually-disturbing distortions of things I've looked at. I have to close my eyes for relief.











Following the death of her parents, Young Sarah was raised by her older sister, who often cried over her inability to help Sarah cope with chronic depression and anxiety.

Joshua's family life consisted of arguing with his step-mother. He often disagreed with her opinions.

Jacques came from a single-parent family. On one occasion, he joked about child abuse in the presence of a (regular) teacher and caused his family to undergo a Child Protective Services evaluation.


Aspie John came from a blended family consisting of himself, his mother, and his grandparents.
Intellau_Celistic said:

Sarah was a blonde girl and thirteen-years of age. She was an "Anxious Girl" who sometimes needed to use the "Sensory Room" to avoid meltdowns in the classroom. This girl's legs would shake incessantly during class time and she often spoke of cutting herself.

Aspie John gradually became comfortable seeing Jacques, Sarah and Joshua daily at school, though it was only Jacques who seemed most likely to become his acquaintance. They'd sit together during water breaks in the school lobby. On one lovely occasion, Aspie John and Jacques partnered together for a class assignment on "Peer Pressure", which went very well for both, though Aspie John was very coy about it.

Sadly, this was offset by bullying A.J received from other Black children in the class. Indeed, several kids were sent to the principal's office for laughing at Aspie John's autistic traits. They would also laugh at him on the school bus.
Intellau_Celistic said:

Honorable Mentions("The Innocents"):

Black Bully-Girl(Arianna's schoolmate/fellow bully)


Xavier(Mulatto; Obese White mother and absent(?) Black father)
Rex(Black; previously went to the same school as several of Aspie John's cousins)






2023 09 13 07 01 40 proxy   Photos


View: https://youtu.be/8tI1_KlO6xI?t=163
lmao same thing happened to me, the girl i was obsessed with in high school went to get with chad after chad and now whines all day about how miserable she is. well maybe if you stopped fucking strangers you would feel less shit??? fucking whores man, the hell is it with them?
Anxious Jane flipped her hair as she was walking outside with her class:


It was similar to the occasion in which she briefly stared at Aspie John during December with an apathetic expression.


Last edited:
Re: I actually like being a white man

Join Date: 2016-03-08
Post Count: 58
#185867365Tuesday, March 22, 2016 4:46 PM CDT
Caucasian individuals are biologically and intellectually superior to African American economic leeches.

America/Europe is being degraded by imbeciles that desire to misuse the vulvae of beautiful, intelligent Caucasian women with blue eyes.


Re: who in rt knows scripting :3

Join Date: 2016-03-08
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#186208104Sunday, March 27, 2016 7:27 PM CDT
"Scripting" is a vague term.

Which scripting language are you referring to?Perl? Lua? Python? Please specify.
Re: join the green woman group today :)

Join Date: 2016-03-08
Post Count: 58
#186449844Thursday, March 31, 2016 1:06 PM CDT
"finally no more meninists"

A simple and necessary five-letter acronym easily annihilates your "menimist" claims.
Time Will Not Give Me Time

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#186214843Sunday, March 27, 2016 8:49 PM CDT
Ah yes, here you go, naive adolescent schoolchildren.

Rejoice, as I will link you to superior musical capabilities:

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8tI1_KlO6xI
Re: Time Will Not Give Me Time

Join Date: 2016-01-12
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#186215414Sunday, March 27, 2016 8:57 PM CDT
"but its gonna be hipster trash"


You may view such classic content at your own discretion.







Re: My first date

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#186226223Sunday, March 27, 2016 11:36 PM CDT
"but I payed of course"

Ah, you must be rather unfamiliar with MGTOW, I surmise?

Damn since when does IT exist ?




Re: rate my look

Join Date: 2016-01-12
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#200559518Wednesday, October 26, 2016 3:13 AM CDT
"I can't really rate what doesn't exist."

"His" appearance is perfectly existent in digital space. I would rate you 9.3/10.





Greig cephalopolysyndactyly syndrome (GCPS, MIM#175700) and isolated preaxial polydactyly type IV (PPD-IV, MIM#174700) are rare autosomal dominant disorders, both caused by mutations in the GLI3 zinc-finger transcription factor gene (Vortkamp et al. 1991). GCPS is predominantly characterised by craniofacial abnormalities, such as macrocephaly, prominent forehead/frontal bossing, hypertelorism and limb malformation, referred to as PPD-IV, comprising duplicated halluces, with syndactyly of preaxial toes, broad or duplicated thumbs, and syndactyly of the third and fourth fingers. Additionally, postaxial polydactyly type A or B (PAPA/B) may also occur (Temtamy and McKusick 1978). Isolated PPD-IV is often included into the GCPS spectrum, as a subtype in which craniofacial dysmorphic features are mild and indistinguishable from the normal individual (Baraitser et al. 1983). Mutations in the GLI3 gene can also lead to Pallister–Hall syndrome (PHS) and occasionally to isolated PAPA/B (Kang et al. 1997; Radhakrishna et al. 1997, 1999). Clinical diagnostic criteria for GCPS vary among the studies. Biesceker (2008) proposed a combination of preaxial polydactyly or abnormally broad hallux or thumb in at least one limb, accompanied with syndactyly, macrocephaly and hypertelorism. Since such a full-blown phenotype does not occur in all patients, more relaxed criteria comprising preaxial polydactyly and at least one feature out of syndactyly, macrocephaly and hypertelorism were suggested by Johnston et al. (2005). Characteristic features typical of PHS include the presence of hypothalamic hamartoma, insertional polydactyly and bifid epiglottis (Biesecker 2008).






1000Genomes_30x Global Study-wide6404T=0.9998G=0.0002
1000Genomes_30x African Sub1786T=0.9994G=0.0006
1000Genomes_30x Europe Sub1266T=1.0000G=0.0000
1000Genomes_30x South Asian Sub1202T=1.0000G=0.0000
1000Genomes_30x East Asian Sub1170T=1.0000G=0.0000
1000Genomes_30x American Sub980T=1.000G=0.000


Rs7794745 CNTNAP2

ASD Matoba

2023 07 18 11 31 05 Promethease Report  Mozilla Firefox


If she was truely lonely and wanted someone who wouldn’t pump and dump she would have offered me a chance. No. Instead she gave herself to all of these brutes, opted to be pumped and dumped by them



Re: Post here for my honest opinion on you

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#150514510Thursday, November 27, 2014 12:26 AM CST
Why not just appreciate the communication between each user without publicly stating your opinion regarding their personality to the degree of borderline-favoritism?
Re: @anony

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#150787402Sunday, November 30, 2014 7:42 AM CST
Please don't exhibit a degree of favoritism towards me in particular, plenty of users here contribute to the positivity of the Sub-Section and I would prefer if you enjoy the positive aspects of each user equally.
Re: Dapperbuffalo for best mod

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#151667941Sunday, December 14, 2014 4:41 AM CST
Each moderator can be considered "Good".Favoritism towards a particular one would be unreasonable.
Re: Introduce yourselves

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#152980914Thursday, January 01, 2015 4:18 AM CST
Surely we can communicate without exhibiting favoritism towards a particular set of users?
Re: Have you ever noticed that Off Topic has cliches?

Join Date: 2013-06-23
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#153814730Monday, January 12, 2015 3:43 PM CST
"We have clicks in the sense that people generally only post on threads made by certain people and only acknowledge people they like."Favoritism is generally abundant throughout civilization due to the simple fact that individuals generally become accustomed to the presence of another person once they've analyzed their characteristics.Hence the formation of cliques, especially on a significantly "Anonymous" medium such as the Internet.
Re: Post your top 3 OTers

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#158478421Sunday, March 22, 2015 10:32 PM CDT
Why do you consider it necessary to show favoritism towards any particular set of users? There's plenty of positive individuals that you would be restricting yourself from by showing unreasonable bias towards users who you prefer seeing on the website.







Re: Three Apes And One Banana

Join Date: 2016-01-12
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#184775560Friday, March 04, 2016 11:35 PM CST
Now then, I suppose that more naive users should recognize the primitive behavior of apes.

They are truly violent and cannot resist bananas.

Therefore, they are intellectually-inferior to the vast majority of primates.

It'll end in January.



Based hollow knightcel
Back when I was bluepilled I foolishly approached a 9/10 Stacy in my class. I became extremely obsessed with her and I was delusional to the fact that I was simply another orbiter. She brutally ghosted me even after telling me how she was “there for me” and how much she “cared” about me. Truth was she saw me as a massive creep. She was “sexually abused” (lol) by her brother as a kid. Told me about it bc she needed to use me as an emotional tampon. Treated her super well and she still left. Never told me why. Just began ignoring all of my texts etc.

Now fast forward to today and she has been through five or more different Chads. All of them have pumped and dumped LOL. Even the most recent one who she was going to marry pumped and dumped lmao. I came across her Twitter recently and she has gone full on autistic threatening to kill herself etc. talking about how lonely she is, lol as if that was even possible.

I hate this. When I was bluepilled I was exactly what cucktears said to be. I treated her with respect and had a good personality. I didn’t know of blackpill or anything at the time. If she was truely lonely and wanted someone who wouldn’t pump and dump she would have offered me a chance. No. Instead she gave herself to all of these brutes, opted to be pumped and dumped by them, and is now crying depression and LONELINESS, the very thing I suffered from. She is NOT lonely. That’s complete horse shit. A 9/10 Stacy has tons of orbiters. I hate femoids, all of them are braindead and extremely superficial.
find and drug and grape that fucking vile stace meat hole!

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