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Blackpill Most wypipo aren't white

do you think sometimes about your crushes before blackpilling
I try not to ngl there's nothing that could have been done different because how things unfold for you overall is all about looks and not how you act. Anyone here that's tried reinventing their personality only to be treated about the same can confirm that.
or any women you liked and you were at beast invisible to her, bit off top but i wonder
Yeah it's hard to get out of your head but tbh the longer the time passes since it happened the easier it is to stop dwelling on it as long as initially you are allowed to rant about it without getting attacked. Which is something being denied to a lot of incels now by society so they can't even get any sense of closure from it.
I try not to ngl there's nothing that could have been done different because how things unfold for you overall is all about looks and not how you act. Anyone here that's tried reinventing their personality only to be treated about the same can confirm that.

Yeah it's hard to get out of your head but tbh the longer the time passes since it happened the easier it is to stop dwelling on it as long as initially you are allowed to rant about it without getting attacked. Which is something being denied to a lot of incels now by society so they can't even get any sense of closure from it.
i remember how threat me for being short manlet with autism and schizo...not to mention that on big polish site who is equivalent of reddit, but not cucked and has big incel tag i told normies from uni about it and shared my profile, you can guess reaction
i remember how threat me for being short manlet with autism and schizo...not to mention that on big polish site who is equivalent of reddit, but not cucked and has big incel tag i told normies from uni about it and shared my profile, you can guess reaction
Yeah even before getting attacked for venting about these things many guys learn to keep these really personal things to themselves but that still isn't enough. Any deficiencies that you reveal or get revealed about you and how you were treated in the past are used against you.
Yeah even before getting attacked for venting about these things many guys learn to keep these really personal things to themselves but that still isn't enough. Any deficiencies that you reveal or get revealed about you and how you were treated in the past are used against you.
what do you think about suffering of manlets in society
Modern genetic tests about the corpses of Republican Romans stated that they had a very similar genetics to today Northern Italians, so the myth of "Nordic Romans" is, indeed, a myth.
North-Italians are white. A few of them have blond hair(This is probably because they racemixed with nordics and germanics, but still).
I found some pictures of north italians on this huwhite identitairian forum:
North-Italians are white. A few of them have blond hair(This is probably because they racemixed with nordics and germanics, but still).
I found some pictures of north italians on this huwhite identitairian forum:
But also Southern Italian are genetically Europeans, "whiteness" is a construct invented by Anglo-Saxon and based on their light traits.
For example a lot of Northern Italians have a light complexion, but genetically they're more "levantine" and less "european" than Andalusian and other Southern Spanish peoples who have a more "swarthy" complexion.
Here's a good article about Roman and Italian ethnogenesis btw: https://thuletide.wordpress.com/2020/09/20/italian-ethnogenesis/

100% Nordic ancestry
dayum that cracka @BummerDrummer will say that this is a falsification
Curries and Iranians started out as Indo euro but lost their yppol status along the way:feelshaha:
@Copexodius Maximus
When it arranges them, when you point something bad or cucked in the romans they will tell you they are not white.

Classic jewish technique adopted by SFcels, Bummer use it frequently.
Another race thread, but that was on my mind for long time. After discussion with @Diocel for long enough it finally came to me. I'm not white simply i'm just slav.
Slavs and meds aren't simply white. White people are just germanics and anglos since it's their culture i so supreme and well developed and how average slav peasant who lived in 19 century is on any equal terms with them. Same with meds, many of them don't even look white, they are brown. Many nordic varg WE WUZERS say that ancient romans were blue eye blonds :feelshaha:, snownigger dumb cope. And not to mention worst of them balkanites who really niggers of europe when it comes to behavior with albanians as worst of them.

Not to mention that many 'white women' aren't white to begin with. Jia Lissa isn't white neither Valetnina Nappi and many slav pornstars who seems to be 'white' simply aren't.

End of Rant

@your personality
I'm sure a lot of people would fail Hitler's purity test, but they get called "White" and get punished thusly for it. I think that's what worries many in our defeated loser race these days.
go aryan or go home tbht bh
Just merely introducing race where it isn't needed is a big reason why a lot of manosphere and incel communities end up infighting. We will never live in a post racial world and playing up racial differences where it didn't have to be part of the conversation is self defeating. It's pointless. If someone were a robot and not human but had similar experiences to people here and didn't talk about it would it even be important that they ended up not being biologically human? No it makes no sense. But from that point on all their posts would inevitably be read from a biased standpoint. Some people might bring it up in arguments that were initially not focused around racial or biological differences. Some might start criticizing their arguments as anti human and too inhumane and out of touch and making the debate all about how that poster wasn't biologically human.

If that robot can understand the experience of incels what does it matter and why should it be of concern that the robot is not human? Focusing on how someone looks like instead of their arguments is something the incel community has managed to identify as a flaw of behavior and try to move past but still falls into this normie-like tribal behavior again and again.
I feel like it's generally about ego for incels. they post race baiting/ constantly talk about the race of users, etc. Everyone wants to feel superior to somebody in someway or another, unfortunately this phenomenon hits incels harder because we know we are genetic shit and inferior, so to compensate many incels will brag (subtly or abvertly) about their superior attributes tallfags will brag about being tall, NTcels will brag about being neurotypical and ultimately whitecels will brag about being white and shit on non-whites. Although the race bragging is extreme here.
I believe this is mainly caused due to media coverage of incels.
Since the elliot rodger and alek minassian incident the incel community has gotten bigger due to media coverage. The incel community was labeled as a far right misogynistic white supremacist Terrorist group. This in turn led to the influx of many alt right members from other far right communities like pol to migrate here to take part in the "edgy culture".
I feel like it's generally about ego for incels. they post race baiting/ constantly talk about the race of users, etc. Everyone wants to feel superior to somebody in someway or another, unfortunately this phenomenon hits incels harder because we know we are genetic shit and inferior, so to compensate many incels will brag (subtly or abvertly) about their superior attributes tallfags will brag about being tall, NTcels will brag about being neurotypical and ultimately whitecels will brag about being white and shit on non-whites. Although the race bragging is extreme here.
I believe this is mainly caused due to media coverage of incels.
Since the elliot rodger and alek minassian incident the incel community has gotten bigger due to media coverage. The incel community was labeled as a far right misogynistic white supremacist Terrorist group. This in turn led to the influx of many alt right members from other far right communities like pol to migrate here to take part in the "edgy culture".
no racism is natural and people 'want' to feel superior
Meds and Slavs are "White" or European. According to genetic studies most Europeans are Genetically homogenous, It means that a Polish person and a Swede are very genetically similar, or a Russian and a French person. Also, you guys are only using Phenotypes as a basis for genetic relation between two groups, while Phenotypes and Genotypes correlate somewhat, a population could look different due to certain mutations exclusive to that population and not necessarily due to foreign admixture.
no racism is natural and people 'want' to feel superior
I get that but the threads are mostly just Insert race is shit because of xyz and barely any genuine discussions.
Yay I pass the white purity test. But I'm still incel and hated so it does me no good.
Holy fuck, the race autists here

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