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Mathematical proof that foids are evil.



Two worlds apart: theirs and ours.
Aug 1, 2018
Let me start by saying that this is derivated from what is quite a meme for most of the normscum, but I'm taking this one seriously which is why I didn't put the [Meme] tag.

With that being said, let's start this new proof.

Let t be the time (positive).
Let F be the function that describes the psychological state of foids.
Let M be the function that describes your financial state.
Let L be the function that describes your genetic looks.
Let S be the function that describes your status.
Let E be the Evil.

Let's proof that for any t, F(t) = E.

As E is a constant, we need to show that F'(t) = 0 for any t.

By definition, Money, Looks and Status are all required to get a foid.
So F(t) = M(t).L(t).S(t)

With the product rule:
F'(t) = M'(t).L(t).S(t) + M(t).L'(t).S(t) + M(t).L(t).S'(t)

Of course L'(t) = 0 for any t (we can't change our shitty genetics, bros... so we will look like shit forever).
As looks are required to get money and status, it also implies that naturally, we can't change our "losers" position, thus showing that for any t, M'(t) = 0 and S'(t) = 0.

Eventually, F'(t) = 0 for any t.
This implies that F(t) is a constant. We just need to find a value for F at one specific instant.

Let's take t = 0. We have:

  • S(0) = 1 (neutral state, this is like the lowest state possible, as S > 1 shows that you have an influence, i.e. normies with their "friends")
  • As money and looks allow you to do terrible and disgusting actions without being punished, we can say that they are both the root of Evil, explaining the following:
M(0) = L(0) = sqrt(E).

Then we get that for any t:
F(t) = F(0) = M(0).L(0).S(0)
F(t) = sqrt(E).sqrt(E).1
F(t) = [sqrt(E)]^2

F(t) = E (for any t)


Foids are truly evil. ALWAYS.
Last edited:
I'm too low mathematical IQ to understand...
Let's proof that for any t, F(t) = E.

As E is a constant, we need to show that F'(t) = 0 for any t.

By definition, Money, Looks and Status are all required to get a foid.
So F(t) = M(t).L(t).S(t)

With the product rule:
F'(t) = M'(t).L(t).S(t) + M(t).L'(t).S(t) + M(t).L(t).S'(t)

Of course L'(t) = 0 for any t (we can't change our shitty genetics, bros... so we will look like shit forever).
As looks are required to get money and status, it also implies that naturally, we can't change our "losers" position, thus showing that for any t, M'(t) = 0 and S'(t) = 0.

Eventually, F'(t) = 0 for any t.
This implies that F(t) is a constant. We just need to find a value for F at one specific instant.

Let's take t = 0. We have:

  • S(0) = 1 (neutral state, this is like the lowest state possible, as S > 1 shows that you have an influence, i.e. normies with their "friends")
  • As money and looks allow you to do terrible and disgusting actions without being punished, we can say that they are both the root of Evil, explaining the following:
M(0) = L(0) = sqrt(E).

Then we get that for any t:
F(t) = F(0) = M(0).L(0).S(0)
F(t) = sqrt(E).sqrt(E).1
F(t) = [sqrt(E)]^2
:feelsohgod::ha..feels::feelsmega::feelsmega::feelsmega::feelsmega::feelsmega::whatfeels::whatfeels::whatfeels::whatfeels: What why do I feel so dumb I didn't understand a thing? :feelstrash:
u IQ moged me
:feelsohgod::ha..feels::feelsmega::feelsmega::feelsmega::feelsmega::feelsmega::whatfeels::whatfeels::whatfeels::whatfeels: What why do I feel so dumb I didn't understand a thing? :feelstrash:
u IQ moged me
Maybe you are just not into maths, tbh outside of maths and physics I'm just dumb as fuck lmao
Don't feel bad bro, I'm just messing a bit with derivatives lol
Though my point still stands. Foids are evil.
Derivatives was my ending with maths. But I believe you.
Maybe you are just not into maths, tbh outside of maths and physics I'm just dumb as fuck lmao
Ye I hate maths and physics can't even count 17-6 without a calculator :feelstrash:
I want to be better at math
didnt rly understand but still high iq
Im too low iq to understand this shit
I had a crack at it too:

High IQ mate

I want to be better at math
Yeah I feel you. Sometimes I feel like I can understand many things in maths and sometimes I feel like I'm just shit at maths

didnt rly understand but still high iq
Thanks bro :feelsokman:

Im too low iq to understand this shit
:feelscry: anyways, women = evil.
Games and postmaxxing :feelstrash::feelstrash:
I hope not math
Good copes. I don't play video games anymore tbh (I lost all interest in them :cryfeels:)

Mine are maths, physics and writing
You just mugged the entire forum. Not even faceandlms can take this BP. Rick and normies ain't go shit on you
I’ve seen a similar post here before
You just mugged the entire forum. Not even faceandlms can take this BP. Rick and normies ain't go shit on you
That would be surprising since it seems that a lot of us go in engineering, but whatever lol
What does BP mean though? Sorry I don't know my acronyms lol
Normies shouldn't go shit on me. I would just kick their asses

I’ve seen a similar post here before
Really? Can you give me the link please? I'm really interested in reading it lol
Really? Can you give me the link please? I'm really interested in reading it lol
It’ll take some time but I’m sure I’ll find it. It was made in early 2019 I belive
That would be surprising since it seems that a lot of us go in engineering, but whatever lol
What does BP mean though? Sorry I don't know my acronyms lol
Normies shouldn't go shit on me. I would just kick their asses

Really? Can you give me the link please? I'm really interested in reading it lol
Bp=Black pill
Ok fine fine
Tag me when you found it
The original thread was made by @Sans though he could’ve copied this from somewhere else. As far as I can recall this was the first time I saw something like this
Bp=Black pill
Holy fuck I'm so dumb lmao
I though the acronym was related to maths huhahuha

The original thread was made by @Sans though he could’ve copied this from somewhere else. As far as I can recall this was the first time I saw something like this
View attachment 119694
I see. However, I already know this proof, this is the meme that I mentionned in the beginning of my OP.
I did try to make something more elaborated out of this.
I see. However, I already know this proof, this is the meme that I mentionned in the beginning of my OP.
I did try to make something more elaborated out of this.
Well you certainly succeeded
It's 5AM rn so i'll be brief for now and elab later, but i have to disagree with some things on the OP:

As money and looks allow you to do terrible and disgusting actions without being punished, we can say that they are both the root of Evil, explaining the following:
I have to disagree here for two reasons: First is that statements like "X is evil/the root of evil" are not useful in the context of math/logic since they can be highly subjective. Second is that even if that was the case, we can all agree that money, looks and status are actually tools that can be used for good and for evil.
Of course L'(t) = 0 for any t (we can't change our shitty genetics, bros... so we will look like shit forever).
As looks are required to get money and status, it also implies that naturally, we can't change our "losers" position, thus showing that for any t, M'(t) = 0 and S'(t) = 0.
I disagree here because looks, money and status are being considered as absolute values (or boolean if you prefer), where you either have it (1) or you don't (0). In my point of view these could be better interpreted as values between 0 and 1 (or percentages) and if a dude can't get laid, is because these values don't go over the arbitrary threshold that foids have. Also, while looks do influence the amount of money and status a man can get, lower looks does not equal to zero money and status, it equals to less money and status.

So a function for "calculating" (we are working with non quantifiable concepts here tbh) would be something along the lines of:

  • m is the variable for money;
  • l is the variable for looks;
  • s is the variable for status;
  • F(m, l, s) is the function for calculating how much attractive for foids a dude is, and is defined as:
F(m, l, s) = m + l + s/3 (we divide everything by 3 here because we want the result to be between 0 and 1, or 0% and 100%).

I'll have a better looks at the post later, but other than that i think the other parts are sound boyo, gj :feelsokman:

Inb4 "This is just a meme" Yeah i know CAN'T A BOYO EXERCISE HIS AUTISM IN PEACE NOW!?:! REEE
It's 5AM rn so i'll be brief for now and elab later, but i have to disagree with some things on the OP:

I have to disagree here for two reasons: First is that statements like "X is evil/the root of evil" are not useful in the context of math/logic since they can be highly subjective. Second is that even if that was the case, we can all agree that money, looks and status are actually tools that can be used for good and for evil.

I disagree here because looks, money and status are being considered as absolute values (or boolean if you prefer), where you either have it (1) or you don't (0). In my point of view these could be better interpreted as values between 0 and 1 (or percentages) and if a dude can't get laid, is because these values don't go over the arbitrary threshold that foids have. Also, while looks do influence the amount of money and status a man can get, lower looks does not equal to zero money and status, it equals to less money and status.

So a function for "calculating" (we are working with non quantifiable concepts here tbh) would be something along the lines of:

  • m is the variable for money;
  • l is the variable for looks;
  • s is the variable for status;
  • F(m, l, s) is the function for calculating how much attractive for foids a dude is, and is defined as:
F(m, l, s) = m + l + s/3 (we divide everything by 3 here because we want the result to be between 0 and 1, or 0% and 100%).

I'll have a better looks at the post later, but other than that i think the other parts are sound boyo, gj :feelsokman:

Inb4 "This is just a meme" Yeah i know CAN'T A BOYO EXERCISE HIS AUTISM IN PEACE NOW!?:! REEE
This is just a meme


Sorry I had to :feelshaha:

I will reply paragraph per paragraph.

I agree. Money and Looks can be used for great things, however mankind tend to use them for bad things, hence why I directly related them to evil.

Be careful, I did not write L(t) = 0, but L'(t) = 0. This is a derivative, showing that we can't change our situation (no variation).

Yeah I also thought that a multivariable function would be more representative of the reality, but that would have tendious to work with its partial derivatives lol.

Thanks for reading anyways! :feelsautistic:
Good copes. I don't play video games anymore tbh (I lost all interest in them :cryfeels:)

Mine are maths, physics and writing
How can u cope with that u nerd :feelstrash::feelshaha::lul:
Bet u wear glasses

Btw i lose my intrest in games too time to time but i always come back to it
How can u cope with that u nerd :feelstrash::feelshaha::lul:
Bet u wear glasses

Btw i lose my intrest in games too time to time but i always come back to it
How do you know, well not all the time but sometimes yeah I have to wear them lol
I cope with that because it allows me to create incredible things for the story that I'm writing.

You are lucky, I can't really play anymore...
How do you know, well not all the time but sometimes yeah I have to wear them lol
I cope with that because it allows me to create incredible things for the story that I'm writing.

You are lucky, I can't really play anymore...
Why not? No pc? Or ur mum took everything away? :feelstrash:
This is a truly marvellous proof. Reading this work brought tears to my eyes.

However, there are some things that might require some examination.. For one, we need to look at exactly how we got the values of L'(t), M'(t), S'(t). First of all it is reasoned that L'(t) = 0. This however is wrong. Due to epigenetic factors such as stress, people's genetic expression might actually become worse over time. In other words, we are dealing with a constantly negative slope for any subhuman. We will approximate this value with some positive constant g. Thus, L'(t) = -g. Likewise, for status, we will also approximate S'(t) with some positive constant, s so that S'(t) = s. As for financial state, we will leave it at M'(t) as some people might still try to betabuxmaxx anyways. In other words, M'(t) = 0 still for all t. Another quick thing to note is that in this model I will be using here S(0) = 0 to show quite literally 0 influence

With this sorted out we see that F'(t) = M'(t).L(t).S(t) + M(t).L'(t).S(t) + M(t).L(t).S'(t) = -M(t).g.S(t) -M(t).L(t).s
Now we need to get a good idea of the behaviour of F(t). First we must integrate S'(t) and L'(t). This gives us S(t) = -st + C and L(t) = -gt + D. S(0) = 0 for the reasons we have previously discussed, so C = 0. L(0) = sqrt(E) since genetic looks are the root of all evil so D = -sqrt(E). Note that I am fixing -sqrt(E) as we want evil done to you to be negatively correlated with these traits (foids naturally treat you better if you have status than if you don't even if by a small margin). We will still assume that money is the root of all evil, and as M'(t) is constant, we will fix M(t) = -sqrt(E).

At the end of all of this F'(t) = -sqrt(E)[-st + 1] - sqrt(E)[-gt - sqrt(E)] = st.sqrt(E) + gt.sqrt(E) + E. Note how the slope of F(t) is always positive.
Now if we integrate F'(t) we get F(t) = (1/2).st^2.sqrt(E) + (1/2).gt^2.sqrt(E) + Et + C... What is the value of C? For our purposes, we are going to base the value of out constant C on Pareg's initial calculation for F(t) for all t, that is E. So C = E.

Now with all of this done, we now have some interesting behaviour. Actually OP was sadly wrong. If only foids were merely evil. Sure, at F(0), the foids are. However, as time goes by, this evilness somehow increases in polynomial time. It is a parabola of bullshit.
Let me save all of you the time with my unified equation. Foid + existence = EVIL
Half the forum is too low IQ to understand this
Forgive them for they have medium intelligence unlikes the Above the average intelligencecels
This is a truly marvellous proof. Reading this work brought tears to my eyes.

However, there are some things that might require some examination.. For one, we need to look at exactly how we got the values of L'(t), M'(t), S'(t). First of all it is reasoned that L'(t) = 0. This however is wrong. Due to epigenetic factors such as stress, people's genetic expression might actually become worse over time. In other words, we are dealing with a constantly negative slope for any subhuman. We will approximate this value with some positive constant g. Thus, L'(t) = -g. Likewise, for status, we will also approximate S'(t) with some positive constant, s so that S'(t) = s. As for financial state, we will leave it at M'(t) as some people might still try to betabuxmaxx anyways. In other words, M'(t) = 0 still for all t. Another quick thing to note is that in this model I will be using here S(0) = 0 to show quite literally 0 influence

With this sorted out we see that F'(t) = M'(t).L(t).S(t) + M(t).L'(t).S(t) + M(t).L(t).S'(t) = -M(t).g.S(t) -M(t).L(t).s
Now we need to get a good idea of the behaviour of F(t). First we must integrate S'(t) and L'(t). This gives us S(t) = -st + C and L(t) = -gt + D. S(0) = 0 for the reasons we have previously discussed, so C = 0. L(0) = sqrt(E) since genetic looks are the root of all evil so D = -sqrt(E). Note that I am fixing -sqrt(E) as we want evil done to you to be negatively correlated with these traits (foids naturally treat you better if you have status than if you don't even if by a small margin). We will still assume that money is the root of all evil, and as M'(t) is constant, we will fix M(t) = -sqrt(E).

At the end of all of this F'(t) = -sqrt(E)[-st + 1] - sqrt(E)[-gt - sqrt(E)] = st.sqrt(E) + gt.sqrt(E) + E. Note how the slope of F(t) is always positive.
Now if we integrate F'(t) we get F(t) = (1/2).st^2.sqrt(E) + (1/2).gt^2.sqrt(E) + Et + C... What is the value of C? For our purposes, we are going to base the value of out constant C on Pareg's initial calculation for F(t) for all t, that is E. So C = E.

Now with all of this done, we now have some interesting behaviour. Actually OP was sadly wrong. If only foids were merely evil. Sure, at F(0), the foids are. However, as time goes by, this evilness somehow increases in polynomial time. It is a parabola of bullshit.
Actually your proof is more elaborated than mine, good job (but that's logical since you didn't get 0 for all the derivatives).

I just simplified my calculations, and now I realise that because you got an increasing function, at least I proved that for any t, F(t) >= 0.
Actually your proof is more elaborated than mine, good job (but that's logical since you didn't get 0 for all the derivatives).

I just simplified my calculations, and now I realise that because you got an increasing function, at least I proved that for any t, F(t) >= 0.
Lmao yeah. Though this shit is just condensed autism anyways.
As looks are required to get money and status, it also implies that naturally, we can't change our "losers" position, thus showing that for any t, M'(t) = 0 and S'(t) = 0.
Cope. Try harder.
Maths the fuck out of me.
Let me start by saying that this is derivated from what is quite a meme for most of the normscum, but I'm taking this one seriously which is why I didn't put the [Meme] tag.

With that being said, let's start this new proof.

Let t be the time (positive).
Let F be the function that describes the psychological state of foids.
Let M be the function that describes your financial state.
Let L be the function that describes your genetic looks.
Let S be the function that describes your status.
Let E be the Evil.

Let's proof that for any t, F(t) = E.

As E is a constant, we need to show that F'(t) = 0 for any t.

By definition, Money, Looks and Status are all required to get a foid.
So F(t) = M(t).L(t).S(t)

With the product rule:
F'(t) = M'(t).L(t).S(t) + M(t).L'(t).S(t) + M(t).L(t).S'(t)

Of course L'(t) = 0 for any t (we can't change our shitty genetics, bros... so we will look like shit forever).
As looks are required to get money and status, it also implies that naturally, we can't change our "losers" position, thus showing that for any t, M'(t) = 0 and S'(t) = 0.

Eventually, F'(t) = 0 for any t.
This implies that F(t) is a constant. We just need to find a value for F at one specific instant.

Let's take t = 0. We have:

  • S(0) = 1 (neutral state, this is like the lowest state possible, as S > 1 shows that you have an influence, i.e. normies with their "friends")
  • As money and looks allow you to do terrible and disgusting actions without being punished, we can say that they are both the root of Evil, explaining the following:
M(0) = L(0) = sqrt(E).

Then we get that for any t:
F(t) = F(0) = M(0).L(0).S(0)
F(t) = sqrt(E).sqrt(E).1
F(t) = [sqrt(E)]^2

F(t) = E (for any t)


Foids are truly evil. ALWAYS.

Absolutely check out my longest post they are not victim's they are evil bastards.

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