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Blackpill "Men don't cry"

El Enemigo

El Enemigo

Dec 20, 2021
The origin of that phrase is kinda :bluepill: but the meaning is :blackpill:

foids were and still are against this saying because it bothered them that men wouldn't show emotions and then get instantly turned off when a man showed weakness by crying, as always, just virtue signaling.

It is true that crying does help release stress and stabilizes your mental health, but you should never do it in front of others unless you're able to come back of it almost instantly, otherwise other men will see you as a pussy and women will not even consider you a man. :blackpill:

Don't even buy into the "I like emotional guys :foidSoy:" bs, if you're not chad, this won't work, even if you manage to somehow ascend and get a gf that loves you, don't cry in front of her, she will say she supports you and shit but as soon as you start crying her pussy will be as dry as a Mexican tostada.
Tostada shells after baking for 4 minutes per side
Very true redpill, bro. Opening up dries a woman’s pussy like a desert.
im so deep down, i cant even cry
The origin of that phrase is kinda :bluepill: but the meaning is :blackpill:

foids were and still are against this saying because it bothered them that men wouldn't show emotions and then get instantly turned off when a man showed weakness by crying, as always, just virtue signaling.

It is true that crying does help release stress and stabilizes your mental health, but you should never do it in front of others unless you're able to come back of it almost instantly, otherwise other men will see you as a pussy and women will not even consider you a man. :blackpill:

Don't even buy into the "I like emotional guys :foidSoy:" bs, if you're not chad, this won't work, even if you manage to somehow ascend and get a gf that loves you, don't cry in front of her, she will say she supports you and shit but as soon as you start crying her pussy will be as dry as a Mexican tostada.
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It's more based on looks than anything.

A Chad could cry in front of a foid and She would comfort Him and try to make Him feel better.

However if a non Chad cried in front of a foid. She would think He was a piece of shit and laugh at Him. In particular if He's:

Foids and tradcucks are the one pushing the toxic masculinity on men, some things are natural biological processes. Its not healthy penting things up, you will get a heart attack before 40.
The origin of that phrase is kinda :bluepill: but the meaning is :blackpill:

foids were and still are against this saying because it bothered them that men wouldn't show emotions and then get instantly turned off when a man showed weakness by crying, as always, just virtue signaling.

It is true that crying does help release stress and stabilizes your mental health, but you should never do it in front of others unless you're able to come back of it almost instantly, otherwise other men will see you as a pussy and women will not even consider you a man. :blackpill:

Don't even buy into the "I like emotional guys :foidSoy:" bs, if you're not chad, this won't work, even if you manage to somehow ascend and get a gf that loves you, don't cry in front of her, she will say she supports you and shit but as soon as you start crying her pussy will be as dry as a Mexican tostada.
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Of fuckin course “men don’t cry “ is blackpill and the truth

And of course men have emotion but showing them is hardly beneficial

[UWSL]It’s something inherited from million years of evolution , purest exemple :[/UWSL]

[UWSL]You’re in Neanderthal era , you’re outside in the wilderness far from your camp with a group of men to secure food, women , to explore land , it’s very dangerous journey: wild animals, disease , enemy tribe and all of a sudden you’re tribe leader on the middle of the journey start to get on his knee and start crying , saying he’s a sensible person, telling the group he’s having a breakdown :feelskek:[/UWSL]
[UWSL]The group will get scared as fuck because the man who is supposed to lead them and avoid danger is weak and emotional [/UWSL]
Women despise men who cry because it’s their role to cry and seek protection and men role to confort and protect

If you cry in front of a women, you’re basically stealing her role and telling her she’s the one who must protect and comfort [UWSL] :feelskek:you think they want that?[/UWSL]
It's more based on looks than anything.

A Chad could cry in front of a foid and She would comfort Him and try to make Him feel better.

However if a non Chad cried in front of a foid. She would think He was a piece of shit and laugh at Him. In particular if He's:

Yeah I said in my post :feelsjuice:
It's just another shaming tactic
Foids and tradcucks are the one pushing the toxic masculinity on men, some things are natural biological processes. Its not healthy penting things up, you will get a heart attack before 40.:feelsjuice:
You didn't understand my post
Foids and tradcucks are the one pushing the toxic masculinity on men, some things are natural biological processes. Its not healthy penting things up, you will get a heart attack before 40.
I'm ugly, so I don't even care, tbh. If I really want to cry, I do.
You didn't understand my post
I read it again and i agree, showing weakness in front of others is dumb and no one will respect you, like in animal world if other notice you are hurt they will try to put you down.

But i stay by my statement, humans need a venting valve or they will explode.
I read it again and i agree, showing weakness in front of others is dumb and no one will respect you, like in animal world if other notice you are hurt they will try to put you down.

But i stay by my statement, humans need a venting valve or they will explode.
I did say you should only cry in private or if you are going to do it in public you should be able to come back from it quickly.
foids were and still are against this saying because it bothered them that men wouldn't show emotions and then get instantly turned off when a man showed weakness by crying, as always, just virtue signaling.
It's just foids not knowing what the fuck is going on in the world and mind of guys. It's typical and shouldn't be too surprising. Foids don't know the consequences of their own actions nor the impacts of their virture-signaling statements. Foids have never cared about male's feelings nor will they ever.
I did say you should only cry in private or if you are going to do it in public you should be able to come back from it quickly.
Made a post about that

But I don’t really think you should cry period , that’s my opinion.

It’s been like more than 3+years since I didn’t cry maybe longer, don’t even remember.

I think my heart became tougher and colder when I realized I was on my own and nobody care about my tears

I really believe crying is a biological phenomenon that happens to get support and help, that’s why women absolutely love to cry. It works for them

As soon as my brain registered that my tear will spark no help , on the contrary can have really negative social effect.
The tear in my body dried like a desert
Made a post about that

But I don’t really think you should cry period , that’s my opinion.

It’s been like more than 3+years since I didn’t cry maybe longer, don’t even remember.

I think my heart became tougher and colder when I realized I was on my own and nobody care about my tears

I really believe crying is a biological phenomenon that happens to get support and help, that’s why women absolutely love to cry. It works for them

As soon as my brain registered that my tear will spark no help , on the contrary can have really negative social effect.
The tear in my body dried like a desert
Idk, I feel it's unhealthy to never ever cry. Although I do agree you should do it in public
The origin of that phrase is kinda :bluepill: but the meaning is :blackpill:

foids were and still are against this saying because it bothered them that men wouldn't show emotions and then get instantly turned off when a man showed weakness by crying, as always, just virtue signaling.

It is true that crying does help release stress and stabilizes your mental health, but you should never do it in front of others unless you're able to come back of it almost instantly, otherwise other men will see you as a pussy and women will not even consider you a man. :blackpill:

Don't even buy into the "I like emotional guys :foidSoy:" bs, if you're not chad, this won't work, even if you manage to somehow ascend and get a gf that loves you, don't cry in front of her, she will say she supports you and shit but as soon as you start crying her pussy will be as dry as a Mexican tostada.
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nice metaphor lol lolllllll
Idk, I feel it's unhealthy to never ever cry.
I don’t think so, crying is not a need like sex or food

It will really toughen your mind , to learn not to cry.

And on the other hand it’s extremely useless to cry as an incel because no one gives a shit
The men of the Iliad of Homer wept for their fallen comrades. But I think youre a bitch nigga to cry about stupid shit like foids
The origin of that phrase is kinda :bluepill: but the meaning is :blackpill:

foids were and still are against this saying because it bothered them that men wouldn't show emotions and then get instantly turned off when a man showed weakness by crying, as always, just virtue signaling.

It is true that crying does help release stress and stabilizes your mental health, but you should never do it in front of others unless you're able to come back of it almost instantly, otherwise other men will see you as a pussy and women will not even consider you a man. :blackpill:

Don't even buy into the "I like emotional guys :foidSoy:" bs, if you're not chad, this won't work, even if you manage to somehow ascend and get a gf that loves you, don't cry in front of her, she will say she supports you and shit but as soon as you start crying her pussy will be as dry as a Mexican tostada.
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Men are more emotional that women
I have no more tears left
Never felt better after crying tbh. It doesn’t let anything out, just compresses it and makes it denser so you can fit more in, like pushing the trash down in a trash can
Crying just gives me a massive headache and makes me feel worse. Better to stew until the sadness turns into white hot rage :reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee:
Holes are sociopathic. This is nothing new.

stop supporting porn and invest into the only thing thats matters gore!

Pornograghy is filled with propaganda (water is moist) I'm not here to talk about how they fake everything and I mean everything starting from corny unrealistic scenarios to artificial seminal fluids aka fake jizz, exaggerated moans, annoyingly overrated screams and shouts.
foids pee themselves for an '' orgasm'' , pumping up water and shooting it out in an attempt to fool us into believing that we have just witnessed the most intense foid ejaculation and lets not forget to mention their overall shitty performance and how do they lack the bare minimum knowledge of basic human anatomy.
this phenomenon can be exhibited by male performers engaging in certain profoundly mentally retarded behaviors such as viciously and repeatedly slapping their meat and hands across the vagina thinking they are clitorally stimulating foids while most of them don't know jackshit about foid's sexual functions which in turn lead to foids unironically feel compiled to play along with this degenerative actions via faking arousal and orgasm!


furthermore they prepetuate the notion that even incels like us get a chance to fuck stacys

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/TooAfraidToAsk/comments/b6apgj/why_are_guys_in_porn_so_fugly/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3

thats right you have stacys and beckys getting double dicked down by nothing more than subhumans with oversized penises that we'd easily mog lookwise any day of the week as they tend to look like dogshit while literally fucking the shit out of foids balls banging on the wall, no lube , whole footlong dicks in their system stretching their holes into oblivion
it gives a misinterpretation of the reality that we know and endure, yet another bluepilled inducing fantasies and as a blackpiller you know something is wrong with this mental image seeing a truecels in every sense of the word ,they are even sometimes blessed with micro penises and the foid actress would be like break my back daddy which is physically impossible for them
i know and speaking of experience having been a coomer for so many years now; that this an unhealthy escapism, lets face the facts this is a very deceptive and manipulative tatic employed by pornographic directors to keep us brocels hooked and invested because they recognize our deep rooted insecurities so they are exploiting them by casting subhumans for males performers giving us a false sense of inclution and baseless expectations.
yeah no thanks, im done with this shit as i strive to disdain myself off any bluepill induced crap id rather watch foids getting beheaded (in a video game).

Time to rope or cope
Toilets are psychopaths they will not hesitate to show their true colors especially if you were an ugly manlet
I have not cried since I was child. It’s not because of societal expectations or anything , I just never felt the need to.

Foids are toxic for hating men that cry. Foids have no redeeming qualities
Foids and tradcucks are the one pushing the toxic masculinity on men, some things are natural biological processes. Its not healthy penting things up, you will get a heart attack before 40.
I cried a lot in every school I was in in front of everyone cuz bullying


Society is the one who’s pushing toxic masculinity to men ,and this is hurting everyone

What kinda piece of shit would restrict a man to cry ?

You can cry, just never do it infront of people
Yeah I know but most times I just bursted cuz of over the top bullying

Just couldn’t handle it cuz everywhere I go people treated me really fucking bad

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