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LifeFuel My brother is in the hospital dying



spider on the ceiling watching you masturbate
Jul 6, 2019
I posted this a week ago: https://incels.is/threads/my-chadlite-half-bro-just-got-diagnosed-with-corona-virus-lol.212206/ Today I am giving you guys an update on his condition.

He finally went to the hospital the day after I made my original post. After a few days he seemed to be getting better. His respiratory symptoms started to lessen. But then he started developing vascular complications which some people with corona virus get. He developed a condition called disseminated intravascular coagulation. I'm not a doctor so I don't really know how to explain what it is but basically it's when your body starts making lots and lots of blood clots. Since all of the body's blood clotting factors are wasted in making all the clots in one part of the body (he has it in his legs), the rest of the blood in the body becomes way too thin and the person can having internal bleeding. As a result of this, my brother's spleen started bleeding profusely and he had to have emergency surgery. He survived the surgery but, as a result of all the blood clots in his legs, the circulation in his legs is very poor and he might end up having to have his legs amputated. I'm serious. The doctors are currently monitoring his legs and if they don't respond to all the blood clot dissolving drugs he's been given, he will have them amputated. Aside from the vascular complications, his diabetes has also gotten out of control. Due to all the stress his body is under, his body has been producing extreme amounts of cortisol which is raising his blood sugar. His blood sugar is barely responding to the insulin they're been giving him. My dad said his blood sugar was 600 today (normal is 100 and under). He is currently unconscious and on life support. Doctors said my dad needs to prepare for the worst because his prognosis is not good.

By the way, I'm not a monster. I wouldn't wish death on him if he was a good person but he doesn't care about me at all, so why should I care about him? Death isn't even such a bad thing for him because he's had a very fulfilling life. If I could trade places and be reborn as him, i'd be willing to die in my 30's. It's better than living to be 70+ and never experiencing any of the things he has experienced. If I could've had even 1/10th of the success he's had in his life (with women, his career, etc), I'd die happy.
this sounds like a larp

but in the 5% chance of this being true, i just want to say: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
based. hope he dies so you get your rightful inheritance money boosted
based. hope he dies so you get your rightful inheritance money boosted
Yeah I hope so. But i'm worried his wife will fight for it. But I don't think she has any rightful claim to it because he didn't inherit his money yet. It was still in a trust, and my dad still has legal rights over it. A while ago I asked my dad out of curiosity what would happen to my inheritance if I died? He said the rest of my siblings would evenly split it. So I'm hoping I will get my fair share of his.
@BlkPillPres this lucky nigga got an inheritance coming his way
Now you will marry his widow and care for his children
Tbh, even if he dies he has had a better life then all of us. Virgins don’t die we are put here on earth to suffer.
Yeah reading the first post... fucking christ he lifemogs this entire forum to Incelhalla and back. Good riddance. Congrats on your anticipated NEETbux
Good luck in getting that inheritance check. You know his whore will try and get every penny from you.
this sounds like a larp

but in the 5% chance of this being true, i just want to say: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Sweet sauce. I hope covid 19 really kills him as a fuck you to him and his bitch of a Stacy wife, plus the inheritance. Thanks for the update. Give us a heads up if anything new emerges.
based. hope he dies so you get your rightful inheritance money boosted

@BlkPillPres this lucky nigga got an inheritance coming his way

Like I said in his last thread, he's lucky as fuck to even have an inheritance

@frustratedhapa - Time to prepare for your escortcel life, also PLEASE DELETE THIS THREAD, if some fucking reddit faggots get outraged by this and try to dox you with the specifics in this thread (its very very specific) you could end up losing your inheritance, don't risk it, delete now

Do any of your family members use reddit?, even more of a reason to delete
Like I said in his last thread, he's lucky as fuck to even have an inheritance

@frustratedhapa - Time to prepare for your escortcel life, also PLEASE DELETE THIS THREAD, if some fucking reddit faggots get outraged by this and try to dox you with the specifics in this thread (its very very specific) you could end up losing your inheritance, don't risk it, delete now

Do any of your family members use reddit?, even more of a reason to delete
He has 30 minutes to edit out the post before the forum edit timer runs out.

OP WHERE ARE YOU @frustratedhapa
At the end of the day Stacy wins and takes the inheritance.
I posted this a week ago: https://incels.is/threads/my-chadlite-half-bro-just-got-diagnosed-with-corona-virus-lol.212206/ Today I am giving you guys an update on his condition.

He finally went to the hospital the day after I made my original post. After a few days he seemed to be getting better. His respiratory symptoms started to lessen. But then he started developing vascular complications which some people with corona virus get. He developed a condition called disseminated intravascular coagulation. I'm not a doctor so I don't really know how to explain what it is but basically it's when your body starts making lots and lots of blood clots. Since all of the body's blood clotting factors are wasted in making all the clots in one part of the body (he has it in his legs), the rest of the blood in the body becomes way too thin and the person can having internal bleeding. As a result of this, my brother's spleen started bleeding profusely and he had to have emergency surgery. He survived the surgery but, as a result of all the blood clots in his legs, the circulation in his legs is very poor and he might end up having to have his legs amputated. I'm serious. The doctors are currently monitoring his legs and if they don't respond to all the blood clot dissolving drugs he's been given, he will have them amputated. Aside from the vascular complications, his diabetes has also gotten out of control. Due to all the stress his body is under, his body has been producing extreme amounts of cortisol which is raising his blood sugar. His blood sugar is barely responding to the insulin they're been giving him. My dad said his blood sugar was 600 today (normal is 100 and under). He is currently unconscious and on life support. Doctors said my dad needs to prepare for the worst because his prognosis is not good.

By the way, I'm not a monster. I wouldn't wish death on him if he was a good person but he doesn't care about me at all, so why should I care about him? Death isn't even such a bad thing for him because he's had a very fulfilling life. If I could trade places and be reborn as him, i'd be willing to die in my 30's. It's better than living to be 70+ and never experiencing any of the things he has experienced. If I could've had even 1/10th of the success he's had in his life (with women, his career, etc), I'd die happy.

Brace for the worst. Your dad will give your fair share to your brothers wife and to make up for it, he'll give you a pair of your brothers favorite bootstraps for you to pull yourself up with.
He has 30 minutes to edit out the post before the forum edit timer runs out.

OP WHERE ARE YOU @frustratedhapa

He has until some fucker on IncelTear screenshots it
He has until some fucker on IncelTear screenshots it

someone who is stupid enough to give so many details which can easily be used to identify them, shouldn't even get an inheritance in the first place. Lol fuck OP, dont bother trying to help him and give him good advice, let him suffer the consequences for being a retard.
someone who is stupid enough to give so many details which can easily be used to identify them, shouldn't even get an inheritance in the first place. Lol fuck OP, dont bother trying to help him and give him good advice, let him suffer the consequences for being a retard.
Should I delete my posts?
Don't worry, @Master is bro-tier and would delete this post after editing time runs out.

JFL dont tell him.
Brace for the worst. Your dad will give your fair share to your brothers wife and to make up for it, he'll give you a pair of your brothers favorite bootstraps for you to pull yourself up with.

Life fuel that you're gettinn inheritance. Investmaxx bro
Don't worry, @Master is bro-tier and would delete this post after editing time runs out.



someone who is stupid enough to give so many details which can easily be used to identify them, shouldn't even get an inheritance in the first place. Lol fuck OP, dont bother trying to help him and give him good advice, let him suffer the consequences for being a retard.

Dude I swear I want to help all of these guys but they're so fucking stupid, its like they're doing it on purpose, this has to be a troll post

Shit like this often has me thinking some people have some kind of "self sabotage" gene that was supposed to weed them out of the evolutionary gene pool, and a manifestation of that gene is sexual masochism, and masochism is just an indicator of that gene

I feel like some people are programmed to fuck their own life up like they hate themselves on a genetic level and their genes command them to self sabotage

The levels of stupidity I have heard and seen on this site have convinced me of this theory JFL
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What is some redditfag gonna do anyway? Let's face it, they are powerless. Even though he's oddly specific, it's much too abstract to really pinpoint where he lives, etc. Also, there's 68 soypillers seeing this right now, it's already been screenshotted but it shouldn't really matter anyway. If I got doxxed I couldn't care less. Obviously I'm not gonna spill the beans but you get the point.
What is some redditfag gonna do anyway? Let's face it, they are powerless. Even though he's oddly specific, it's much too abstract to really pinpoint where he lives, etc.

They don't need to know where he lives, they just need ONE family member or friend of the family to see a post about it online, the rest will happen naturally

If just one person within his life (connected to family or otherwise) sees this post on reddit, that's fucking it for him
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They don't need to know where he lives, they just need ONE family member or friend of the family to see a post about it online, the rest will happen naturally

If just one person within his life (connected to family or otherwise) sees this post on reddit, that's fucking it for him
They don't need to know where he lives, they just need ONE family member or friend of the family to see a post about it online, the rest will happen naturally

If just one person within his life (connected to family or otherwise) sees this post on reddit, that's fucking it for him
To be honest if he has family members that browse on reddit, the fact he hadn't killed them sooner is his own fault (in Minecraft). My brother browses reddit as well but only a specific sub for manga I believe or anime. So maybe I should kill him too (in Minecraft).
You American OP?
If so well another Life taken (or not) by ZOG with the unhealthy shit in food
also coronavirus is fake and kills boomers your brother probably has something else
@frustratedhapa - Time to prepare for your escortcel life, also PLEASE DELETE THIS THREAD, if some fucking reddit faggots get outraged by this and try to dox you with the specifics in this thread (its very very specific) you could end up losing your inheritance, don't risk it, delete now

Do any of your family members use reddit?, even more of a reason to delete
Tbh delete the thread.
You American OP?
If so well another Life taken (or not) by ZOG with the unhealthy shit in food
also coronavirus is fake and kills boomers your brother probably has something else
it could be corona,i was fine and then started getting symptoms.i got better but the symptoms seem to be returning
You American OP?
If so well another Life taken (or not) by ZOG with the unhealthy shit in food
also coronavirus is fake and kills boomers your brother probably has something else
He is white chad and you are ricecel right? And your noodle mum makes no attempt to hide that she hates you and loves him?

I think you should feel bad for him, but it's also totally animalistic and normal to feel a little bit happy that someone who's existence caused u so much pain is now suffering like this and might die.

Is your noodle mum sad he is gonna die? She might end up resenting u more for being a riceman as a result of losing him
Can't really say why but this post brought a strange satisfaction after reading, also op delete this thread for your own good, you gave too much details, and getting doxxed will not only fuck up your inheritance, but you will also be painted as an evil misogynist terroristcel
Meh, don't count him out just yet as remember...

“Chad always wins”.

So it’s just as likely (as death) that’s his Chadly genetics will provoke a “remarkable” and or “miraculous” recovery out of him just when it seems all hope is lost.

JFL when or if this happens btw.
Sounds like he wasn't very healthy to begin with. And they ate just blaming kung flu for his problems.

Sue everyone!

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