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Based Muslim's Agendas Conflict With Incel Agendas

  • Thread starter Hikikomori_Trucel
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Cunnysseur - Autistic - Edgy - ManChild - Nihilist
Sep 18, 2023
Cock-blockers can take on many form. Not just an individual person, but entire groups of like-minded people. Mainstream Religions are one of the WORST cock-blockers that will attempt to guilt you for wanting to have sex with women outside of marriage. If you desire sex with women outside of marriage, or with more than one women, then you MUST start to treat religious folk (especially Muslims) as enemies. I came from a very strict religious background, so I know from personal experience. Religious nut jobs love to lie to you & say no these claims are false, but then once you become a member they reveal the real truth, & at this time it could be too late for you to second-guess, 'cause you'd already be in it.

Muslims will never tell you this until you get suckered into joining them, but eventually you will find out that the penalty for leaving the Muslim religion is DEATH. Yes, Muslims will attempt to murder you if you ever decide to leave their religion once you joined. Think of Muslims as joining your local street gang. It's easy to join, but once you're in it, you're in it for life - or else.

Religion is one of the greatest cock-blockers, & for that reason alone, you should treat them as the enemy. Religion is party to blame for why I am a 30+ year old virgin Incel. You must heed my warning, & take this shit very seriously.

Muslims are also secret faggots, as they take part in little Muslim boy sex parties called Bacha Bazi. Check the link below.

Their Allah is so pleased with them for all their little Muslim boy raping.
I hate Islam and Muzzies
As a child I prayed to the god of my religion every night for him to find me a girl to have sex with, but NOT ONCE did he answer my prayers. Why? Because he never existed to begin with! Now I'm a 30+ y/o virgin, & this same cancerous poisonous religion is on the rise again, hoping to sucker you into their indoctrination. They LOVE to use fear tactics, & intimidation to get you to submit to their mind controlling religious bullshit teachings.
I get where you are from but the more atheist a country is the more incels it creates. Religion (mostly) successfully enforced monogamy for over 2 millenias and gave people a purpose, a culture. As we now see in the west, where the vast majority of people aren't religious anymore, they are nothing but wild animals. Women sleep around with dozens of men, millions of young boys growing up without a father, more and more men become involuntary celibate.
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I hate Islam and Muzzies
I hope that all religions die off, & are replaced with a non-guilting spirituality that practices meditation. They say people who are always very angry have a higher risk of dying from a heart attack, because the heart can not handle the tension in the body for too long. Meditation calms you & gives life to your body, adding more years to your life.
I get where you are from but the more atheist a country is the more incels it creates. Religion (mostly) successfully enforced monigamy for over 2 millenias and gave people a purpose, a culture. As we now see in the west, where the vast majority of people aren't religious anymore, they are nothing but wild animals. Women sleep around with dozens of men, millions of young boys growing up without a father, more and more men become involuntary celibate.
Buddhist are like Atheists, because they do not believe in the existence of a god outside of themselves. and yet, they are also very spiritual. I believe a spirituality closely resembling Buddhism should replace all religions.
I get where you are from but the more atheist a country is the more incels it creates. Religion (mostly) successfully enforced monogamy for over 2 millenias and gave people a purpose, a culture. As we now see in the west, where the vast majority of people aren't religious anymore, they are nothing but wild animals. Women sleep around with dozens of men, millions of young boys growing up without a father, more and more men become involuntary celibate.
Spirituality is gone from the west. Spirituality give us purpose and morals. Lack of spirituality destroy the west
Bacha Bazi
Again, this is a disgusting practice still carried out by certain Taliban leaders. Bacha Bazi only happens in Afghanistan, not elsewhere.

You should study further your arguments instead of blatantly spitting your ignorance to us.
I hope as many jews and muslims as possible dies in the current war. Amen.
It's funny when I hear Christians end their prayers with Amen. What they don't seem to realize is that Amen or more accurately Amen-Ra or Amun is the name of an Egyptian God. So it's funny how they think they are praying to Jesus or Mary, but in reality they pray to Amen-Ra, because that's the very last name they add to their prayers. lmao :feelsgah:

It's funny when I hear Christians end their prayers with Amen. What they don't seem to realize is that Amen or more accurately Amen-Ra or Amun is the name of an Egyptian God. So it's funny how they think they are praying to Jesus or Mary, but in reality they pray to Amen-Ra, because that's the very last name they add to their prayers. lmao :feelsgah:

I am not a christcuck brocel :feelsYall:

You mean the Taliban. Reminder that OP is an ignorant.
Yes of course Taliban, Muslims, Islam, etc are different from each other, but they are still all under a similar umbrella. They have some differences, & some similarities. They are all Arab religions who follow their 2nd last prophet MoHAMmed. Pointing that out after I exposed something so shocking means you're either missing the point, or you are attempted to water-down the unjust treatment of little boys. There may be many types of Christianity, Judaism, Muslims, but that's not the point here, it's all semantics.
I have said many times over the years that all religions are mental illness, just that some are more severe than others. They all have god-sized delusions. People with low IQ's, or those that are highly suggestable (or weak-minded) are far more likely to convert to religions, & adopt the collective mental illness as their own.

View: https://youtu.be/3ji0V6Ao-C8
Your user name is God With You? Yeah I understand German. I see you're trying to turn this serious topic into a joke. Clever. I'll be sure to kindly return the favor on pro-religious threads. Thanks for helping me evolve my mind to new possibilities in psychological warfare.
Your user name is God With You? Yeah I understand German. I see you're trying to turn this serious topic into a joke. Clever. I'll be sure to kindly return the favor on pro-religious threads. Thanks for helping me evolve my mind to new possibilities in psychological warfare.
Who jokes, I don't like Islam as well man. Its a religion of death.
Who jokes, I don't like Islam as well man. Its a religion of death.
And the Inquisition wasn't? Burning often innocent people at stakes, calling them witches? That's not a religion of death?
And the Inquisition wasn't? Burning often innocent people at stakes, calling them witches? That's not a religion of death?
Nope, and most of those people were fr33M2s0ns and wh0res.

While muslim kill indescriminetly. BTW athiest people also kill and murder, there are psyhopaths everywhere.
Who jokes, I don't like Islam as well man. Its a religion of death.
Using the Templar Knights to do all your dirty work hunting down & slaying the heretics, & then when they gained too much strength & wealth your religion of Peace had the Templars killed.

Templer weran't christian my man.
I guess no one told you yet one of the biggest secrets in secret societies as you work your way up on the pyramid of power... That it's not really 30 degrees, or even 90 degrees, but actually 360 degrees. *wink wink* ;) So if it's Christian or not, it doesn't really matter, as they were still linked for a time, & working together. Just that one side backstabs the other side afterwards.
you are attempted to water-down the unjust treatment of little boys.
Huh? You're the one misinterpreting your very own arguments. Talibans are well known of still practising baza bachi in many places of Afghanistan. No, pedophilia is not rampant in the Middle East unlike your filthy Western countries.
I have said many times over the years that all religions are mental illness, just that some are more severe than others. They all have god-sized delusions. People with low IQ's, or those that are highly suggestable (or weak-minded) are far more likely to convert to religions, & adopt the collective mental illness as their own.

View: https://youtu.be/3ji0V6Ao-C8

No one cares about this thread. Go play Hearts of Iron TWR or something else, nationalsocialism fanboy.
Nope, and most of those people were fr33M2s0ns and wh0res.

While muslim kill indescriminetly. BTW athiest people also kill and murder, there are psyhopaths everywhere.
Yes I heard that after the COVID lockdowns some were saying there is around was it 20 or 25% of the remaining human population being Narcissist's, Sociopaths, &/or Psychopaths. That's like 1 in 4 or 1 in 5 people you meet. I mean the corrupt Socialist Dictatorship governments did attempt to get away with murdering millions of people with their mandatory poison injections. The fear of death can either kill off the weakest of sheep (those that are more suggestable & more empathic), or they can evolve the once sheep into Narcistic Psychopaths. Even psychologists agree that some Narcissist's are born that way, while the rest only becomes that way over time, depending on all the hardships they suffered through, & desperately trying to survive. You can't blame that on Atheism. Last time I checked both Biden & Trudeau are Catholics. I would love to know the religion of the other Socialist Dictators of the globe, & then we could compare them.
Again, this is a disgusting practice still carried out by certain Taliban leaders. Bacha Bazi only happens in Afghanistan, not elsewhere.

You should study further your arguments instead of blatantly spitting your ignorance to us.
My sources tell me that Bacha Bazi always happens in secret, so then how exactly would you know it only happened in one country? The right answer is, there is no way you could know that. Even if you were a member of one of these secret groups, you are likely not a member of all of them. There are VIP sex parties happening in every country of the world. It would be no surprise to anyone if someone said I saw an atheist having sex with a young boy at some VIP secret sex party, BUT it would be a shock to hear a religious group that would otherwise publicly execute faggots within that same religion. The double standard hypocrisy is what is most shocking to most rational people.
No one cares about this thread. Go play Hearts of Iron TWR or something else, nationalsocialism fanboy.
I'm not a Socialist, or a Communist. My Joseph Goebbels avatar was not chosen because of his National Socialist views. Him & I do have one very important thing in common, but that's a secret (for now at least).

Playing video games & other such distractions are EXACTLY what world dominating religious nut jobs would expect everyone to waste their time doing, so they can slowly take over while the rest are busy entertaining themselves with a bunch of mindless fun.
Oh is it opposite day today? No one gave me the memo. OK whatever you say politicallycorrectcel
Saying muslims are gay just because some men in Afghanistan participate in that degenerate baccha bazi is like saying saying Christians are gay pedos cuz some pastors love diddling lil boys, holy fuck the retarded logic
This thread is resting but not dead. I sent this thread link to more brocels, so it will awaken shortly from its slumber. lol :p
Saying muslims are gay just because some men in Afghanistan participate in that degenerate baccha bazi is like saying saying Christians are gay pedos cuz some pastors love diddling lil boys, holy fuck the retarded logic
Don't put words into my mouth. I never said everyone. It's confirmed that it's mostly religious leaders who take part in it. The reason this is serious should be obvious lowiqcelbro. Do I really have to spell it out?!? It's because they are Leaders. People look up to them. They have a certain imagine of purity to uphold my lowiqbrocel. If you ever came from any religion you would know this is true.
Don't put words into my mouth. I never said everyone. It's confirmed that it's mostly religious leaders who take part in it. The reason this is serious should be obvious lowiqcelbro. Do I really have to spell it out?!? It's because they are Leaders. People look up to them. They have a certain imagine of purity to uphold my lowiqbrocel. If you ever came from any religion you would know this is true.
take a shot everytime he goes lowiqcel broo, damn got triggered there aint ya. Guess u didnt like the amount of support Palestinians were getting for fighting jews and had to make a thread trying to diss islam. Typical
take a shot everytime he goes lowiqcel broo, damn got triggered there aint ya. Guess u didnt like the amount of support Palestinians were getting for fighting jews and had to make a thread trying to diss islam. Typical
"aint ya"??? sounds like redneck speak. Rednecks are infamously known for having low IQ's, because many of them are born from incest. Even science backs this up.

When are Muslims & Jews not fighting? Since when did it ever stop? Thousands of years ago? Nothing new to report there.
As an Atheist I honestly don't care who wins, as long as there's less mentally ill religious nut jobs in the end.
I get where you are from but the more atheist a country is the more incels it creates. Religion (mostly) successfully enforced monogamy for over 2 millenias and gave people a purpose, a culture. As we now see in the west, where the vast majority of people aren't religious anymore, they are nothing but wild animals. Women sleep around with dozens of men, millions of young boys growing up without a father, more and more men become involuntary celibate.
Islam don't make monogamy it's polygame it makes one rich dude or chad have 17 wives or 4 making 17 incels or 4 incels it also forbid prostitution , cloning , fornicating , sex , etc it's a cockblocker that all incels should fight. If you ask a muslim if he would defend his country or incels he would say Islam is more important with "Allah"

House City GIF
Muslims are fake incels they would rather defend their religions than their country or any incels I don't trust any muslims
Islam don't make monogamy it's polygame it makes one rich dude or chad have 17 wives or 4 making 17 incels or 4 incels it also forbid prostitution , cloning , fornicating , sex , etc it's a cockblocker that all incels should fight. If you ask a muslim if he would defend his country or incels he would say Islam is more important with "Allah"

House City GIF
I was more referring to Christianity than Islam, but at least foids know their place in Islam and don't do Tik Tok dances half naked
Muslims are fake incels they would rather defend their religions than their country or any incels I don't trust any muslims
I found at least one fakecel Mooslim on here. They see Incles as a threat, so they come on here as aspiecel, & try to divide & conquer from the inside-out. Only complete fools who wish to destroy everything Incels stand for would ever dare defend Muslims, or chose their side over other fellow brocels. With Muslims there is no grey side, you either chose them or Incels. I'm also aware that feminazi's have hijacked this site. This site is no longer a Safe Space for frustrated Incels like us to vent & rant. I joined just recently, so I intend to stay on here at least a bit longer, & see if we can save this site from total takeover, but ultimately it's the admins who decide is the real deal True Incel, & who is a fakecel. You are very right brocel. I can see you do your research as well. :feelsYall:
I was more referring to Christianity than Islam, but at least foids know their place in Islam and don't do Tik Tok dances half naked
How exactly is a foid dancing half naked or even fully naked a bad thing? Please explain fakecel. No real Incel would ever say what you just said. I would be so lucky if I could have a foid dance for me naked. You sound like either an asexual, or a faggot. Very sus.

There are now groups of Muslim Feminist women meeting together, & are using the woke culture of the West to their advantage, & making plans to empower more Muslim women to stand up against their abusive Muslim men husbands, along side with the Feminists of the West. The days of Muslim women in the west being submissive to their husbands is becoming more & more fictional as time goes on. Think again which side you which to choose.
How exactly is a foid dancing half naked or even fully naked a bad thing? Please explain fakecel. No real Incel would ever say what you just said. I would be so lucky if I could have a foid dance for me naked. You sound like either an asexual, or a faggot. Very sus.

There are now groups of Muslim Feminist women meeting together, & are using the woke culture of the West to their advantage, & making plans to empower more Muslim women to stand up against their abusive Muslim men husbands, along side with the Feminists of the West. The days of Muslim women in the west being submissive to their husbands is becoming more & more fictional as time goes on. Think again which side you which to choose.
Because that's whorish behaviour that shouldn't be tolerated
well then none for you, & all for me. What a deal. lol
Yeah bro it's so cool and totally not depressing to stroke your wiener to a bunch of whores who suck Chads cock and wouldn't even fuck you if their live depended on it
Yeah bro it's so cool and totally not depressing to stroke your wiener to a bunch of whores who suck Chads cock and wouldn't even fuck you if their live depended on it
Hey, I can dream at least. I study anti-aging medicine in my spare time, so whitecels like myself can reverse the damage done to our physically ugly bodies, & one day I will get lucky. Hope is the only I have that stops me from doing what ER did.
Hey, I can dream at least. I study anti-aging medicine in my spare time, so whitecels like myself can reverse the damage done to our physically ugly bodies, & one day I will get lucky. Hope is the only I have that stops me from doing what ER did.
No anti aging in this century buddy boyo
I just want all the kikes to die

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