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It's Over Men and women are beyond compromise



"Grass" said she has a BF
May 25, 2021
Men and women are in a irrecoverable pediment. Modern technology advance humanity to the point many elements of history is hardly applicable anymore, such as war, gender roles, children morality, etc. as a consequence we really don't need each other like our ancestors did. If we don't need each other, then there are fewer reasons to invest in each other. That's definitely the mentality the average women has, especially towards her looksmatch and under.
This reality is increasing the count of incels in given population, and this thread will demonstrate that was not only inevitable, but also irreversible, even if there was a global 'collapse'.

Since the paleolithic era humans always had high infant morality rate and a sex ratio geared towards men.
Across the entire historical sample the authors found that on average, 26.9% of newborns died in their first year of life and 46.2% died before they reached adulthood. Two estimates that are easy to remember: Around a quarter died in the first year of life. Around half died as children.

the statistics on child health in the world today: The global infant mortality rate is now 2.9%. And 4.6% die before reaching the age of 15.
The highest being 11% in Afghanistan.

For most countries, there are around 105 males per 100 female births. This is what the World Health Organization (WHO) estimates as the ‘expected’ sex ratio at birth: in the absence of gender discrimination or interference we’d expect there to be around 105 boys born per 100 girls, although this can range from around 103 to 107 boys per 100 girls.

(With child mortality declining) Once the couple settle on their last child, what continues the sexual relationship is non-reproductive sex. As a result, hedonism was inevitable. This is not the basis which our ancestors engage in marriages. Everything had a overarching purpose, including sex, in the eyes of the past. To top it all off, women only specially wish to fuck chads. The outcome of modern hedonism you see are the characteristics of fallen empires in modern places like delayed marriages, identity politics, divorces, broken homes, open hypergamy, emotionalism, etc.

Many like to propose this is the fault of not sending simps to war. First of all, you don't send your most effeminate guys to the battlefield if you want to protect your country and obtain loot from other people. Also, the decline of military participation because of tech, much like hedonism, was inevitable.

The effects on employment of these new weapons systems altered the doctrinal way of waging war for both Allied and Axis powers. Properly employed machine guns proved to be devastating to massed infantry formations and paved the way for the creation of a whole new methodology of war fighting. The machine gun became the keystone of the infantry defense and a major supplier of organic firepower in the offense.
https://www.marines.mil/Portals/1/Publications/MCTP 3-01C (Formerly MCWP 3-15.1).pdf?ver=2016-08-02-094831-553

Mutual assured destruction is a key deterrent against the use of the most powerful weapons. The threat of it successfully prevented the deployment of a nuclear weapon during and since the United States versus Soviet Union Cold War. It has also prevented the escalation to total warfare scenarios

Before the machine guns, there were gatling guns and multiple-barrel firearms slowly rendering the use of large, infantry formations as useless tactic in favor more clusters of military units or guerrilla warfare, which means fewer people enter the battlefield. And nukes removed the possibilities for conquests, thus reducing the possibilities of kidnapping women and forcibly bare their captures' families.
This matters because for most of human history the warrior class were outside of the general population. Once these solders settle with them, they had their war-brides, leaving the common women with the common men to their devices. Now, the majority of the strongest men with hunter eyes and warrior looks (Chads) never leave for war, forcing the rest of the guys to compete w/ them on an unbalanced, dating field.

Not to mention there's a surplus of men in western countries due to immigration.

With these factors in mind, in a absolute monogamous, global paradigm (let alone in a polygamous one) with the same medical/technological progress, incels are destined to exist.

Half a day's walk, little less. Perhaps a day's walk for the more remote villages. Given the average of 5km/h (3.1 mph) I'd say 25 kilometers, maybe 30 kilometers.
Several researchers say around 10km a day.

Modern Aircraft can mobilize around the globe in less than day (if pushed to their limits)

Women's exposure of the number of men was significantly smaller in ancient times than today, which means their dating pool was likewise smaller as well. Women's hypergamous senses wasn't as sensitive like now, thanks to the media, and will be worse in the future (absolute globalism).

Around 80-90 percent of common men in the past were farmers, in present day it's approximately 2-30% (depending on location).
This is significant because there are fewer need for farmers, self-employment can no longer be expected like it used to. It's also declining over time in many places. This translates the desire for large government for financial backing and security (even if people's taxes get higher, resulting the reduction of spending more, working harder, and innovation).
Even if there was a “collapse” of modern civilization, civilians will quickly return back to big brother since the vast majority of them can't solely support themselves with modern standards. What comes out of it is more dystopian laws and taxes in favour of women (emotional, compliant voters & tax payers which are perfect for dictatorships).

Even female biologists are coming to the similar conclusions.

There used to be a time where the gender role were balanced-men provided the materials, women will 'dress' the materials. E.g. men will hunt for food for the family, women will cook the food for the family. Men would get wool or cotton, the women will use it weave clothes.
Men are still demanded to provide (as their attractiveness is incorporated into it, unlike women), but feminine roles have been virtually automated within the home. This creates an imbalance in the nuclear family model. Anyone can go and get a prepared meal or get robots to clean their living spaces (roombas) in minutes unlike in antiquity.

Many women made cloth at home, and sometimes they used that cloth to make clothes for themselves and their families.

Time use studies have indicated that one solution to the multiple demands incurred when women enter the labor market is to put less time into housework (Berk and Berk 1979). Since the fewer hours put into housework by employed married women is not made up by contributions from other family members, the amount of housework which gets done within the family declines absolutely.

Besides getting up earlier to do housework before work and devoting weekends to laundry, shopping, and cleaning, working wives also spend part of their wages for time-saving foods and appliances, although rarely for paid household help. Thus, employment gets translated into lowered household production less complicated meals, less ironing, less sewing--and higher household consumption--microwave ovens, dishwashers, and meals from fast food restaurants.

Not having to attend the household as much, modern women have more income than ever from employment, and since they don't date down, the requirements in dating for men has gone up with fewer payoffs. Modernity has done nothing to compensate for it, it actually make women more spoiled and less companionably coveted.
I mean, universally is a trope that gfs/wives nag their “SO”s & complain about everything without really having something positive in return (that men would care about). That's not really love, that's for certain. It's about time normie guys should ask themselves "what's the point?"

It additionally doesn't help that the average woman don't find the average man attractive to begin with.

Insults to injuries, female infidelity rates are rising due to the access of dating apps.

But consider this; with the acceptance of single parenthood, there's really no logical reason for modern men to invest in women, especially when the outcomes of single fatherhood is just as excellent or more so, than single motherhood's.
Using NSFH 1987–1988 data, Hall, Walker, and Acock (1995) compared noncohabiting single-mother (1,433) and single-father (128) households.

Hall et al. also found that single fathers spent slightly more time than single mothers in leisure activities with children away from home, and mothers spent slightly more time in private talks with children.

Boys in father-custody homes showed greater maturity and sociability than did girls in father-custody homes

Using data from the 1988 NELS, Downey and Powell (1993) looked at 35 social, psychological, and educational outcomes and could not find even one in which both males and females benefit significantly from living with their same-sex parent. Only four outcomes regarding interaction between the sex of the parent and the child were significant, and the effects were counter to the same-sex thesis: On several educational outcomes—educational expectations of the child, some standardized test scores, and educational objects in the home—girls scored higher if they were in father-only households.

Fatherhood is more naturally beneficial for children anyway:
Among participants who reported higher levels of paternal warmth (but not maternal warmth), vasopressin (vs. placebo and oxytocin) increased ratings of empathic concern after viewing distressing and uplifting videos. No main or interaction effects were found for individuals who received oxytocin.
Vasopressin has a role in enhancing empathy among individuals who received higher levels of paternal warmth.

These findings coincide with the devastating affects of father absence.
You won't find results of similar significance for mother absence.

If you think that Islam will save the west, know that more and more Muslims are leaving Islam. Likely because once you ask question on the Qu'ran's claims and look for evidence prior to the time of the Siras/Hadiths/Tafsir (the vast majority are from 100-300 centuries after Muhammad, if he existed), it's either questionable, non-existent, or too late.
Islam wouldn't help anyway, since Islam promotes polygyny (keep in mind the sex ratio again and that war is declining), the number of western incels are going to rise in droves regardless.

The conclusion of this data highlights the fact the environment which our male progenitors bred under to create you and me is non-existent. The ancient, social contracts like monogamy, masculine protection, family, etc. were built from the needs of the other sex, however, technology has & is gradually removed those needs and hedonism is here to stay, thus dissolving all the contracts.

Because of modern warfare, there's never going to be a physical, civil war that'll change the west (hereby the rest of the world). There is a war, a psychological one (one that may escalate into a digital one) among sexual strategies, in which, men are losing because their desperation and naïveté of the whole situation. Even if there was a destruction of the modern world, bluepillers (the majority of males) are more likely blame the symptoms, not the source-gynocentrism, like we see with traditionalists (“Men need more responsibility” without any means of enforcing it and/or payoff). Because of these guys, there's not going to be a collapse to correct civilization by removing feminism, rather, an endless cycle of dictatorship, feminine selfishness/gaslighting, simpry, and destruction.

It's truly over, and for us, it never began.

What is the solution?
Given that there are more males being born, male inclined immigration, polygamy, uncensored hypergamy, and the rate of inceldom are irreversibly trending, the only ways forward are sexbots and artificial wombs for men, even if traditionalism magically made a comeback.
It's pretty much guaranteed that China, India, (maybe) Russia, and any location that promote polygyny will continue the development of artificial wombs (not quite so sure about sex robots tho), even if the west abandons the project. Women will bitch about it (not realizing that only makes them less attractive), but at that point, the amount of men who won't care will outnumber the soys who would.
The countries that banned such machinery will ultimately vote in favor of them, because immigrates (imported due to the low birth rates) who want them will eventually replace the native voters/legislators. From there we might finally acquire equality in this irrecoverable pediment between the sexes.
(Until such technology arrives, surrogate mothers may be our only option).

TL;DR: Thanks to modern medicine and technology, the relationship between men and women have been permanently cut opened. Not even a collapse or traditionalism can patch the wound together. The only things men can hope for are sex robots and artificial wombs to compensate the limited supply of females.
Amazing post. Very high IQ :feelsLSD: :blackpill:
Mods should pin this thread.

What is the solution?
Given that there are more males being born, male inclined immigration, polygamy, uncensored hypergamy, and the rate of inceldom are irreversibly trending, the only ways forward are sexbots and artificial wombs for men, even if traditionalism magically made a comeback.

(Until such technology arrives, surrogate mothers may be our only option).
I actually think making female clones will be a better solution than sexbots. Imagine making biological/genetically engineered female clones that are designed to be loyal/monogamous to one man/incel and that these female clones will be young, fertile, and beautiful.

These clones can be mass produced by the millions/billions. Every man can then be given true love and companionship.
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The only things men can hope for are sex robots and artificial wombs to compensate the limited supply of females

Ugly men,:chad: still swim in pussy.
And sex robots and artificial wombs are cope.
Might as well go ahead and become a monk.
modern medicine also increased life expectancy
"the only ways forward are sexbots and artificial wombs for men"tbh
Amazing post. Very high IQ :feelsLSD: :blackpill:
Mods should pin this thread.

I actually think making female clones will be a better solution than sexbots. Imagine making biological/genetically engineered female clones that are designed to be loyal/monogamous to one man/incel and that these female clones will be young, fertile, and beautiful.

These clones can be mass produced by the millions/billions. Every man can then be given true love and companionship.
Thank you. :feelsokman:
I agree in spirit, especially in the long game, but clones tend to not live very long and have multiple genetic defects. Artificial wombs & sexbots have already proven to work in concept and can't discriminate a man based on age or looks. It's just matter of perfecting the technology.
Ugly men,:chad: still swim in pussy.
And sex robots and artificial wombs are cope.
Might as well go ahead and become a monk.
Because of the sex ratio, polygamy, and decreasing child mortality, there's always going to be incels. And the number is only rising. Sex machines may sound like a cope, but understanding the demographics of the population and modernity among the sexes, they're really our only practical option.
For most guys (not us necessarily), if they don't have a promise for (future) sexual satisfaction, they eventually become discouraged and distraught. We already see this among non-chads. (Expect gulags if we reach a social breaking point where government will attempt to control the incel population).
Monk mode can only satisfyingly acceptable if it's optional, like I explained before, increasingly it's not optional and that's going to have an internal then external impact on men.
Very good post :feelsokman:
modern medicine also increased life expectancy
"the only ways forward are sexbots and artificial wombs for men"tbh

Excellent point! And given that women will eventually get bored with their SOs (then usually either cheat or withhold sex), it's all the more why sexbots has to be a choice among men.

[UWSL]@[/UWSL]BlkPillPres [UWSL]@sexratiocel [/UWSL][UWSL]@Zer0/∞[/UWSL]​

[UWSL]Thoughts on the original post?[/UWSL]
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too bad most powerful men are married and/or don't hate women.
If they were misogynists and had balls things would get better fast.
I wouldn't mind being KHHV as much if women weren't invading tech, higher education, medical fields and other things,
and also giving the worst types of men self condidence to act like dicks to other men.
Women shouldn't be allowed to choose their partners
Amazing post. Very high IQ :feelsLSD: :blackpill:
Mods should pin this thread.

I actually think making female clones will be a better solution than sexbots. Imagine making biological/genetically engineered female clones that are designed to be loyal/monogamous to one man/incel and that these female clones will be young, fertile, and beautiful.

These clones can be mass produced by the millions/billions. Every man can then be given true love and companionship.
:feelsokman: yes yes cloning doesn't sound bad at all. Finally a clone of my oneitis:bigbrain:
They were never able to compromise, which is why men had women under their thumb for so long.

Men already knew the detrimental effects of allowing women to stand on equal footing with them, and apparently profit out weighed those effects.

Women by default cannot compromise. It's their way or the highway. They only respond to action, which is why telling your wife to stop and beating her ass to make her stop boasts extremely different results.

They are irrational and emotional. The modern women of today hate men merley because someone else told them to.

What do you expect to happen when you allow a physically and mentally weaker person to have equal responsibilities. You get an easily controllable corporate shill.
Outstanding explanation and post. Very based and anthropology-pilled
Amazing post. Very high IQ :feelsLSD: :blackpill:
Mods should pin this thread.

I actually think making female clones will be a better solution than sexbots. Imagine making biological/genetically engineered female clones that are designed to be loyal/monogamous to one man/incel and that these female clones will be young, fertile, and beautiful.

These clones can be mass produced by the millions/billions. Every man can then be given true love and companionship.
Man still have to be exploided with the constant promise of a good life , If Hes just Working hard enough

So that wont Happen anytime soon
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They were never able to compromise, which is why men had women under their thumb for so long.

Men already knew the detrimental effects of allowing women to stand on equal footing with them, and apparently profit out weighed those effects.

Women by default cannot compromise. It's their way or the highway. They only respond to action, which is why telling your wife to stop and beating her ass to make her stop boasts extremely different results.

They are irrational and emotional. The modern women of today hate men merley because someone else told them to.

What do you expect to happen when you allow a physically and mentally weaker person to have equal responsibilities. You get an easily controllable corporate shill.
Word up mane! :blackpill:
You can even see during social gatherings where men are with their women where women behave louder than men 'cause they don't tell them to shut up.

Most men nowadays think women are equals which is horrendous bullshit.
I worked at my toughness for couple years and I heard some women telling me they are scared of me (in a way that I am dangerous) and I tell them that they should.

Women are only tough in their mouth. Just grab that bitch and you will see she is scared af unless she is some ultra feminist working out in a gym.
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Nice reading.

Women's exposure of the number of men was significantly smaller in ancient times than today, which means their dating pool was likewise smaller as well. Women's hypergamous senses wasn't as sensitive like now, thanks to the media, and will be worse in the future (absolute globalism).

Thats an oversimplification. Foids are geneticall designed to crave for Chad, but traditional societies had cultural and institutional counterweights to balance this craving and make societies work. Its like hair. We lost our hair through natural selection but this was viable because, at the same time and while we were losing our hair, we developed techniques, traditions and institutions that compensated for it. Well... We abolished most of these ideologies and institutions that compensated for the genetically driven foid desire for chad during the last 400 years. It started with the european modernity, and peaked with the Enlightment.

Left unrestrained, this foid craving can only lead to severe inequality in the sexual market. And, the less influence these traditionalist cultures, ideologies and institutions have over the new global culture in the making, the worse things are gonna be. And that means more and more social chaos and violence/repression, because the only way to make a growing minority of oppressed people cooperate with its society in the context of a social contract that doesnt benefit them at all is by forcing them to cooperate. And that means censorship, violence and even death against those that cant benefit from an extremely unbalanced sexual market.

Thats why, as incels, we have basically two problems: the biological problem of foids craving for chad, and the cultural problem of having abolished all cultural and institutional restrictions to this craving.
Ive written about it, if youre interested: https://incels.is/threads/wall-of-t...-the-two-true-problems-of-every-incel.199809/
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too bad most powerful men are married and/or don't hate women.
If they were misogynists and had balls things would get better fast.
I wouldn't mind being KHHV as much if women weren't invading tech, higher education, medical fields and other things,
and also giving the worst types of men self condidence to act like dicks to other men.
Women shouldn't be allowed to choose their partners
Don't be surprised if those men do in fact hate women, but they know that feminism (women's sexual liberation) is the key component to quench their male sexual strategy (unlimited access to multiple holes). What most sub8 who observe them fail to realize that those powerful men success is determined by their bones.
:feelsokman: yes yes cloning doesn't sound bad at all. Finally a clone of my oneitis:bigbrain:
All women have a dual mating strategy, including an clone. A bot who looks identitical to your oneitis would be superior to the real thing.

@ThoughtfulCel @IsolationHurts
While I agree with you in respects to our different sexual tactics, but in terms of modern world because of our technology and medicine, the result is inevitable increase of hedonism (remember, women only to fuck chads), the count of incels, and there's nothing for men in the west (and the locations that are influenced by it) as women are unable to compensate for replacement of their gender roles, even if traditionalism made a temporary return.

Simply to say, women were once more important than their pussy and virtually every adult man could get one with a fair exchange, now, it's no longer case, and yet the price of access, especially for monogamy, has reached unrealistic costs. The only realistic answers to this lack of supply are robots and artificial wombs.

Word up mane! :blackpill:
You can even see during social gatherings where men are with their women where women behave louder than men 'cause they don't tell them to shut up.

Most men nowadays think women are equals which is horrendous bullshit.
I worked at my toughness for couple years and I heard some women telling me they are scared of me (in a way that I am dangerous) and I tell them that they should.

Women are only tough in their mouth. Just grab that bitch and you will see she is scared af unless she is some ultra feminist working out in a gym.
True, but once you try to put those bitches in their place, whiteknights will pounce on you like their lives depend on it. Ofc these "equalitarians" would never do the same for guys, even if they were clearly weak.

Great job successfully lowinhibmaxxing. More incels need to grow more balls in public.

Outstanding explanation and post. Very based and anthropology-pilled

amazing effort. good job.

Man still have to be exploided with the constant promise of a good life , If Hes just Working hard enough

So that wont Happen anytime soon

They were never able to compromise, which is why men had women under their thumb for so long.

Men already knew the detrimental effects of allowing women to stand on equal footing with them, and apparently profit out weighed those effects.

Women by default cannot compromise. It's their way or the highway. They only respond to action, which is why telling your wife to stop and beating her ass to make her stop boasts extremely different results.

They are irrational and emotional. The modern women of today hate men merley because someone else told them to.

What do you expect to happen when you allow a physically and mentally weaker person to have equal responsibilities. You get an easily controllable corporate shill.
Clausolas Dezitus iq :bigbrain:
Men and women are in a irrecoverable pediment. Modern technology advance humanity to the point many elements of history is hardly applicable anymore, such as war, gender roles, children morality, etc. as a consequence we really don't need each other like our ancestors did. If we don't need each other, then there are fewer reasons to invest in each other. That's definitely the mentality the average women has, especially towards her looksmatch and under.
This reality is increasing the count of incels in given population, and this thread will demonstrate that was not only inevitable, but also irreversible, even if there was a global 'collapse'.

Since the paleolithic era humans always had high infant morality rate and a sex ratio geared towards men.

The highest being 11% in Afghanistan.


(With child mortality declining) Once the couple settle on their last child, what continues the sexual relationship is non-reproductive sex. As a result, hedonism was inevitable. This is not the basis which our ancestors engage in marriages. Everything had a overarching purpose, including sex, in the eyes of the past. To top it all off, women only specially wish to fuck chads. The outcome of modern hedonism you see are the characteristics of fallen empires in modern places like delayed marriages, identity politics, divorces, broken homes, open hypergamy, emotionalism, etc.

Many like to propose this is the fault of not sending simps to war. First of all, you don't send your most effeminate guys to the battlefield if you want to protect your country and obtain loot from other people. Also, the decline of military participation because of tech, much like hedonism, was inevitable.

https://www.marines.mil/Portals/1/Publications/MCTP 3-01C (Formerly MCWP 3-15.1).pdf?ver=2016-08-02-094831-553


Before the machine guns, there were gatling guns and multiple-barrel firearms slowly rendering the use of large, infantry formations as useless tactic in favor more clusters of military units or guerrilla warfare, which means fewer people enter the battlefield. And nukes removed the possibilities for conquests, thus reducing the possibilities of kidnapping women and forcibly bare their captures' families.
This matters because for most of human history the warrior class were outside of the general population. Once these solders settle with them, they had their war-brides, leaving the common women with the common men to their devices. Now, the majority of the strongest men with hunter eyes and warrior looks (Chads) never leave for war, forcing the rest of the guys to compete w/ them on an unbalanced, dating field.

Not to mention there's a surplus of men in western countries due to immigration.

With these factors in mind, in a absolute monogamous, global paradigm (let alone in a polygamous one) with the same medical/technological progress, incels are destined to exist.

Several researchers say around 10km a day.

Modern Aircraft can mobilize around the globe in less than day (if pushed to their limits)

Women's exposure of the number of men was significantly smaller in ancient times than today, which means their dating pool was likewise smaller as well. Women's hypergamous senses wasn't as sensitive like now, thanks to the media, and will be worse in the future (absolute globalism).

Around 80-90 percent of common men in the past were farmers, in present day it's approximately 2-30% (depending on location).
This is significant because there are fewer need for farmers, self-employment can no longer be expected like it used to. It's also declining over time in many places. This translates the desire for large government for financial backing and security (even if people's taxes get higher, resulting the reduction of spending more, working harder, and innovation).
Even if there was a “collapse” of modern civilization, civilians will quickly return back to big brother since the vast majority of them can't solely support themselves with modern standards. What comes out of it is more dystopian laws and taxes in favour of women (emotional, compliant voters & tax payers which are perfect for dictatorships).

Even female biologists are coming to the similar conclusions.

There used to be a time where the gender role were balanced-men provided the materials, women will 'dress' the materials. E.g. men will hunt for food for the family, women will cook the food for the family. Men would get wool or cotton, the women will use it weave clothes.
Men are still demanded to provide (as their attractiveness is incorporated into it, unlike women), but feminine roles have been virtually automated within the home. This creates an imbalance in the nuclear family model. Anyone can go and get a prepared meal or get robots to clean their living spaces (roombas) in minutes unlike in antiquity.



Not having to attend the household as much, modern women have more income than ever from employment, and since they don't date down, the requirements in dating for men has gone up with fewer payoffs. Modernity has done nothing to compensate for it, it actually make women more spoiled and less companionably coveted.
I mean, universally is a trope that gfs/wives nag their “SO”s & complain about everything without really having something positive in return (that men would care about). That's not really love, that's for certain. It's about time normie guys should ask themselves "what's the point?"

It additionally doesn't help that the average woman don't find the average man attractive to begin with.

Insults to injuries, female infidelity rates are rising due to the access of dating apps.

But consider this; with the acceptance of single parenthood, there's really no logical reason for modern men to invest in women, especially when the outcomes of single fatherhood is just as excellent or more so, than single motherhood's.


Fatherhood is more naturally beneficial for children anyway:

These findings coincide with the devastating affects of father absence.
You won't find results of similar significance for mother absence.

If you think that Islam will save the west, know that more and more Muslims are leaving Islam. Likely because once you ask question on the Qu'ran's claims and look for evidence prior to the time of the Siras/Hadiths/Tafsir (the vast majority are from 100-300 centuries after Muhammad, if he existed), it's either questionable, non-existent, or too late.
Islam wouldn't help anyway, since Islam promotes polygyny (keep in mind the sex ratio again and that war is declining), the number of western incels are going to rise in droves regardless.

The conclusion of this data highlights the fact the environment which our male progenitors bred under to create you and me is non-existent. The ancient, social contracts like monogamy, masculine protection, family, etc. were built from the needs of the other sex, however, technology has & is gradually removed those needs and hedonism is here to stay, thus dissolving all the contracts.

Because of modern warfare, there's never going to be a physical, civil war that'll change the west (hereby the rest of the world). There is a war, a psychological one (one that may escalate into a digital one) among sexual strategies, in which, men are losing because their desperation and naïveté of the whole situation. Even if there was a destruction of the modern world, bluepillers (the majority of males) are more likely blame the symptoms, not the source-gynocentrism, like we see with traditionalists (“Men need more responsibility” without any means of enforcing it and/or payoff). Because of these guys, there's not going to be a collapse to correct civilization by removing feminism, rather, an endless cycle of dictatorship, feminine selfishness/gaslighting, simpry, and destruction.

It's truly over, and for us, it never began.

What is the solution?
Given that there are more males being born, male inclined immigration, polygamy, uncensored hypergamy, and the rate of inceldom are irreversibly trending, the only ways forward are sexbots and artificial wombs for men, even if traditionalism magically made a comeback.
It's pretty much guaranteed that China, India, (maybe) Russia, and any location that promote polygyny will continue the development of artificial wombs (not quite so sure about sex robots tho), even if the west abandons the project. Women will bitch about it (not realizing that only makes them less attractive), but at that point, the amount of men who won't care will outnumber the soys who would.
The countries that banned such machinery will ultimately vote in favor of them, because immigrates (imported due to the low birth rates) who want them will eventually replace the native voters/legislators. From there we might finally acquire equality in this irrecoverable pediment between the sexes.
(Until such technology arrives, surrogate mothers may be our only option).

TL;DR: Thanks to modern medicine and technology, the relationship between men and women have been permanently cut opened. Not even a collapse or traditionalism can patch the wound together. The only things men can hope for are sex robots and artificial wombs to compensate the limited supply of females.
High IQ, sadly west world quality sex bots are probably not going to be in my life time.
They were never able to compromise, which is why men had women under their thumb for so long.

Men already knew the detrimental effects of allowing women to stand on equal footing with them, and apparently profit out weighed those effects.

Women by default cannot compromise. It's their way or the highway. They only respond to action,

They are irrational and emotional. The modern women of today hate men merley because someone else told them to.

What do you expect to happen when you allow a physically and mentally weaker person to have equal responsibilities. You get an easily controllable corporate shill.
Holy based monkeyman
Nice reading.

Thats an oversimplification. Foids are geneticall designed to crave for Chad, but traditional societies had cultural and institutional counterweights to balance this craving and make societies work. Its like hair. We lost our hair through natural selection but this was viable because, at the same time and while we were losing our hair, we developed techniques, traditions and institutions that compensated for it. Well... We abolished most of these ideologies and institutions that compensated for the genetically driven foid desire for chad during the last 400 years. It started with the european modernity, and peaked with the Enlightment.

Left unrestrained, this foid craving can only lead to severe inequality in the sexual market. And, the less influence these traditionalist cultures, ideologies and institutions have over the new global culture in the making, the worse things are gonna be. And that means more and more social chaos and violence/repression, because the only way to make a growing minority of oppressed people cooperate with its society in the context of a social contract that doesnt benefit them at all is by forcing them to cooperate. And that means censorship, violence and even death against those that cant benefit from an extremely unbalanced sexual market.

Thats why, as incels, we have basically two problems: the biological problem of foids craving for chad, and the cultural problem of having abolished all cultural and institutional restrictions to this craving.
Ive written about it, if youre interested: https://incels.is/threads/wall-of-t...-the-two-true-problems-of-every-incel.199809/
You nailed it, very well explained :feelsYall:

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