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LifeFuel My advice to every sub-8 male.

  • Thread starter Deleted member 17811
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Deleted member 17811

Deleted member 17811

Apr 2, 2019
Life as a sub-8 male is a scam. Competing with 10 million other men for chad's sloppy leftovers is cucked. Contributing to a system that supports single mothers is cucked. I therefore advise you all to drop out of society, and dedicate your life to hating women and wasting gov resources.
Last year, I was receiving $750 a fortnight from Centrelink in unemployment benefits. However, the coronavirus supplement is due to be cut, so I applied for DSP (and using clinically diagnosed extreme narcistic personality and ADHD combined with my history of depression and attempted suicide), I received close to the maximum points possible. I'm now permanently on retard benefits. I'll never have to wagecuck again!

Dole bludger

@outherebrothers is a legend at conning the system. Any advice for someone who will become a long term societal dropout?
@jerrycandan I believe in you! You can get DSP too with your aspergers. You just need to build up your record of depression, feelings of worthlessness etc and get it formalized with a few referrals/prescriptions/diagnoses
Suck a fat one cucktears! Your tax dollars will allow me to chadfish whores more frequently :feelskek:
Already did that last year. Fuck society
The world is a catch 22 scam. If you don't already have a dating and social life then you shouldn't try to get one. You need friends to get friends. You need a dating life to get dates. If you didn't catch the train it's over for you. LDAR or cope somehow. No reason to put effort in anything you don't like.
The world is a catch 22 scam. If you don't already have a dating and social life then you shouldn't try to get one. You need friends to get friends. You need a dating life to get dates. If you didn't catch the train it's over for you. LDAR or cope somehow. No reason to put effort in anything you don't like.
It's like having to be at a job at 9 o'clock, but you've missed all the trains that could've gotten you there on time. Why bother taking the 10 o'clock train to find nothing waiting for you?

It's over. If you didn't have sex in your teenage years (and maybe early 20s), you might as well LDAR. Why bother doing anything? Why get a degree, or a job or do anything if you can live comfortably on autismbux? As an ugly male you don't need much money anyway. 800$ a month is a lot. And since you don't have a social life, you'd probably have leftovers from the 800$.
The world is a catch 22 scam. If you don't already have a dating and social life then you shouldn't try to get one. You need friends to get friends. You need a dating life to get dates. If you didn't catch the train it's over for you. LDAR or cope somehow. No reason to put effort in anything you don't like.
I dont want nor need your advice, dipshit.
It's like having to be at a job at 9 o'clock, but you've missed all the trains that could've gotten you there on time. Why bother taking the 10 o'clock train to find nothing waiting for you?
Yes, if you aren't on that train then you can't get in anymore. You need an invitation to get invited. If you are not already in then it's over.

This blackcel has a good personality, he is positive and energetic, he is not bitter and angry, he dresses in a suit, he is fit, he is social, he isn't a manlet. But he made himself an incel by not getting in the sex train.

A lot of you NEETs and LDAR defeatists only live for the moment, there will come the day where the full acknowledgement of your mortality and inevitable death will truly set in. None of you know the value in doing something even if it doesn't lead to the desire result because there's always some satisfaction in doing something, yes perhaps in the moment it might feel pointless but eventually you'll come to appreciate it especially if you consider it was better than doing absolutely nothing.
A lot of you NEETs and LDAR defeatists only live for the moment, there will come the day where the full acknowledgement of your mortality and inevitable death will truly set in. None of you know the value in doing something even if it doesn't lead to the desire result because there's always some satisfaction in doing something, yes perhaps in the moment it might feel pointless but eventually you'll come to appreciate it especially if you consider it was better than doing absolutely nothing.
keep crying for their cheque, cuck
A lot of you NEETs and LDAR defeatists only live for the moment, there will come the day where the full acknowledgement of your mortality and inevitable death will truly set in. None of you know the value in doing something even if it doesn't lead to the desire result because there's always some satisfaction in doing something, yes perhaps in the moment it might feel pointless but eventually you'll come to appreciate it especially if you consider it was better than doing absolutely nothing.
Hurp durp let me work for 30 yrs for some fat ass cunt in a meaningless job to get myself a sense of achievement.

Yeah right.
Good on you boyo. My parents won't let me be NEET so I must wageslave.
I live in the UK but if I was in US I'd be happy for my tax dollars to go to you.

You have the right idea - feather your own nest, only give a shit about the people who really give a shit about you and limit contact with foids and society as much as you possibly can. They fucked it up so they can deal with it.

Being happy is impossible if they deem you not good enough so being content is the best we can hope for. That is what I'm trying to do too but in a different way. I work from home 24/7 now.
keep crying for their cheque, cuck
What's there to envy? In 5 years I'll make 7 times the amount in a fortnight than he's making in a month lol and that's assuming I only work regular 8 hours and no side gigs like forex trading.
Hurp durp let me work for 30 yrs for some fat ass cunt in a meaningless job to get myself a sense of achievement.

Yeah right.
Thank you for proving my point to a tee.
The world is a catch 22 scam. If you don't already have a dating and social life then you shouldn't try to get one. You need friends to get friends. You need a dating life to get dates. If you didn't catch the train it's over for you. LDAR or cope somehow. No reason to put effort in anything you don't like.
SO fucking legit. I just had this convo with my dad and he says "I don't have those issues/never did"

FFS dad, times have fucking changed and people (especially foids) judge you harsh AF for being late to the party social wise.
I'm so jelly of NEETcels. I've applied for SSI countless times and get rejected. Probably because I have a work history.
I get over $1k a month for my disability and have been on welfare for 10+ years now, most based thing I did in my life tbh
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Life as a sub-8 male is a scam. Competing with 10 million other men for chad's sloppy leftovers is cucked. Contributing to a system that supports single mothers is cucked. I therefore advise you all to drop out of society, and dedicate your life to hating women and wasting gov resources.
Last year, I was receiving $750 a fortnight from Centrelink in unemployment benefits. However, the coronavirus supplement is due to be cut, so I applied for DSP (and using clinically diagnosed extreme narcistic personality and ADHD combined with my history of depression and attempted suicide), I received close to the maximum points possible. I'm now permanently on retard benefits. I'll never have to wagecuck again!

View attachment 420595
@outherebrothers is a legend at conning the system. Any advice for someone who will become a long term societal dropout?
@jerrycandan I believe in you! You can get DSP too with your aspergers. You just need to build up your record of depression, feelings of worthlessness etc and get it formalized with a few referrals/prescriptions/diagnoses
Suck a fat one cucktears! Your tax dollars will allow me to chadfish whores more frequently :feelskek:

Just thought I'd check back in to congratulate you on joining the perma NEETbux gravytrain @freakinasuit Bro :feelskek: And I echo your wise sage words, everyone one of you (especially fellow CelBro's with no qualificaions/meaningful further education) needs to opt out of this fucking capitalist, race to the top, Chad always wins in every circumstance (getting promoted, women, respect etc) SOYciety and claim disability NEETbux and then sit back and laugh with an Arthur Fleck, Joker sized grin on your face as you watch all the wageslaves fight to scratch out an existence and live one lousy paycheck away from being on the street standing around a hobofire and eating out of garbage bins (although I done this for 5 and a half years too whilst on disabilty NEETbux, but alot of that was down to choice and preferring to have no bills and spending every single penny I had on my vices/addictions, and it kept up appearances when getting called in for NEETbux medicals).

Even if you aren't an Aspie or depressed/sucidal/Mentalcel etc, fucking FAKE it Bro's! My personal best weapon was being the great unwashed, as in having long, dirty yellow fingernails and filthy matted beard and uncut hair way past my shoulders, stinking of alcohol and general shit lol. That coupled with been pissed right up 24/7 and the whole Slingblade/Primal Fear front meant the doctors, NEETbux department, local council, even the police on the very rare occasion I'd fall into their radar, all wanted me out of there and away from them asap so literally would give me the pills I'm requesting/clear me for NEETbux for another few years/want me out of their fucking police car or station lol etc..

Anyway, enjoy spending your fellow citizens tax dollars on copes and endless lie-ins and chill out days @freakinasuit :feelsYall:
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How can someone be so based?
Thats almost 50000 rupees here. A young cubicle cuck earns that much after wage slaving for 10hrs/day 6 days a week for 1 month while living in a shit infested polluted garbage overpopulated city.

I envy you first worldcels. You get free buxx and you get to live in clean communities with plenty of opportunities and exquisite scenic beauty.

Ethnics living their home countries are truly at the absolute bottom of the barrel. It's giga over for us. Truly over in all aspects of life. Jfl someone kill me already.

David Benatar was right. I should have never been born.
Thats almost 50000 rupees here. A young cubicle cuck earns that much after wage slaving for 10hrs/day 6 days a week for 1 month while living in a shit infested polluted garbage overpopulated city.

I envy you first worldcels. You get free buxx and you get to live in clean communities with plenty of opportunities and exquisite scenic beauty.

Ethnics living their home countries are truly at the absolute bottom of the barrel. It's giga over for us. Truly over in all aspects of life. Jfl someone kill me already.

David Benatar was right. I should have never been born.
Refugeemaxx, brocel
You can't when you are a manlet skinny babyfaced curry with no facial hairs like me.

Damn, bad karma.
Maybe in 15th century you were a man of war, who raped tons of women ???
Can't always win.
This life is your purgatory one.
Your next life , you will slay again.
But don't kys, that's cheating.
Just deal with it. Hope it helps.
Damn, bad karma.
Bluepill cope.
Maybe in 15th century you were a man of war, who raped tons of women ???
Or maybe I was a product of rape left to starve in scorching heat only to be slowly
disemboweld alive by ruthless vultures???
Can't always win.
There is no winning in existence.
This life is your purgatory one.
Or maybe my previous life was purgatory one.
Your next life , you will slay again.
Doesn't help. Even if I will be a slayer it still doesn't mean Jack shit because I'll be husk after my death.

New life = new zygote.
But don't kys, that's cheating.
I probably won't right now cuz still have parents. But I will in my 30s for sure.
Just deal with it.
"Just deal with it br0"
Fuck off virtue signalling NPC
Hope it helps.
You really hoped your words will help me? Like how? You just wrote 5 sentences saying the same normie platitudes.
Oh yes your words helped me a lot. I am now 6'3 optimistic with big dick and lots of money. Thank You.

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