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Manlet Has ENOUGH

He's a pathetic piece of shit, and I hope he gets his kneecaps blown off, he deserves it fully.

Fucking white knights love an opportunity to beat down on other betas.

He'd be lucky if the kneecaps are the only parts that get hit LMAO.
I hope that white knight gets sued
Also noticed he has Italian/ Southern European accent, Italians really living up to being manlets.
I hope he take it a step furthER next time
Based Manlet is based. Too bad he got tackled by some retard who thinks he's all that for bringing someone half his size down.
He is a good person and deserves a medal. Based truecel manlet. Just imagine the torture he’s been through his whole life and then suddenly some cunt foid films him and teehees at him just because he finally loses it after being humiliated for 50 years. If he was 6’2 he’d be happily married to a loyal Stacy.

Of course some fucking whiteknight cuck tackles him to the ground to save m’lady. He should sue him for assault.
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There's another video of this based manlet.

The world needs more people like him.
He wasn't that provoking either he was just a bit too loud, fuck that piece of shit white-knight who attacked him.
Who is this guy?!

MANLETS RISE UP!!!!!!!!!!!

This guy should be a new saint now. Idk the name but it should mention that hes clearly a new yorker.
And as usual, it’s the piece of shit liberal/leftists in the replies insulting his looks, the left are fucking pathetic.

Its funny how the left will talk about systemic issues and laugh at people who think its because of individuals actions, then immediately turn around and become a bunch of libertarians when incels or low value men are involved.
Cucktears are now saying he can't get a girl because he has a bad personality, whilst making fun of his height. Can't make this shit up.
Cucktears are now saying he can't get a girl because he has a bad personality, whilst making fun of his height. Can't make this shit up.

This is suprisingly very common amongst these retards, especially on twitter.

"Women dont dislike you because ur short, its because ur a jerk!"

"Teehee he has a short temper"

they prove us right every time
He should go ER
Knowing they're shorts or klinefelters themselves, they should shut up the anus they call mouth.
He should go ER
He will. After that, they'd be all surprised.
"Gee I didn't see it coming."
"I don't understand the reason."
I love this man. Manlets should do this more often.
He should have gone back and go ER there. There is nothing more to lose at his age.
I hate this world so much.
Imagine a trans black 'woman' being laughed at or something and freaking out, shouting about women's rights or whatever, and gets tackled by a big man. Would people make fun of their mental disorder? Say that the reason that they're oppressed is because they hate normal people?

I'm sick of people being ridiculed for taking a stand when they've finally had enough. I'm sick of the bullshit of self proclaimed 'progressives' only supporting things that will allow them to virtue signal. They just hop on the fucking liberal bandwagon and say they "accept all" but are too dimwitted to think for themselves and see when people truly don't have anything. When people are judged for something they can't control whatsoever.

They say, "umm well sweaty we make fun of him because he freaked out"; that's false. They ridicule him because of his height and how comical that a man with such a stature has the guts to finally say "I'm fucking done" because he has nothing left to lose. He's a man with nothing to live for: he slaves for his boss, is balding, single and commands no respect whatsoever from people, just because of the physical manifestation of his genes. Is that fair? Is that what this society really stands for, when push comes to shove? If so, I have no intention of being apart of it and, honestly, I wish nothing upon it but collapse. It's already gone to hell; what's more suffering?

The difference between a protected "victim" and a real victim of what I call 'tolerated discrimination' is that those subjected to the latter have spent their entire life being in this perpetual state of suffering at the hands of others, while the former are the "victim" of something which is really nothing more than a temporary dip in their quality of life. Try living down here and then tell me how you feel about your oppressers.
Don't blame this guy when you'll hear that he gone ER, I think he'll either rope or go ER at this point.

Btw sticky this thread pls.
It's not worth living that short, i hope he goes ER and revenges all these who mocked him
How tall do you guys think he is?
He post on reddit not here.
What is the manlet's name????

He is our new manlet saint.

We must rally around our new saint!
When short men are bullied in a group setting we see the true nature of homo sapiens. There is no place for the weak. The short man said that he was triggered by hostile, nonverbal communication. This hostility towards the genetically unworthy is probably innate behaviour in all femoids.

Heightism was my first blackpill. It´s so common that you can´t miss it.
look at that pathetic betabux piece of shit
I'm not even going to watch it, it would only fill me with rage. I just wish him the best and hope everyone else in the video will get cancer.
I watched it and I regret it. I am 5'7 and I thought I had it bad, this guy just gets thrown around like a doll while all the normies laugh at him and film him. He is forever marked with this, if i was in his position I would go ER on the store and then kms. No point in living after that humiliation.
He could go to the philippines and find a negrito wife. Negritos are a kind of pygmy people. All are under 5 feet tall. And they're black and ugly as shit. I'm sure he would look attractive to a 4'5" negrita woman.
When I clicked on this post I thought it was going to be a manlet fighting for reasons unrelated to inceldom, like that "Manlet fights two stacies" post, but JFL this guy is fucking based.


5-3 or 5-4. He was shorter than all the foids in that store
He said in the video himself that he is 5 feet tall. He looks to be telling the truth by eyeballing him.
If you are based you will go ER for him right there
I would do it if i could :feelsrope: :feelscry:
He said in the video himself that he is 5 feet tall. He looks to be telling the truth by eyeballing him.
Oh... i didn't know he literally meant 5'0. He must be around 5'3 or 5'4, either way this is a really sad day for manlets. Poor guy should just ended it all.
Funny how it's the anti-racist, anti-Drumph, pro-LGBTBRAAAAAAPPPP+ crowd who are ripping into this guy the hardest. Prejudice is a-ok when it's a socially acceptable target.
That's how they do it. Their whole agenda is like that.
ffs, it really is over for manlets. even when they try to defend themselves they get ragdolled by normal sized humans. brutal
fucking brutal :cryfeels:
try being a framecel manlet. . ., out here in the office looking like a middle schooler, all bones n no muscle
even the average foid could beat the shit out of me without trying :feelskek::feelsgah:
Of course he's going to be mad at both the man AND women who are laughing at him you braindead normscum. MANLETS RISE UP!
what so those foid laughed at him?? damn, if so its really justified tbh...I couldnt bring myself to watch the video, afraid itd be too much suicidefuel, since im a manlet myself :feelsbadman:
Also noticed he has Italian/ Southern European accent, Italians really living up to being manlets.
It's not worth living that short
edit : he's 5'4? nvm you right
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At the end of the day, who're the real victims here honestly? A woman can't even laugh at a man for being short without him taking issue with it smh
Now this guy won't be able to go out in public for the next month or so
Not really. He is a "meme" now. He is online forever.
fucking brutal :cryfeels:
try being a framecel manlet. . ., out here in the office looking like a middle schooler, all bones n no muscle
even the average foid could beat the shit out of me without trying :feelskek::feelsgah:

what so those foid laughed at him?? damn, if so its really justified tbh...I couldnt bring myself to watch the video, afraid itd be too much suicidefuel, since im a manlet myself :feelsbadman:

Stop comparing its pointless. At a certain point its just over for you, doesn't matter if you are 5'5, 5'0 or 4'0. Like the guy in the video, hes 5'0 at best probably and he wears giant lift shoes. What is he trying to accomplish, so he looks 5'1? People will pick this up including ANY attempt to make yourself look taller like standing on your toes. It will literally have no effect but to make you look pathetic. I'm 5'5 and i just wear normal shoes, like theres no point to fight it. I also look like im 14 at 20 years old even tho im not a framecel (i assume). Its "good" that you have no muscles. Don't put your effort into trying to look buff or something. People will shit on you if you have muscles like "compensating midget". Don't try to do anything. If anyone makes fun of you the only thing you can do is try to play the moral highground. Make them look like the asshole for calling you a midget etc. Sympathy is the only thing you will achieve bro.
Fuck this stupid ugly bitch. Standing there like "this is why we need feminism" after a man got thrown to the ground just for saying words, I guess that's not enough feministic compliance for this dirty hole bag.

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Unironically based and repilled.
If that norwooding white knight attacked him like that in front of me I don't think I could resist backing up the manlet, his courage to speak out moves me.

Time to press charges on the whiteknight.

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