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NSFW My body pic. Is it over?



Always last
Apr 17, 2019
My body looks about the same. Add to that asymmetrical face with fucked up eye area and bad skin. Is it over?
Last edited:
Only long legs are fine. For the rest, it is beyond over.
It's not over

It never began
that's a brutal frame for a guy to have.
May as well trannymax but stay pre-op and try to bang lesbians.
It never even began

By the way, this picture also reminds me of this. You clearly can see its Gynecomastia and the snake is a symbol for his penis. This is all a plan in order to emasculate and destroy men:

By the way, this picture also reminds me of this. You clearly can see its Gynecomastia and the snake is a symbol for his penis. This is all a plan in order to emasculate and destroy men:

And we all know (((who))) benefits from that, dont we?
Your testicles haven't descended yet? That's a whole new problem to deal with
Only long legs are fine. For the rest, it is beyond over.
I was ultra fucked at birth.
By the way, this picture also reminds me of this. You clearly can see its Gynecomastia and the snake is a symbol for his penis. This is all a plan in order to emasculate and destroy men:

It's all because of my mom who had me at 36. Women shouldn't procreate past 30.
at least klinefelters are tall
Are you a klinefelter male? Over so over.
A15F3FFB AC53 4FF4 8C86 9408BDB11CFE
Klinefelter. Beyond over
That waist is a death sentence by itself. Add the other stuff and you're done for good.
What are your lifts?
My condolences to you
XXY = literally never began. Sorry bro :(
YES. You have hit the nail on the head. At least as far as gymcelling or ever getting an aesthetic physique, is concerned, it's over. Gymcelling in general is a cope for other reasons, but any type of body game is over if you have this type of physique.

I have the same although not as bad. This body type right here though, the wide hipped, "puffy" look in men is basically unfixable. Even WITH steroids it's usually unfixable.

Every bodybuilding program should start out with a photo of this body type with a huge red "banned" circle covering it, because guys with this build NEVER "make it". Fatcels can, auschwitzcels can, I wish I could tell naive gymcels on their first day because if you are naturally skinnyfat like that there is absolutely no hope.

Jason Blaha is perhaps the best example of this I've ever seen. This guy ran TREN at one point, an INSANELY powerful steroid (basically makes Jeff Seid look the way he does, almost all "fitness" models are on tren, google it, you'll recognise the look I mean). Even average men get slayer physiques on tren. Widehippedcels however? Well, these were Blaha's results:
Your best chance at ascension is...

to pretend to be f2m tranny and fuck a dyke with your fully functional, "penis..."

Of course you would have to make up a plausible backstory... And lie.

But it could be an option...
May as well be over. Theres also no point in gym/workout coping with a hip and shoulder ratio like that, you’ll just end up looking like that guy:
Well, these were Blaha's results:
I know a guy who I'm pretty sure has this from looking at his frame.
Your best chance at ascension is...

to pretend to be f2m tranny and fuck a dyke with your fully functional, "penis..."

Of course you would have to make up a plausible backstory... And lie.

But it could be an option...
That's pretty fucked up man. I don't think i could do it.
I knew a guy who might have had this. He had wide hips and thighs, high voice and some other feminine mannerisms perhaps.

He was engaged though...
your belly mogs me and we got the same tits
Your personality really fucked your body up bad man.
View attachment 194020 Klinefelter. Beyond over
Is that you? Holy shit is it beyond over, you just know hypocritical ITcel sacks of shit are gonna make fun of your appearance even tho it's literally a syndrome out of your control, "personality" my ass, suck your wife's boyfriend's dick and die (in Minecraft hardcore) to any ITcel who does this hypocritical garbage.
I know. If only i had a better personality none of this would have ever happened.
Must be brutal just going outside with a body shape that just is just so blatantly misogynistic. Gyno is a clear sign of entitlement and a horrible toxic mindset.
It's technically not an actual picture of you, but I would save the ratings for Looksmax.
hip size should be just slightly larger than waist size, and waist size should be 42% or less of your height.
Bloho blames his "voracious appetite" for his inability to lose weight, but he's been low-ish body fat before, and I think the real reason is the extra fat does a decent job at hiding his rat face and outlandishly awful frame.
It really is over
that's a brutal frame for a guy to have.
I have that frame. Luckily my shoulders are broader than the guy in the diagram there but it isn't quite enough to save me.

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