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Venting My advice to all IT types (and possibly some agecucked incels even) who don't like the fact I'm 32 and extremely attracted to JBs



May 2, 2018
I don't like it either. I never chose to feel any of these feelings. They only cause me pain and frustration. I've been trying to steer away from women and even porn/masturbation for a long time now, but I always fail; my libido is too high and I'm a complete sexual pervert. Today I was peacefully having lunch at the mall and two JBs came near with their families and sat at the tables across from me. One had huge breasts despite her tender age and the other one kept tilting herself over the table to talk with her father while wearing a miniskirt. Such sights tempt me and frustrate me greatly.

So here my advice for you:

1) Accept the gospel of Jesus Christ and get saved from hell (God doesn't answer the prayers of unsaved people)
2) Pray for me. Pray to God in the name of Jesus that He helps me control and subdue my desires and sexual perversion. That I may succeed in my volcedom endeavors. The best would be for them to completely vanish, but I'm afraid that's impossible.

I know no JB will ever love me, even if it was legal and socially acceptable for me to have a relationship with one. Furthermore, marriage is done for in the west; it's pretty much impossible to have a healthy, functional relationship nowadays anyway, and I don't want to fornicate. What I wanted was a relationship with a young girl. To love and be loved. Be together forever. To enjoy her love and company from her tender JB age till all the way up until I died, helping, loving, guiding her. But it's impossible so I don't want to suffer with such desire anymore. Pray for me!
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Don't really care about who or what you're attracted to tbh, I just think that what you describe as "agecucking" are rational policy disagreements. I think the imposition of a minimum age for sexual activity is no more outrageous than a minimum age for voting, driving, or military service.
Today I was peacefully having lunch at the mall and two JBs came near with their families and sat at the tables across from me. One had huge breasts despite her tender age and the other one kept tilting herself over the table to talk with her father while wearing a miniskirt. Such sights tempt me and frustrate me greatly.
I think our eyes are instinctively drawn to a woman's rear and bosom. In my case, like in yours, it's purely instinctual. In fact, modestly dressed women are an even bigger problem, because I find that classy/modest clothes are one of the things that most make a woman appeal to me.
I think our eyes are instinctively drawn to a woman's rear and bosom. In my case, like in yours, it's purely instinctual. In fact, modestly dressed women are an even bigger problem, because I find that classy/modest clothes are one of the things that most make a woman appeal to me.
I feel tempted both by modestly-dressed women and scantily-dressed ones, but the latter is worse, no doubt about it. I fully understand why the Muslims came up with the hijab idea. The least you can see, the least you'll get tempted.
I know no JB will ever love me, even if it was legal and socially acceptable for me to have a relationship with one. Furthermore, marriage is done for in the west; it's pretty much impossible to have a healthy, functional relationship nowadays anyway, and I don't want to fornicate. What I wanted was a relationship with a young girl. To love and be loved. Be together forever. To enjoy her love and company from her tender JB age till all the way up until I died, helping, loving, guiding her. But it's impossible so I don't want to suffer with such desire anymore. Pray for me!
Islammaxx and import a hot muslim virgin JB stacy
Islammaxx and import a hot muslim virgin JB stacy
Sounds good ngl but such a foid is either holding out for chaddam or will ditch me the second she gets the green card
I don't like it either. I never chose to feel any of these feelings. They only cause me pain and frustration. I've been trying to steer away from women and even porn/masturbation for a long time now, but I always fail; my libido is too high and I'm a complete sexual pervert. Today I was peacefully having lunch at the mall and two JBs came near with their families and sat at the tables across from me. One had huge breasts despite her tender age and the other one kept tilting herself over the table to talk with her father while wearing a miniskirt. Such sights tempt me and frustrate me greatly.

So here my advice for you:

1) Accept the gospel of Jesus Christ and get saved from hell (God doesn't answer the prayers of unsaved people)
2) Pray for me. Pray to God in the name of Jesus that He helps me control and subdue my desires and sexual perversion. That I may succeed in my volcedom endeavors. The best would be for them to completely vanish, but I'm afraid that's impossible.

I know no JB will ever love me, even if it was legal and socially acceptable for me to have a relationship with one. Furthermore, marriage is done for in the west; it's pretty much impossible to have a healthy, functional relationship nowadays anyway, and I don't want to fornicate. What I wanted was a relationship with a young girl. To love and be loved. Be together forever. To enjoy her love and company from her tender JB age till all the way up until I died, helping, loving, guiding her. But it's impossible so I don't want to suffer with such desire anymore. Pray for me!
Would you be satisfied with an 18 yr old virgin?
I don't like it either. I never chose to feel any of these feelings. They only cause me pain and frustration. I've been trying to steer away from women and even porn/masturbation for a long time now, but I always fail; my libido is too high and I'm a complete sexual pervert. Today I was peacefully having lunch at the mall and two JBs came near with their families and sat at the tables across from me. One had huge breasts despite her tender age and the other one kept tilting herself over the table to talk with her father while wearing a miniskirt. Such sights tempt me and frustrate me greatly.

So here my advice for you:

1) Accept the gospel of Jesus Christ and get saved from hell (God doesn't answer the prayers of unsaved people)
2) Pray for me. Pray to God in the name of Jesus that He helps me control and subdue my desires and sexual perversion. That I may succeed in my volcedom endeavors. The best would be for them to completely vanish, but I'm afraid that's impossible.

I know no JB will ever love me, even if it was legal and socially acceptable for me to have a relationship with one. Furthermore, marriage is done for in the west; it's pretty much impossible to have a healthy, functional relationship nowadays anyway, and I don't want to fornicate. What I wanted was a relationship with a young girl. To love and be loved. Be together forever. To enjoy her love and company from her tender JB age till all the way up until I died, helping, loving, guiding her. But it's impossible so I don't want to suffer with such desire anymore. Pray for me!
Sounds good ngl but such a foid is either holding out for chaddam or will ditch me the second she gets the green card
Tbh. Nathan Larson tried that mail bride game and the foid did exactly that, ditch him as soon as the green card came. And she was really ugly on top of that. Over.
One had huge breasts despite her tender age


and the other one kept tilting herself over the table to talk with her father while wearing a miniskirt.


1) Accept the gospel of Jesus Christ and get saved from hell (God doesn't answer the prayers of unsaved people)
2) Pray for me. Pray to God in the name of Jesus that He helps me control and subdue my desires and sexual perversion. That I may succeed in my volcedom endeavors. The best would be for them to completely vanish, but I'm afraid that's impossible.

Teen and even prebubescent girls are allowed to blatantly sexualize themselves more than ever, yet the punishments for "pedophiles," "nonces," and "underage sexual predators" have never been more draconian. Pure ER fuel.
Teen and even prebubescent girls are allowed to blatantly sexualize themselves more than ever, yet the punishments for "pedophiles," "nonces," and "underage sexual predators" have never been more draconian. Pure ER fuel.
Not to mention how puberty is occuring much earlier on average. Back when it was more common for teens to marry, I bet some teens still did look somewhat underdeveloped. I see preteens girls with big boobs all the freaking time. Sometimes girls who look single-digits and already have budding breasts. As for the girls in their mid to late teens, they look exactly like adult women in terms of body.

I really wonder where all those teenage "underdeveloped children" who'd allegedly have problems conceiving agecucks talk about all the time are, because where I live, all girls look pretty much fully developed at 14 at the latest.
Not to mention how puberty is occuring much earlier on average. Back when it was more common for teens to marry, I bet some teens still did look somewhat underdeveloped. I see preteens girls with big boobs all the freaking time. Sometimes girls who look single-digits and already have budding breasts. As for the girls in their mid to late teens, they look exactly like adult women in terms of body.

I really wonder where all those teenage "underdeveloped children" who'd allegedly have problems conceiving agecucks talk about all the time are, because where I live, all girls look pretty much fully developed at 14 at the latest.
Aren't you Brazilian? That's one of the few places in the world that is even more hypersexualized and pornified than the USA.

I haven't really noticed girls being overdeveloped to the extent that you claim. Yes, it does happen, probably far more now than in the past, but the majority of girls look their age, at least in my part of Burgerland.

How severe is the agecucking in Brazil? Is there a full blown witch-hunt and moral panic about "pedophilia/pedophiles" the same way there is in Burgerland? Do you guys have anything like a "sex offender" registry?
have seen 12-14 yr old foids that have way bigger bobs than 18 plus year foids. could a straight man not think wow? those young woman best many 18 plus year foids. shouldnt have to bring up old roasties 35 plus many are blown out ugly cunts with fake up trying to fool people into thinking they are younger.
Aren't you Brazilian? That's one of the few places in the world that is even more hypersexualized and pornified than the USA.
In the favelas, probably, but outside of them, I'd say no, Brazil is not more hypersexualized and especially not more pornified than the USA.

I haven't really noticed girls being overdeveloped to the extent that you claim. Yes, it does happen, probably far more now than in the past, but the majority of girls look their age, at least in my part of Burgerland.
They do look their age. You look at the faces and you can tell roughly how young they are in the vast majority of the cases.

How severe is the agecucking in Brazil?
Luckily, not nearly as bad as in the US, but bad enough. Within the bubbles of higher class people who attended the marxist camps known as colleges, it's much worse.

Is there a full blown witch-hunt and moral panic about "pedophilia/pedophiles" the same way there is in Burgerland?
Generally speaking, people will lynch and kill you if you touch an actual child, but they don't tend to care much about adults fucking teens who are already developed and fucking around anyway here.

Do you guys have anything like a "sex offender" registry?
Not that I'm aware of tbh.

have seen 12-14 yr old foids that have way bigger bobs than 18 plus year foids.
Very common. I find it funny because people say stuff like "it's not normal to like children without boobs or butts!", while some 12 yos have a lot of both and some 18+ women are flat (and no one will say shit about a guy who gets with a flat 18+ foid).

could a straight man not think wow?
It's basically indoctrination. People are trained through feminist agecuckoldry not to think about it and especially not to talk about it.

those young woman best many 18 plus year foids.
Correct. I find the combination of a developed body but a still neotenous child-like face extremely attractive. Too bad such young foids tend to have very unpleasant personalities (not that older foids are much better though) and also higher standards than older foids.

houldnt have to bring up old roasties 35 plus many are blown out ugly cunts with fake up trying to fool people into thinking they are younger.
I look at the JB daughters sitting with their mothers in their 30s, 40s and 50s and it's preposterous to suggest the latter group is more attractive. Everything about the JBs is better looking; the bodies, the faces, the hair, the skin, the proportions, absolutely everything.

Don't get me wrong, if it was possible to have a decent marriage nowadays I'd stick around even after my wife got older, but I think it's different when you're already with the girl since she was younger and more attractive. All those memories have power.
have seen 12-14 yr old foids that have way bigger bobs than 18 plus year foids. could a straight man not think wow? those young woman best many 18 plus year foids. shouldnt have to bring up old roasties 35 plus many are blown out ugly cunts with fake up trying to fool people into thinking they are younger.
Gosh sweaty women arent all used up by their 30’s your misogyny is showing. Don’t sexualize youth sweaty they are innocent angels everybody knows women dont know what sex is until they turn 18 :soy::soy::soy:
tfw im in my prime age to have sex but no girls will go near me
I don't care about breasts or if a girl is developed. If anything that is a turn off since I am not interested in adult women. But cute petite girls are becoming rare since everyone is a amerifat now. There is no help or cure for this. Any mental health "professionals" will tell you to fuck off because they can't stand to see your face.

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I don't like it either.
You don't like that you have a male animal's natural desire to get the most fertile females? Shaming from (((society))) has really screwed up your head. Even if you managed to cope so hard that you fooled yourself into thinking that you only liked used up roasties, people will still think that you're a perverted creep.

I think the imposition of a minimum age for sexual activity is no more outrageous than a minimum age for voting, driving, or military service.
Mandating an age where people are allowed to drive the fucking vehicle they own is megacucked. Rejecting able bodied men because muh-age minimum is retarded. Many extremely accomplished generals were serving at very young ages, and were already regimental commanders in their teens. No surprise that this comes from the leftist jew tool of .co
I think the imposition of a minimum age for sexual activity is no more outrageous than a minimum age for voting, driving, or military service.
False equivalency. People under the minimum arbitrary age for voting can't vote AT ALL, people under the minimum age for driving can't drive AT ALL, etc.

"Hey, underage person, you can drive a car, but only near other drivers around your age" < this is how much sense current AoC laws make.

You don't like that you have a male animal's natural desire to get the most fertile females? Shaming from (((society))) has really screwed up your head. Even if you managed to cope so hard that you fooled yourself into thinking that you only liked used up roasties, people will still think that you're a perverted creep.
I'm just tired of this pain and frustration really. I don't feel shame, I'm perfectly aware those feelings are natural and make all the biological sense in the world.
Don't really care about who or what you're attracted to tbh, I just think that what you describe as "agecucking" are rational policy disagreements. I think the imposition of a minimum age for sexual activity is no more outrageous than a minimum age for voting, driving, or military service.
Those same "rational" policies you agree with keep everyone here incel.

I'm 32 and extremely attracted to JBs​

I don't like it either.
Sure you do, being attracted to JB is awesome.

these feelings. They only cause me pain and frustration
bullshit, they cause you arousal and awesome fap fantasies and epic cooms that those who refuse to fap to JB can't imagine

. I've been trying to steer away from women and even porn/masturbation for a long time now, but I always fail; my libido is too high and I'm a complete sexual pervert.
Libido is part of you, therefore not all of you tries to steer away. Part of you tries to manage another part of you.
Embracing "pervert" for wanting to masturbate is buying into misandric notions. There is nothing perverse about wanting to coom: that's literally nature, not a perversion of it.

Today I was peacefully having lunch at the mall and two JBs came near with their families and sat at the tables across from me. One had huge breasts despite her tender age and the other one kept tilting herself over the table to talk with her father while wearing a miniskirt. Such sights tempt me and frustrate me greatly.
Tempt you to what, rape her in the mall in front of her dad?

So here my advice for you:

1) Accept the gospel of Jesus Christ and get saved from hell (God doesn't answer the prayers of unsaved people)
2) Pray for me. Pray to God in the name of Jesus that He helps me control and subdue my desires and sexual perversion. That I may succeed in my volcedom endeavors. The best would be for them to completely vanish, but I'm afraid that's impossible.
At least you acknowledge that it's volcel not to rape women, and that decisions being shaped by mitigating factors like morality and legality do not make our decisions involuntary.

Of course historically acknowledging this truth seems to lead to bans by fake news statement-spinners who take that as encouraging rape, which it isn't, because I am not anti-volcel or incel-elitist.

I know no JB will ever love me, even if it was legal and socially acceptable for me to have a relationship with one.
The odds are overwhelming that this is the likely outcome for us (99.99%+) but there are no absolutes so you shouldn't phrase like that.

I don't want to fornicate.
LOL yes you do OP

What I wanted was a relationship with a young girl. To love and be loved. Be together forever. To enjoy her love and company from her tender JB age till all the way up until I died, helping, loving, guiding her. But it's impossible so I don't want to suffer with such desire anymore. Pray for me!
this sounds like LARPing theism and I expect that's how IT would read this even if you're being genuine and I wouldn't blame them
Those same "rational" policies you agree with keep everyone here incel.
We'd still be incel no matter what the AOC is, quit coping.

If you would somehow not be incel just by moving to a jurisdiction with a lower age of consent, you don't belong here.
Islammaxx and import a hot muslim virgin JB stacy
not rich enough, nor is it legal to do so
best i could get is an 18 year old virgin but even then i don't wanna live in some shitty 3rd world shithole and bringing her to the west also sucks too. Maybe i could live on a boat at sea with my waifu
At least you acknowledge that it's volcel not to rape women, and that decisions being shaped by mitigating factors like morality and legality do not make our decisions involuntary.
I wish I had a raging libido at 30. what do you even eat?
Don't really care about who or what you're attracted to tbh, I just think that what you describe as "agecucking" are rational policy disagreements. I think the imposition of a minimum age for sexual activity is no more outrageous than a minimum age for voting, driving, or military service.
I am all for such minimum age if its imposed universally. But that's not how you liberals really want it, do you? You talk about a minimum age for sexual activity but you have no issues with chidlren below that age having sex, as long as they are doing it with each other.

Because telling underage people to abstain or wait for the right age is not sex positive :soy: :soy: :soy:. You are not letting underage becky whore around with underage chad how dare you:feels::feels:
There is nothing wrong with being JBpilled
I wish I had a raging libido at 30. what do you even eat?

I am all for such minimum age if its imposed universally. But that's not how you liberals really want it, do you? You talk about a minimum age for sexual activity but you have no issues with chidlren below that age having sex, as long as they are doing it with each other.

Because telling underage people to abstain or wait for the right age is not sex positive :soy: :soy: :soy:. You are not letting underage becky whore around with underage chad how dare you:feels::feels:
They are fine with her fucking overage Chad too. Underage Becky won't report him, and her mom won't report him either because he fuck's Becky's 30-something roastie mom too.

Cucked dads won't report Chad either, they're afraid of him and how society will take Chad's side and accuse the dad of molesting his daughter instead.

Dads will generally only get assertive around sub-Chads trying to court their daughters.
We'd still be incel no matter what the AOC is, quit coping.

If you would somehow not be incel just by moving to a jurisdiction with a lower age of consent, you don't belong here.
The thing is you honestly can't say based on anecdotal evidence how you'd fare in a place with different laws and corresponding different social attitudes.

Social attitudes are after all a big reason for our dilemma.
Is this the kind of girl you are sexually attracted to?
Stop trying to look at innocent jb sluts you goddamned motherfucking SINNER!
Is this the kind of girl you are sexually attracted to?
Stop trying to look at innocent jb sluts you goddamned motherfucking SINNER!
But the ones we are trying to look at are already whores though, not innocent.
I wish I had a raging libido at 30. what do you even eat?
I forgot replying to that.

My diet is mid tier. I try to always eat my deal of healthy stuff but always end up eating lots of sugars and carbs along with it. Nothing special, really.
Let's bait them out and expose them fuking cucks don't deserve to be part of this community
Let's bait them out and expose them fuking cucks don't deserve to be part of this community
Threads like this one are not made by me with that in mind, but end up serving that good secondary purpose anyway.
Islammaxx and import a hot muslim virgin JB stacy
i'm extremely attracted to JBs too. but i don't pray for any mf because of it. its natural and every man have natural desires toward JBs.

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