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Many people here are desperate to prevent other incels from trying to improve

  • Thread starter Teutonic Knight
  • Start date
where in my message did i write anything about foids you moron?
It was pretty implicit when you said the only thing an incel can do is kill himself/be a hERo, if it isn't the lack of female attention that makes you think this then what is it, normies subconsciously hating you? Fuck what normans think, bluepilled people (most people) are garbage, at the absolute worst you can NEETmaxx and not contribute to this rotten society.
my message meant:
if you are ugly you do not have any options most of the time not only when dealing with females but also in every other aspect of life
just check out all the threads where people are given a disadvantage/outright bullied/harrassed simply because they are ugly

looksmaxxing is a cope if you are a hopeless case , anything that prevents you from taking action is a cope but especially telling yourself it will get better IF you do X or Y is one of the biggest copes that exists

you should not looksmaxx, you should musclemaxx so you can beat up anybody that disrespects you

there is nothing more pathetic than wanting external validation and letting others treat you badly in the hopes for it , i'd rather beat somebody up that wrongs me and get shot by the police than accept that

fortunately im too ugly for people to actually interact with me in daily life for that to have happened but i train in case it does eventually
It's a blackpill community. By definition most here don't approach life with the sense that self-improvement could bode any possible meaning or value. Part of this is due to a worldview strongly rooted in realism. Part of it is due to an unwillingness to try, part of it is an acquired distaste born of the despair that accompanies repeated failure, and part of it is a fear even of life itself.
Yeah, agreed. There's so many threads lately where they tell users that they shouldn't do anything to fix their porn addiction, that they shouldn't eat healthy, that they shouldn't exercise etc.
Obviously, improving yourself isn't going to land yourself a girlfriend but that's not why people do it. You're supposed to do it keep yourself sane and out of respect for yourself. Only wanting to do things for the pursuit of holes is foid worship.
Only wanting to do things for the pursuit of holes is foid worship.

What point is there to keep yourself sane and respect yourself as an incel? No one gives a shit about you and respecting yourself is literally pointless... "just respect yourself" is a talking point of the most bluepilled normie playbooks and completely meaningless on its own.

We Incels are losers who can't even fulfill our most basic biological functions. Why the fuck would I respect myself?

Trying to improve yourself is basically cuckery too. Just do whatever the fuck you want. There's no objective measure of what "improvement" means anyways...
But it really is over for some of us.
where this forum is overrun by a bunch of NEETs with degenerate anime avatars literally wanting to force their LDAR lifestyle to young incels and try to lure them into thinking they have some common ground just because they can't get girlfriends.

Basically the white pill.

Yes we're undesirable by the world and foids but that gives you the reason to do whatever the hell you want.
Any time someone opens a thread dedicated to trying to help incels to improve something, there are always a lot of replies of members saying how this particular improvement didn't work for them and want to make the thread about themselves and their own shortcomings which they project on all other incels. They jump straight to conclusion that this improvement doesn't work for incels at all because it didn't work for them.

You even had posts about how incels shouldn't care about eating healthy and shit like that.

Recently I opened a thread encouraging people to do boxing and gave reasons why exacly it could benefit and I immediately got a bunch of members complaining how they couldn't do this and that and how that isn't for them. Why the fuck would you even post this? If you can't do a certain thing because of your own limitations why the hell would you want to discourage others to try it unless you are a total shit of a person? People should keep that for themselves and stay out of threads dedicated to improving.

For example when I see threads encouraging people to try game and socialize I don't go in there and make it about myself how I can't do this because I'm not NT and then try to suggest that it's pointless for all incels to try. This is a shit thing to do because there are young people here who would benefit from trying different things and not everyone is some disabled autistic and deformed.

I don't like the direction in which this community is going where this forum is overrun by a bunch of NEETs with degenerate anime avatars literally wanting to force their LDAR lifestyle to young incels and try to lure them into thinking they have some common ground just because they can't get girlfriends. It makes me think that most of this forum is female worshipping where if you can't get girlfriend by the time you're 18 you should just give up on literally everything and everything else that you do is degraded as some trivial "cope". When I came here, I had an impression that this community wanted to help people who are in similar position and I think the atmosphere on the forum was a bit better then. I remember that there were more serious threads with long posts that got a lot of replies. Now it's basically slowly getting reduced to "I can't get a 16 year old virgin so everything is useless" and a bunch of members trying to "statusmaxx" by baiting IT or repeating the same phrases over and over.

Shit like "driverlincencepill" is indicator of that. Like seriously, if that is such a big problem for you then get a fucking driver's license then. It's something that is very easy to fix. But of course, after you say this someone will just come in and say "but I can't get driver's lincence because xy." Alright you can't, but like 90% of incels who are without one could if they absolutely wanted to.

Now here is the most crucial thing: there are millions of men who are single and virgins out there. Not everyone of them is beyond saving when it comes to improvement and pursuing meaningful things if life. Yet a lot of people here act like every incel is some deformed autisic disabled person who wouldn't benefit from training sports.

The blackpill tells you that you can't get women because of something very trivial like looks. That means that incels are people who simply don't possess the desired easthetics for the current society. It doesn't mean that an incel should necessarily also be weak, not gifted for sports, unconfident and other things. I'm athletic and strong and can do a lot of things well and I think many here are too or can achieve this level with hard work like I did. Because this is all that it matters, you need to put in the real work, and not for getting girlfriends but to improve as a man.

Yeah keep permanently injuring your face, liver and upper limbs brah! It works for me.
Most people here just hate BluePill advice
you should not looksmaxx, you should musclemaxx so you can beat up anybody that disrespects you

Don't get me wrong, i was definitively including musclemaxxing, i guess the overall message is that just because you can't heightmog or facemog those around you, doesn't mean you can't everythingmaxx and attempt success via alternative routes like STEMmaxxing (Average intelligence in incel communities has all the reason to mog normie intelligence), foids are privileged lookists and heightists so they'll still shit on you at every opportunity, but being a roidmaxxed, looksmaxxed, (subtly) surgerymaxxed, careermaxxed cel is far better than LDARing forever, and normans will be too afraid to fuck with you. The objective isn't approval, it's living the most tranquil and accomplished life you can without normans and roasties fucking with you.
My main issue with most "self improvement" is it isn't improving yourself, but just boils down to slaving away for the approval of others.
Gymmaxxing and being the ugly freak with the biggest abs is basically like jestermaxxing and a prime example of being a clown for everyone around you. It also clearly exposes your inferiority complex... like driving around in a ridiculous car.

Yeah keep permanently injuring your face, liver and upper limbs brah! It works for me.

Every incel should be allowed to enjoy whatever copes they choose, even drugs.. just don't claim that it's somehow an improvement over just LDAR.
My main issue with most "self improvement" is it isn't improving yourself, but just boils down to slaving away for the approval of others.
I think it depends on the person and the situation. If you are just doing it because you feel like you have to compesate for being ugly yes it's like what you have said but there are also goodlooking athletes, musicians or people who just improved themselves in an area even if they don't have to
goodlooking athletes, musicians or people who just improved themselves in an area even if they don't have to

Imagine being good looking: People (men and women alike) will constantly urge you to improve yourself and cheer you on, telling you about all the wonderful things you could achieve if you apply yourself. And when you apply yourself, because of the halo effect, all kinds of doors will open for you and people will welcome you with open arms.

It's not surprising that most truecels have little interest in wasting their time.
Imagine being good looking: People (men and women alike) will constantly urge you to improve yourself and cheer you on, telling you about all the wonderful things you could achieve if you apply yourself. And when you apply yourself, because of the halo effect, all kinds of doors will open for you and people will welcome you with open arms.

It's not surprising that most truecels have little interest in wasting their time.
yes you are right but my point is they don't have to self improve because they already get validated just for existing. So they do it mainly because they want to be good at something
So they do it mainly because they want to be good at something
lol no. It would probably take more effort for them to refuse and swim against the stream pushing them to be the best they could be.
What point is there to keep yourself sane and respect yourself as an incel? No one gives a shit about you and respecting yourself is literally pointless... "just respect yourself" is a talking point of the most bluepilled normie playbooks and completely meaningless on its own.

If you don't think there's a point to it then stay out of threads where people want to talk about improving themselves instead of trying to discourage them.
If you don't think there's a point to it then stay out of threads where people want to talk about improving themselves instead of trying to discourage them.
Why would I?! I think it's terrible advise and I want to protect people from wasting their time.

I'm very mad at the people who used to give me terrible advise like yours. I'm not going stand idly by and let innocent youngcels fall for that crap. Maybe they would just be happy to play vidya all day and eat shitty food and instead they decide they need to "improve themselves" and waste the little time they have on this earth, then realize it's all useless and rope at the right old age of 30, because their delusional outlook on life, hoping there's some kind of pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, crumbles ("Oh jeez, turns out grinding and improving myself was entirely pointless, I'm still sad and alone"). If they love junk food, they should've rather gotten fat and died of a heart attack. At least they would've gotten something out of that and not deprived themselves of the little joy they could have found.

There's no fucking gold medal at the end that rewards you for trying your best. (though, maybe self improvement is decent advise for narcissists)

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self improvement and advice are great but many of you try to equate your newfound progress into greater chances of success with women. that is bad and gives false hope to others.

moneymaxxing - great cope but many of you only think more money equals you can ascend by turning into a cuck betabuxx

bodybuilding - no gym for your height/face. you arent Zyzz

Asianmaxxing - prostitutes? in what way is this ascending

i think legit improvement is great in your life but if you are over 20yo then you have to realize you got the shit end of the stick and arent going to get a relationship. you arent going to marry or fuck a virgin. you are a failure. thats it
I agree with most of your post, but i think is that most of have tried to improve ourself but we realized that this is just a dream, we don't have this view of life bc is cool, no, some of us(if i may) were rejected, bullied etc. i didn't join this community bc of "hey just improve yourself and everything will be better". if i wanted that i could listen to Rollo Tomassi and the other MGTOW-guys, no we faced the brutal truth of life.
For us, improving yourself simply means polishing a turd. No matter how much you try to mold and shape it, It is still a turd at the end of the day.
incels need to start trainin. they need to be war ready and proficient with there guns and fire team tactics. all of us have special skills. a lineworker incel or railroad incel know how to take out certain targets to destabilize there minecraft server and overthrow the mods.

incel sharia trainin squads when????
teutonic knight is the last bastion of inceldom

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