you never heard of devil may cry? well, its way more like an action game but with fighting game elements ( combo wise ) . the combos arent what your used to input wise and they arent easy either , needs time to getting used to, starting with dmc5 is just fine if you want to get serious , dmc4 is a pain in the ass to get good at , 5 is by far easier but still hard , and there is always new tech that comos out that you can implement in your playstyle , forget about dmc 1 2 and 3 since 3 isnt that relevant anymore and outdated and 1 2 are garbage , ah and that ripoff thats just called DMC us garbage aswell ,
does this game looks interesting to you? if you want to be challenged and what to accomplish at least something get good at it or rly good ,dante ( the character i play ) is like lerning a new langage tbh ,