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More reddit trannies - Genuinely can't tell which is supposed to be the before photo



Eternal President of Iraq
May 23, 2020

WHY do people do this to themselves. They think their situation is going to be improved by becoming even more of an androgynous freak.
Left is before

The tranny used to be masculine

WHY do people do this to themselves. They think their situation is going to be improved by becoming even more of an androgynous freak.

insecure ugly man + teenager + leftist = tranny
Reading /r/MtF now. These grotesque freaks are literally complaining about getting hit on, as if that's EVER happened in their life.
From Subhuman man to a Subhuman freak
His face looks like something out of a comic book. It honestly was over the day he was born

763fe5ab fcd3 432c a97f 3e2606da76a3 large16x9 7d3498a4f6d34c7ab4935fb97f4b20c7large16x9 Ndume
This guy is from r/MTF he really think that he's gonna pass as a woman jfl

This is so sad that I don't even want to laugh at him. Ugly, old, worthless man fed up with his meaningless existence decided to make himself significant at the verge of his life by turning into a woman. If only he succeeded, but well.
Meh. They didn't really do anything to me and women are probably far more disgusted by MtF transexuals than anyone here so
M to M trannies lol
You can tell the right is supposed to be woman because he wears a necklace and piercings.
He should also have worn a Minnie Mouse bow and hair flowers to look even more feminine.
None of these soyboys ever look a slightly passable, like what's the fucking point? And IT say we put in no effort.
SMVmaxxing i guess, poor retards who choose to go out with this thing
This one is still the best tranny pic tho, legendary @ReturnOfSaddam @soymonkcel @ShadowTheEdgehog


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These people are fucking sick.
But it's funny. :feelskek:
Unironically looks a bit better. But still it's fucking disgusting, like seriously what was his plan?
maybe, he wanted to be valued and praised like how a female would be in modern society because like us he was shunned for being ugly so he tried to become one.
No wonder why transfags try to target lonely guys like us.
maybe, he wanted to be valued and praised like how a female would be in modern society because like us he was shunned for being ugly so he tried to become one.
No wonder why transfags try to target lonely guys like us.
They target us because they used to be guys like us. There's a good reason why IncelTears has so many trannies and other bottom tier degenerates, they just look at us as the next lowest level to target.
I truly don’t understand why people support transgenderism so much. I just try to ignore these people but whenever I see one I feel abject disgust. Encouraging homosexual behavior was a slippery slope for the West...
something must be incredibly wrong with society to ever make man want to become whores for other man.this world is fucking crazy
Mentally ill people.
View attachment 356783
Trans wahmyn are wahmyn jfl.

Again, if they are so obsessed with gender = performativity, why the fuck do they get so upset when they don't pass as women? Jeez. It's kinda lifefuel because, even if I'm a 5'4" framelet manlet wristcel, I mog at least those two. How someone like me can call anyone "a freak"?

They're all AGPs in denial. I feel sorry for them. They are so lost...
What's AGP
weird how you never see a good looking tranny

WHY do people do this to themselves. They think their situation is going to be improved by becoming even more of an androgynous freak.
Fucking hell, look at that chin length from bottom lip to end.
Reading /r/MtF now. These grotesque freaks are literally complaining about getting hit on, as if that's EVER happened in their life.
first of all why the fuck are you looking at this shit
idk allot of .co users are suspect for this stuff
View attachment 356783
Trans wahmyn are wahmyn jfl.

Again, if they are so obsessed with gender = performativity, why the fuck do they get so upset when they don't pass as women? Jeez. It's kinda lifefuel because, even if I'm a 5'4" framelet manlet wristcel, I mog at least those two. How someone like me can call anyone "a freak"?

They're all AGPs in denial. I feel sorry for them. They are so lost...
The Alien Skull gets me all the time. No matter how often I see that picture. Really cursed dolichocephaly.
Autogynephilia. There are some studies about it. They like women so much, that they suffer "an inversion the sexual object", when they look at themselves as a man, they feel disgust because that's what they are not attracted to, so they wish to become their object of desire: women. It's a fetish. They like women so much they'd rather be one. But deep sown they know they are guys. Just pay some attention and you will see that most of these "ladies" are "lesbians". They want women. Not Chad. It's a sneaky strategy (when performed correctly) to get pussy, specially considering the support these collectives receive nowadays.

The other kind of trannies are the true ones, the HSTS (homosexual-transexual), who really show different brain activity in areas responsible of what can be considered responsible of "gender identity". But these are the minority. The tranny thing is a trend; the majority are dudes so thirsty they want to become a woman to satisfy that fetish and get some women rights as a bonus (specially the ones that truly pass as cis). We are at a point where, some dudes who know they are dudes, think it's worth it to become a woman anyway, that being a man nowadays is a waste of a woman. It's sad.
Yeah I had never heard of the term but that whole thing has been memed a lot. The whole "i can't get a gf so i'll become a gf". Pure mental illness. And yes the vast majority of them are just mentally ill straight guys ... and on rare occasions just fags with another fetish of larping as a woman.

Reminds me of certain animals who, when they're small and frail, larp as females to get closer to the females and mate with them

Interesting cuttlefish (Sewers level commentary) :feelsLSD:

I've seen members here discussing the theory and even mentioning Vintologi, but next time you talk about this, I ask you to be rigorous and say AGP, because other gender critical people might recognize what you're saying, and that's more people in our favor :feelsNeo:
What is that forum for, I can't be fucked to lurk & find out.
The only thing I like about Trannies is them infiltrating female spaces and fucking them up, other than that, trannies are fucking nasty. :feelspuke:
A tranny making most of the posts sayin' that the way out of inceldom is becoming a tranny. Totally nuts.
Lol, so just be gay then. No need to pull all that tranny shit to get ass fucked.
lmao in 2 years they'll kill themselves JFL

WHY do people do this to themselves. They think their situation is going to be improved by becoming even more of an androgynous freak.
Looks like a caricature of a medieval Brit from a political cartoon in the paper.
Yes and no. Some get railed, but most of them go full "lesbian" and start saying that cis women not wanting to fuck with them is transphobic and they, supposedly, manage to get pussy. I've lurked a lot there and it's really fucked up. I think there's an entry about Vintologi int he incel wiki.
Lol, funny lesbian rationality.

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