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Serious Mentalcels are not fakecels



Refuge from /r9k/
Dec 28, 2018
Every now and then I see people claiming mentalcels could ascend easily if they tried and they're not truecels. But most mentalcels are anxious or depressed or socially incapable because they were either isolated or bullied by neurotypicals or women. Maybe they're not the ugliest anymore but the damage is already done in their developing years and we shouldn't discriminate them for being fake, they likely don't have where else to go, they cannot talk to the people who made them fucked up
Indeed Mentalcels are the ultimate truecels.

The worst part of being mentalcel is that you can be both ugly and mental, and the agepill will destroy you in every aspect of your life.

Mentalcels like VST are legit truecels.
I think it's more the case of mentalcels can actually get help. Things like medicine, therapy etc can make that difference. They have a fighting chance and that's a good thing. Why would you want to be a truecel.

You have to try to differentiate and understand why facial attractiveness can be so important, it's the one thing you can't improve. Fortunately if mental health is your only problem then get the help you need and give yourself the best possible chance. Some stuff truly can't be helped, but they're very rare and hopefully no one here has such a illness.
I think it's more the case of mentalcels can actually get help. Things like medicine, therapy etc can make that difference.

They have a fighting chance and that's a good thing. Why would you want to be a truecel.
A lot of times you can only help symptoms of mental problems with therapy rather than getting rid of the problem. I'm not saying it isn't worth a try but it won't always work. It's same how going to the gym will help raise your looks value but it's not certain to help you ascend.
I'm mentalcel, trust me, I'm 29 and a virgin. There is no hope.
Mentalcel is one of the worst fates for sub8 males.

Imagine being a outcast, ostracized from literally everywhere. You can't even trust your friends, not even your best friends. It's no good to have those issues. I'm constantly screwed over by the society.

I'm diagnosed with multiple mental illness including autism, depression and ADHD and more I'd not like to state, not to mention I suspect much more undiagnosed issues.

Guess who has always been diagnosed with these?

Psychiatrists recommended an involuntary admission of Cruz to a residential treatment facility starting in 2013.[79] The Florida Department of Children and Families investigated him in September 2016 for Snapchat posts in which he cut both his arms and said he planned to buy a gun. At this time, a school resource officer suggested[80] to have him undergo an involuntary psychiatric examination under the provisions of the Baker Act. Two guidance counselors agreed, but a mental institution did not.[81] State investigators reported he had depression, autism, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). In their assessment, they concluded he "was at low risk of harming himself or others".[82] He had previously received mental health treatment, but had not received treatment in the year leading up to the shooting

Yes bro. I agree that looks are the most important factor in finding a girlfriend but some are too easily dismissive of mental illnesses such as bipolar and depression. I think loving who you are as a person must come before finding someone else to love.
try 5htp, diclazepam, l-theanine, vyvanse, ssri, etc
I'd trade being a manletcel for being a good looking mentalcel every day tbh.
>Refuge from /r9k/
>Joined Dec 28, 2018
>Messages 55

Go back to posting about fembots on r9k please, also dont forget to buy "fembots" something off their amazon wishlist so you can join their exclusive discord room
Mental shit alone doesnt make you incel but if you're ugly and have a fucked head/mental issues (Like me tbthbthtbthtbth) then it just adds on
I'm a mentalcel and my life is agony. I'd rather be low inhib 1/10 no anxiety than 10/10 chad with terrible mental health issues.
Go back to posting about fembots on r9k please, also dont forget to buy "fembots" something off their amazon wishlist so you can join their exclusive discord room
I'm going away from r9k because of those things. It's not the same one as before 2016.
My autism has lost me any chance of social skills and talking to people. I am extremely awkward and cant make eye contact. As a average person in looks Im still screwed. Hyper-gamy and my autism is why im incel.
If you call yourself mentalcel without having a diagnosed mental disorder, you're either volcel or ugly in denial.
Even Chads can be mentalcels. (I’m nowhere near a Chad, but I am a sub-5 mentalcel.) I read somewhere that only ONE PERCENT of men with autism lose their virginity - I’m pretty sure Chads make up more than 1% of men. 5-10
THANK YOU. lmao I'm literally here being called a foid just because im saying my mental issues are the reason for my inceldom.
THANK YOU. lmao I'm literally here being called a foid just because im saying my mental issues are the reason for my inceldom.
GIGA cope, look at the mirror ans teel me that you dont have subhuman looks
GIGA cope, look at the mirror ans teel me that you dont have subhuman looks

I don't see myself as ugly, it's really just a matter of other people's opinions at this point. But like what the op said, the damage was done to me long before I could worry about inceldom. Even if I were to have chadlike looks my problems would probably turn fems away.
Its almost impossible to be mentalcel without being ugly
First off, Chad-looking people are almost never mentalcel. It's possible to be of normie attractiveness and mentalcel, but the probability of being a mentalcel increases if one gets uglier, and vice versa.

The reason is clear. Attractive people always, always get positive attention for whatever they're doing -- in real life, in social media. Even if they end up murdered, an attractive victim will get more media attention than an unattractive one. I feel like I've addressed this before...the missing white woman syndrome. But I digress. That's why almost every 8/10+ Stacy is always naturally bubbly and cheerful. They know their position in the hierarchy and are used to it.

Meanwhile, ugly people always receive negative attention. Even people who act without malice will psychologically percieve someone uglier as a threat, or as awkward, or as less intelligent, et cetera. Ever walk around, scan the area around you, and notice the gaze of another person? Unfortunately, for me, it's always a gaze of disgust or horror, as if she is trying to figure out if she should pepper spray me. After years of conditioning, we know our position in the hierarchy and are used to it.

That is why mentalcels exist. Even if someone ugly manages to become slightly more attractive -- say, a late bloomer manages to grow 9 inches in the last 2 years of high school -- that person will still carry the emotional baggage of literally being sneered at by bigger foids for their entire childhood.
I think it's more the case of mentalcels can actually get help. Things like medicine, therapy etc can make that difference. They have a fighting chance and that's a good thing. Why would you want to be a truecel.

You have to try to differentiate and understand why facial attractiveness can be so important, it's the one thing you can't improve. Fortunately if mental health is your only problem then get the help you need and give yourself the best possible chance. Some stuff truly can't be helped, but they're very rare and hopefully no one here has such a illness.
Sorry man, but that shit doesn't work. Sometimes it can but it's :bluepill::bluepill: to think it does. I posted about a schizo chad, and I have a personality disorder that can't be helped.
Being mentalcel is the worst because you cant even have friends. We live our life in TOTAL isolation, unlike other cels who "only" dont get to fuck foids
That is why mentalcels exist. Even if someone ugly manages to become slightly more attractive -- say, a late bloomer manages to grow 9 inches in the last 2 years of high school -- that person will still carry the emotional baggage of literally being sneered at by bigger foids for their entire childhood.
That's part of my problem too. I used to get picked on so much by both guys and girls for being really small. I was 5'2'' in 9th grade, now I'm 6'1''. Noone calls me "little girl" or "wimpy" anymore but shit, I still feel like it sometimes.
That's part of my problem too. I used to get picked on so much by both guys and girls for being really small. I was 5'2'' in 9th grade, now I'm 6'1''. Noone calls me "little girl" or "wimpy" anymore but shit, I still feel like it sometimes.


I mean, I was never small, but I was always awkward as a kid and had no fashion sense. And even now I feel like I am being judged harshly every time I walk down the fucking street. It's enough to give me a mental breakdown.
mentalcel has got to be the biggest meme on this site.

It´s like feeling sorry for a billionaire because he is nervous about spending his money.
Try being a NTmaxxed 5'2 chinaman in Germany. I would prefer to be mental and comfortable in isolation.
High IQ, having autism has caused me constant pain and agony.
try 5htp, diclazepam, l-theanine, vyvanse, ssri, etc
5htp is shit for anxiety it will make it actually worse, however for depression it's good (Saint john's wort or rhodiola are equivalent)
l-theanine is great i use it daily helps you to get into meditation mood
ssri are crap it will kill you emotions and your dick will stop working
idk about others
NAC is pretty great for anxiety and depression i take it and for 3-4.5h i'm free of those bad feelings
mentalcel=schizophrenic. everyone on earth is depressed and has anxiety even chad and stacies br0.
mentalcel=schizophrenic. everyone on earth is depressed and has anxiety even chad and stacies br0.
Cope, chad or stacey doesn't want to kill themselves every day, they still have will to life, they are not in depressive mood all the time with even worse double depression from time to time, they have drive to enjoy entertainment, they can chill out, they are not anxious about even smallest things due obsessive negative thoughts, they can leave their home at any time without bad anxiety, they are not scared of interaction with people or how people will treat them, they don't feel panic attacks and don't have increased blood pressure along with feeling the nerves who hurts every time they leave home, they don't feel like like someone want to choke them in every social situation, they don't need to run to toilet every 15-20mins due anxiety and social phobia, they are not scared of being in room full of people, they are not alone in this world without anyone who understands your struggles. They weren't bullied by normies constantly due looks, they aren't autistic and they actually can connect with people and have multiple friends/gfs/bfs.

There are huge difference between foid faking anxiety or depression for attention and actually anxious or depressed incel who can't even leave his home without having anxious brain overstimulation.
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Cope, chad or stacey doesn't want to kill themselves every day, they still have will to life, they are not in depressive mood all the time with even worse double depression from time to time, they have drive to enjoy entertainment, they can chill out, they are not anxious about even smallest things due obsessive negative thoughts, they can leave their home at any time without bad anxiety, they are not scared of interaction with people or how people will treat them, they don't feel panic attacks and don't have increased blood pressure along with feeling the nerves who hurts every time they leave home, they don't feel like like someone want to choke them in every social situation, they don't need to run to toilet every 15-20mins due anxiety and social phobia, they are not scared of being in room full of people, they are not alone in this world without anyone who understands your struggles.
lol so basically all incels are mentalcels? and there are some chad and stacys that are heroin addicts and rope, which would mean they are arguably more mentally ill than this whole site. a real mentalcel is someone who is incapacitated by mental illness not someone who is depressed. plenty of normies in relationships are depressed. mentalcel=cope. if u are able to post on this site u aren't a mentalcel u are a coping uglycel. if someones only problem was being depressed and they were otherwise good looking wouldn't that mean that good looking people can be depressed? lol
Yes. I agree with that.
Cope. Mentalcel = effortless fakecel.
lol so basically all incels are mentalcels? and there are some chad and stacys that are heroin addicts and rope, which would mean they are arguably more mentally ill than this whole site. a real mentalcel is someone who is incapacitated by mental illness not someone who is depressed. plenty of normies in relationships are depressed. mentalcel=cope. if u are able to post on this site u aren't a mentalcel u are a coping uglycel. if someones only problem was being depressed and they were otherwise good looking wouldn't that mean that good looking people can be depressed? lol

You are too low iq to even try to understand mental illnesses, my depression was the last illness which hit me, my social anxiety was there since i was 5, now i'm crippled by it. Heroin addicts couldn't handle life so they went and tried heroin and then get addicted most of them were losers like us.

> if u are able to post on this site u aren't a mentalcel u are a coping uglycel

No shit why do you think most male mental illnesses come from? being ugly, being a manlet, being awkward near people, being introvert. But being ugly + mentally ill makes my situation 10x worse at least uglycels with all right mental state can leave their home, travel and fuck hookers without being scared all the time.

Do you really think i'm joking about that? I was encouraged by (((doctor))) to go to mental hospital since i was suicidal and still are, just a sign that paper and they would put me there.

Ehh whatever nobody who haven't experienced that will never understand people like me, It's like explaining to someone what is tripping on magic mushrooms, you behave like normie who bullies incels even tho we both are fucked for life no matter which reason are.
I'm going away from r9k because of those things. It's not the same one as before 2016.
/r9k/ turned to shit way before 2016.
I think it´s because when people hear "mentalcel" they get triggered because they think that person can easily get a girl but this is only true for 8-9/10 Chads because when you are THAT good looking girls will approach you so being a mentalcel doesn´t matter much because even if that guy is "shy" and doesn´t talk they think of him as mysterious but for a 6-7/10 mentalcel it´s over because girls don´t approach these guys.
I'm ugly plus mentally ill. I wouldn't wish it on anyone, it's the worst combination possible. I've been in and out of mental hospitals, my whole life is suffering.
I think it´s because when people hear "mentalcel" they get triggered because they think that person can easily get a girl but this is only true for 8-9/10 Chads because when you are THAT good looking girls will approach you so being a mentalcel doesn´t matter much because even if that guy is "shy" and doesn´t talk they think of him as mysterious but for a 6-7/10 mentalcel it´s over because girls don´t approach these guys.
it's not like they are missing much especially if they are already blackpilled and know about foids psychology, only Chad/Chadlites can get real sex, affection and desire from a foid. 6/10 and below will only get artificial love from a foid which only wants to be with your for your resources (beta bucks). Better incel till death than cuck.
1. You only qualify as a mentalcel if you have above 6-7 looks. Otherwise it doesn't matter since if you didn't have these problems you wouldn't be able to get laid anyway.

2. If you are trying to tell me fixing mental problems is harder than fixing your face then you have the lowest IQ.

3. Chad can be non-NT and still slay

Lock this thread, it's retarded
Majority of people here are mentalcels, in society nowadays most interactions are faked and nobody really knows each other. Men who can't communicate well are shunned and women who can't are praised with 100+ orbiters on discord/patreon. Life just sucks for the vast majority of men.
1. You only qualify as a mentalcel if you have above 6-7 looks. Otherwise it doesn't matter since if you didn't have these problems you wouldn't be able to get laid anyway.

2. If you are trying to tell me fixing mental problems is harder than fixing your face then you have the lowest IQ.

3. Chad can be non-NT and still slay

Lock this thread, it's retarded
There are level of mental problems so deep they can't be fixed. You are denying truecels problems. Fuck you
truecel can have education and good job

mentalcel can rope

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