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Venting mocking normalfag problems

  • Thread starter Deleted member 126
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Deleted member 126

Deleted member 126

Nov 8, 2017
"lol I bet he's never even had a girlfriend."

"lol he's still a virgin."

"Man up and stop whining."

"lol no one will ever fuck you, get over it."

"Your just genetic garbage. lol do not breed".


It's pretty clear normies think our plight is hilarious. Normies take everything for granted, they will never understand. Since they think inceldom is funny why don't we mock their problems?

"I'm going through a divorce."
Man up and get over it faggot. You don't need anyone to be happy. Stop being so entitled.

"Our baby was stillborn."
That's just EVOLUTION. Mother nature killed your baby because of weakness. This is a good thing, remember nature is always right. Maybe if your wife was healthier and she worked on herself the baby would not have died. Also you are not entitled to children, no one is entitled to anything.

"Our daughter was killed in a car crash."
Once again this is just nature weeding out the bad genes. Humanity will benefit from the elimination of these low iq genes. Stop whining and get over it.

"WTF incels are sick awful people!!!" I'm just using exactly the same arguments that normalfags constantly use against us to make a point. Everytime there's news of an incel committing suicide normalfags joke and laugh about it. They think nature is perfect and that we are genetic garbage that doesn't deserve any love or a family of our own and that we should be killed for the betterment of humanity. We should just man up and get over it. Normalfags love Darwinism, but only when it applies to incels. "But being incel is nothing compared to those problems." Actually being incel is far worse then most normalfag problems because it can mean literal decades of misery. Imagine never being loved or having a family of your own, most incels don't even have friends either.
Yeah, mmm, some of my sentiments are different, but this is exactly how I feel when people try to do this selfish whoa is me I'm the most important and therefore will walk all over you and make all my problems yours and you had better not so much as look at me sideways shit. I get that a lot on a daily basis. Even to shit not related to inceldom, so I hear you.
Good post OP

These normies just lack even the ability to empathize with our struggles it especially sucks when they use these catch all phrases like
"you gotta be happy being alone first before you can get a relationship" or "nobody wants you because your personality sucks"
True, and normies will get as mad as anyone else when you respond like that.
lol This is great stuff. If normalshits are inclined to show icy indifference towards our plight it's only fitting for us to return the favor.
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"Society is misogynistic and transphobic and racist and and and and and we can't even live like white men do without having our behavior policed and scrutinized!"

Well there's an easy enough solution, you ratfucker. Just spend all of your leisure tine alone, locked up in a room because there's nothing of any promise in the outside world. These are the conditions available to incels and if you didn't think you deserved better, you could embrace them immediately and live the rest of your life without any fear of your "bodily autonomy" being violated. Living among them, as one of them, though, is the assumption, the conditio sine qua non of your happiness, the foundation on which you make your demands, the base without which you'd fall into a yawning chasm of despair and sickness. The reality that one single incel faces is greater in the scope of its horror than the sum of all your whining and hand-wringing. If you cocksuckers think we don't suffer, our way of living, then, remains a simple and elegant panacea for all of your "problems".
When they complain about school and don't have it even nearly as bad as I do, just sad, I feel relieved and even satisfied sometimes if I go to school then go back without having a severe trauma
We need to up out internet troll game on these cucks
I've always been annoyed by normies who are dating/married to a 1.5 and think they have game or something.
Sympathy more or less requires empathy, and most people are incapable of actually understanding incels.
"I was sexual assaulted"

Maybe you should take some responsibility for yourself, you're not entitled to your own safety.
"Everyone I care about leaves me. Men only want me for sex and I can't connect with anyone."

Get help. Your entitlement is disgusting - no one is obligated to you and you need to work through your issues with a professional paid to give audience to your stupid bullshit.

"I feel discriminated against at work, dealing with authorities, even getting services because of my race/gender/orientation/whatthefuckever"

Um no one is denying that it's easier for some people, but so you have to try a little harder - boo fucking hoo you weak worm. Everyone gets exactly what they deserve and everything is possible with a good personality - maybe people don't like you because you're a literal garbage human. All of you people want the highest paying jobs while having no value at all - maybe lower your standards and improve yourself before you try to find fault with other people.
Very true OP. The way incel issues are swept under the rug would be grotesque if you applied it to any other situation.

"I need a liver transplant but I can't afford the healthcare costs =("

What makes you so entitled to a liver, livercel? You can live without one.
"Everyone I care about leaves me. Men only want me for sex and I can't connect with anyone."

Get help. Your entitlement is disgusting - no one is obligated to you and you need to work through your issues with a professional paid to give audience to your stupid bullshit.

"I feel discriminated against at work, dealing with authorities, even getting services because of my race/gender/orientation/whatthefuckever"

Um no one is denying that it's easier for some people, but so you have to try a little harder - boo fucking hoo you weak worm. Everyone gets exactly what they deserve and everything is possible with a good personality - maybe people don't like you because you're a literal garbage human. All of you people want the highest paying jobs while having no value at all - maybe lower your standards and improve yourself before you try to find fault with other people.
Shit man, I really need to start thinking like this. Heavenly cope.
Good observation, this is high IQ thread.
"I was raped on a night out"

Next time, don't drink yourself to oblivion and pass out so strangers can come and fuck you, you stupid bitch. You deserved it for being so careless about your own safety. You deserved it because your only hobby in life is getting drunk, acting like a whore and collecting std's. You are so vapid, your life is so meaningless and hollow that this is your idea of "fun" and "having a good time". You have no intellect, no purpose in life and you are worth very little without the layers of makeup you apply to your face every morning to boost your inherently low self esteem.

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