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JFL Mark Cuckerberg’s unattractive ogre of a wife

  • Thread starter NotQuiteChadLite
  • Start date


The Meeks shall inherit the Earth
Mar 19, 2018


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An incel making fun of someone because of their looks? Hmmmm....
An incel making fun of someone because of their looks? Hmmmm....
JFL he’s a billionaire and married an ugly old Asian ogre lmaooo self cucked
She's alright. Thick Chun-Li legs on that bish, I like.

Her biggest problem is that she looks kinda old.
All that money and fame and that's the best he could do.
I think she's his lookmatch.
he is smart... he mogs the women he is with
JFL he’s a billionaire and married an ugly old Asian ogre lmaooo self cucked
Would you choose a top model who is super annoying and has nothing in common with you, or a girl that is decent looking and you get a long great with?
JFL. He gets laid. We don't.
she is ugly but i would still fuck her
Would you choose a top model who is super annoying and has nothing in common with you, or a girl that is decent looking and you get a long great with?
Top model
Would you choose a top model who is super annoying and has nothing in common with you, or a girl that is decent looking and you get a long great with?
JFL at this blue pilled trash. Women don’t have shit in common with men. The things we don’t have in common can be when we spend time apart, and the things we do have in common, namely, fucking all night, can be when I see her. There are very few women who are actually interesting to men and if they are interesting, it’s because they have to be since they’re average or below average looking.

Best wishes anyway, just trying to help you see another point of view. I would rather have a girl who’s smoking hot and is as dumb as a thumb tack, rather than be with an okay looking girl who is so intelligent, that she can’t shut up about it.
He met her in college. If I could pull off a similar girl at my own college I'd never complain.
More proof that Looks > Money/Status.
she has nice legs at least
That motherfucking jew is very shrewed. He is well aware of the JBW theory that's why he married a low smv asian noodleogre so that his possibility of getting cucked becomes almost zero. He also made his fortune by satiating the thirst for validation of stacies, chads and normies. I think he is fully aware of the blackpill because he used to be an incel in his college. He also knows he would be posting here if he had no fortune. I have a gut feeling that he lurks this forum.
His son shall be the next ER no doubt, and we will take him in as a Shaheed.
he couldve gotten a 10/10 asian girl. but still, this proves not all men care about looks only. no billionaire female would be with a male of her looks level, as ALL females only desire chad
All that money and fame and that's the best he could do.

Zuck met his wife in college, before he was rich and famous, it was a wise move to remain with her because he can trust her.
let's be real, he doesn't give a single fuck about women

if he wanted he could buy fresh teen pussy daily
zuck should have just done escort game. this is one of the few situations where he wouldn't be a cuck by having an open relationship.
Zuck met his wife in college, before he was rich and famous, it was a wise move to remain with her because he can trust her.

He didn't go to some rinky dink college, he went to Harvard, and sucess in life is almost baked in if you're at that level.

Plus, no-one knows what kind of shit he pays to do behind closed doors.

The real question is.. how many cocks did she take before she settled for that ugly jew.
prime example of looks > everything. he understands if he marries a trophy wife hes just gonna get cucked.
dude wouldn't you rather than a real girlfriend rather than a fake golddigger? i stg there are some cucks lurking around here
dude wouldn't you rather than a real girlfriend rather than a fake golddigger? i stg there are some cucks lurking around here
some cucks? my friend, almost everyone here would choose to be a cuck instead of an incel
Fakecel if you wouldn't get with her and smash.

Anyways you have too look at Mark Cuckberg too, he is fucking incel quality. He would be a top poster here if he wasn't a jewish scumbag part of the global elites plan to surveillance us more. He is fucking 2 tier.
Also your profile pic goes so well with this post kek
Getting married at his level of wealth is automatically cucking yourself. Cuckerberg could have prime pussy on rotation but he has to have a presentable public face.
some cucks? my friend, almost everyone here would choose to be a cuck instead of an incel
i didn't fucking say that did i? i called them cucks for criticizing him for having a real relationship not a gold digger who willl fuck Chad on the side
She doesn’t look bad
Their kid's gonna go ER, I just know it.
Would you choose a top model who is super annoying and has nothing in common with you, or a girl that is decent looking and you get a long great with?

> decent looking
JFL at this blue pilled trash. Women don’t have shit in common with men. The things we don’t have in common can be when we spend time apart, and the things we do have in common, namely, fucking all night, can be when I see her. There are very few women who are actually interesting to men and if they are interesting, it’s because they have to be since they’re average or below average looking.

Best wishes anyway, just trying to help you see another point of view. I would rather have a girl who’s smoking hot and is as dumb as a thumb tack, rather than be with an okay looking girl who is so intelligent, that she can’t shut up about it.
That’s only because we look like shit, women go out of their way to pretend to have similar interests as chad in hopes they notice them.
They both look weird as fuck. That kid is probably going to end up an incel if he doesn't get laid really young.
That baby should sui
fuck some of you are dumb, she was with him when he was worth nothing. Should he just dump her and wife up some model gold digger who drains him off his money. You guys are always going on about women being shallow but then you are shitting on cuckerberg for not upgrading his wife to someone hotter
fuck some of you are dumb, she was with him when he was worth nothing. Should he just dump her and wife up some model gold digger who drains him off his money.

Someone who attends Harvard is not worth nothing whether they've yet to make a million or not, they either come from money or have the connections afterward to make a lot, it's almost guaranteed, so no, I don't think you can claim she was with him when he had nothing, his parents are jewish dentists afterall.
i bet he fucks 9/10 escorts behind the scenes, he only has a wife to keep up his image
An incel making fun of someone because of their looks? Hmmmm....
Sometimes, the people here sound just as shallow as femoids.
idgaf i would still reverse cowgirl that bitch if i had the chance
That motherfucking jew is very shrewed. He is well aware of the JBW theory that's why he married a low smv asian noodleogre so that his possibility of getting cucked becomes almost zero. He also made his fortune by satiating the thirst for validation of stacies, chads and normies. I think he is fully aware of the blackpill because he used to be an incel in his college. He also knows he would be posting here if he had no fortune. I have a gut feeling that he lurks this forum.

Accurate as always.
Damn, I already know he and his wife created a subhuman.
Isn't Mark Zuckerberg a manlet?
No surprise then.

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