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Hypocrisy Media calling us as grave of a threat as ISIS.

  • Thread starter Deleted member 10124
  • Start date

Deleted member 10124

Jul 8, 2018

Un fucking believable.

The follow on comments to that tweet are based though.
I read his book a few years ago and he completely misunderstood movements like al-Qaeda and his analysis on ISIS was even worse. Obviously didn't understand the intricacies and motivations of "Islamist" terrorism and theology, so wont bode any better in what he says about incels.
The only similarities we have with ISIS is that the government created us both.
Incels are not a movement, this is fucking retarded
The goverment will waste resources on incels that could be redirected to real terrorists.
It's ironic the ones who will suffer from this are normalfags.
Every dollar the media has ever made in ratings of clicks should be donated to incels so they can surgerymaxx. If society gave us faces that weren't hideous, they would be giving us something to lose, which is a lot better than leaving us with nothing to lose.
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Where's the thread that says we should all imitate and worship elliot?
Incel terrorism :feelsgah:

Meanwhile Trump and his jew friends are killing foreign leaders for the glory of Israel and the trannies keep pushing their agenda to make every kid trans, clown world :feelsclown: :feelsclown: :feelsclown:
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Do you know why we are targeted?

It's coz we are weak losers who don't have money to hire lawyers and tell people like this to fuck off.

Facebook and Twitter literally let terrorist recruit on their platform. Yet why does the FBI let them off?
If they are so concerned about us then why don't they provide us with a state sanctioned girlfriend. Problem solved
This idiot.

"Moreover, the fact that, as Berger notes, many incels themselves claim to be suffering from psychological issues such as depression or evidence some degree of autism suggests the need for more proactive intervention from therapists and other mental health professionals. But, this is more easily said than done, as journalist Aja Romano, who has studied incels, notes. “Outreach for incels shouldn’t start with enabling the community’s violent misogyny or its collective sense of entitlement to the bodies and emotional support of women,” Romano argues. “It should start with improving men’s access to mental health treatment—and, crucially, their faith that it can do them any good.” "

So the meme of therapy being a cure-all, yet they want therapists to "intervene" (report us to the cops) if someone expresses incel views. The amount of times I saw "alt-right" and "white nationalist" peppered about, you'd figure we'd all be wearing armbands. No, I'd say the majority of incels are racial minorities but nice frame-up.
Idiot. How are bunch of lonely virgins as dangerous as Jihadists? I can't even lift 5 kg bag well.
I don’t like leaving my house and when I do, the last thing I am is dangerous:feelstrash:
“Incel terrorism” lmao I wish

Not really because violence is bad and it’s a joke
If they can't censor muslims or alt-righters, why are they only picking on us? Once again, proving unattractive men are always treated worse than everyone else, and not cared for. They don't even want us to vent together anonymously online. Too bad it's going to happen anyway cucks.

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Inkels aren't entitled to government funded hookers :soy:

We must invest more taxes in bluepill therapy to help incels :soy:

But they must also force themselves to believe in it :soy:
The goverment will waste resources on incels that could be redirected to real terrorists.
It's ironic the ones who will suffer from this are normalfags.
It can use the resources on government funded hookers too.
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government should provide us state funded surgeries smh
Am I looking at a photoshop? Is this the Onion? Is this reality? I still can't beleive that this is a real tweet.

It looks like Arab terrorists no longer work as a boogeyman the government propagandists can use anymore. Goatfucking sand niggers aren't scaring midwestern nagging soccer moms and dumb beer chugging blue collar types anymore, so they're resorting to ugly lonely virgins to use as the next boogeyman?

Clown fucking world keeps on honking.
Incels are not a movement, this is fucking retarded
Islam and the alt-right aren't movements either, but they don't want "extremist" ideologies spreading. The blackpill will make non-chads know the truth about women and the government, so they won't want commitment with used foids or to support the cucked government.
That's because ISIS are brown-skinned Muslims, thus in the current paradigm they are innocent victims that simply made some bad turns in life and now seek redemption. We on the other hand are seen as Ku Klux Klan incarnate plotting day and night to recreate the ending of the Turner Diaries.
damn right I am a real threat just look at my small cock it has a sheath and it shoots highly potent seminal rounds and when I go all E.R I will stand outside of a concert rip down my pants and fire my little bazooka and by god the amount of bitches that get pregnant from this will be in the hundreds and it will be declared the greatest terrorist threat to foidkind.
Idiot. How are bunch of lonely virgins as dangerous as Jihadists?
Reminder that society wants undesirable men to become lab rats. Women, men, and therapist want to hurt you emotionally, mentally and maybe physically they’ll never try to befriend you and help you become social. Incels ain’t here to hurt anyone they have no one to trust/talk to but other incels.
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Jfl at this retards. He didn't een knew about the word. It's unbelievable that these worthless people get paid for this shit.
The worse thing is a lot of these "experts" they pay 100's of thousands of dollars to study us are foids without any self awareness, or cucks who are too low t to accept the blackpill and stop coping.
They never want to address why incels exit in the first place, seeing lonely men say mean things about women is all these idiots care about.
It's only a matter of time before they start hauling us off to re-education concentration camps. There's just no way femoids and cucks will allow men to disrespect m'lady.
It's only a matter of time before they start hauling us off to re-education concentration camps. There's just no way femoids and cucks will allow men to disrespect m'lady.
Those sacks of trash won't have any power over anything soon.
The Alt-Right and the Hebrew Israelites should ally with Iran, they'd be remembered as saviors against american-zionist degeneracy, prove me wrong.
From incel to terror cell: a case study on radicalization when no gf
The guy who wrote this shit is getting cucked by a chad as we speak, assuming he has a wife.

If he doesn't have one, that makes him an incel too.
LMAO at least they pay us attention tbh even if they are completely retarded
the power of no gf and playing FPS all day every day
They see us as the same as ISIS because a lot of its members were incels themselves

Just have to add this article here.

Will any UK Cel who has a subscription to the Times be perfectly okay copying & pasting or screen captioning this article to put here please.
Doesn't surprise me this Femistazi favours the Sex Buyer Law

Incels aren't an ideology, we're just guys that are lacking in intimacy with females because of things we can't control. The whole narrative that we're a boogeyman looking for new world order is retarded, we just want some sex and to not be treated like subhuman filth.

Just have to add this article here.

Will any UK Cel who has a subscription to the Times be perfectly okay copying & pasting or screen captioning this article to put here please.
Doesn't surprise me this Femistazi favours the Sex Buyer Law

I’d expected “incel” websites to make me angry, but mainly they made me sad. These forums for “involuntarily celibate” men reek of self-pity, porn-addled frustration, incipient suicide. Of course incels hate women, want to punish, humiliate and rape the “femoids” who won’t deliver the sex they regard as their birthright. But not as much as they hate themselves.

A guy posts a photo of his shameful “manboobs”; another writes of being a 5ft 1in “manlet”, treated eternally like a child; they call themselves morlocks, untermensch, genetic dregs and obese, neckbearded basement-dwellers. These male virgins envy the Chads (hot men) who pull Stacys (hot women) and even the “normies” (ordinary guys), while they are destined to live eternally without sex and, one assumes, love. Although no one ever talks of love.

Until Alek Minassian drove a rental van along a Toronto pavement killing ten people on Tuesday, I’d never heard the word “incel”. But Minassian’s last Facebook post – “The Incel Rebellion has already begun! We will overthrow all the Chads and Stacys! All hail Supreme Gentleman Elliot Rodger!” — upturned the stones under which vast incel communities hid on sites like Reddit and the hateful 4Chan.

Elliot Rodger is the incel “martyr” who stabbed and shot six people in Isla Vista, California, in 2014 before killing himself. He left behind a 100-page misogyny manifesto, detailing his anger at being 22 and never even kissed, despite his good looks and “supreme gentleman” charm.

After the Minassian attack, one joker tweeted that “as a member of the moderate Incel community, I condemn radicalised Incels”. Most awkward young men who can’t get laid take up computer gaming or film nerdery, grow up and eventually find a girl. But for the bitterest few, parallels with Islamic terrorism run deep: isolation, fragile mental health, a spark of hatred fuelled by ideological justification and fanned into an inferno online. Young frustrated western Muslim men travelled to join Isis on the promise of Yazidi sex slaves. Perhaps, like suicide bombers, Elliot Rodger hoped that in death he’d also enjoy 72 virgins, including the sorority girls who’d once turned him down.

There is a pattern among rampage killers of all kinds: the high school shooters, family annihilators, jihadi bombers, far-right conspiracists. For a start, dare I say it without igniting fury, they are inevitably men. That simple truth is unsayable; it is not seen as worthy of government funds or policy initiatives to address the fact that our prisons contain 80,000 men and just 4,000 women, that men are responsible for 90 per cent of violent crime. Why not?

Moreover when a massacre happens, after the initial neighbour interviews about how “he kept himself to himself” and “seemed a nice guy” comes what should have been the early warning sign. Terrorism, it turns out, begins at home. The wife of the Westminster killer Khalid Masood packed up her belongings and fled; a London Bridge attacker, Rachid Redouane, had hit his wife; Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel, who drove a truck into a crowd in Nice, had domestic abuse convictions; police report that London gang members involved in knife and gun murders grew up in households where beating women was the norm.

Violent men kick out when women who “should” obey them and submit to sex are beyond their control; some may take out this inchoate anger on the wider world. Incel sites express this in stark terms: posters blame feminism for making girls financially independent, so zeta men are surplus to reproductive requirements; incels are both repulsed by female promiscuity and resentful not to be favoured by “sluts”; they speak of the “Black Pill”, a nihilist theory that reality is rigged so they are destined to fail no matter what they do.

Most surprisingly, since we assume it is girls driven crazy by living up to Instagram perfection, incels are obsessed with their looks: how they’re doomed by weak chins, narrow shoulders and unfavourable “canthal tilts”, ie whether their eyes slant up at the end (attractive) or down (ugly). Yet they mock the “normies” who muscle up to attract shallow, lookist women. Anyway, they say forlornly, “there’s no gym for your face”.

A generation of boys has now received its sexual expectations from internet porn, an industry that pumps out ever harder, rougher, more violent imagery. Boys raised in loving homes at least have parents who can stomach the “porn conversation”. But the isolated kids, those lacking parental controls in any sense, experience a vast disjuncture between porn and real sex.

Any feminist who has sons, as I do, cannot rail unthinkingly against men. Mothers see boys’ vulnerabilities, the shyness beneath their energy, their puppyish love. They have watched them raised with a generation of girls who are more academically successful, confident and worldly, yet who now as young fourth-generation feminists condemn boys as “privileged” when they may feel anything but. Or who tell them they value sensitive, right-on men, then date the “hench” guys on the rugby team. Boys have no right to sex, but they are permitted to be confused.

Men are growing up in a MeToo world, where women are breaking down every barrier, refusing — at long last — to endure male sexual entitlement, from a basic hand-on-knee to a Bill Cosby. In both the workplace and domestic sphere, men’s lives are shifting and uncertain but their insecurities are dismissed as patriarchal power grabs, their isolation mocked as sad.

Women are blessed with the gift of connection: they share experiences, seek solidarity, organise. And these incel sites in their awful, cruel way are attempts by men to feel less alone, but where hurt metastasises into misogyny, blame and rage.

Just another normie journalist who wants to feel "woke" by spending 5 minutes reading threads on various public forums.

To be fair, Janice Turner isn't a complete SJW, the Times is a relatively respectable publication compared to the likes of Vox and the Huffington Post. I remember when she pissed off a bunch of trannies over some trivial issue.
Inceldom isn't a movement, it's the inability to get sex without paying for it.

As such, many of those who are driving this "incels are terrorists" drivel are incels themselves and thus should also be targeting themselves.
Foids have abandoned their lives to join isis to get with chaddam. Don't see that happening here.

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