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SuicideFuel My 17yo cousin just told me girl on boy rimming is a standard sexual practice among teenagers nowadays



May 2, 2018
He was telling me about how he fucked a 14yo foid from his school (he showed me a part of a conversation, plus he's an upper tier normie who has had plenty of gfs already, so it's not likely to be a lie) and during blowjob, she just went down and started licking his asshole. He said all his (sexually active) friends have had this happen to them as well.

Remember how it was impossible to find a virgin adult woman? Now it seemingly will be pretty much impossible to find an adult woman whose tongue has not been deep lodged inside Chad's/Chadlite's/upper tier normie's asshole. The girl you kiss if you happen to ascend one day will possibly have done it on that very day :lul::lul:

But remember, you "pedos", even though 14yo JBs are now proactively licking men's assholes as well as most probably doing plenty of other degenerate shit, a girl of this age will get absolutely traumatized and have her life destroyed if you as a 20yo "creep" even touch her. Dr. Schlomo Goldberg, the renowned psychologist, guarantees it, so you can trust it's true :feelsokman::feelsokman::feelsokman::feelsokman::feelsokman:

And before some mentions it, no, Brazil is not particularly sexually degenerated in comparison to the US or Europe. If anything, kissing is easy, but sex is not particularly easy at all. It's really normal to know guys who have kissed dozens of girls but never got laid or just a couple of times. So I'm pretty sure it must be true in all those places as well, after all, that behavior was probably mimicked from porn, which is easily available from God knows which age to everybody in the newer generations.
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I didn't see much going on when I was in school, maybe I just didn't know but If it's like this now then it means 14 year olds are doing better than us.
God I fucking HATE Dr Schlomo Goldsberg :feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree:
>Some beta's son is being kissed by a roastie's filthy poop tongue right now

These people live in completely different universes. I can't even comprehend these sexual relationships
ywn get your asshole licked by a girl. this is the final straw
Tell your cousin he's a freaking retard and beat him for thinking like that. Family needs to be disciplined.
Lifemogged by kids
A roastie would rather tongue a Chad's unwiped asshole than have their pinky finger accidentally graze an incel's clothed body.
Alright you have just put me off any women who is younger than 25. Think I'm gonna throw up.
A roastie would rather tongue a Chad's unwiped asshole than have their pinky finger accidentally graze an incel's clothed body.
Beautifully put.

Grazerape is a serious problem in our patriarcal society and we need to discuss it. Stop getting close to women without their consent.
Fuck (((those))) people can't wait for another country to get fed up with their shut and start genociding them again
Never understood why anyone would want to be rimmed in the first place. What possible pleasure could either party derive from such a pointless act
Never understood why anyone would want to be rimmed in the first place. What possible pleasure could either party derive from such a pointless act
Never understood why anyone would want to be rimmed in the first place. What possible pleasure could either party derive from such a pointless act
Submission I think. The girl is so much into you that she's even willing to put her mouth/tongue on the dirtiest part of your body to pleasure you. Plus the sensation must feel good to some.
A roastie would rather tongue a Chad's unwiped asshole than have their pinky finger accidentally graze an incel's clothed body.

A roastie would rather let ten thousand orphans die in a car fire than be forced to make eye contact with an ugly male
Never understood why anyone would want to be rimmed in the first place. What possible pleasure could either party derive from such a pointless act
I guess we'll never have the chance to know, huh?
A roastie would rather let ten thousand orphans die in a car fire than be forced to make eye contact with an ugly male
A roastie would rather have the whole humanity get tortured to death by being skinned alive, carefully mutilated piece by piece and then burned to death than living in the same city as an incel.
Fuck (((those))) people can't wait for another country to get fed up with their shut and start genociding them again

I would stress not to scorn your digital identity with that language. The Femi-Nazi's are that jealous over a mans happiness that will drag a man though the mud if they could ever link a digital identity with a real person. Seen it happen and it ain't pretty.

Best thing to do is refuse to participate and work against the very methods that underpin the supremacy of the Femoid. One which I loved was the UK limit of welfare hand outs for those women who have more than 2 children. All the chubby roasties where freaking out when it happened.
Something something imagine something shometing JBs something something prostitution something something legal.
14yo girl touching 14yo cock = healthy normal teen development
14yo girl touching 34yo cock = traumatized for life
dont really understand rimming here either.

But i do hear a pussy taste like onions. maybe it's just some taste thing
I would stress not to scorn your digital identity with that language. The Femi-Nazi's are that jealous over a mans happiness that will drag a man though the mud if they could ever link a digital identity with a real person. Seen it happen and it ain't pretty.
Just being on this site is enough to have your reputation dragged through the mud if you get doxxed. Especially if you live in a gigacuck country such as Canada, Sweden, etc.
Just when you think society has reached peak degeneracy...
Something something imagine something shometing JBs something something prostitution something something legal.
Something something it something something something would something something be something something great.
JFL @ the anti-degenerate fascists who think I'm insane for licking mare pussy. I will never see >13 foids the same again. JFL @ anti-pedos too. Enjoy chad's poop in your mouths.
Just being on this site is enough to have your reputation dragged through the mud if you get doxxed. Especially if you live in a gigacuck country such as Canada, Sweden, etc.
Guess your right. can't help it though I just hate the hoes so much.
Kek, Brazil too here, that's why I didn't think this was strange, I also heard it from teen Chads of girls just licking the guys assholes nowadays

btw, don't get why you're roleplaying as if slaying teenagers is a big deal here, probably the only country with a "novinha" culture and 14 above is legal
What. The. Actual. Fuck.....

this makes me literally want to throw my poop at stacies. im so fucking ugly that i should have my own zoo exhibit then the normies can point and laugh at how subhuman i am
What. The. Actual. Fuck.....


Chad's asshole gets more kisses in a month than our lips ever will in a lifetime. :feelsrope:
What. The. Actual. Fuck.....

Absolutely absurd, huh? One can't help but laugh.
This planet needs to be wiped clean. It's over for mankind. It is, over, for mankind.
Kek, Brazil too here, that's why I didn't think this was strange, I also heard it from teen Chads of girls just licking the guys assholes nowadays

btw, don't get why you're roleplaying as if slaying teenagers is a big deal here, probably the only country with a "novinha" culture and 14 above is legal
The "age difference always traumatizes" narrative is already pretty strong here. Just try to date a 14yo as a 20+ guy and see how society reacts.

Remember the Masterchef controversy? Valentina Schulz was like 13 and the media made a national outrage because some men were commenting she was attractive on social media.

Plus, "novinha" culture only applies to favelas. The drug dealer can slay even underage pussy there, but an average non-favelado guy is considered "creepy" if trying to date teenagers as an adult.
The "age difference always traumatizes" narrative is already pretty strong here. Just try to date a 14yo as a 20+ guy and see how society reacts.

Plus, "novinha" culture only applies to favelas. The drug dealer can slay even underage pussy there, but an average non-favelado guy is considered "creepy" if trying to date teenagers as an adult.

Some will find it creepy of course, I'd say 50% would care (it also depends if you're solid guy studying, with some money or work) and make jokes about it but that's about it lol, not even close to what happen in other countries where the guy would get shunned for life can't even compare, if Marcelo Camelo had dated Malu in the US his career would be over in hours and he would be in jail to this day, I think you maybe getting too focused on a few vocal feminists, it's not EVEN CLOSE to the same thing as 1st world countries
Absolutely absurd, huh? One can't help but laugh.
This planet needs to be wiped clean. It's over for mankind. It is, over, for mankind.
If i had a button, i would do that tbh (All other living species must be preserved still)

1. it's impossible to completely clean up your butthole by just wiping, unless you use bidet/take bath
2. if your shit is watery or liquidy, the shit-juice might tickle down from your butthole when you fart
3. the skin on the human tongue can absorb liquid although on a very small scale
4. during the french kiss you might end up sucking your gf's tongue

do the math

1. it's impossible to completely clean up your butthole by just wiping, unless you use bidet/take bath
2. if your shit is watery or liquidy, the shit-juice might tickle down from your butthole when you fart
3. the skin on the human tongue can absorb liquid although on a very small scale
4. during the french kiss you might end up sucking your gf's tongue

do the math

Is this post lifefuel for street shitting currycels?
Some will find it creepy of course, I'd say 50% would care (it also depends if you're solid guy studying, with some money or work) and make jokes about it but that's about it lol, not even close to what happen in other countries where the guy would get shunned for life can't even compare, if Marcelo Camelo had dated Malu in the US his career would be over in hours and he would be in jail to this day, I think you maybe getting too focused on a few vocal feminists, it's not EVEN CLOSE to the same thing as 1st world countries
You do have a point. Feminists want to import that cuck shit from the Anglosphere but luckily Brazilian culture is far less cucked than Anglo culture.

Plus, in the end, none of that matters because girls reject me equally regardless of age. I have approached hundreds of women from 14 to even like 40 sometimes and never got laid.
While tons of guys on this site haven't even had a kiss yet, young Chads are literally getting their ass kissed by the local jailbait.

It's over, guys.
I would stress not to scorn your digital identity with that language. The Femi-Nazi's are that jealous over a mans happiness that will drag a man though the mud if they could ever link a digital identity with a real person. Seen it happen and it ain't pretty.

Best thing to do is refuse to participate and work against the very methods that underpin the supremacy of the Femoid. One which I loved was the UK limit of welfare hand outs for those women who have more than 2 children. All the chubby roasties where freaking out when it happened.
Good to see progress

1. it's impossible to completely clean up your butthole by just wiping, unless you use bidet/take bath
2. if your shit is watery or liquidy, the shit-juice might tickle down from your butthole when you fart
3. the skin on the human tongue can absorb liquid although on a very small scale
4. during the french kiss you might end up sucking your gf's tongue

do the math
I'm pretty sure every time you fart some poop particles get out (I have read studies about it; why sitting on chairs as a naturist is anti-hygienic, etc) so even if you bathed since your last defecation, your asshole will very likely be somewhat dirty when doing that shit.

I'm sure those people are not like doing an enema every time right before doing that kind of degeneration.
You do have a point. Feminists want to import that cuck shit from the Anglosphere but luckily Brazilian culture is far less cucked than Anglo culture.

Plus, in the end, none of that matters because girls reject me equally regardless of age. I have approached hundreds of women from 14 to even like 40 sometimes and never got laid.

Yeah lmfao, if anything they are even harder than adult girls and have even higher standards.

I do realize that bit by bit we're becoming more and more americanized, but like 5% of our population speaks fluent english are consuming anglo culture everyday, hell most even REFUSE to speak english and pronounce english words wrongly on purpose, brazilian's ignorance worked in our favor this time, but eventually american culture will take over us all too and we'll hold the same morals as them.
Holy fucking shit. I don't doubt it for a second. Degeneracy was already rampant when I was in school, things must be a thousand times worse now. Meanwhile, I can't even get a girl to agree to go out with me. It's over, we might as well kill ourselves.
thats nasty lol i wouldn't do that for even the hottest girl on earth.
Yeah lmfao, if anything they are even harder than adult girls and have even higher standards.
They're way harder in my experience. JFL "you are seeking to prey on immature, easily convinced psychologies". Kek, I'm a balding 3/10 guy and the average JB's expectations is something like a guy from One Direction.

I do realize that bit by bit we're becoming more and more americanized, but like 5% of our population speaks fluent english are consuming anglo culture everyday, hell most even REFUSE to speak english and pronounce english words wrongly on purpose, brazilian's ignorance worked in our favor this time
The good part of living in Brazil is: since nothing works properly, cucked/totalitarian laws and shit like that don't work properly either. We are still very distant from the police-state levels of places like the US and UK, let alone China.

but eventually american culture will take over us all too and we'll hold the same morals as them.
I sincerely hope the West just collapses before that can happen. I like a lot of things about the US but their culture is just retarded in many senses. Puritan influences can still be clearly seen.

Also, why doesn't Brazil copy the US on the good stuff? I want my guns and my free speech.
Never understood why anyone would want to be rimmed in the first place. What possible pleasure could either party derive from such a pointless act
Yeah, I don't get it either. I wouldn't want someone to lick my asshole and I wouldn't want to lick someone else's either, that's just gross.
It also shouldn't feel like anything, i'd imagine at best it tickles, but that doesn't seem like anything sexually exciting.
Oy Vey!!! That last portion of the main thread is so (((anti Semitic)))!!!

But really. If a teenage woman can take a dick from a 17 year old, then she might as well be able to do so from a 30 year old. Remember that there are Chads in their 20s right now fucking teenage chicks, and the law does nothing to stop them since the teenage foids won't report shit.

AOC laws were created to prevent UGLY adult men from having sex with teenage women.

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