It makes sense that so many femoids would be interested in psychology, because it's not a search for scientific truth; it's just labeling people in certain ways that are convenient for those doing the labeling.
From a clinical perspective, how do people end up in a shrink's office? There are a few psychotics who actually maybe need some meds, but those are rare (and the meds are going to fuck them up in the long run anyway). The rest are (1) some bluepilled men who are trying to cope with a situation that doesn't have easy answers; and (2) some criminals who are there under court order; and (3) some femoids who just like to talk and rationalize endlesssly.
So you diagnose the bluepilled guys with depression, and give them some antidepressants which are placebos at best and school-shooting-inducing at worst. And you diagnose the criminals as sociopaths and narcissists, and tell their probation officer they need endless talk therapy, till you browbeat them into submission by the sheer cost and inconvenience of having to attend the sessions. And you diagnose the femoids as having post-traumatic stress disorder from when they were "raped," so that then they can wave that diagnosis around as an excuse for all their erratic and obnoxious behavior.
And that's pretty much it.