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Cope "Muh Jews are White"

"It just so happens that I studied new scientific material which suppports my current arguement teehee"
I came to this conclusion when previously debating OP on this topic and studying new scientific material that OP himself provided, dumb shitskin.
Did I strike a nerve, GrAYfaggot? Perhaps you're hinting at your actual Identity:



Orthodox Jews are much whiter than me. Every Jews I've seen was a socially awkward white person.
Maybe a small, insignificant amount of MENA.
Also keep in mind Orthodox Jews are absolutely white supremacists
Orthodox Jews are much whiter than me. Every Jews I've seen was a socially awkward white person.
Maybe a small, insignificant amount of MENA.
Cope as fuck, most Orthodox Jews are generally the most Insualr ones & also the most Ashkenazi, thus, they look the most Ashkenazi/MENA.

The graphs, haplogroups, etc show they are at least 40-50% MENA in origin.
Also keep in mind Orthodox Jews are absolutely white supremacists
What the fuck?

Average GrAYfaggot IQ in late 2023.
Jews aren’t even human. They’re some sort of lizard ppl hybrid
many Italians have jewish roots, starboy :feelsEhh:
Of course you'd be sticking up for Jews in this instance and against white interests your Jew bosses at the FBI tell you to.
Let's look at some examples,

View attachment 1007191

Ashkenazi Jews -the descendants of those who migrated to Europe & which half of the modern Jewish population identifies as- all carry about 50% DNA which originates in the Middle-East, and still clusters very heavily with other Middle-Eastern populations(Gulf Arabs, Levantines, etc):

View attachment 1007194
(Gene clusters, whilst seemingly unique in a way, clusters closely towards modern MENAs as opposed to Europeans).

Further examples:
View attachment 1007207

View attachment 1007289

Many of them also carry significant amounts of the Y-Haplogroup, which is very dominant amongst MENA populations:

View attachment 1007292

Let's also analyze some (brief) history about Ashkenazi Jews:

They are by nature, a somewhat nomadic people. They also, have continually been expelled from just about every country in Europe which they settled in:
View attachment 1007305

Traditionally, they would mix with some of the populace(usually a small amount from one generation or so) & bring them into their highly-insular & subversive religion & culture. Then, when expelled, they would take that mixed blood with them to their new "home" & mix more. Initially, they first hybridized with Southern Europeans, but later on mixed more with some Eastern & North-West European populations as they continued their pattern of migrations:

This model below shows the overall intervals & admixtures of the Ashkenazi population over time.
View attachment 1007321

Furthermore, the Jewish faith as previously stated is incredibly insular, it is almost impossible for one who is not born into it to officially become a member. As such, they culturally differ greatly from many Whites & historically would live segregated or semi-segregated from White Europeans. They have preserved their traditional Hebrew language -Middle Eastern & Semitic in origin- which is still spoken by a majority of them today.

Whilst some Jews pass as White, these in reality are a small minority of them. Likely chosen to be the public "face" of Judaism so to speak, in order to advance their subversion in White countries.

Many of them are hybrids in terms of appearance, and more Middle-Eastern than European:

View attachment 1007329

Jews are not White at all and they never will be- they were the original Mutt/Hybrid race.
Some interested users: @Adolf Hitler @2002AryanMaxxed1488 @Corvus @Uggo Mongo @TBIcel @Chudpreet @Mortis @MiSKiRaT @ElTruecel @wereq
this is true but most of the high-class kikes resemble whites, the middle eastern looking ones are either farmers or factory workers. I know pissraeli kikes don't import immigrants but nonetheless every race on every planet has mixed genes in them. I don't recall ever seeing a pure blood arab or jew ever these half-mutt pieces of shit need to get exterminated regardless.

the reason why I group kikes with whites is because pigskins originally signed the balfour declaration AND lent kikes their support, not to mention that whites let them run their economy and fucking rob every single western pigskin on this planet by " taxing " their properties and income.
Oliver Jackson-Cohen is Jewish.
Oliver Jackson-Cohen is Jewish.View attachment 1029003
1. If you read my post, I pointed out how not all of them but most of them are hybrids & much more Middle-Eastern in origin than European. This, however, is a cherrypicked example & proves what I said.
2. I did some simple research on him, and it lines up with what others such as @shii410 said: He is of partial Jewish ancestry on his dads side & claims they even originated in Tunisia & Egypt.
Jake Gyllenhaal is Jewish.
Let's look at some examples,

View attachment 1007191

Ashkenazi Jews -the descendants of those who migrated to Europe & which half of the modern Jewish population identifies as- all carry about 50% DNA which originates in the Middle-East, and still clusters very heavily with other Middle-Eastern populations(Gulf Arabs, Levantines, etc):

View attachment 1007194
(Gene clusters, whilst seemingly unique in a way, clusters closely towards modern MENAs as opposed to Europeans).

Further examples:
View attachment 1007207

View attachment 1007289

Many of them also carry significant amounts of the Y-Haplogroup, which is very dominant amongst MENA populations:

View attachment 1007292

Let's also analyze some (brief) history about Ashkenazi Jews:

They are by nature, a somewhat nomadic people. They also, have continually been expelled from just about every country in Europe which they settled in:
View attachment 1007305

Traditionally, they would mix with some of the populace(usually a small amount from one generation or so) & bring them into their highly-insular & subversive religion & culture. Then, when expelled, they would take that mixed blood with them to their new "home" & mix more. Initially, they first hybridized with Southern Europeans, but later on mixed more with some Eastern & North-West European populations as they continued their pattern of migrations:

This model below shows the overall intervals & admixtures of the Ashkenazi population over time.
View attachment 1007321

Furthermore, the Jewish faith as previously stated is incredibly insular, it is almost impossible for one who is not born into it to officially become a member. As such, they culturally differ greatly from many Whites & historically would live segregated or semi-segregated from White Europeans. They have preserved their traditional Hebrew language -Middle Eastern & Semitic in origin- which is still spoken by a majority of them today.

Whilst some Jews pass as White, these in reality are a small minority of them. Likely chosen to be the public "face" of Judaism so to speak, in order to advance their subversion in White countries.

Many of them are hybrids in terms of appearance, and more Middle-Eastern than European:

View attachment 1007329

Jews are not White at all and they never will be- they were the original Mutt/Hybrid race.
These Ashkenazi genetic "studies" are all done by Israeli Zionist universities so of COURSE they will claim red headed Ashkenazis are from the scorching deserts of palestine in order to justify stealing land from palestinians who are native to israel. Ashkenazi are not middle eastern but Khazar. (an offshoot of the mongols who lived from Ukraine to Khazakstan and converted to judaism) True, jews are non-white however they are NOT middle eastern they are asiatic/hapa. (look at ashkenazi jews they have squinty asian eyes, and sometimes STRAIGHT jet black hair ie asian traits).

The only jews who are middle eastern/related to palestinians are mizrahim/sephardic. They are the majority of israel now but 80% of jews worldwide are ashkenazi (mizrahi/sephardi jews are uncommon in the u.s.a and are mostly a thing in israel or in tiny enclaves in iran or a tiny amount in brazil)
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