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Manlet Has ENOUGH

Typical case of a low status short ugly guy getting shit on and called crazy for responding, you’re not entitled to having any pride or self esteem, you must take all the mocking and teasing your entire life and never react or defend yourself, have zero honour or dignity or respect for yourself, let everyone shit on you, and don’t you dare ever react in such a way besides sitting there and taking it
Typical case of a low status short ugly guy getting shit on and called crazy for responding, you’re not entitled to having any pride or self esteem, you must take all the mocking and teasing your entire life and never react or defend yourself, have zero honour or dignity or respect for yourself, let everyone shit on you, and don’t you dare ever react in such a way besides sitting there and taking it
Goes to show that you never never out yourself and spread Blackpill in public. Not only id this guy getting publicly humiliated like the village freak, but if his boss sees (assuming he's employed) he's a dead man.
The really shit part about this whole thing is that he's whole life/career can be fucking obliterated by this one fucking video. For all we know he was just having a shit day and living a normal or semi-normal life. But with our "EPIC PUBLIC FREAK-OUT COMPILATION #69" culture, this guy is probably going to be haunted by this forever. I feel bad for him deeply.
Typical case of a low status short ugly guy getting shit on and called crazy for responding, you’re not entitled to having any pride or self esteem, you must take all the mocking and teasing your entire life and never react or defend yourself, have zero honour or dignity or respect for yourself, let everyone shit on you, and don’t you dare ever react in such a way besides sitting there and taking it

It fucking sucks how true this is, anyone who even dares to speak out is reminded of this
The really shit part about this whole thing is that he's whole life/career can be fucking obliterated by this one fucking video. For all we know he was just having a shit day and living a normal or semi-normal life. But with our "EPIC PUBLIC FREAK-OUT COMPILATION #69" culture, this guy is probably going to be haunted by this forever. I feel bad for him deeply.

This society is cancer, this is what happens when you promote degeneracy and decedance. Morality escapes
Is there a way to edit the title so it has St. before Manlet on the title? He has been canonized it seems majority of us has agrred to this.
As a 5’1 male, I feel so much for him. But apparently I mog him by a whole inch. It’s over
All those women are virtue signalling that height doesn't matter. Then you have stakhnovite so called shorties cherry picking that their height never affected them. Calling him a misogynist & all them insulting his height. If a black person said they didn't experience racism we wouldn't discount other black people experiencing racism would we. Same goes for short men.
And as usual, it’s the piece of shit liberal/leftists in the replies insulting his looks, the left are fucking pathetic.

Yet the left want to white Knight for ethnicels. Hope you kick those scum to the curve.
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Based. More manlets need to go into ptsd rage from all our torture. Whiteknight cuck who tackled him is a faggot. Notice how they don't give anyone an opportunity to raise their fists. It's just instant violence. Society hates us.

He's correct in his assessment of women humiliating him. The second video shows a whore giggling and smiling in frame. As the economy gets shittier and hypergamy gets worse, you're going to see a lot more of this. Wouldn't be shocked to see some real violence.

Remember that tranny that freaked out at gamestop? The media CONGRATULATED the creature.

Cucktears are now saying he can't get a girl because he has a bad personality, whilst making fun of his height. Can't make this shit up.

They were making fun of his height in the tweets. This goes to show they're all a crock of crap when it comes to morality. Peeps can see this & when they find out who those posters are will extract a terrible vengeance on those bully boy scum.
Obese bald turbomanlet spergs out completely, more news at 7
He's correct in his assessment of women humiliating him. The second video shows a whore giggling and smiling in frame. As the economy gets shittier and hypergamy gets worse, you're going to see a lot more of this. Wouldn't be shocked to see some real violence.
One day a whiteknight is going to mess with the wrong manlet.
If a black person said they didn't experience racism we wouldn't discount other black people experiencing racism would we. Same goes for short men.
One day a whiteknight is going to mess with the wrong manlet.


Thanks for quoting me.

Heightism like racism is an acknowledged phenomena. Hell if transgenders are having their pain of not being date worthy acknowledged then why can't short men?

This is what completely finishes off the SJWs & these leftists who swing between communal authoritarianism & individual libertarianism when their power base is at stake.
This is what completely finishes off the SJWs & these leftists who swing between communal authoritarianism & individual libertarianism when their power base is at stake.
They only want liberty for all the "right people" and allow them to do the things they like, but they want authority over anyone they don't like or disagree with by silencing or imprisoning them.
Based. More manlets need to go into ptsd rage from all our torture. Whiteknight cuck who tackled him is a faggot. Notice how they don't give anyone an opportunity to raise their fists. It's just instant violence. Society hates us.

He's correct in his assessment of women humiliating him. The second video shows a whore giggling and smiling in frame. As the economy gets shittier and hypergamy gets worse, you're going to see a lot more of this. Wouldn't be shocked to see some real violence.

Remember that tranny that freaked out at gamestop? The media CONGRATULATED the creature.

Last paragraph. Oppression Olympics based on which cause celebre the power mad left can use.
They only want liberty for all the "right people" and allow them to do the things they like, but they want authority over anyone they don't like or disagree with to silence or imprison them.

After probably 45 years of non stop humiliation at the hands of other people he fucking snapped.

It's those girls fault for filming him and laughing. They instigated the whole thing.

r/IncelTears claims to be all high and mighty, morally superior. But they are laughing at this man's suffering and praising the fact someone over twice his size took down a dwarf. Wow, real hot shit that guy is.
Typical case of a low status short ugly guy getting shit on and called crazy for responding, you’re not entitled to having any pride or self esteem, you must take all the mocking and teasing your entire life and never react or defend yourself, have zero honour or dignity or respect for yourself, let everyone shit on you, and don’t you dare ever react in such a way besides sitting there and taking it

The Tran Gamestop vid from back when is an interesting contrast in societal response
Violent suifuel. I wanna kill myself even more now.
It's a good thing the bitch recorded this. This may just be the wake up call non-cucked manlets needed. Those replies don't lie. Complete and utter discrimination.
How is this guy based? He talked mad shit to people unrelated to his woes (if he had said it to his Tinder date who rejected him it would have made sense) and lost a physical confrontation in less than 5 seconds.
This is just a case of low IQ and low height. Nothing to praise here.
Notice how the video starts as soon as he starts raising his voice. They probably teased him about his height prior when he was just trying to get a bagel. What else do you think could have prompted that?
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Reminder. Retweets & favourites can be bought as well as bots retweet & favourite them. So just keep that in mind with this manlet bashing feeding frenzy.
How is this guy based? He talked mad shit to people unrelated to his woes (if he had said it to his Tinder date who rejected him it would have made sense) and lost a physical confrontation in less than 5 seconds.
This is just a case of low IQ and low height. Nothing to praise here.

I criticise his tactics & strategy in hindsight now. If he would have confronted & challenged her sniggering directly head on than I would congratulate him.
this is society's fault, they created this monster
He is a fucking god. The bravery of this man. Saying the truth. Wish I was there. I’m an ogrecel, and I would have killed that white knight cuck.

Unironically based and repilled.
If that norwooding white knight attacked him like that in front of me I don't think I could resist backing up the manlet, his courage to speak out moves me.

I wish I had some more context on this video. Also I really don’t like how that white knighting guy tackled the short guy so aggressively.
Idk guy. Bagel man might be false flag/psyops. (((Who))) owns bagel boss again?
Idk guy. Bagel man might be false flag/psyops. (((Who))) owns bagel boss again?
idk man, the stuff he says feels like the stuff I yell at my roommate when he tries to blue pill me. I’ve had an outburst like that in high school (not to that extent granted) but this guy’s crazy for doing it in such a public place.

Also comments like this is why Twitter is more intelligent than Reddit
Lol what is that tallfag trying to prove tackling the manlet to the floor? The manlet was speaking the truth. Every chance a male gets to mog another male, they go for it. In this case, a tallfag finally gets his opportunity to be the hero he's always dreamed of becoming.

I bet that tallfag bluepilled cuck fucked 50 bitches that night. CUNTS love it when large men completely dominate smaller, weaker men.

The worst part is that this just emboldens all tall people to bully shorter people even more, because this only exacerbates the perception of negative personality traits in shorter men.
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I bet that tallfag bluepilled cuck fucked 50 bitches that night. CUNTS love it when large men completely dominate smaller, weaker men.

The worst part is that this just emboldens all tall people to bully shorter people even more, because this only exacerbates the perception of negative personality traits in shorter men.
Cope. He went home to pat himself on the back and drink a cup of his wife's bull semen fresh out her recently plowed pussy.
Cope. He went home to pat himself on the back and drink a cup of his wife's bull semen fresh out her recently plowed pussy.

That would be lifefuel if that were the case. But in reality, he's gonna go back home and brag about this shit to his buddies at the fire department as he drinks a few beers. Probably gonna waste a few bucks on a stripper that night, cause that tallfag don't give a shit about women. He just wants to fuck some tiny dude up, and get awarded for it.
@epillepsy first time I seen you. It looks like you were here since march last year and haven't posted or followed anyone yet.

Sad for this guy. Fuck those cunts in that store.
It's a good thing the bitch recorded this. This may just be the wake up call non-cucked manlets needed. Those replies don't lie. Complete and utter discrimination.

Notice how the video starts as soon as he starts raising his voice. They probably teased him about his height prior when he was just trying to get a bagel. What else do you think could have prompted that?
He doesn't have the IQ necessary to factor that in, he is just one of those low IQ retards who make judgements based on whatever info is available to them, and nothing else.

On an unrelated point, notice how nobody castigated that White knight cuck for attacking him. Society thinks that it's ok to apply violence to people whose ideas upset the status quo. They don't care about immoral things happening to people who are against the status quo.
Death to this whiteknight cuck in the blue shirt. With his hairline he shoul really shut the fuck up, because he wont get a single hole on dating sites.
He doesn't have the IQ necessary to factor that in, he is just one of those low IQ retards who make judgements based on whatever info is available to them, and nothing else.

On an unrelated point, notice how nobody castigated that White knight cuck for attacking him. Society thinks that it's ok to apply violence to people whose ideas upset the status quo. They don't care about immoral things happening to people who are against the status quo.

Also this. Its like humilliating a jew in germany 1933, no one gave a shit back then and no one gives a shit today. People are the same darvinistic cunts like back in the days.
The faggot that attacked him, wouldn't have done that if the mnaket was a larger guy, fucking pussy
This is what happens when manlets speak out. they get berated and attacked. I bet if he was 6'0'' instead of 5'0'' he wouldn't have gotten attacked or tackled so easily, people would have been intimidated by him and he wouldn't have been filmed.
If he was any bigger he would have been shot for being too intimidating. Manlets are told they should be dead, ogrecels are just shot dead cuz "I feared for my life".
St.Bagelcel is the hERo we manlets need
St. Bagelcel is the greatest hero in American history.
Very sad video, i can't even imagine how bad life must be for a man at 4'11. Bless him for having the balls to stsnd up for himself. Fuck all those whores and white knights, i hope they will suffer for this.
I'm not a manlet, but this triggered the fuck out of me. I want to beat the shit out of that norwooding tallfag. I wish we could've gotten some footage before it started recording, you just KNOW that women in the shop were insulting him over his height.
He has balls the size of bagels for taking on people much larger than him.

Meanwhile, normies are still perplexed as to why someone who has undoubtedly been beaten down by society his entire life would turn into a loose cannon over time.
i cant imagine his pain as someone who's as short as 5 feet
I'm not a manlet, but this triggered the fuck out of me. I want to beat the shit out of that norwooding tallfag. I wish we could've gotten some footage before it started recording, you just KNOW that women in the shop were insulting him over his height.
The smart way is to record everything when you're in a public place and interact with people.
The culprits are his parents.
you're right, they should of done the honourable and selfless thing and not passed on their shit genes
The smart way is to record everything when you're in a public place and interact with people.
Couldn't they sue you for recording without their consent?
:feelsree: This video came up on my snapchat titles "Short man loses his mind." The narrator says this guy takes out year years of frustration on women and good that this hero puts him in his place for being a weirdo.

What kind of fucked up mentality is that? The man is frustrated from years of bad treatment and loses it. Then he gets tackled by a man, and snickered at by foids that still aren't taking him seriously.
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