Bezos was just at the right place, at the right time. You can easily become a billionaire in this weird age we live in just by blind luck. Sure, you still need a degree of talent but Bezos probably isn't any smarter than any competent businessman out there, most of whom are only modestly wealthy by comparison, but he was just lucky to get into the right type of business at the right time.
Putin was a KGB intelligence officer and seems to be a very capable statesman. Was the first one to drag Russia out of the muck it had sunk into after the collapse of the Soviet Union and he used the popularity he gained in his first term to make himself powerful enough to actually chase away all the oligarchs who had bleed the country dry for years after the Union fell. We are talking about powerful billionaires who controlled large chunks of the Russian economy. I'm not going to say he is some kind of hero but to kick people like that around he must be running some serious Game of Thrones game. Guy is a force to be reckoned with, him being rich is just the tip of the iceberg. His wealth is just a tool he has to maintain his strength, he is not just rich for the sake of being rich. It's all about power and domination.