Just think about it for a second. Arranged marriages, cucks and fags being hanged, woman must be loyal and submissive to husband, no degeneracy, etc.
European Christendom did not differ a lot from Islamism up until the cucked Enlightenment period that changed everything. It was backed by Jews like those in the Rothschild family (especially during the French Rev).
Most of the so-called "Islamic" terrorists are just CIA/Zionist hacks willing to destroy Israel's and Rothschild's enemies. Don't believe the cucked media and the gynocentric government.
Many Muslims cooperated with based Natsocs in their fight against Judaism. I'm sure a lot of them would be against the current Syrian refugee crisis and the multicultural experiment set up by kikes who pretend to be their ally (only to destabilize Western societies).
White Shariah is needed now. Sieg HEIL my brothers.