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  • Thread starter Misogynist Vegeta
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Misogynist Vegeta

Misogynist Vegeta

Discord: misogynistvegeta
Feb 16, 2024
Whenever i'm depressed i browse reddit so instead of being depressed i can be furiously angry that i have to share this planet with a bunch of retarded faggots who are the prime example of the modern societies idea of the Dunning Kruger effect. I stumbled upon this comment and it really pissed me off.


What a fucking retarded faggot, Muh magically therapy will just solve all mental ailments. Fuck off you retarded faggot therapy is completely worthless to most men because it is tailored toward the female ego, It is ineffective at solving the ills of society which cause men to no longer want to live within that society. Feminism is a plague it's got normalfags thinking womemes are better at managing emotions when they are absolutely not considering more women are on mental meds then men are. Fuck you hope you kill yourself you fucking pathetic reddit retard.
Seeking help to who? And what help can I get about the unfixable?

I wish I could behead all these fucking retarded useless foids and make them feel what it is to be absolutely over. OVEEEEEEEEEER!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Not going to see a Jewrapist
It's almost like therapy does fucking nothing. Will therapy take away my chronic illness due to subhumanity? no. will therapy take away years of being bullied and ridiculed by toilets and normgroids? no. will therapy take away being treated like shit now because of looks? no
"Not the slam dunk you think it is"

@Chudpreet this is a fucking prime example of the shit that pisses me off jfl
It's almost like therapy does fucking nothing. Will therapy take away my chronic illness due to subhumanity? no. will therapy take away years of being bullied and ridiculed by toilets and normgroids? no. will therapy take away being treated like shit now because of looks? no
Exactly, What's there to 'unpack' with a therapist? The root cause of my suffering is my sub humanity and I dont need to pay some jew $40/hr to tell me that.
Seeking help to who? And what help can I get about the unfixable?

I wish I could behead all these fucking retarded useless foids and make them feel what it is to be absolutely over. OVEEEEEEEEEER!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Maybe all the troons who rope should get therapy
Total faggot homicide
They act like therapists are magical wizards who can cure your unhappiness. No, therapists are random normies and foids with no scientific experience or understanding.

They are not more knowledgeable on life than anyone else.

Men commit suicide more because unlike female problems, male problems don't have very many solutions.

If you're poor as a woman you can get a government grant or use some dumb simp. If you're poor as a man it's basically over. You're going to be stuck in the trenches of society forever unless you have a decent enough IQ to make a ton of money. There is no government grants for you. (unless you slave away in the military) There is no woman who will save you. You don't have gender quotas and dei on your side to ensure you get a job.

if you're romantically lonely as a man it's pretty much over. I don't have to go into the blackpill. We all know why.

if you're lonely as a woman you can grab a betabux or garner simps to raise your ego.

If you're horny as a women without a girlfriend you can get pumped and dumped by Twitter Chad.
As a man you don't have that option.
if you're a single mom there's a million programs to help you and you can comfortably leach off welfare. Look at all the sheboons who consume slop in mass.

if you're a divorced father you have to wage slave for decades and if you get fired you risk going to prison if you can't pay child support.

unlike women there is no social network to save men.
men are unwilling to seek out help
hmmmm wonder why, maybe it's because nobody gives a shit at best and it's held against us at worst
They act like therapists are magical wizards who can cure your unhappiness. No, therapists are random normies and foids with no scientific experience or understanding.

They are not more knowledgeable on life than anyone else.

Men commit suicide more because unlike female problems, male problems don't have very many solutions.

If you're poor as a woman you can get a government grant or use some dumb simp. If you're poor as a man it's basically over. You're going to be stuck in the trenches of society forever unless you have a decent enough IQ to make a ton of money. There is no government grants for you. (unless you slave away in the military) There is no woman who will save you. You don't have gender quotas and dei on your side to ensure you get a job.

if you're romantically lonely as a man it's pretty much over. I don't have to go into the blackpill. We all know why.

if you're lonely as a woman you can grab a betabux or garner simps to raise your ego.

If you're horny as a women without a girlfriend you can get pumped and dumped by Twitter Chad.
As a man you don't have that option.
if you're a single mom there's a million programs to help you and you can comfortably leach off welfare. Look at all the sheboons who consume slop in mass.

if you're a divorced father you have to wage slave for decades and if you get fired you risk going to prison if you can't pay child support.

unlike women there is no social network to save men.
Fucking boomers pretty much ruined everything
I hope more and more men will wake uo to how society hates you even if youre a chad ie if you divorced you still have to pay child support (which is fucking retarded imo if i cant see my child why tf should i help the bitch who has full support from the courts jfl)
Fucking boomers pretty much ruined everything
I hope more and more men will wake uo to how society hates you even if youre a chad ie if you divorced you still have to pay child support (which is fucking retarded imo if i cant see my child why tf should i help the bitch who has full support from the courts jfl)
Taking advice from a foid who doesn't want me sexually is cucked and worthless
Therapy is fucking retarded went to if and i fucking hated it half of the time i couldnt say whats in my mind 1. My therapist was some 45 year old whore of a foid

So if i dare say anything bad about the female humanoid I’d probably get kicked out another thing is that i just felt like she wasnt listening to me at all whenever i’d have some of these problem

I seriously fucking told her that man i hate being ugly i crave affection and you know what this dumb cunt told me?” Oh don’t worry there’s a lot of women would like to meet you you’ll eventually find the one” holy fucking shit i was about to loose my fucking shit right there was going to go nigger chimp mode on this cunt

Fucking left that bitch fucking retarded hag
Whenever i'm depressed i browse reddit so instead of being depressed i can be furiously angry that i have to share this planet with a bunch of retarded faggots who are the prime example of the modern societies idea of the Dunning Kruger effect. I stumbled upon this comment and it really pissed me off.

View attachment 1341797

What a fucking retarded faggot, Muh magically therapy will just solve all mental ailments. Fuck off you retarded faggot therapy is completely worthless to most men because it is tailored toward the female ego, It is ineffective at solving the ills of society which cause men to no longer want to live within that society. Feminism is a plague it's got normalfags thinking womemes are better at managing emotions when they are absolutely not considering more women are on mental meds then men are. Fuck you hope you kill yourself you fucking pathetic reddit retard.
Redditors are so faggy with their addendum comments, "This is not the slam dunk you think it is" :soy:
:soy: :foidSoy: “Just get over the lifelong trauma of growing up without a mom or dad during the years you needed them most, feeling abandoned while enduring relentless bullying that tore you apart every day over the things about your appearance you were powerless to change, inkwell”
Will therapy take away my chronic illness due to subhumanity? no.

It's not what therapy claims to do either.

will therapy take away years of being bullied and ridiculed by toilets and normgroids? no. will therapy take away being treated like shit now because of looks? no

Regular talk-therapy won't do much, however some models that are trauma-based or dives into suppressed and unprocessed emotions has a decent success rate at bringing catharsis to mental wounds. So if you have money, time and find the right treatment it won't get you laid per se, but it may make you feel less shitty about not getting laid.
Seeking help to who? And what help can I get about the unfixable?

I wish I could behead all these fucking retarded useless foids and make them feel what it is to be absolutely over. OVEEEEEEEEEER!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Therapy is gay and fembrained
Don't go to therapy EVER. Psychiatry ruined my life.
Seeking help to who? And what help can I get about the unfixable?

I wish I could behead all these fucking retarded useless foids and make them feel what it is to be absolutely over. OVEEEEEEEEEER!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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