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Blackpill Manifesto analyzed: Twitter soys claim that the Buffalo, NY shooter was an "incel". In reality, he's a cuck.

meanwhile european white women hate and insult him, talk about :bluepill:
Common sense is something sjw lack
Holy shit what a cuck. This is why I hate stormfront faggots, they worship white women to the point where it's just gross.
People here will still suck his dick like they do with Elliot Rodger's
Indeed, this is why I am CHO fan. You can't deny he was the most effective and went after the best targets, almost exclusively brat college students
Once again white nationalists proved to be huge bluepilled cucks. Nationalism is just simpery.
Why does this mass shooter put 2and 2 together?:feelskek:

The women is not on your side!!!:feelskek:

White people are diminishing? Ok

Make some kid then :feelskek: that’s right you can’t

This moron is like : yeah rape of women by migrant, protect my lady

Does it occur to these morons despite the raping by migrant , paki grooming sex trafficking, rise of sexual assault, and women still aren’t voting right wing
maybe just maybe they are fine with it

Does it occur to you:feelskek:
Once again white nationalists proved to be huge bluepilled cucks. Nationalism is just simpery.
For real , you are virgin , the women of your country want to slut and make no children, they don’t want have relationships with you

The guilty : Ethnic :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:
Once again white nationalists proved to be huge bluepilled cucks. Nationalism is just simpery.
basically you said "yes goyim wanting to make sure your race doesnt die out is being a bluepilled cuck simp"
basically you said "yes goyim wanting to make sure your race doesnt die out is being a bluepilled cuck simp"
oh yes shooting 10 nigga is making sure your race doesn’t die out.:feelskek:

But the women of your country not making kid with young local is secondary .

When I’ll see nationalist focus all their efforts on their women , they’ll be based

But now they are indeed monstrous humongous bluepill cuck simp
His manifesto even contains a cartoon in which a Chad white guy says to a Jew that he is an untermensch because he has "no chin".

All stormfroncels GTFIH

Thanks alot kid. Instead of shitting out a 180 page manifesto and mowing down a bunch of nameless shitskins could there just be one mass shooter that covertly targets elite Jews and keeps his fucking mouth shut? IS THIS TOO MUCH TO FUCKING AS FOR?!:feelsree::feelsping:
Best post.
It is unsurprising that most “white supremacists” are foid worshippers, but everyone here should already know that.

And “incel” is the new buzzword. Anyone that does anything bad now is apparently an inkwell :society:
Show me an ex incels.is member that went on a shooting spree

Thanks alot kid. Instead of shitting out a 180 page manifesto and mowing down a bunch of nameless shitskins could there just be one mass shooter that covertly targets elite Jews and keeps his fucking mouth shut? IS THIS TOO MUCH TO FUCKING AS FOR?!:feelsree::feelsping:
Our luck is that you goyim dumb as a rock and coward like a chicken. All those mass shooters are able to kill random and unarmed people at the street/school/church.
IMO he could have been an incel. Tradcucks don't go ER if they got pussy.
How is shooting 10 niggers at a grocery store going to make a difference. It’s just going to push for more gun control and clamp down on places like this forum
He is very dumb also, the typical retarded men that worships white girls, without even questioning that the issue is on them; unfortunately he will still be considered an incel, altough indeed, he is a cuck.
thanks for your conttinued service. it is appreciated.
anyone got a link to the shooting video he livestreamed?
It's because they get BTFO if they try doing it somewhere like a federal courthouse.
If I was a psychopath (I’m not). If I was him I would of went to rap concert. If he hated niggers so much that would of been the place to go er
This guy is my new saint. Sick of niggers destroying my country
You whiteys are the one's letting them in because you aren't reproducing enough to stabilize your economies.
It is unsurprising that most “white supremacists” are foid worshippers, but everyone here should already know that.

And “incel” is the new buzzword. Anyone that does anything bad now is apparently an inkwell :society:
It is ironic how these fools cowtow to the same women who don't even want them let alone respect them, The same women who created feminism, promote abortion, contribute to the creation of incels, and are the strongest proponents of Immigration and liberialism.
Yet the nazi crackers ignore these things because it contradicts with their worthless dogma.
You whiteys are the one's letting them in because you aren't reproducing enough to stabilize your economies.
It’s because this is all by design. Pushing abortions and contraceptions

View: https://twitter.com/NickTheDick71/status/1525623931792592896

View: https://twitter.com/Clay_57/status/1525621399494303747

The bodies are still warm, but that hasn't stopped the misandric left from trying to rile up anti-male bias via the latest horrific act of mass violence. There are hundreds more tweets just like these, but all of these claims are baseless.

Don't take my word for it. Here is Payton Gendron's 180-page manifesto in full. This is evidently a copycat of Brenton Tarrant's shooting several years earlier.

Now, Gendron doesn't mention having issues with femoids. The words "foid", "femoid", or even "female" don't even show up once. He exclusively describes femoids via the Reddit-approved way—"women".

Instead of hating women, Gendron is in fact a massive fucking simp. He seeks to defend m'lady's honor, and devotes quite a chunk of his manifesto to bemoaning the rape of "European women" by "invaders". On page 159 of his manifesto, Gendron implies that his motive for this shooting was in fact the "distress [of] European women". :foidSoy::foidSoy::foidSoy:

View attachment 613835

In the upcoming race war, Gendron writes, "the only option for a true man or woman of Europe is to labor, labor with all effort towards victory" (page 176). In doing so, he implies that toilets are the equals of men, and that femoids (needless to say, the weaker gender) would somehow be able to contribute to the efforts of a race war.

View attachment 613852

Additionally, Gendron tolerates faggotry. Gay, lesbian, and bisexual faggots are "fine" with him (page 8).

View attachment 613850

So, in short, Payton Gendron is an 18-year-old normie who thinks that:
  • rape is bad :soy: and we must shoot up grocery stores to defend m'lady
  • empowered qweenz can be just as strong as men
  • being a faggot is OK
Yeah, that's blatantly incompatible with the blackpill. He bemoans the drop in "white birth rates" but not once does he mention feminism, hypergamy, and the dating habits of white women. Instead, he blames ethnicels.

This man is not an incel. He is a foid-worshipping cuck and his own writing proves it.

It's obvious by now that the SJWs of Reddit and Twitter have taken a leaf out of the Russian playbook. Just as anyone who opposes the Kremlin is a "Nazi", any man who doesn't kowtow to the progressive orthodoxy is an "incel", even when there is not a shred of evidence connecting him to the incel community.

I disagree because incel isn't an ideology. He can be a khhv cuck and still incel.
all by design lmao

you're absolving foids of their own responsibility in creating the incel situation
It’s men that gave women rights /freedom. Women chose to be sluts with that freedom. If we took their rights away they would go back to the kitchens and make apple pies
Holy shit what a cuck. This is why I hate stormfront faggots, they worship white women to the point where it's just gross.
They do not “worship white women” any more than the average deathnic that wants to see open bob and vagene :feelshaha:
It is ironic how these fools cowtow to the same women who don't even want them let alone respect them, The same women who created feminism, promote abortion, contribute to the creation of incels, and are the strongest proponents of Immigration and liberialism.
Yet the nazi crackers ignore these things because it contradicts with their worthless dogma.
Yes. I am by all means a “nazi” that wants to leave white foids in the dust. I hate them. This is their future that they wanted and they will pay the price for it.

We don’t need them. The race will be kept alive through lighter skinned MENA and Latina foids that actually want to be with us.
IMO he could have been an incel. Tradcucks don't go ER if they got pussy.
He was , 99% of guy who go on mass shooting are men who got no pussy.

The funny thing is most of them don’t realize that’s the reason they are angry and unhappy :feelskek:

They always cope by saying some shit like :
I did it to ensure a futur for white

Nigga you wouldn’t have done shit if their was a Stacy on your dick:feelskek:
He was , 99% of guy who go on mass shooting are men who got no pussy.

The funny thing is most of them don’t realize that’s the reason they are angry and unhappy :feelskek:

They always cope by saying some shit like :
I did it to ensure a futur for white

Nigga you wouldn’t have done shit if their was a Stacy on your dick:feelskek:
What is your proposed solution to this?
What is your proposed solution to this?
What is your goal ?

it’s impossible to fight feminism as a single man , you need to have a massive strengthened front of men really pissed off and determined to put women back in the kitchen.

As you can see in the political landscape no one proposes that:feelshaha:

The only one I know Is nick Fuentes who is the only one and incel friendly :feelsokman:
What is your goal ?

it’s impossible to fight feminism as a single man , you need to have a massive strengthened front of men really pissed off and determined to put women back in the kitchen.

As you can see in the political landscape no one proposes that:feelshaha:

The only one I know Is nick Fuentes who is the only one and incel friendly :feelsokman:
I don’t have a “goal”. You talk about these events in a negative way and say it’s because the men are inkwells. How do you fix that?
I don’t have a “goal”. You talk about these events in a negative way and say it’s because the men are inkwells. How do you fix that?
You can’t fix that

Sorry if You misunderstood, what I find negative is not the fact they go ER ,

the thing I don’t like is they don’t realize the reasons they go ER
I don’t have a “goal”. You talk about these events in a negative way and say it’s because the men are inkwells. How do you fix that?
Do you think Elliot would have become so huge and be an icon here if he said :
I do it because white genocide bla bla

Elliot became a massive star because, he had no illusion about why he was angry , he was an incel , he explained it very clearly by writing and video
Funny how there are more simp shooters than incel shooters. The Australian guy only decided to shoot the mosque when he heard about a Swedish girl killed by a terrorist.
Do you think Elliot would have become so huge and be an icon here if he said :
I do it because white genocide bla bla

Elliot became a massive star because, he had no illusion about why he was angry , he was an incel , he explained it very clearly by writing and video
ER became a legend because of personality and demeanor not due to anything he said.
ER became a legend because of personality and demeanor not due to anything he said.
Not true

Nobody would talk about him here if he was ranting about white genocide:feelshaha:

Brenton tarrent mass shooting was 100x time deadlier and charismatic epic than Elliot and yet barely anyone talk about him
Not true

Nobody would talk about him here if he was ranting about white genocide:feelshaha:

Brenton tarrent mass shooting was 100x time deadlier and charismatic epic than Elliot and yet barely anyone talk about him
He was the supreme gentlemen and is unique because there is a large backlog of videos he posted before he went ER. No one has ever seen a video of BT.
ER became a legend because of personality and demeanor not due to anything he said.
Not true

Nobody would talk about him here if he was ranting about white genocide:feelshaha:

Brenton tarrent mass shooting was 100x time deadlier and charismatic epic than Elliot and yet barely anyone talk about him
[UWSL]The most important thing is Elliot Rodger was relatable. [/UWSL]

When someone spergs out about demographic replacement or whatever, that's an abstract political concept. It's hard to care about that shit on a personal level. But a lot of people can closely relate to stories about being heightmogged by foids or bullied by Chads. That's why ER has the legacy that he does with his manifesto despite his godawful kill count.
[UWSL]The most important thing is Elliot Rodger was relatable. [/UWSL]

When someone spergs out about demographic replacement or whatever, that's an abstract political concept. It's hard to care about that shit on a personal level. But a lot of people can closely relate to stories about being heightmogged by foids or bullied by Chads. That's why ER has the legacy that he does with his manifesto despite his godawful kill count.
Good point. He also has a soft and non-threatening aura around him which makes people more receptive to his message.
[UWSL]The most important thing is Elliot Rodger was relatable. [/UWSL]

When someone spergs out about demographic replacement or whatever, that's an abstract political concept. It's hard to care about that shit on a personal level. But a lot of people can closely relate to stories about being heightmogged by foids or bullied by Chads. That's why ER has the legacy that he does with his manifesto despite his godawful kill count.
That is what I’am trying to explain to him

The only reason ER is an icon here is his inceldom , you replace all his video with white genocide it’s not the same thing

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