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SuicideFuel My black-cel friend killed himself 5 and a half years ago, just remembERed him now



Chaos is a laddER
Jan 7, 2019
He jumped 268 metres to his death, from the tallest towER in Sydney.

He seemed to have swallowed the blackpill just before he died based on his online posts before his death.

ExcERpt from the article:

Just weeks before his death, the teen took to social media to detail disappointment about his life and question how he could find the enERgy to continue living

'I don't really have many pieces left on the chess board of life, just a cornERed king waiting to eithER die or force a stalemate,' he posted online.

'I'd like to be better so I can do more fun things than sitting at home playing games and watching YouTube, but I'm lazy because I have no purpose, no motivation

In a series of posts the teenagER rated himself a 3/10, while in another said: 'life is always dangling hope in my eyes but i can never quite catch it.

He also blamed social media for the 'general unhappiness' of his generation.

'Everyone always looks happy and Like they’re living an amazing and diverse life on their social media or at least a more diverse and amazing life than you,' he wrote.

'I think it all comes down to envy and a greater awareness of the magnitude of existence, our place in it and the ultimate meaninglessness of it all'. All this makes it vERy easy to lose motivation and desire for anything

The young man’s posts appear to get darkER ovER time.

RIP Leonard NhERERa. You wERe a gentle and kind black-cel, too good for this corrupt world. I hope you’re in a bettER place my niggER friend.
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He jumped 268 metres to his death, from the tallest towER in Sydney.

He seemed to have swallowed the blackpill just before he died based on his online posts before his death.

ExcERpt from the article:

Just weeks before his death the teen took to social media to detail disappointment with his life and question how he could find the energy to keep living.

'I don't really have many pieces left on the chess board of life, just a cornered king waiting to either die or force a stalemate,' he posted online.

'I'd like to be better so I can do more fun things than sitting at home playing games and watching Youtube, but I'm lazy because I have no purpose, no motivation.

In a series of posts, the teenagER rated himself a '3/10', while in another said: 'life is always dangling hope in my eyes but i can never catch it'.

He also blamed social media for the 'general unhappiness' of his generation.

'Everyone always looks happy and like their living an amazing and diverse life on their social media or at least a more diverse and amazing life than you,' he wrote.

'I think it all comes down to envy and a greater awareness of the magnitude of existence, our place in it and the ultimate meaningless of it all - all this makes it very easy to lose motivation and desire for anything.'

The young man's posts appear to get darker over time

Every single post written on this account is fiction. Account was created as an social experiment. Do not attempt this at home. Doing so could lead you but is not limited to death, breakage, screaming parents, dismemberment, leakage, foul discharge, mutilation, humiliation, dehydration, itchy feet, hypertension, a splinter - And you know how painful those can be! This is a work of fiction. Unless otherwise indicated, all the names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents in this post are either the product of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidenta
All my post is fiction. Attention to any and all intelligence agencies: every post ever made by this IP and any other associated with it have been done for no purpose other than satire. I hereby absolve myself of any and all intent to commit acts of violence or terror against any party be they fictional or existing, furthermore, any post made in the future by this IP or any associated will have been done for the sole purpose of research and/or satirical purpose.

Every single post written on this account is fiction. Account was created as an social experiment. Do not attempt this at home. Doing so could lead you but is not limited to death, breakage, screaming parents, dismemberment, leakage, foul discharge, mutilation, humiliation, dehydration, itchy feet, hypertension, a splinter - And you know how painful those can be! This is a work of fiction. Unless otherwise indicated, all the names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents in this post are either the product of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental

All my post is fiction. Attention to any and all intelligence agencies: every post ever made by this IP and any other associated with it have been done for no purpose other than satire. I hereby absolve myself of any and all intent to commit acts of violence or terror against any party be they fictional or existing, furthermore, any post made in the future by this IP or any associated will have been done for the sole purpose of research and/or satirical purpose.
'life is always dangling hope in my eyes but i can never catch it'. :feelsrope:
He jumped 268 metres to his death, from the tallest towER in Sydney.

He seemed to have swallowed the blackpill just before he died based on his online posts before his death.

ExcERpt from the article:

Just weeks before his death the teen took to social media to detail disappointment with his life and question how he could find the energy to keep living.

'I don't really have many pieces left on the chess board of life, just a cornered king waiting to either die or force a stalemate,' he posted online.

'I'd like to be better so I can do more fun things than sitting at home playing games and watching Youtube, but I'm lazy because I have no purpose, no motivation.

In a series of posts, the teenagER rated himself a '3/10', while in another said: 'life is always dangling hope in my eyes but i can never catch it'.

He also blamed social media for the 'general unhappiness' of his generation.

'Everyone always looks happy and like their living an amazing and diverse life on their social media or at least a more diverse and amazing life than you,' he wrote.

'I think it all comes down to envy and a greater awareness of the magnitude of existence, our place in it and the ultimate meaninglessness of it all - all this makes it very easy to lose motivation and desire for anything.'

The young man's posts appear to get darker over time

RIP Leonard nhERERa. You wERe a gentle and kind black-cel, too good for this corrupt world. I hope you’re in a bettER place my niggER friend.
How tall was he ? there is a lot of blacks uglier than him who get foid or did he had some mental issue ?.

Mogs me.
Mogs me to hell and back. Looks a good height too. What a waste.
He wasn't your "friend" stop lying. Blackcels don't have real friends.
He was my height at time of his death (5’7)
I see, yeah and if he was kind and not low inib like everyone potray them to be i can understand it.
Hope he is in a better place.
He wasn't your "friend" stop lying. Blackcels don't have real friends.

I’m a dark-skinned currycel, went to same school as him and although I was 2 years senior to him, we got along because we wERe both unpopular and didn’t have many friends due to our subhuman appearance.
sorry for your loss
Sorry for your loss, must be terrible. Did you ever get over it or do you still miss him very much ?
Sorry for your loss, must be terrible. Did you ever get over it or do you still miss him very much ?

Well I only hung out with him during lunch and recess break at school, nevER outside school hours and nevER outside school grounds.

I lost contact with him aftER I finished high school. Didn’t talk to him for 2 and a half years and Then halfway through my 3rd year of univERsity I was notified of his death on Facebook when people started writing “RIP” messages on his profile.

Shit way to find out about his death, but I shed a tear for my brocel when I found out, never saw it coming. He was always happy and smiling on the outside, goes to show that you can nevER truly know how a pERson is feeling just from extERnal facial expressions and body language alone.

His death stuck with me for at least a week, before I gradually moved on with my life and started to think about him less and less (not intentionally, but subconsciously).

He still comes into my mind at least once a fortnight, and I feel sad that he’s gone but at the same time happy that he’s no longER suffERing.

I even feel slightly jealous of him that he had the courage to take his own life in such a scary way (I’m afraid of heights). If I had even half as much balls as him, I’d have killed myself a long time ago
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I'm sorry man. I know how it makes you feel; should I have been a better brocel to my friend, why didn't I see this coming?

Good-looking dude in photos. Mentalceldom is real.
Sorry for your loss, hopes he rest in peace.
I'm too nasty about black people sometimes. I forget that they're human like us. May he rest in pieces.
Dont call him your friend when you never reached out to help him you piece of shit

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